Sweet Misty
Alexandria Parker
(A BRA first, “Fall from Grace” match...suspended cage, six sides of steel mesh, within each a trap door door. Last person to remain within the cage shall be named the winner. The cage will be raised ten feet over the surface of the ring. The opponent can flee or be thrown out any of the various portals.)

~^~ The sounds of grinding steel and shaped metal, roaring fires, and the sharp hiss of molten metal merging with the element of life.  Sparks fly from the tips of welders in an unearthly arc, forever merging the components...  Walls emerge from the ground and lock into place, while the top lowers into its final position.  Six ways in... Six ways out...  ~^~

To view a video of the cage Click here *hope this works! It will take time to load.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to Battling Ring Angels.  Tonight's show promises to be one of the best events we've ever held as we continue to watch the disintegration of the Sisterhood of Seduction.   I'm Sandra Alistair..."

"And I am, without a doubt, a specimen of the perfect man, whose voice inspires these women to greatness.  I am for what they truly fight!  I am the prize... it's no secret that I'm the perk that makes the Celestial Title so valuable.  Lisa Dream knows that value... knows the real love that comes with the belt.  The crowd?  Garry Grimmoire..."

"The Crowd, Garry Grimmoire?   Fitting... very fitting."

"Hey!  Did I ask you!  It's "The Prize" Garry Grimmoire... it's no secret that I wear the champion around my waist."

"Folks, we've never had a champion big enough to fit around his waist..."

"Oh sure, make fun of my weight, such adult behavior.  It's just more of me to love Sandra.  More for them to worship... "

"Whatever!  This is a wrestling program, not a nature special on the mating ritual of whales. Can we get on with it."

"Well, as management has seen fit to try and drive the final wedge in the Sisterhood, they've called for a Triple Threat Theater involving the members and the tag team titles.  Match number one will take place in a BRA first, "Fall from Grace" match.  Match number two will be a Mercy Match, finally it will wrap up with a three way elimination for your main event."

"The Syndicate, a continuation of our TV title tournament, and the return of Meagan Delanoire all tonight... "

-Red lights blared from the roof, highlighting the newest machination from the mind of the ArchAngel.  A steel cage matching the two dimensions of the mat below it, dangling from four heavy cables... At each side, outside the ring, three tables are stacked atop each other. Never tested... never sweat in... never bled in.  The inaugural test to what could become a tragic tradition.

"Break the Walls Down!" screamed from the speakers as the crowd came to its feet.  Enter Misty, newest sweetheart within the ranks of the Sisterhood. Taking a moment to accept the jeers and hatred, she moved carelessly to the ringside to admire the hanging marvel, her face twisted into some new twisted smile, typical of the company she keeps. Clad in black leather pants a crimson red half-shirt, Misty pulled her way into the structure, eyeing any details that could later be used to her advantage...-
"Garry, I'm not really sure what to think of this "new" Misty.  She seems to have given away the respect of the fans in an attempt to wage war on the aggressors from the past."


"Garry, your tongue's on the desk.  Care to remove it?"

"Ah, sorry... I'd have to say I like this "new" Misty.  Look at her, she's more confident and no longer confined by the standards the crowds place on her.  She's never looked better.   She's able to stand up where she used to falter... I'd be afraid of her."

"You're afraid of everyone..."

- She's a ...

Boom, Boom

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom


-Before the fans crack the first series of jeers. An explosion shakes the stands as jets of red flame rip from the ramp way on either side.  The shadows and heat arc throughout the arena, causing more than a few to jump back in fear. Standing in the, Alexandria Parker, absorbs the hatred like a sponge, channeling it into her own arsenal of tricks. Garbed in tight black pants, embossed with arcs of fire, and an upper torso covered by a black, sheer shirt with a fire image across the middle Alexandria stood proud.  Her valet, Miss Vanity held her Tag Title held high above her head.  With a final toss of those cascading fiery red curls, Alexandria hoisted herself into the cage and with a slight hint of disdain, acknowledged her opponent.

