Evonne Carmikel, Lisa Dream, and Kimie Kurita
Bloodlust and “The Ninja” Missy Jones

Sandra: Welcome back! So far a very interesting night! We've seen a new type of match in Misty's Fall from Grace match and the followup matches afterward have just built on the excitement!

Garry: So far and my two favorite wrestlers are coming up! Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream, the Celestial Champion, are in this match coming up!

The lights in the arena dim, and spotlights illuminate the entrance. On the videowall, part of the starting sequence of Wildcats, the TV-series is shown, the animated versions of Wendy and Amanda going through their trademark moves, while the rousing, heroic music of the series plays. Then an animated version of “The Ninja” Missy Jones is shown and the three animated heroes striking a pose as a group.

Garry: What is this!?

Sandra: Shhh! That is so great!

At that moment, fireworks go off, and smoke pours from the entrance. Out of the cloud steps Bloodlust, wearing their usual team outfit: blood-red wrestling boots, soft leather pants and tanktops. Wendy's blonde hair is short and punkish. They walk towards the ring, checking for ambushes along the way, and greeting their fans. The crowd cheers and screams there support as some of their favorites come toward the ring ready for business. As Wendy and Amanda move down the aisle, a red streak follows them. From a distance, it seems almost like a trail of blood, but as they near the ring, the crowd realizes that it is in fact Missy Jones, dressed in ninja attire that is deep crimson. As they approach the ring, the lights flash and cut out. A distant rumble of thunder is heard, followed by the first few measures of The Doors' "Riders on the Storm" When the lights come back on, Missy's hood and Gi are gone, revealing a high-cut deep crimson one-piece. The music cuts back, and The Ninja walks in step with her partners.

Sandra: What an entrance! They look great and like a team! I think the Syndicate is in trouble!

Garry: Are you kidding!? Evonne could take all three by herself!

The arena dies down after such a spectacular entrance. The lights dim and a red circle with a dragon in it appears over the entrance on the Angeltron. "Princes of the Universe" by Queen blares from the house speakers as Kimie Kurita appears at the top of the entrance ramp. The fans boo and hiss at the young girl from the Syndicate team. Kimie is wearing a black kimono with red trim. She prances down the isle towards the ring and then takes off her robe halfway there. She is wearing underneath a black leather bikini top with a Brazilian cut bottom and her Doc Martins. Climbing into the ring, Kimmie turns to each side of the ring posing and prancing in front of the fans showing off her muscular and well toned body to them. They simply jeer at her and scream their prophecy of her loss.

Garry: These people obviously can not tell talent from the average everyday grunts! Look at that body! Oh God!!

Sandra: Kimie is still relatively new to the BRA wrestling circuit...but she sure shows as much confidence in her ability as Sherry Ann does. Kimie is expected to make big things happen here.

The lights dim as the words 'THE DREAM', written in gold letters, show up on the Angeltron above the entrance from the dressing room. The sounds of twinking stars and awe music fill the arena creating a bizarre mood amongst the fans. Smoke fills the entrance ramp swirling down and aroung the fans seated nearest the ramp's feet. There is a burst of light near the entrance making everyone turn away and shield their eyes. The music changes to 'Nookie', by Limp Bizkit blaring loudly over the speakers, and Lisa Dream makes her grand entrance. She is wearing some black leather pants and a black leather halter top, and she arrogantly surveys the crowd. She then makes her way down towards the ring, walking like a supermodel on the entrance ramp. Grabbing a microphone on her way into the ring, Lisa moves about the ring to look at each and every area of the arena where overexcited fans yell at the Celestial Champion to just leave. Some of the guys just stare with their jaws practically touching the floor.

Close your eyes and fantasize, darlings, because the most dominant force in Women’s Wrestling today has just decided to grace you with her absolutely *perfect* presence! That’s right, all that money you paid for those tickets you hold in your grubby little hands is all worth it, for your Celestial Champion has come down to show you what a real woman is capable of in the squared circle!

