"The Daisy" Mia Lexington


Meagan Delanoire

by WWJ

The BRA videowall cuts back from a commercial for Bandai’s new range of action figures from the TV-series "Wildcats". Sandra Allistair and Garry Grimoire are sitting at their announcers desk.

Sandra : Next up we have a match between newcomer Mia Lexington, who goes by the name "The Daisy" and Meagan Delanoire, who makes her return to the league after a leave of absence.

Garry : The Daisy ? A wrestler named after a flower ? I think i’m gonna puke. I bet she’s one of them goody-goodies. Hello ! Flower-Power was 30 years ago.

Sandra : I think it’s a nice name. They don’t all need to be called Bonecrusher or Headbasher or other such horrid, sickening names. Besides, it’s ability that counts. We can look forward to a match that should be pretty close. Both competitors are about as tall, 5’10, but Mia has to give about 20 pounds.

Garry : What Sandra means is that Meagan is fat.

Sandra : She is not ! That weight is well-divided and almost all muscle. She’s just not one of those beanstick models your so fond of, those that break in two when the wind gets to strong. Wait, I think our first competitor is arriving.

The lights dim a bit as only the sounds of the fans can be heard. Without warning, "Supervixen" by Garbage explodes over the arena's sound system. The lights flow casually to land on the entrance. Within seconds, Mia Lexington emerges from the backstage area. She's dressed in her baby blue one piece swimsuit, clinging tightly to her form - with the cutout along the stomach that exposes her taut belly. Her brown hair falls past her shoulders, and is sort of swept to one side as she makes her way down the aisle. Black boots cover her feet, carrying her in five-foot ten-inch strides to the ring.

Garry : Well, I’ve got to admit she does cut an impressive figure there.

Sandra : Wait, something’s happening there ! What is ... ? Oh no !

As Mia Lexington strides to the ring, a woman leaps out of the crowd, throwing of a coat to reveal a flimsy babydoll nightie with cotton briefs beneath. She carries a metal bar in her hands, and a surprised Mia can just catch a glimpse of her before the metal bar slams into her knee. Her kneecap seems to explode into liquid fire from the pain, and refuses to carry her weight. The woman, none other then Meagan Delanoire, savagely stomps on The Daisy’s injured knee, then kicks her in the face.

Sandra : Oh my god ! This is horrible. Someone, do something. She might have broken Mia’s kneecap for all we know ! And The Daisy appears stunned.

Meagan picks up Mia as if to execute a Jackhammer, but instead falls forward, draping her over the security railing. Meagan immediately follows up on her move, raining kicks to Mia's stomach, chest, head and once again her knee. She then drags her into the ring and goes for the cover.

Garry : It seems this match is over before it even started. The referee starts counting.

Sandra : What in the nine hells is that idiot doing ? He should be disqualifying Delanoire for this, not counting her win.




Sandra : YES ! There IS justice. The Daisy kicks out in time. But she appears to be in serious pain. This ambush sure did a lot of damage to her. But listen to the crowd ! One thing’s for sure, she has them on her side.

Garry : You mean to tell me having a bunch of idiots cheering for you helps ?

Sandra : Those idiots, as you call them, are the ones that pay for your job. And ask any wrestler if crowd support helps.

Garry : Sure, i’ll ask Zantara.

Meanwhile, Meagan has brought Mia to her feet by her hair, locking on a headlock. The Daisy cups her hands however, and pops Meagan’s ears, breaking the hold. Limping a bit away on one good leg, she turns, and using just one leg, jumps, executing a one-legged dropkick variant, sending Meagan into the ropes. As Meagan bounce out of the ropes, The Daisy trips her, sending her facedown to the mat. Grabbing both of Meagan’s legs, she pulls back on them, initiating a Boston Crab.

Sandra : Impressive comeback by The Daisy ! She’s showing the real warrior-spirit there.

The referee is checking on Meagan, but she refuses to submit. Reaching behind her with on hand, she

claws at Mia’s face. To protect her eyes, The Daisy is forced to duck to the side, and Meagan uses that move to good effect by toppling her off. While Delanoire gets to her feet, The Daisy climbs on the second rope, then jumps off using just her good leg, executing a cross body take-down that goes over into a bodyslam.

Sandra : Nice acrobatics ! Can you imagine how spectacular she must be when she has her full mobility !

Garry : I’m trying to imagine how good she would be at other acrobatics.


Sandra : One more remark like that, you bloody pig, and I’m calling for back-up.