The cage rose until it's final resting spot.  Ten feet above the surface of the canvas,  fourteen feet from the surface of the arena... from the top, a person could fall almost twenty five feet to find nothing but concrete.  The structure was not for the casual competition...it was for finality.-

"A reminder, this match is for the Tag Team Titles... "

"This is going to be a highly competitive match.  The rules are simple; the last person inside or on the cage is the winner.   If a person is thrown out the bottom, they'll hit the canvas.  If a person is thrown out the side, there are three tables waiting for them on their trip to the concrete.  Should the fight be taken to the top, we could see someone thrown to the crowd, to the steel guardrail, to the concrete.  Emergency medical personnel are standing by in case...  good luck to both women."

"Garry, I don't think I've ever heard anything more sincere from you in all your days as a broadcaster."

"Really?  So, when I go visit the loser in the hospital, think she'll find me a kind, sensitive, and caring man?"




-And it was on, both women staring at each other intently while circling.   This was new to them, the footing... the walls... the height.  There was no smooth surface, just the crosshatched metal bars underfoot.  There was nowhere to run that did not begin with a fall... Each woman held a victory over the other, each was seeking the final spike in this rivalry.  To top it off, the gold was on the line for the first time and each woman knew they'd have to fight again in the night.

They moved closer, fingertip to fingertip as they sought the first opening, first impact, and first blood... in the middle of the floor, a four-foot square portal to the canvas below.  Misty backed away and smirked, taunting Alexandria to step across.  Alexandria stepped back and tossed her curls...  neither was afraid, neither would dare to make the first mistake.  Behind each woman was another exit, six feet tall, three feet wide leading straight down towards the stacked tables and then cold, hard concrete.

Misty made the first move, lunging around the hole and ramming Alex into the reinforced corners causing the entire cage to shake violently.  Misty brought her hand back, but quickly fell victim to a knee to the midsection.   Alex swung out from her trap and whipped Misty into the side, bouncing her hard off the metal and sending her to the mesh.  A swift boot to the head and then another, pushing Misty closer to the hole. -

"Misty is down already!"

"Look at Alexandria, she's taking control of this situation.  A third boot!  Wait, She's picking her up.  It looks like the setup to her BitchBomb!"

-Indeed, Misty, hoisted into a fireman's carry atop Alex's shoulders, struggled in her captor's grip.  Alex gave her final sign as Misty slipped from her grip, landing behind her.  Alex spun around to a greeting from a boot to the stomach followed with a swift DDT to the steel.  Misty got back to her feet and planted her own boot to the back of the "Rich Bitch" and snatched her arms, yanking back in a form of a surfboard.

Screams went unanswered in this match.  There was no submission...  Alex wailed for relief while Misty pulled harder against her arms and back.  She was going to win... going to make her writhe... going to make her scream... going to make her fall from grace.   Pushing her down with a final effort, Misty snatched a foot from the ground and began to pull her towards the middle.  Alex wrapped her fingers around the caging material and easily resisted, finally kicking the "Sweet One" off.
Alexandria rolled quickly to her feet, charging in with a strong lariat and finding it ducked by the waiting Misty, who threw a quick standing side kick to the back of Alex, again sending her into the steel. -

"I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like this before in my career... "

"Misty is ramming Alex into the bars!  Listen to the crowd!"


-Misty wiggled her finger bye-bye as Alex toppled to the steel, her head bouncing off for the final count of the spot-

^^^ TEN! vvv

-The "Sweet One" began to climb the mesh, then peering back over her shoulder, dove off with an elbow drop to the unsuspecting opposition.  Alex cried out in pain and tried crawling away...-

"Alex can't seem to believe the arsenal she's seeing from Misty.  Who would have ever thought that this former Body Shopper would have come like this?"

"What? Cheating? Hateful? Vindictive?  Name one that isn't!"

"Wait... what is Alex doing?"

-Alex swung around sending a burst of white powder into Misty's face, backing her away from the fight and forcing her to scratch maniacally to regain her sight.   Alex stood tall, showing off the crimson tears that coursed her face.   Snatching Misty by the hair, the "Rich Bitch" sent her face first into the wall, bouncing her off like a toy.  A smile creased her face as Misty backed away, still frantically trying to get her sight back.

