logoTina Dream and Veronica Millions vs. Kelly Mase and Missy McKinley

Tina Dream and Weronica Millions vs. Missy McKinley and Kelly Mase.Sandra: Hello everyone and welcome back. This next match features a newly formed tag team from the Body Shop, Tina Dream and Veronica Millions. Tina was a part of the tag team, the cheerleaders, who briefly held the BRATTT. That's Battling Ring Angels Tag Team Title for those of you that don't know.

Garry: Very clever, did you think that up Sandra?

Sandra: Actually it was Archangel that thought up that acronym.

Garry: (looking around nervously) Then it is positively brilliant. Tina was a member of the Cheerleaders, but that team has broken up since the drubbing they took at the hands of Simply Divine at the last PPV. Veronica was teamed with Zantara Underworld in a match against the Babe Squad, a match which didn't end well for them. I think there is now some bad blood between the two former stable mates.

Sandra: I don't think Zantara understands the concept of team work required in a tag team match.

Garry: I think there are a lot of concepts Zantara doesn't understand, like sanity. Her mere presence drove Miss Carmikel to insanity, and she may never recover from the effects. She is still in the hospital in a coma, I don't even think she will make her match tonight, because of it.

Sandra: Evonne is in a coma because of the uncalled for sneak attack by Little Alexandra. Zantara's presence doesn't drive people insane. She may be a little different, but she is not some horror from a Friday the 13th movie.

Garry: Don't count on that, Moving along. Tina and Veronica's opponents tonight are Kelly Mase and Missy McKinley. Another new tag team.

Sandra: This team is so new that I don't think they have even met each other before tonight, let alone trained together. I saw Missy wandering the streets of Las Vegas calling out Kelly's name in hopes of finding her.

Garry: That could be a trap. That Kelly Mase is some kind of spy or secret agent. That whole story about them not knowing each other may be some kind of disinformation.

Sandra: Disinformation?

Garry: Yeah! That's spy talk for lies.

Sandra: Anyway. This team features a veteran with lots of ring savvy and a rookie that has been impressive in her first couple of matches, But I don't think they will be able to stand up to the team work that Tina and Veronica will display.

Garry: I'm not so sure about that. I think that individually Kelly and Missy are better wrestlers than Tina and Veronica. Team work is over rated. When they are in the ring, it is one on one. I think Kelly and Missy will win this match easily.

Sandra: We'll soon find out because here comes the first team.

( A blaze of fireworks and lights will appear in front of the entranceway. Tina and Veronica emerge, arms in the air. Tina will be wearing a blue thong bikini and knee high tigerskin boots, while Veronica will be wearing a white bikini and black boots as their music blasts over the PA. Veronica carries a chair waiting and looking for early action as Tina watches slyly for signs of a sneak attack. As they make their way down to the ring, Tina will perform a series of cartwheels and somersaults before taking the chair from Veronica while Veronica performs a series of backflips for the crowd. As they reach the ring Veronica will flip up onto the ring apron and giving Tina her hands will pull Tina up giving Tina momentum to ropeflip somersault into the ring. While Tina parades for the crowd in the ring watching the arena, Veronica will take hold of the top turnbuckle and go into a handstand then performing a backflip somersault into the ring and landing beside Tina. )

Sandra: That was an impressive entrance by this new tag team. They have shown that they will work together already. I think this team will go far.

Garry: Not too far. The hospital is only four blocks from the arena. Here comes Kelly Mase and Missy McKinley.

