logoDebbie Loretto vs. Nina Larue

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(Garry and Sandra sit amid the screaming fans, going over their notes. When the director tells them they are on live, they both look up with cheery smiles.)

Garry: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. We have a great match lined up next.

Sandra: What my simple friend is trying to say that this is another match lined up to determine who advances in the Television Title Tournament. We have Debbie Loretto and Nina Laure locking up, seeing who gets that next coveted title spot.

Garry: This one should be all Nina. She knows what she is doing, has a drive that I have rarely seen, has partners to support her and . . .

Sandra: . . . and . . . ?

Garry: And she has big breasts!

Sandra: I am sorry I even asked!

Garry: Well, not that there is anything wrong with Debbie. She shows promise . . . as an exotic dancer! Ha!

Sandra: There is no help for you. None.

Garry: Oh, hush! Hey, it sounds like the match is getting ready to start!

(The lights dim and Elgar�s Cello Concerto, as performed by Yo-Yo Ma, begins, with a boom of timpani. Debbie Loretto, dressed in combat pants and black midriff top enters the arena, pumping her fist into the air as the music begins to climax. She marches to the ring and into the center of the ring and as the concerto reaches its peak, she strips off her shirt, revealing a black bra. As tosses the short to the side, and waits with a look of determination in her eyes.)

Garry: (drooling) Oh, my God! I have never seen such beauty! Well not since the last match, anyway!

Sandra: Should I have you neutered?

(As strains of �Genie in a Bottle� play over the speakers, the curtains part, revealing �the Goddess.� Nina Larue and Ms. BRA, Tiffany Lane. The crowd leaps to their feet and catcalls and whistles immediately erupt from the audience. Tiffany wears a red gown, the �Miss BRA� tiara adorns her head, atop her flowing mane of blonde locks. Nina wears a shimmering gold bra that barely contains her ample cleavage and matching baggy harem pants. Her long black hair is tied in a ponytail and a gold veil obscured her nose and mouth. The two busty beauties pose and preen before sashaying to the ring. As they enter, Nina proceeds to do a seductive belly dance, bumping and grinding to the sensual beat. The males in the crowd are driven mad by the bewitching vision, as Nina�s name is being cried out, drowning all else. Suddenly, Nina whips off her veil and pants to reveal a matching bikini bottom. With a smirk, Nina bounces on the second turnbuckle, showing off her risqu� gold bikini. Garry Grimmoire has attempted to jump out of his seat but Sandra has held him back.)

Sandra: Whoa, tiger! Sit back down! We have a job to do!

Garry: (in awe) This is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen!

Sandra: If you ask me, people should be stuffing dollars down her shorts based upon the way she is dressed.

Garry: Hey, I can do that!

(As the official is speaking with both of the women, Amanda Strike and several individuals come from the back, marching towards the ring. The crowd shows their displeasure at the despised woman, as the group enters the ring.)

Sandra: What is Strike up to?

Garry: Shh. She might hear you! She is tough! I would not want to get her mad.

Sandra: Too late. I am certain she hates you.

(After a few moments of discussion in the ring, and an official keeping Nina and Debbie out of earshot, the original referee, leaves, shaking his head in bewilderment. Strike and the others leave, allowing a new official to remain: one nobody has ever seen.)

Sandra: What is going on? Who is that guy?

Garry: I dunno. Rumors had it that ArchAngel was mad at Nina for some reason. Maybe it had to do with that fiasco at Vail.

Sandra: Well, whatever is going on, the new official is sending Tiffany back to the locker room. And she is furious!

Garry: Yeah, I never knew that she knew so many foul terms for a �man.�

Sandra: It looks like Nina will have to fend for herself - for once. What a novel concept!

(Nina glares upward at the skybox, noticing a two shadowy figures, enshrouded in darkness and mystery. Was that the spiteful ArchAngel and her lackey, Gabrielle? The revenge that the two had planned would blow up in their faces if she had anything to say about it.)

Sandra: Nina is focused on something!

Garry: Maybe she saw a mirror.

(The official whispers something to Debbie, while Nina�s back is turned. Before the bell can ring, Debbie seizes Nina around the back in a bear hug and drops her to the mat, with a loud crash. Nina screams in fear and pain as she was caught off guard. The bell suddenly rings as Debbie, in a display of strength, picks her up and slams her down to the mat again. Then the muscular brunette rises, towering over Nina. The official seems distracted by a fan and turns away. Debbie takes this opportunity to belt Nina is the face with closed-handed punches, roughing up the smaller brunette.)

Garry: Hey! Why isn�t the official putting a stop to that?! My little genie is gonna get bruised!

Sandra: It looks like Nina may be for a long night, folks!

(As Debbie slowly gets off Nina, prepared to enact some new painful move, Nina sees her opportunity to act. She places her foot squarely in the crotch of Debbie, as hard as she can, and flips the larger woman off her. The official, who managed to see this little unfair advantage, is incensed. He begins yelling and screaming at Nina as she slowly rises to her feet. As Debbie rises, Nina pummels her in the gut and sends her into the ropes. On the rebound, she hooks the larger woman into a suplex, flipping her over her back. Debbie lands with a crashing thud and the official, even before Nina can start the quick pin, pulls her back and begins making gestures that he does not want to see any more hair pulling. Furious, as she did nothing of the sort, Nina growls something at the man, causing him to step backwards.)

