logoTriple Threat Tag Elimination

( The screen fades up from black as the thousands in attendance cheer and scream. The crowd is in frenzy, the nights action has been bloody, brutal and beautiful. All eyes are turned towards the wrestlers entrance, knowing that the final match of the evening was moments away.)

( Another Camera shot appears and shows the announcers table. Sandra is smiling as Garry places a black armband over his left arm.)

Sandra: �What�s that for?�

Garry: � I�m in mourning, the Sisterhood is being forced to fight each other tonight. We�ve already seen Laura and Yvette tear into each other, Alex and Misty in that ridiculous cage thing. I have never seen someone drop through 3 tables before. I swear the ArchAngel has it out for the Sisterhood.�

Sandra: � Ummm, Garry, we�re back on the air.�

( Garry turns quickly and stares into the camera. His face goes sheet white for a moment.)

Garry: � Of course, who am I to question the word of the ArchAngel, in her wisdom she has created a match to give the fans something to cheer for. Six of Battling Ring Angel�s finest grapplers, going toe-to-toe for the Tag titles.�

Sandra: � Nice save. Folks, this next match up is a three-way Elimination match for the Battling Ring Angels Tag Titles. The rules are simple, the last team to submit or be pinned is the winner. Normal tag rules apply here.�

Garry: � So, you could tag in the other team?�

Sandra: � Yes, two wrestlers in the ring at one time, although I think the ref is going to have his hands full with these Sisters.�

Garry: � Well, I would have to give an edge to Nina and Tiffany, they are both rested , while Alex, Yvette, Laura and Misty have all had matches. It�s a great opportunity for the Babe Squad to gain the tag titles!�

Sandra: � I wouldn�t be to sure of that. Yvette wants Tiffany�s head on a platter, Laura still harbor�s feelings of resentment over the �Miss BRA� Pageant. Vengeance can be a great motivator.�

( Suddenly the lights dim down as the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, then it is suddenly cut off. The lights go out and explosions, fireballs and spotlights go swirling. The Angeltron shows scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and explosions, followed by the Lords of Acid�s �Out Comes the Evil.� Yvette and Misty appear from the curtains, Yvette clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a �Y� Misty stands triumphantly beside Yvette, flashing anyone nearby a furious look. The pair walk down the aisle, slowly, showing their discomfort over earlier action. Behind them walks the Abominator, Kayla Vandergriff, and Merci. Yvette scowls at curses the jeering fans as she walks to the ring. Misty shoots them all dirty looks and she slithers her way to the ring. Kayla and Merci both seem to be looking around, as if checking for a sneak attack )

Sandra: � Wow, both Yvette and Misty look bruised and battered.�

Garry: � Of course, they have already participated in brutal battles this evening. But I think that they will have plenty left for this match up.�

( Yvette and Misty climb into the ring, both scowl at the ref as they walk to their corner)

Sandra: � I feel sorry for that guy. The Sisterhood brawl is not the safest place to be for a ref tonight , I bet he drew the short straw.�

Garry: � Bah, he should be honored to be in the ring with members of the Sisterhood.�

( The lights dim down again as "Beautiful Stranger" by Madonna blares over the speakers. fire works soar through the air. Standing at the top of the ramp are The Babe Squad, "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane and "The Goddess" Nina Larue. Both women wear brown, floor-length trench coats, tied at the waist with matching belts. They also wear sunglasses and fedoras, covering their hair. They survey the excited, males in the crowd before sashaying to ringside. As they enter the ring, The Babes look out at the crowd again before whipping off their coats, hats, and glasses, revealing their stunning attire. Both busty beauties wear purple, satin and lace bras with matching, thong panties, and showing off their sleek, sexy bodies. They complete the Victoria's Secret ensembles with matching, purple, knee-high boots, with platform heels. Tiffany's long, blonde hair flows down her back while Nina's raven locks are tied in a long ponytail. They pose and preen as they are showered in catcalls and whistles. Both women move to opposite sides of the ring and seductively lean over the top rope, blowing kisses to the fans. )

Garry: � agahahghagahgahgah �

Sandra: � Somebody get this man a drool bib!! �

( In the ring, Yvette and Misty glare at Tiffany. The New Sisterhood leader frowns and turns to look at her partner. Nina has a look of concern on her face. It seems she is not happy about this situation.)