I only wish, for all of you, that our opponents were of a little more class! You all pay those high ticket prices just for a glimpse of the DREAM, and I do not like to disappoint! Unfortunately, these insignficant peons are not worthy opponents, and thus, you will be graced by the BRA Icon for only a short while, as I dispatch of these fools. I will try and drag it out for you, all my lucky little DREAM-o-phobics, but sometimes, no matter what my attempts, it is just too easy!

For, Wildcat, not only do you face the ultimate form of human *perfection*, who is more than enough to stomp your pitiful carcass into the mat, you also face the Deadliest Woman in Wrestling Today! You may as well just forfeit the match right now, girly, and spare yourself some undue pain and hardships! For, as all these fans know…though I am their greatest DREAM…I am YOUR greatest Nightmare!

Tossing the mic to the side, Lisa hops up onto a turnbuckle, crosses her legs, and places her chin in a hand with her arm resting on her knee.

Sandra: Once again...we are graced by the attractive presence of our Celestial Champion...

Garry: Show some respect! She earned that title fair and square! Not even you can debate that.

Sandra: Well there was that incident of hiding...

Garry: Shhh! Here comes Evonne next...

Gold dollar bills start to fall from the ceiling. Everyone looks toward the ceiling as a flash from one catches their attention. Two gold bars running side by side slash down the Angeltron, then an 'S' in gold as well slashes across the lines three times completing a gold dollar sign. "Goldfinger" plays throughout the arena which inspires hisses and jeers from everyone but Garry and the Carmikelholics who cheer and throw their arms up ready for Evonne to appear.

Suddenly the music stops and nothing happens. The dollars quit falling and all goes quiet. The fans start to murmer and Lisa looks at Kimie who is also looking questioningly at Lisa. No Evonne...nobody has come.

Garry: Where is she!? Why...What...Huh!?

Sandra: I was just told over the headset that Evonne is no where to be found. Her locker is still full of her clothes but she is not in the building.

Garry: NO! This can't...well...I guess this is a draw then.

Sandra: Not quite. I was also told that the match will proceed 2 vs. 3.

Garry: What!? That is outrageous! How can they even think of doing that!? Someone get down here and help Lisa and Kimie out!

The two teams huddle up in their respective corners. Wendy and Amanda both clap Missy on the shoulder as Kimie turns from Lisa. The Dream smirks and steps through the ropes. Wendy and Amanda Sinclair do the same and the bell rings.

Sandra: And this match gets under way. Looks like Missy and Kimie are sizing each other up.

Garry: They tie up and....Ooooohhhhh! Missy stepped forward to lock up but Kimie swept her off her feet with a leg sweep.

The Ninja crashes to the mat but instinctively rolls to the side to escape elbow drop of Kimie. She gets back to her feet in a defensive position. Kimie is quick to charge in and fire off a punch to the face. Missy blocks then throws a kick to the back of Kimie's leg to off-balance her. She flinches but manages another punch to the head which connects followed by a backhand that turns the Ninja around to face the ropes. Kimie pushes into her lower back and into the ropes. As Missy bounces off them, Kimie falls and rolls over onto the Ninja for a quick pin!

The ref slides to count but Missy kicks out before he can even raise his hand. Quick to react, Kimie grabs both of the Ninja's long agile legs and in a flash ties them up in a fiqure-four leglock. Missy screams and slaps the mat in pain and frustration being outdone. Lifting her butt off the mat to increase pressure, Kimie growls and pulls at the extended leg of her opponent.

Garry: The Syndicate takes control early on! I have a feeling that they will not give it up easy!

Clawing and scratching at the canvas, the Ninja pulls the smaller girl toward the ropes. Kimmie struggles and pulls herself gritting her teeth but slowly she is losing this tug of war. Suddenly, two hands snag Kimmie under her arms and pull her and Missy along back to the middle of the ring. A few surprised cries come from the direction of Wendy Wildcat and Amanda Sinclair. Both of them hop into the ring just as Lisa makes her way back to the Syndicate corner pointing at the two "rule breakers" for the ref as he is ushering her back out.