Garry: Do you think the official is gonna allow clothes to get torn off . . . uh . . . accidentally?

Sandra: (rolling her eyes) Must you constantly say things like that?

Garry: Trust me, you�ll never hear me say that about you!

(The interchange between Nina and the official allowed for Debbie to get to her feet. She seizes Nina�s neck from behind and without even the hint of warning, applies a swinging neckbreaker. As Debbie jumps to her feet, Nina is stunned and is rolling around on the mat. Quickly, Debbie climbs to the second rope and jumps, landing feet first, on Nina�s stomach, knocking the wind out of her. The official points to the mat, and begins to pretend like he is counting. Confused by the events, Debbie shrugs her shoulders and dive to the mat, hooking Nina�s leg. In the time it would normally take to count once, the official has counted twice, and has gotten ready to go the third time, when Debbie screams out, enraged, and sits up, holding her stomach.)

Garry: Whoa! That was a quick count! I haven�t seen anything that fast since you saw the free buffet backstage, Sandra.

Sandra: What?! Why you sack of sh--!

(Wisely, Nina has scrambled away, out of the reach of the powerful Debbie. The official is screaming a list of warnings and possible rule violations, some so old perhaps, they date back to rules which may or may not be �on the books� any longer. The look of frustration is on Nina�s face as she realizes the fix is in. Debbie, however, stands confident, her only disappointment being how resourceful Nina has ended up being. Debbie is undaunted, nonetheless. She comes forward, and seizes Nina by the arm, swinging her into the far ropes. On the rebound, Nina enacts a baseball slide, going underneath the larger woman�s legs, kicking her squarely in the back as she goes forward. Nina leaps to her feet, proud of her little display, and as Debbie turns around, offers her a spinning heel kick for her troubles. The kick catches Debbie in the jaw and sends her falling backwards. The official, obviously trying to think of something, comes up empty handed. Nina, realizing that she has to act fast and furious, climbs to the second rope. The official, however, desperate for something, begins to assist Debbie to her feet. As Nina sails off the ropes, she kicks, diagonally, into Debbie�s midsection, knocking her into the official, and they both fall backwards.)

Sandra: The crowd is roaring at the resourcefulness of the veteran! However, by the look on Debbie�s face, it is clear that she does not want the official�s �help.� I doubt Debbie wants to win by underhanded tactics.

Garry: Then she�s an idiot! Like my friend Kayla Vandergriff says -

Sandra: (laughs with a spiteful tone) What on earth does Kayla ever have to say to YOU?

(Debbie back pedals, getting more room, between her opponent and herself, prepared to execute some technical move. Nina, however, races forward, prepared to offer the woman another kick. That is when Debbie launches into a spear, sending Nina onto her back, with Debbie on top of her. Nina looks around, wishing that her cohort, Tiffany Lane were around but remembers her being banned from ringside by the dirty ref. Debbie leaps up, grabs Nina by each ankle, stomps downward to her crotch, grinding in her boot for leverage and falls backward, sending Nina over her head and face first to the mat.)

Sandra: Brilliantly executed move!

Garry: Yeah, well, too bad it was a dirty play!

Sandra: But you just said, not a moment ago . . . Oh, forget it!

(Nina is clearly in pain and, for the moment, defenseless. Debbie stomps over determination in her eyes, and looks down at her opponent. As she picks Nina up by the hair, she has some choice words for her.)

Debbie: �The Goddess?� Hardly! You got time for this rookie now?

(Debbie pulls her first back, landing an impact on Nina�s nose. The sound is heard by those in the front rows. Her eyes crossing, Nina falls backward, dazed and groggy. Debbie, seeing her opportunity, stomps on Nina�s stomach, several times, almost as if she is trying to get a bump out of a carpet.)

Sandra: OK. This is where her inexperience in BRA shows through. You give Nina and inch and its all over. If she doesn�t pin The Goddess now, Debbie will regret it.

Garry: I think the official agrees with you. He is shouting something at Debbie. I think he is telling her to pin Nina!

Sandra: You�re right! Oh my! Debbie has just punched the dirty ref. Garry: He�s furious! But he isn�t calling for the bell! Sandra: What do you think? He seems to be getting his instructions from elsewhere. (As blind rage overtakes Debbie she makes her way towards the now-cowering official. She seizes him by the shoulders.)

Debbie: I don�t want your help! You look the other way FOR me? I imagine its only a matter of time before someone looks the other way AGAINST me! I am gonna kick this girl�s ass on my own, got it?

(The official responds by pointing behind Debbie. She slowly turns around to see Nina, slightly hunched over and in obvious pain in the stomach. Nina takes a step backwards and proceeds to throw out a bicycle kick, catching Debbie underneath the chin. The official barely gets out of the way as Debbie almost falls on top of him. Nina, approaches the official with the intent to have her fist make contact with some portion of his body but she is stopped as he begins smirking and wagging his finger, reminding Nina what will happen if she touches him. Frustrated, Nina turns her anger towards Debbie and begins offering her stomps to the head and chest. Nina�s stomps, while not as powerful as Debbie�s still seem to have the desired effect of keeping the larger woman down.)