Sandra: � Well, if looks could kill, Tiff would be dead.�

Garry: � What? Oh yes � Well, Yvette is a little miffed about Tiffany taking her throne away. But she is a kind forgiving soul, and I am sure that they will all just discuss this like the ladies they are.�

Sandra: � Suuuuuuuuure�

(The lights in the Arena dim. The Sound systems burst forth with "Girls on Film" by Duran Duran. A spotlight hit the wrestlers' entrance. The first person through the entrance in Vanity, Alexandria's Valet. She carries a large mirror and walks backward toward the ring. She is dressed in an Alexandria Parker Collection, blue leather mini skirt and gold tube top. Laura and Alexandria enter next. They are dressed in black spandex pants, red bikini top, red over the knee boots with Simply Divine written in black on them and black knee and elbow protectors. Around their waists, the BRATT Titles. The crowd erupts in its usual mixture of cheers, boos and catcalls. The last people to emerge from behind the curtain are Willie Wienersnitzel, Laura's Hollywood agent, and Andre-David Malreaux, the love of both Parker�s' lives. Willie is dressed in his usual cranberry "disco" suit, a white shirt with the top four buttons unbuttoned, five pounds of gold chain around his neck and the worlds worst toupee on his head. Andre-David is dressed in a black Armani suit with a gray collarless shirt. Laura and Alexandria react to the crowd with waives and smiles. They mostly preen in front of the mirror though. There is a large contingent of I TAPPA KEG, the Sisterhood fan fraternity at ringside. Laura and Alexandria go to them and give them high fives. Laura moves a little too close to drunken frat boys and is grabbed by a couple. She struggles against all the grasping hands. While Laura is tied up, Alexandria takes the opportunity to give Andre-David a long and deep kiss. With much slapping of hands, Laura manages to get away from her adoring fans. She walks toward Andre-David as Alexandria walks toward the frat boys. Andre-David seizes Laura in a passionate embrace as Alexandria's back is turned to them. Laura and Alexandria enter the ring together and strut to the center of it. They strike poses for the camera's. They both raise their arms and then bring them down suddenly. Pyros erupt from the four ring posts filling the arena with multicolor fireworks. )

Sandra: � Andre is playing with fire there �

Garry: � Imagine having both members of Simply Divine hugging and kissing you.�

Sandra: � Yuck, pass the disinfectant.�

( All six women stare at each other in the ring as the ref stands cautiously in the middle. There seems to be a bit of confusion over which two teams are going to start. The ref calls all six women to the middle of the ring. Six pairs of eye�s glance to and fro, looking for any sign of movement, any sign of attack. Laura checks her hair for a moment, which instinctively causes the Babe Squad and her partner to do the same. Yvette smirks, looking over Alex�s outfit.)

Yvette: �I have seen better clothing on the organ grinder�s monkey than the garbage you produce!�

( Alex stands shocked, Laura too is outraged over the insult over their attire. Tiffany shakes her head)

Tiffany: � Reduced to petty insults Yvette? My how far you have fallen.�

(Yvette scowls and lashes out her hand, slapping Tiffany across the face. There is a stunned silence for a moment as the other sisterhood members stand dumbfounded. Misty reacts quickly kicking her foot forward and driving Laura Parker backwards, Alex and Nina look at each other as the others start to fight. It is clear that neither of them is pleased with what�s happening. They both feel the ref�s hands on their shoulders as he directs them to their corners. Yvette and Tiffany square off, using their martial arts skills to keep each other at bay. Yvette curses the usurper for her arrogance. Tiffany responds with insults and threats, while she feels the sting from Yvette�s slap. Laura and Misty are rolling around the ring, brawling and punching with no real control or contact, just pure adrenaline and hatred. They roll towards the edge of the ring and the quick think ref gives them a shove sending them squealing and crashing to the floor below.)