She could now stalk at leisure, walking towards Misty as a predator.   A solid slap across the face, another... she backed away to admire the red streaks left by her actions.  Misty swung blindly ahead, hoping to get a piece of something that just wasn't there.  Alexandria stepped back in and scooped her up, pressing Missy above her head.

A deep breath, an offering... sacrifice... Alex threw Misty into the ceiling of the cage and stepped aside, watching the "Sweet One" crash lifelessly into the bottom mesh, rattling the cage again on it's cables.  Drip... Drip...Drip... the blood fell first from the cage, slipping between the bars and splattering upon the untainted white surface of the BRA canvas.  Alex dropped a knee into Misty's back for extra emphasis.   Winning was one thing... Dominating was another.

"Did you see that gorilla press slam?  Misty hit both extremes of that steel cage!  Alexandria and her powder have opened up this opportunity.   Misty can't see and now, I'd be surprised if she could walk.  She's taking one hell of a pounding up there."

"Look, Alex is helping Misty back up..."

-Though she could hardly move, Misty found head tucked between the legs of her opponent.   Alex yanked up and drew Misty into a powerbomb and ran full speed with her into the wall, using the ricochet and her own momentum, Alex spun around and completed the move sending Misty back down hard across the steel.

The screams were unmistakable, the pain rippled the smaller girl's body as she pulled herself closer to a corner, closer to a standing position, closer to a chance... gone was the blank vision that was the immediate effects of the powder, vague shapes now filtered through.  Standing up with the aid of the steel, Misty saw the motions but could do little to stop the flurry of kicks to her chest and stomach, forcing her back down in the corner.

Alexandria walked to the side and signaled to Miss Vanity with a couple of fingers.  Miss Vanity smiled silently and threw the Tag Team Belt up to its owner... So sure of the outcome were they.  With a slight smile she approached the beaten enemy, swinging the golden prize down hard upon her form, bringing another scream from the "Sweet One" What a chorus to her ears...

She reached back a second time for another lash and Misty struck, delivering a kick to her midsection and forcing the belt from her hand.   Misty fought back to her feet and followed through with a clothesline.   Painted under a crimson mask, she tossed aside the mousy brown lockes and gritted her teeth... trails of powder still lined her visage, but she was far from out of this fight.  It was Misty this time that snatched Alex from the mesh, tucking her head away and then forcing her over in a quick snap suplex.-

"She's coming back!  Can you believe this!?"

"She's not bad for a woman."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that..."

-Let the carnage begin.  Misty rolled to her feet and smirked at the downed opponent, furling her fingers to the satisfactory popping of pain.  A boot to the side followed a grip of the matted red curls, drawing her from her horizontal position.    With a full head of steam, the "Sweet One" sent Alex bouncing off the side and staggering.  Seeing her opponent in such obvious disarray, Misty moved in again... sizing her up against one of the exits.   A dropkick sent Alex to the doorway, hands firmly planted around the steel bars to stop any further momentum.

Misty, back to her feet, charged in for the kill.  A punch, a second... Alex had little choice but to absorb the efforts, to defend would mean letting go.   A kick to the midsection and Alex buckled to a knee, fingers bleeding from the exerted effort of hanging on.  One foot was out the door... another knee rested on the ledge while her fingers clung to the steel mesh surrounding her.  She was an image of crucifixion, beaten down by Sweet Misty.   She refused to let go.

Misty stepped back to take a breath... she could see what they all could, a beaten woman who refused to admit it.   She couldn't break her grip... peeking around the cage, a slight smile appeared at the corners of bloodied mouth.   Keeping an eye on her for, Misty went for the Tag Title belt.   Symbolism?   Reaching back, Misty swung the golden prize down upon Alex's fingers causing the first hand to slip from the steel.

One arm was Alex's only link to survival as her angle now forced her to look out at the audience.  A shot from the belt to the second hand produced only screams; the next made them even louder.  Misty pressed her boot against the hand and leaned out to stare down, her foot twisting against the model's knuckles.