Nina: Kneel to The Goddess, ROOKIE! You have plenty to learn and I am THRILLED to teach you.

(Instinctively, Debbie is holding her mouth, still in pain from the kick she received, moments ago, from The Goddess. Nina shows no mercy. She begins delivering a series of guillotine leg drops onto Debbie�s neck, in an attempt to wear her down. As Debbie goes limp, Nina throws herself on top of her, hooking her leg. The official, taking his time in coming over, first checks to see if there is any hair pulling. He begins to slowly count, but Debbie is able to kick out before he can eventually, and with no speed, reach three.)

Sandra: As I said, Nina is in for a long night.

Garry: Yeah, courtesy of that crooked -

Sandra: I should let you finish that sentence. I really should. However, I would be afraid that they would replace you with Candi Kane. I think I would, in all honesty, prefer you.

(Furious, Nina jumps up but does not waste her time complaining to the official. She lifts Debbie up, and sends her into the rope, and on he rebound, clutches her fists together, and swings her forearms into Debbie�s throat. The impact sends the larger woman off her feet and back to the mat. Debbie is reeling and thrashing on the mat, and Nina, hoists up her opponent by the ankles, and pulls her to the center of the ring, ready to apply the figure four.)

Garry: Nina is no expert at that submission move. Why?

Sandra: I guess if she can get Debbie to submit, the official can�t do anything about it.

(Nina begins rocking back and forth, trying to weaken the legs of the larger woman. Debbie cries out in pain, but to Nina�s anger does not submit. The official, pleased with the amount of punishment Debbie is taking on her muscular legs, continues to watch. Nina is shocked as she sees Debbie, using her powerful strength, drag the two of them closer to the ropes. As Nina tries harder and harder to wear down the larger woman, Debbie�s resolve is strong. Within moments Debbie has grasped the ropes and the official does not even tell Nina to release, but simply pulls her off.)

Garry: Wow! That was impressive!

Sandra: You�re right! However, much of the fight may have been taken out of the rookie.

(Nina approaches Debbie, with a merciless look in her eye. She offers an enzugiri kick in greeting. Debbie slides off the ropes, her legs in agony from Nina�s figure four. She attempts to get to her feet but her muscular legs give way underneath her, and she falls to the mat. The official looks more and more nervous as Nina approaches. She has the look of demonic fury, as her eyes slowly survey the damaged and broken woman before her.)

Nina: I end this now, rookie!

(As Nina reaches down to wrap her hands around Debbie�s throat, the official springs to life, getting between the two before Nina can cause any damage. This allows Debbie to get to her feet, much to the chagrin of Nina, who was convinced this was the end. Debbie shoves the official out of the way and begins a series of boxing punches against Nina, who takes a step back with each one. As both fists impact with Nina�s midsection, the match has taken on more of a boxing fight and less of a wrestling match. The official, noting that Debbie is quickly getting the upper hand, glances up towards the sky box and gets a signal. He allows the fight to go on, with Debbie giving Nina punch after punch; upper cut and side cuts. Within moments Nina is in another world.)

Sandra: Who is the official taking his orders from? The sky box? Nina is doomed!

Garry: Ring the bell! Ring the bell! Poor Nina!

(Nina is leaning on the ropes but, of course, the official does not call for a break as Debbie continues to hammer away at The Goddess. With everything from her waste up bruised and sore, Nina looks more like a punching bag than The Goddess. However, she has but one more trick up her sleeve. Out of instinct, she delivers a swift kick to Debbie�s already sore jaw. Nina then leaps, grabbing the woman�s head - careful not to touch her hair - and slams her into the mat. Every movement a sore one, she yanks Debbie to her feet and whips her into the corner. On the rebound, out of the official�s view, she kicks Debbie in the crotch and as she doubles over, she applies a DDT to the larger woman. Her head impacts with the mat, face first.)

Garry: Nina�s Knockout!

(Nina covers the downed Debbie and the official reluctantly counts to one. Slowly he counts to two. Slowly he counts to three, realizing that the game is up. Debbie is simply unconscious.)

Garry: The bell rings! Its over! Despite all odds, Nina wins!

Sandra: But she isn�t moving. The official is headed for higher ground. What�s this? Tiffany Lane is headed out! She just hit the cheating ref!

(Leaving the downed official, Tiffany races to the ring and helps out her best friend and partner before Debbie can get up, furious over what had happened. The two of them quickly make their way up the ramp as Nina, in a rather unladylike move, appears to spit on the official.)

Sandra: Well, folks, I don�t believe it! Nina pulls through, despite some underhanded tactics somewhere in the federation. Someone has it out for Nina, but she still managed to pull through.

Garry: We�ll be right back, folks. More excitement - and girls - coming right up!

(The camera fades out as an angered Debbie Loretto comes to her feet, furious at anyone and everyone. She shouts something but it is inaudible over the screaming fans and the BRA theme.)

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