Garry: � How dare he do that!!�

Sandra: � Well that�s one way to get them out of the ring�

Yvette: �So, now it comes down to you and I? Prepare to kneel before me and beg!�

( Yvette thrusts out a savate kick, it catches Tiffany in the side, but lacks the power it usually has. Tiffany takes the blow and spins quickly, lashing out her fist, catching Yvette in the side of the head, taking her to the mat. Alex and Nina have both run around the outside of the ring and pulled Misty and Laura apart. Misty hisses at Laura as she angered model spits back venomous remarks about Misty�s apparel. Alex pulls her partner away and quickly whispers in her ear. Laura seems to calm down for a moment and both Parker�s turn and smile for the ringside photographer. Misty shoves clear of Nina�s grasp and glares at her. The Goddess gives the newest Sister a dirty look as if to warn her that any violent action would be met with a brutal response. Misty walks away, glaring at the Champions as they pose for some quick photo�s. Only the fact their manager points to the ring , turns their attention from the flashing lights )

( It seems obvious that Yvette is not doing so well against Tiffany. Miss BRA had flung the Marquise into the ropes and dropped her with a flying scissors kick. Yvette hits the mat hard, rolling on her back and cursing the entire way. Tiffany grabs Yvette by the arm and launches a kick into her ribs. The French noble yelps as the pointed boot slams into her chest. Tiffany kicks again, before pulling Yvette up to her feet. Tiff wraps her arm around Yvette�s head and runs across the ring towards Nina. As she gets close, Tiffany extends her legs forward, leaping and driving Yvette�s head into the mat )

Sandra: � Brutal Bulldog! Tiffany is all over the Television Champion!�

( Tiffany quickly rolls Yvette over and hooks the leg. By sheer spite alone, Yvette kicks free. Misty looks on with concern as the Marquise is pulled to her feet as Tiffany tags in Nina. The Goddess leaps over the ropes and dropkicks Yvette sending her sprawling onto her knee�s. Nina quickly moves to follow up as Yvette raises her arms in peace, tears in her eyes�

Yvette: � Nina, Nina, look what Tiffany has done to us, Look what we have become.�

( Nina pauses for a moment, of all the combatants , she is the unhappy with what has happened. She stops, looking down into Yvette�s eyes. The Marquise smiles for a moment and then combat rolls quickly towards her corner. Nina glares at Yvette slaps Misty�s hand, tagging her in.)

Garry: � That is loyalty, that is honor!�

Sandra: � What?�

Garry: � Nina doesn�t want to fight Yvette, so she let her tag in Misty. What a display of heroic proportions. �

( Nina scowls as Misty steps into the ring. Misty cracks a devilish grin before quickly moving in on the Goddess. Nina sidesteps and quickly drops to the ground, kicking her leg out and sending Misty to the mat. Nina quickly kips up to her feet, eliciting a cheer from the crowd. Nina just as quickly drops back to the mat, slamming her elbow into a rising Misty.)

