Skye Soaring Hawk
"Miss America" Sabrini Perizi


{ The cameras begin to roll again, and the crowd hops to it's feet, and begins cheering as they know another great Battling Ring Angels match is about to happen. }

{ The shot then goes to the announcers table, where Sandra and Garry are seated. Garry is wolfing down a hot dog, and Sandra is reading over her notes. She, being a professional announcers, gets her que, and smiles at the camera. Garry, being a pig, just devourers his hot dog, and has mustard running down his chin. }

Sandra: Hello again everyone, welcome back.

Garry: (with a mouthful of food) Huh...oh...errr..umm..hewwo again.....BURP!

Sandra: (rolling her eyes in disgust) Oh that was just lovely Garry, can you fart for us next??

Garry: If you like, I will.....

Sandra: No, I'll pass on that. Well folks, we have what should prove to be an exciting match coming up, as Sabrina Perizi will be going at it with Skye Soaring Hawk. Both ladies have been on a roll as of late, and both want to win this match badly.

Garry: hot Hot very HOT!

Sandra: Oh gee imagine that, your drooling over them already, and they haven't came out yet!

Garry: No dammit, this mustard is freaking spicy hot! Crap, I'm out of beer...Gimme your soda!

Sandra: Nupe!

Garry: Beetch!

Sandra: And don't you forget it!

{ 'Through The Never,' by Metallica comes over the PA, and Miss America Sabrina Perezi enters the arena to a loud pop from the crowd. She is wearing a light blue sash with the words, 'Miss America' going across it. After a few moments, several flash pots explode and with great excitement, Sabrina slaps hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Sabrina enters the ring and poses, while red, white, and blue flash pots explode behind her. }

Garry: Woooo Hoooooo!!!

Sandra: Yes Captain Hormone, Sabrina looks lovely in her one piece blue suit, with red and white stripes across the top half. Sabrina's white boots have her initals on them, and she wears her hair in a pony tail. To finish off, Sabrina wears red kneesavers. She looks ready for action, and the fans are giving her a nice ovation.

{ As Sabrina steps into the ring, her music stops, and "People of the Sun" by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, her jean vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, strides down the aisle, a wide smile spreading across her face as she slaps hands with the cheering crowd. She slides under the bottom rope, tossing her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan, finally sinking into the corner to wait for the bell. }

Sandra: We seems to have a split crowd here as to whom they like.

Garry: Ah Phooey! Both are goody goodies, so who cares?

Sandra: Umm obviously these people care, who cares if you don't care? I sure as hell don't!

{ Referee, Michelle Nielsson is giving the two ladies her instructions. }

Garry: This ref reminds me of someone, just can't think of who.

Sandra: Pat, from Saturday Night Live?

Garry: That's it!!!!!! Whoa what a whacko!

Sandra: Van Driesal really dug to the bottom of the barrel for this ref.

{ Nielsson signals for the bell. }

Ding Ding!!!!!!

Garry: Heeeeeeerrrreeee weeeee gooooooooo!!!!!!

Sandra: I think this is gonna be a great match up.

{ Both ladies move to the center of the ring, and circle each other, looking for an opening. Sabrina shoots for one of Skye's legs, but Skye quickly back peddles, and avoids the attack, and Bri gets back to a fighting stance again. }

{ Finally bloth ladies lock up, in a collar and elbow tie up, and jockey for the upper hand. }

Sandra: Both ladies posses a lot of strength, but Sabrina has the size advantage, let's see if she can utilize it here.

Garry: I dunno, I think Skye can take her down here.

Sandra: We'll soon see!

{ It's Sabrina with an arm drag, taking Skye down, and she holds onto the arm after the take down, and locks on an armbar, and the crowd responds with a nice pop for Sabrina, and Skye doesn't like hearing that at all. }

Garry: Effective move there by Miss America.

{ Skye struggles to break free of the armbar, and realizes she's close to the ropes, and gets her foot on the bottom rope, and Nielsson makes Sabrina release the hold, and she does so cleanly. }

Sandra: Wise move on Skye's part there.

Garry: What's Sabrina doing??

Sandra: Dunno, she's out on the ring apron, and seems to be waiting for Skyr to get back to her feet.

{ Skye gets up, and Sabrina uses the ropes to springboard her into the air, and she takes Skye down with a springboard body block. Sabrina hooks a leg, and goes for a quick pin, but there is to much life left in Skye, and she quickly kicks out. }

Garry: Whoa, way to early for that.

Sandra: Always worth a try. The fans sure loved that high risk manuver off the ropes though!

Garry: Pfft...anything gets those nimrods worked up!

Sandra: Those "nimrods" pay your salary, jackass!

Garry: Nope, mine comes from the ppv sales! That's where we rake in the big bucks here.

Sandra: And that has nothing to do with your being here, trust me!

Garry: Nor you!

Sandra: Shut up idiot!

{ Back in the ring, it's now Skye on the offensive, as she just dropped Sabina to the mat with a couple punches, from those iron hard fists of hers. }

{ Skye leaps into the air, and comes down on Sabrina with a guillatine leg drop to the chest. }

Garry: Sweet move, that'll flatten that silicone out some.