As Lisa steps back out of the ring onto the apron, the referee runs over and blocks the attempt by the two Bloodlust members to do anything about the extremely painfu hold held on one of their beloved members. Lisa smirks and sticks a leg back out as if to come back in behind the ref's back. Wendy growls and pats Amanda on the shoulder to get back out before Perfection can do anymore damage.

Sandra: The ref had better take charge here. He is quickly losing control of this match.

Garry: Yeah! He keep those loser's mits off of the Dream and Kimie! Come on Ref! Do your job!

Tears start to blur Missy's vision but she chokes them back as her discipline kicks in. She knows what she has to do. Slowly she turns her body to the left trying to pull Kimie over with her. Laughing, Kimie easily counters pulling the opposite way. Suddenly, Missy jerks back the other way! Kimie gasps but twists her body back to counter again only to be flipped onto her stomach as Missy turns to the left after feinting to the right.

Sandra: Good reversal by the Ninja!

Stepping to Kimie now, the ref asks her if she submits. She shakes her head and screams as another dose of pain shoots up her leg. The pressure was now reversed. A hand appeared in front of her. Desperately she grabbed it and is hauled forward onto the bottem rope. Pointing a finger at her, the ref warns Lisa not to interfere anymore here or be disqualified. Lisa scowls at the lowly employee of the Battling Ring Angels and moves back to her corner. Nevertheless, the ref makes Missy break the hold and both woman rub at their legs trying to get feeling back in them.

Garry: Both women are hurt! Missy is trying to take the low road back to her corner but she has a long way to go.

Sandra: That she does...and Kimie just has to reach out practically to Lisa which she does.

The official signals a tag which Lisa reacts to in a heartbeat. Leaping through the ropes, she throws a punch into the lower back of the red Ninja. Missy flops back to the mat mere feet from her cornermate's waiting hands. Pulling the Ninja to the center of the ring, Lisa grabs her by the hair and lifts her to all fours. Lisa steps forward shoving her opponent's head in between her legs and locks her ankles together. Bending a little at the knees, Lisa jerks up squeezing the head of the Ninja in between her well shaped legs.

Sandra: Looks like the Syndicate is going to try and drain the energy right out of Missy. She is in real trouble!

Garry: She needs to make a tag. Although I'm not sure if that will improve the chances of her team winning. Ha!

Smiling evilly at Wendy specifically, Lisa does a little bump and grind move while holding the Ninja in place. Wendy growls but continues to shout encouragement to her friend. Amanda keep yelling as well the same thing over and over again. Finally the screaming pays off. Lifting up as Lisa is about to jerk up again, Missy pushes Perfection up and over her into a backdrop. Taking a step forward to keep her balance, the Ninja takes a breath before limping over to her corner to finally make a tag.

Amanda accepts and enters the ring ready to pounce. She is full of energy and ready to face off against wrestling's All-American Sweetheart. Lisa smirks at her opponent and chuckles gesturing for her to come on. Amanda complies and meets the Celestial Champ in the middle of the ring with a lockup. Using her agility, Lisa darts around the waist of Sinclair and holds onto her waist. Feeling the Dream on her back, Amanda launches two quick elbows that catch Lisa in her face! Lisa let's go and steps back holding her face and screaming!

Garry: Oh! OH NO! That isn't allowed against such beauty!

Lisa pulls her hands back and spots a small dab of red in one of her palms. Her lip curls and she begins to shake as she looks up just in time to see Amanda's arm catch her squarely in the neck dropping her on her back. Lisa moans and lays their spread out in the middle of the ring defenseles. Picking her up by her head, Amanda glides Perfection to her corner and tags in Wendy knowing how much her friend wants to beat on this little wench!

Sandra: The tables have turned here! Lisa is the one in trouble now!