( Laura and Alex climb back up on the ring edge and watch the display. The Babe Squad is fresh, unhurt and firing on all cylinders. Neither champion has any desire to step into the ring. Nina picks Misty up by her hair and whips her into her corner. As Misty stumbles along, Tiffany kicks her boot up to the top turnbuckle and Misty plow�s into it. Nina quickly runs and tags her partner before wrapping her arms around Misty�s waist. With a grunt, Nina lifts up and falls backwards, slamming Misty up and over. Tiffany times the move perfectly, leaping over the ropes, and splashing down on Misty as Nina releases her. The ref jumps down for the count, but stops at two as Misty�s boot hang over the bottom rope. Tiffany pulls Misty up to her feet and quickly scoops her up and slams her back down on the canvas. Misty bounces once, clutching her back and moaning in pain. A smile cracks Alexandria�s lips as she see�s Misty in pain. �Twas moments ago, that Alex and Misty had engaged in battle, and seeing her opponent in pain was satisfying to the Champion. Tiffany quickly scaled the ropes and prepared to leap. Misty lay on the mat, slowly moving her legs as Tiffany�s body soared in the air. Misty rolled away, as Miss Bra completed her rotation of her Senton Bomb. The hard canvas was not the impact Tiffany was expecting and she yelped on impact, before rolling into a ball, clutching her back. Misty pulled herself up by the ropes and looked across the ring at Yvette. The Marquise was hanging her head over the ropes, the nights battles had already taken their toll on her. Misty turned and looked at the champions, patiently waiting and watching as their foes� battled each other. Misty walked towards them and smirked. Laura too was tired, although she had yet to get into this fight. Alex was hurting, Misty knew that, nobody could be 100% after what they had been through. But her back was to the ring as Alex yet again posed for the cameras. Misty went to slap Laura�s hand, but the model ducked away. Misty�s hand carried over, slapping into Alex�s shoulder as Tiffany started to rise. Alex turned on impact and glared at Misty, who was laughing as she walked towards her corner. The ref motioned for Alex to get in the ring, as Laura shrugged her shoulders, feigning her knowledge of what just happened. Alex quickly stepped through the ropes and went chasing after Misty, only to be dropped to the mat , but a flying Tiffany. As Misty stepped through the ropes and was handed a drink of water by Merci, Tiffany began to pick Alex up. Miss BRA quickly went to work, and slammed her knee into Alex� back, knowing the damage that may have been done earlier. Alex yelped and fell to all fours, Tiffany moved quickly and grabbed Alex�s arms from behind, pulling them back and arching her spine. Tiff jabbed her knee forward, pushing it deep into Alex� back, causing the pretty champion to squeal in pain. The ref asks Alex for her surrender, but she refuses and continues to scream. Yvette glares with hate as Tiffany controls the match, if only she had more time to rest, The Marquise was sure she would wipe the canvas with the upstart. But the fates had dealt her this hand and it was not a good one. Misty smiled, knowing it was her blow earlier in the night that caused Alex to scream in agony.)

Sandra: � Alex is in trouble here, that surfboard must be painful after what she endured earlier�

Garry: �This is a tragedy, the champion are being forced to defend their belts after fighting in two grueling singles matches. �

( The ref asks again, and Alex fights through the tears, then relief as Laura can�t stand to watch. She quickly ducks through the ropes and kicks Tiffany in the back of the head. Nina charges in , but is stopped by the ref, she protests as he pushes her back. Misty and Yvette quickly take advantage and jump into the ring. Both of them begin stomping down on Tiffany, kicking and booting her body and Laura helps Alex to her corner. Nina howls in rage as she watches the attack, but the zebra refuses to look until she steps back through the ropes. Yvette and Misty pick Tiffany up and lock their arms around her head, both of them quickly drop backwards, planting Tiff�s head into the canvas with brutal force)

Sandra: � Double DDT!!�

( Misty and Yvette quickly rolls out of the ring as Laura moves back in. The pretty brunette looks down at Miss BRA, the woman who took the title away from her. Laura smiles and grabs both of Tiffany�s legs, she holds them up and apart before leaping up and extending her legs forward. Laura�s legs slam down on the inside of Tiffany�s thighs, forcing them apart viscously on impact)

Garry: � Ouch! Brutal leg split move!, Tiffany�s going to be walking funny after this match�

( Tiffany howls and clutches her legs as Laura slowly rises. The champion wastes no time and grabs a handful of hair, pulling Miss BRA to her feet. Laura whips Tiff into the ropes and quickly moves into position as Tiffany rebounds back, Laura grabs her and lifts, quickly rotating Tiffany�s body horizontal before dropping to one knee.)

Sandra: � Twilt o Whirl Back Breaker!!�

( Tiffany�s body bends over Laura�s shapely thigh in a brutal U shape. Laura quickly shoves Tiffany off her leg and falls across her. The ref slaps his hand down twice before Tiffany raises her shoulder. Laura takes a moment and catches her breath before hauling Tiffany up and whipping her towards Alex. Tiffany slams into the corner and Alex quickly holds her in place and Laura delivers a series of kicks to her unprotected belly. Nina screams in protest as the ref begins to call for a break. Laura ignores him, continuing her assault until he reaches a 4 count. Alex lets go and Tiffany slumps to the mat. Laura smiles and tags her partner in. Alex steps through the ropes and pulls Tiffany up, placing her across her shoulders , before spinning and then leaping backwards)