Mia Lexington hooks Meagan’s leg, and the referee starts counting.



Garry : No, Meagan gets her shoulder up by the two-count. She seems not very happy with the way things are going.

Sandra : And The Daisy still isn’t done ! A kick with her bad leg to Meagan’s stomach. Ouch ! That kick hurt her as well, but Meagan almost doubles over. And Mia puts Meagan’s head between her thighs, her arms around her waist. Oh my ! She’s lifting Meagan ! I can’t imagine what that will do to her hurt knee, but she IS pulling it off. And yes, there it is, piledriver !

Meagan’s head connects to the mat with a thud. However, the devastating move fails to stun her.

Garry : Now it’s Delanoire’s turn to show serious resilience. Most people would be out cold by this. Well, I’d never thought I’d see the day a Body Shopper showed this much spine.

Sandra : Really now ? It took you long enough to bring them up this time !

Mia Lexington clearly is surprised to see her move didn’t knock out Meagan, but she keeps up the initiative. She brings Meagan to her feet, locking on a reverse headlock.

Garry : Another headache coming on for Delanoire !

However, Garry is proven wrong, as Meagan slams a full fist between Mia’s legs.

Sandra : Low blow ! Is that referee blind or ... oh no, he isn’t.

Indeed, the referee calls Meagan to him, giving her a stern warning for breach of rules. Meagan stands there looking properly chastised, just a shadow of a smile as she sees The Daisy down on the mat. She nods to the referee, and starts stomping on Mia’s hurt knee.

Sandra : Oh come on now ! She can barely walk as it is !

Garry : Hm, this does seems a bit extreme. Off course, what can you expect from a member of ...

Sandra : Say it, and you’re in for a surprise !

Garry : Really ? I like surprises.

Sandra : You’re not going to like this one, I assure you !

Meagan has grown tired of stomping, and scoops up The Daisy. Lifting her high for a moment, she crashes her body down onto her outstretched knee in a devastating backbreaker. Mia drops to the mat, clutching at her aching lower back, but Meagan doesn’t give her time to breath, and rolls her up for the pin.



And once again, the pin is broken as Mia Lexington manages to break free. Meagan is back on her feet quite fast, and approaches The Daisy who is still laying down on her back. A laying legsweep surprises her though, sending her crashing down on ... the area just vacated by The Daisy as she rolls to the side. This time, Meagan does seem a bit stunned. Mia rolls her on her back, and climbs on top of Meagan. Smiling down, she looks at her exposed midsection, where the cut-out in her suit shows of her taut belly.

Mia : "Let's see how well it fits."

The Daisy covers Meagan’s face with her bare belly.

Mia : "What do you know? A perfect fit."

Garry : A BELLY smother ??? That’s an unusual move. Personally I prefer ...

Sandra : I’m sure nobody is interested in YOUR preferences.

Meagan Delanoire’s legs are kicking, but she can’t get The Daisy off of her. A few seconds pass, and Meagan’s struggles slow down, when suddenly, Mia Lexington lets out a scream of pain, and rolls off of Meagan.

Sandra : Are those Bitemarks ??? Don’t tell me Meagan gnawed her way out of that hold ?

Garry : Like all good predators, she is willing to do anything to get out of a dangerous situation.

Sandra : Hello ? Did I hear that right ? Did you just give a compliment to ... ???

Both opponents are up again and facing, they lock up. Mia's hurt knee threatens to buckle, so she is forced backwards into the ropes. Meagan launches her to the other side with a whip. As The Daisy comes flying out, she gets clotheslined down. Immediately, Meagan elbowdrops her stomach, gets up again, then repeats the move. Bringing The Daisy to her feet, Meagan prepares the set up for a DDT. However, an elbow to her stomach makes her release the hold and Mia Lexington turns the tables and puts Ms. Delanoire in a reverse headlock.

Garry : I see a DDT coming on here.

Instead of dropping down, Mia leaps back, kicking her legs outwards, driving Meagan's head into the mat face first.

Sandra : No, that's The Shrinking Violet, Mia's finisher !

Meagan Delanoire seems pretty dazed. The Daisy pulls up Meagan's legs and covers.




Too late, Meagan comes to her senses, and kicks out. The bell rings, announcing the end of the match.

Sandra : Well, like I said, this was a pretty close match ! A great victory for the newcomer "The Daisy" Mia Lexington, but Meagan Delanoire showed us she is back indeed. We can look forward to both of these wrestlers next matches.

Winner by pinfall : "The Daisy" Mia Lexington


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