Alex's breathing was sparse as she registered the searing pains within her hand and body.  The metal was eating into her flesh of her left hand from her own weight.  Her right was numb from the recent lashing and she could still feel her life's blood creeping down her face.  Twisting back to look into the cage, she brought dead hand to clamp onto the Misty's stationed leg and yank, dropping her to the floor and easing the burden.

Hand over hand along the metal floor, Alex crawled from defeat.  Misty was quick to get back into the situation, contemptuously bringing the belt down across Alex's back for each inch she stole.  Throwing the belt to cage floor, Misty jerked Alexandria from her dazed stupor into position for a powerbomb.  Wrenching her up, the "Sweet One" threw her down atop the belt with a sadistic glare.  It was only a matter of time.

Alex arched her back and let another cry of pain, the metal surface of the cage had no love for the occupants and offered no comfort.  Reaching again for a side, Alex tried to get back to her feet while Misty continued to stalk, keeping the tempo under her command.   Misty stepped back and charged in towards her opponent, who if by exhaustion or just by experience, slumped back down managed to avoid the shot.   Misty hit the side and bounced, falling to her knees to comfort the red shoulder, feet kicking in dire pain.

For the better part of a minute, nothing would happen... The "Rich Bitch" sucked air and Misty nursed her wounds, both looking for the rest this match had not yet afforded.   The crowd hung on the action in cruel anticipation.  Did they really care who won?  Was it for the want of seeing someone gets hurt?   Misty sat up and looked around as Alex rolled over and began to push back to her feet.

"After all that punishment, Alex has pulled her way back into this fight!  Both of them are opened and neither one wants to concede!"

"I hope the ArchAngel is satisfied, she's taken two of her star athletes and made them kill each other for our entertainment.  The least she could have done was throw someone a little more... undesirable up there?  Peggy perhaps?  Candi Cane?"

"You?  Oh the Headlines... Garry "Fatboy" Grimmoire versus... Americana?  Peggy Christian?  Bianca Dupree?"

-Back at top, Alex had just stifled Misty with a rising uppercut to the midsection and with a second wind in her possession.   Locking her wrist, the "Rich Bitch" hoisted Misty into a fireman's carry...-


-And Misty came down hard with Parker's renamed Death Valley Driver, rattling the cage even more.   Alex leapt to her feet in a sign of triumph, taking a couple moments to revel in the accomplishment.   Easing a grin to her lips, Alex reached down and pulled the "Sweet One" from the cage and pointed to the end of the cage, waiting for the reactions from the thousands in attendance.

With a final effort, Alex whipped Misty out the door and looked away, arms raised in victory.   It was over...  at least in her eyes.   The audience saw it differently, they watched Misty latch on to the bottom and cheered her on while she made her way on the outside, beneath the premature winner.  To them, it wasn't over... To Misty it wasn't over.

Alex didn't hear the tables, didn't feel the lowering of the cage, didn't hear the bell to signal the end...  licking her lips in some morbid anticipation, she turned around to figure out what had happened to her opponent.  Behind her, from the portal in the middle of the room, crawled a bloodied Misty.

Alex could hear the stirring behind her like some ominous warning and time stood still...tick...tick... tick.  Her step had lost its strength, her vision marred with the trails of blood that plastered her face in a red coating.  Misty had nothing but hope left in her arsenal and this was her final assault.  Alex knew... Misty knew...  The crowd knew.

When their bodies collided, both fell back from impact, Alex leaning ever closer to doorway and Misty staggering to maintain her balance.   Alex's fingers again found the doorway for leverage.  Crouching for a moment, Misty leapt towards her foe, locking her fingers on the mesh above and swinging her feet forward in desperation and into the chest of her foe.

Freefall... Alex's arms and legs kicking until the first crunch, then second... finally the third table collapsed beneath her weight as she became lost in the rubble of her demise.  Misty fell from the rooftop to her back and lay there gasping for air.  She had won, but at what price?-

"Oh my god..."

"We have emergency technicians coming to ringside to check on Miss Parkers condition... we'll let you know more right after we take a short break."

The winner, Sweet Misty.

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