Garry:� Spinning Samoan Drop!! Alex just crunched Tiff with that one.�

Sandra: � She�s going for the cover �1�..2�.what?�

( The crowd boo�s , while the I TAPPA KEGGA�s cheer as Alex lifts Tiffany off the mat, breaking the count. Even with her pain , her ego takes charge. Alex rises to her feet, flexing one arm for the cameras and she holds Tiffany�s hair in her other. Laura yells at Alex to continue, snapping the model out of her pose. Alex quickly lifts Tiffany to her feet and whips her into the ropes, Alex takes off in the other direction as Tiffany hits the ropes. Miss BRA extends her arm, reaching out and barely contacting Misty, Alex rebounds and charges in as Tiffany bounces back, Alex snaps out her arm, attempting to clothesline Tiff, but Miss BRA ducks and Alex tries to slow down but yelps as Misty leaps off the top rope, planting her feet into the surprised champions chest.)

Sandra: � Missile Drop Kick by Misty!!! Alex never saw it coming.�

( Alex is sent tumbling through the ropes and out of the ring. Yvette quickly drops to the floor and moves around as Misty grabs the ref and begins to berate him about his officiating. Laura quickly drops to the floor as well, moving to aid her partner. Kayla stands still watching as Yvette moves in on Alex and as Laura runs to aid her partner. Andre-David pleads with Yvette not to attack Alex, but the Marquise ignores him, shoving him aside. Laura turns the corner and glares at Kayla, remembering the beating she watched the Gothic Horror deliver to poor Andre. Kayla smirks, rubbing her white belly , watching as Yvette grabs a chair and prepares to smash Alexandria across the head. Laura picks up a chair and screams at Yvette to stop. The ref jumps out of the ring, yelling at everyone to put the weapons down. )

Sandra: � A little trouble in paradise? �

Garry: � This is getting too serious. Remember you�re all friends!!�

( Inside the ring , Misty watches , hanging over the ropes, catching her breath. Tiffany and Nina look at each other and nod as the both climb into the ring. Tiffany quickly moves up and grabs Misty, whipping her towards Nina. Misty yelps in surprise as Nina jumps in the air, snapping her foot around, smashing it into Misty�s chin. Misty spins and stumbles backwards, only to be grabbed by Tiffany who kicks her in the belly causing Misty to double over, Nina quickly runs forward and wraps her arm around Misty�s head, Nina leaps up in the air, placing her legs over Misty�s back as falls backwards)

Sandra: � Nina�s Knockout!!! The Babe Squad just double teamed Misty, she�s out of it!�

( Outside the ring, Yvette is cursing the mother of the ref as he pulls the chair away from her, Laura seizes the opportunity as The ref�s back is turned to smash the chair into the Gothic Queen�s head. Andre-David cracks a smile as Laura winks at him as Kayla crumples to the floor. Laura quickly helps Alex to her feet. It�s at that moment that she see�s Misty lying still on the mat, with the Babe squad casually standing in their corner. A mischievous look on their faces.)

Garry: � Alex is going to the top, Misty is still out of it!!�

( The crowd gasps as Alex scales the ropes, perching on top. Before standing up straight, extending her arms and leaping off the top. She spins in the air, rotating her body, before slamming to the prone Misty.)

Sandra: � Shooting Star Press by the Champion!!!!�

( Laura cheers as Alex quickly pulls Misty to her feet and places her across her shoulders. A smile of redemption comes across her face as Alex quickly falls to the side, planting Misty�s head into the mat. )

Garry: � That�s it, Death Valley Driver!!! Alex� pushes Misty into a matchbook pin!!�

( Outside the ring, Yvette pulls the chair away from the ref, causing him to spin and face the ring. He see�s Alex pinning Misty and slides into the ring, Yvette�s eye�s open wide as she watches the ref slide into the ring. )