Sandra: Slicone?!?! Get real jackass!

Garry: ME?? It's Sabrina that isn't real!!!

{ Skye brings Sabrina up to her feet, and locks her in a bearhug, but Sabrina fires back with a head butt, then wraps her arms around Skye, and lays her out with a belly to belly suplex, and the crowd roars. }

Sandra: Now that was impressive!

Garry: I agree!

{ Sabrina now gets up, and goes for a suicide dive, but Skye rolls out of the way, and Sabrina crashes hard to the mat, as she missed Skye completely. }

{ Skye begins to stomp away on the lower back of Sabrina, who is howling in pain from the pain of the stomps. }

Sandra: And here comes Skye!

Garry: I like these see saw battles like this!

Sandra: I do too!

{ Skye drops a big elbow on the lower back of Sabrina. }

Garry: She has her target, and is zeroing in on it now!

Sandra: Yes, Slye seems to be focusing on the lower back of Sabrina now.

{ Skye now grabs hold of Sabrina's ankles, and lifts her legs up. Now she locks her in a Boston crab. Sabrina pounds her fists on the mat in agony as her back is really getting worked over now. }

Garry: I'm not sure how much more of this she can take.

Sandra: I don't either, but Sabrina is fairly close to the ropes, and if she can get her hand on them, she'll be free of this painful hold for now.

Garry: I dunno, Skye has that thing applied perfectly, Sabrina may not be able to move those few inches.

{ Giving it her all, Sabrina slowly inches towards the ropes, as she knows it's either get to them, or lose the match. }

Sandra: I think she's gonna make it!

Garry: Maybe, we'll see.

{ Noticing Sabrina nearing the ropes, Skye really leans into the hold, and a shriek of pain comes out of Sabrina. However she fights the pain, and trys to stay focused on making it to the ropes. Michelle Nielsson asks Sabrina if she wants to submit, but Sabrina screams out NO to her. }

Garry: Stupid question, ya freaking lune! Of course she doesn't give up yet. What a moron!

Sandra: Be nice, she can't help it if she doesn't know what sex she is.

Garry: Uggggg!

{ Sabrini reaches out, and finally gets her hand on the ropes, and the halfman tells Skye to break the hold. She reluctantly does so, but then plants a boot into the side of Sabrina, and the force of the kick knocks Sabrina right out of the ring, and Skye goes out after her. }

Garry: Kick ass, now it's gonna really get good! Come here Skye, use this nice ring bell on her head!

Sandra: Garry!!!!!

Garry: What? This bell was expensive, I just want to see it put to good use is all.

{ Skye doesn't hear Garry, and his advise, but she does go right after Sabrina, bringing her to her feet by her hair. Skye grabs her arm, and whips Sabrina into the....No Sabrina reverses the whip, and sends Skye crashing into the guardrail at ringside. Sabrina now comes charging in at Skye, but Skye brings a boot up just in time, and catches Sabrina in the stomach with it. }

{ Meanwhile as Sabina and Skye pound away on one another, Michelle Nielsson has started her count on the two ladies outside the ring. }

Sandra: These two are really going at it, but they best pay attention to the count, or they'll both be counted out of this thing.

Garry: I sure didn't expect a match like this from these two, this is freaking awesome!!!

{ Skye and Sabrina are exchanging blows outside the ring, and the crowd is on its feet cheering both of them on. Nielsson is up to 12 in the count, and neither are paying an ounce of attention to her...him..IT..whatever it is, and just continue to slug it out with one another. }

Garry: Wow this is wild!!!!! Come get this bell Skye!

Sandra: She isn't coming for the damn bell, but she is going for a chair!!!

{ Skye grabs a chair, and then turns around to swing it at Sabrina, but Sabrina was right behind her, and knocks it out of her hands. Now Sabrina drops Skye to the floor with a short armed clothesline. }

Sandra: Whew, good thing Bri was ready for that chair, or she'd probably be K.O.ed right now.

Garry: Ut oh, look at the ref!!!

{ Michelle Nielsson is signaling for the bell, and has counted out both grapplers, but neither seems to care, as they just continue to pound away at one another. }

Sandra: What a shame, I really wanted to see who'd win this thing.

Garry: They keep slugging it out, and they'll never live to find out another day....Damn they're going at it!!!

Sandra: Well here comes BRA Security to break them up.

{ Security rushes to ringside, and they pull Sabrina and Skye away from each other, but both women are intent on still going at it, and try to break free from security. }

Garry: Let em go!! This is great!!!

Sandra: No way, at this rate one of them is going to get hurt badly.

Garry: Oh well, that's what they get paid for, let em go!!!

{ Security finally gets things under control, and they escort Sabrina to the back, and after she's out of site, they lead Skye back there as well. The crowd is going wild, and wanting to see more great action. }

Sandra: Well folks, we best go to a commercial break. As you just witnessed, this match was a double count out. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of these two going at it though.

Garry: Hell, bring them back out, and let them do it again!

Sandra: Not tonight Garry. Ok folks, we'll be right back with more great BRA action in just a few short minutes.












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