Climbing her own corner, Wendy stands their poised to strike as Amanda Hoists Lisa up into a side backbreaker. She holds her there as all Lisa can do is hold her back in pain. Wendy leaps and extends both legs coming down hard across Lisa's neck. Flipping wildly, Lisa lands hard onto the mat on her stomach. She can barely move already as rough hands pick her up by her hair dragging her to her feet.

Bending Lisa at the waist and slapping on a quick headlock, Wendy kicks out one of her legs and drops back for a bone-crunching DDT! Lisa flops to the mat dazed and not sure where she is. Kimie stands on the bottem rope screaming at the official to get things under control. Just then, Missy hops onto the top turnbuckle and does a footplant right into the back of Lisa Dream! Lisa screams and rolls in agony on the canvass as the onslaught continues.

Garry: This is not fair! Evonne is supposed to be here!

Sandra: That as it may be...wait a minute!

"Goldfinger" rips across the arena as heads turn toward the entrance once again. A figure appears there with burning rage in her eyes. The CEO of Carmikel Inc. moves with purpose toward the ring. She ignores the jeers of the fans and the cheers of even the Carmikelholics. She starts to pick up speed slowly until she is running at breakneck speed! Approaching the ring, Evonne slides under the ropes and turns to face one of her opponents...her first victim...

Garry: Yes! Yes! Praise the Lord! Evonne does not look like the happy little lovechild tonight!

Throwing a quick Europeon uppercut into Wnedy's chin, Evonne then lashes out with a side kick to the gut that doubles the Wildcat over. Wendy looks up surprised as a sweep makes her crash to the mat. Taking Lisa by the arm, Evonne pulls her enforcer over to her corner, steps out, and tags herself in. She comes back in and the ref warns Evonne that this is a clean fight. She glares at him and he flinches. If those eyes could shoot the fire of her rage, the ref would be well-done.

Sandra: Evonne has come to the ring and taken charge! She seems to be back to her normal self...if that is good I'm not sure...

Garry: Of course it's good! Look at her! She's been out of it for a littlw hile and she can still beat any of those women in there!

Picking the Wildcat up by her blonde locks, Evonne looks up to see the Ninja ready to pounce from the top rope. She buys the Wildcat some time by having Evonne let her go, but she is caught as she attempts a crossbody block and her own momentum used against her with a powerslam! She gasps and feels the air rush out of her lungs. Picking the Ninja back up, Evonne throws her toward the ropes where a hand grasps onto her boot and pulls her out of the ring entirely. Turning her around, Kimie throws a punch to the gut of Missy followed by a kneelift. Missy slides along the apron to the ground as Kimie smiles evilly at her.

Evonne turns and is hit by a forearm from the last remaining possible person. She falls back into the ropes but uses her momentum to gain speed. Thrusting an arm out, Evonne catches Amanda with a neck breaking clothesline that downs the Bloodlust member. Turning back to the Wildcat who is just getting to her feet, Evonne pivots on her left heel throwing a kick into the undefended stomach of Wendy. She bends over and feels two legs hug the sides of her head. Her arms are pulled up and suddenly the mat meets her head heavily. Turning the unconcious and obviously surprised Wendy over, Evonne covers her without hooking a leg. She glares over at Lisa letting her work in the ring speak for what will happen in the match with her enforcer to come...

The official counts to 3 just as Amanda gets to her feet to try and save the day. The bell tolls three times and Evonne's hand is raised in victory! She pushes the official away and climbs back out of the ring to the theme of "Goldfinger". Small golden dollar signs start to fall from the rafters once again. Lisa follows holding her nose and Kimie smirks at the crowd stopping every so often to pose for them.

Sandra: Wow! What a fight! Evonne Carmikel is back and even more deadly than before!

Garry: Did you see what she did to Bloodlust!? Wow! She took all of them on and didn't even break a sweat! Ha!

Sandra: If she came out with the rest of her team I think this match would have gone differently. We have to cut to a comercial folks. Stay tuned for more Battling Ring Angels action!

Winner: The Syndicate 1

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