Sandra: � The ref is counting ��1��..2��.3�!!!!�

Garry: � Yvette and Misty are eliminated!!�

( The Marquise howls in rage as she slides into the ring. The ref points at her and tells her to leave the ring. Alex raises her arms in the air in triumph, having vanquished Misty with a little help from the Babes. Alex rises to her feet and turns, only to see Nina�s fist plow into her gut. Alex doubles over as Yvette curses and slides out of the ring. The ref is helping Misty to her feet as Nina shoves Alex�s head between her thighs, the goddess quickly wraps her hands around Alex�s firm waist before grunting and pulling her up, into an inverted Bearhug. Alex kicks her legs, and squeals knowing what is about to happen. Nina falls backwards, landing on her shapely posterior and driving Alex�s head into the mat. )

Sandra: � Piledriver by Nina, she�s hooked the leg�

Garry : � 1�.2�..3�..NO!! NO!!!�

( Laura dives in at the last moment, saving the match and Simply Divine�s titles.. Nina slaps the mat, knowing she was seconds away from winning the gold. Laura quickly scampers away as Tiffany steps into the ring. Nina picks Alex up and drags her to Tiffany. Miss BRA climbs the turnbuckles and reaches down, tagging Nina�s hand. The Goddess quickly sends a series of martial arts punches into Alex�s chest and belly, doubling her over. Tiffany leaps off the top rope, dropping her elbow across Alex�s bent back. Parker drops to the canvas as Tiffany stands above her. Andre-David has made his way to Laura�s corner and smiles at her. Laura smiles back, glad to see that her �love� has recovered from the Belly freaks attack earlier in the week.)

Sandra: � Tiffany is setting Alex up for something, she�s tagged Nina in�.�

( Tiffany lifts Alex up and places her across her knee as Nina scales the ropes. The Goddess raises her hands in the air , before leaping off, crashing her leg across Alex�s throat )

Garry: � Oh my god! Guillotine leg drop!!!�

( Alex�s body is flipped over in the air, she crumples into the ropes. Laura turns from Andre to see her partner�s body slumped in the ropes. Nina quickly pulls Alex into the middle of the ring and slowly drags her up. Nina quickly wraps her arm around Alex�s throat and cracks a smile towards her partner. )

Sandra: � She�s going for another Nina�s Knockout!! If she hits this, we�ll have New Champions!!�

( Nina leaps backwards, placing her legs across Alex�s back as she falls. Alexandria�s head in planted into the mat with such force, that her legs stay suspended in the air for a second or two before falling limp to the mat.)

Sandra: � It�s over � Nina hooks the leg �.�

Garry: � Look out!!�

( As the ref jumps to the mat to make the count, Laura quickly leaps up onto the top turnbuckle and leaps off )

Sandra: � She missed!!!�

Garry: � No she didn�t!!�

( Laura drops her leg across the back of the ref�s head, slamming him face first into the mat. Tiffany looks on with a shocked look on her face as Nina turns, wondering why the count has stopped.)

Sandra: � Oh my god!! Laura just K.O�d the ref!!!�

Garry: � And saved the tag titles.�

( Nina looks over to see Laura lying across the ref. The Goddess�s eye�s narrow to small slits as she realizes the impact of Laura�s action. Tiffany steps between the ropes and moves in as Laura starts to rise. Nina also rises and moves in on Laura.)

Garry: � uh oh, the Babes are not happy with Laura.�

Sandra: � Good one genius! She just cost them the titles! Alex was beat and Laura stopped the pin by nailing the ref. I am sure the Arch Angel is going to make her pay for that!�

( Tiffany growls as Nina turns and looks down at the stunned ref. Laura quickly ducks through the ropes as Tiffany chases after her. Nina stands in the ring, her hands on her hips, deciding her next move as Tiffany chases Laura around the ring. Laura races by her agent/manager Willie, pushing him in Tiffany�s way. The toupee , flying and gold chains rattle as Tiffany shoves him into the guardrail.)

Garry: � Hey!! Willie is a respected man around here! Tiffany shouldn�t have done that!�

Sandra: � For that bad Toupee alone, he deserved that.�

(Laura bolts up the ramp, heading for the wrestler entrance. Nina bends to one knee and begins to pat the ref on the cheek, trying to revive him. The fans scream for her to give mouth to mouth.)

Garry: � Heathens!! Like the Goddess would soil herself by touching a lowly official with her lips �indeed!�

( Laura ducks through the curtain as Tiffany following in hot pursuit. As Tiffany steps through the curtains, there is a dull thud, a clang , a bonk and a body. Tiffany slumps back through the curtain as Yvette steps forth, holding a slightly dented chair. Laura sneaks a peek out from behind the other side of the curtain and looks at the carnage. Tiffany lies spread eagled on the ramp, a trickle of blood flowing from her forehead. Laura smiles and quickly sneaks out the other side of the entrance, avoiding the Marquise�s glare.)

( In the ring, Nina has risen to her feet, she nudges the ref with her boot, kicking him softly in the side. She turns and looks down at Alex, who is still lying out cold in the middle of the ring. Nina shrugs her shoulders and sighs as she bends down again, lifting the ref in her arms and then does the improbable)

Garry: � SHE KISSED HIM!!!�

Sandra: � Hey it worked in Snow White.�

( The crowd goes into a frenzy, mostly caused by the extremely jealous I TAPPA KEGGA�s that have yearned for a touch of the goddess. The other frenzy from the crowd comes in shouts of warnings as Laura Parker slides into the ring with a chair. She looms above Nina as the Goddess pulls her head back, and looks into the dazed eye�s of the ref. It would be her saving action. In the reflection of the ref�s eye�s Nina saw the chair, she saw Laura and she reacted, Nina kicked her leg backwards and up, it rammed up between Laura�s thighs, arriving at their junction. The crowd gasped in shared agony as a high pitched squeal came from Laura�s O shaped mouth. Nina pushed herself up and kicked the chair out of Laura�s hand. She quickly wrapped her arms around Laura�s head and fell backwards, driving the top of Laura�s skull against the chair. Nina quickly falls on top of Laura, hooking her leg for the pin. )


( Nina raises her hands in the air as the bell sounds. She jumps up for joy, looking for her partner. She finally sees Tiff lying on the ramp with Yvette standing over her with a chair. Nina frowns and turns as she watches the ref hold Laura�s limp arm in the air� )

Garry: � WHAT?�

Sandra:� WHAT?�

Nina: �WHAT!?�

( The ref points to the chair and then at Nina, before taking the tag belts and laying them across the still out cold bodies of Simply Divine.)

Announcer: � Ladies and Gentlemen, as a result of a Disqualification, Your winner�s and still BRA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD�..SIMPLY DIVINE!!�

( The announcer is pelted with drink cups as the drunk I TAPPA KEGGA�s hurl their empties)

Garry: � What ? I don�t get it, what happened!?

Sandra: � The ref DQ�d Nina for using the chair, I think�

Garry: � But, but , but she didn�t bring the chair in. Laura did!! Heck, she woke that stupid ref up, she KISSED him and he DQ�s her?�

( Nina frowns , whether it is disappointment over losing the titles, or at the carnage the Sisterhood has done to each other is something only that Nina knows.)

( Up on the ramp, Yvette drops the chair and turns, walking back through the curtain, leaving Tiffany lying on the ramp. Andre-David has climbed into the ring and is tending to Alex and Laura, although he is being extremely careful not to awaken one without the other, as if he wanted to make sure that neither saw him caring for the other. Willie is still searching for his toupee as the camera turns back to Garry and Sandra.)

Garry: � I�m speechless�

Sandra: � Hallelujah!�

Garry: � Oh shut up! The Babes won that match, Nina had both members of Divine out cold in the ring and the ref DQ�s her? I don�t get it.�

Sandra: � It�s simple, Nina woke the ref up as she planted Laura into the chair, That�s using a foreign object and that�s a foul in this type of match.�

Garry: � Well, at least the belts are still with the Sisterhood.�

Sandra: � You moron, the belts were going to be in the Sisterhood regardless of who won!�

Garry: � That�s what I said, another glorious win for the Sisterhood.�

Sandra: � Folk, that�s all. And kids, stay in school, Garry is what happens if you leave after grade 3�

Garry: � Hey!! I know my A B D�s�

( The screen fades out as Sandra shakes her head in frustration )

*** Winners of the match, by DQ and still tag champs Simply Divine. ***

Writers note: No more matches with so many good players in it!!!

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