("The sweet Nashville twang of "That Don't Impress Me Much" by Shania Twain fills the arena as out steps Daisy Crenshaw in a leather bodysuit and a black cowboy hat, she tips her hat to the crowd and smiles as she motions back to the entrance where Missy McKinley makes her grand entrance! Dressed in her white cowboy hat, vest and leggings, Missy glistens as the light hits the sequins on her get-up! She holds high her classic-white wooden guitar as she raises her head to the sky, with the lights above shining in the lens of her sunglasses. She struts to the ring oblivious to the crowd and the world around her, Daisy holds the ropes open for her as she heads for center ring, and tosses her hat to the crowd like a frisby, letting her long, flowing black hair falls down her back. Daisy steps in behind Missy and reaches around her unfastening the buttons on her vest, then tearing it open, revealing Missy's sequined, barely-there white bikini top. A few men in the crowd whistle as Missy climbs to the top rope and just looks out over the crowd, chuckling to herself. She tears away her leggings to show her zebra-skin boots that almost mold to her curvy legs, stopping just above her knees. Her sequined white hot-pants have her name "Missy" written eloquently across her backside. Daisy gets in real close to Missy and removes her sunglasses for her and gives her boss a "hug" for good luck!)

Garry: I like that entrance. Missy is a country and western singer. Maybe after the match she can entertain the fans with a couple of her hit songs.

Sandra; Missy has had some hit songs? I thought the only hits she ever had, were the ones she received from her opponents in her prior matches.

Garry: That's not true at all. She is a great singer.

Sandra: Well so much for team work. I see Kelly mase didn't even join with her in the entrance.

Garry: That doesn't mean a thing. Here comes Kelly now.

( As the lights dim, red pyrothecnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as "Live and Let Die" blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance�nothing, Kelly "The Assassin" Mase is not there.)

Sandra: Where is Kelly?

Garry: I don't know. There must have been a glitch.

Sandra: If she doesn't come out soon, Missy will have to face Tina and Veronica on her own.

Garry: Maybe Kelly is busy on some covert operation. She could be hacking into your bank accounts and syphoning all your money out of them. She does that you know, for a price.

Sandra: Really?

Garry: She is very good at it, but very expensive.

Sandra: How do you know that?

Garry: (Looking a little guilty) It's . . . ah . . . just . . . Ah . . . Something I heard. That's all. I wouldn't try to hire her to use a computer to rob you.

Sandra: I didn't say you would. You seem to be acting guilty about something.

Garry: ME! No! I have nothing to act guilty about. (Quickly changing the subject) The ref is talking to the time keeper. He seems to be indicating that this match will turn into a two on one match. Tina and Veronica are laughing over this. Missy looks worried.

(The ref signals for a mic. Before he can get one, someone jumps out of the crowd behind Dream and Millions, diving into the ring and jumping them before they know what hit them. She then tosses Millions over the ropes. )

Garry: There's Kelly. I knew she wouldn't chicken out. She got a few good licks on Tina and Veronica before they knew what hit them. Veronica looks hurt as she lies on the floor.

(The ref signals for the bell as Missy steps out of the ring. Kelly and Tina are in the ring exchanging punches. Both land several that have a telling effect on their opponents.)

Sandra: Tina was taken by surprise by that sneak attack but she has recovered well, as she whips Kelly into the ropes. A well-executed drop kick to Kelly's knee. Kelly falls to the mat clutching her knee.

Garry: Veronica seems to have recovered too. She is on the ring apron in her corner now.

(As Kelly rolls on the mat. Tina grabs an arm and places it in an arm bar. Tina forces Kelly to her feet and drags her toward Veronica. Tina tags in Veronica, who leaps to the top rope and springs off landing an elbow to Kelly's locked arm. Kelly screams in pain as Tina laughs and exits the ring. The crowd starts to boo, the boos become louder.)

Sandra: What is the crowd booing for? That was a well-executed move and perfectly legal.

Garry: They aren't booing Veronica. Look who just entered the arena.

(The camera pans to the source of the crowds reaction. Zantara Underworld, in her tattered purple pinstripe suit is approaching the ring.)

Sandra: What is she doing here?

Garry: Perhaps she wants to cheer on her former tag team partner?

Sandra: Cheer her on? I doubt that. Zantara left the Shop in anger. She is probably here . . . EEEEEEK!

(Sandra is suddenly cut off as Zantara has grabbed her head set. Sandra: gestures wildly as she says some unheard things to Zantara. Zantara puts the headset on and begins speaking into the microphone.)

Zantara: Is this thing on?

Garry: Yes it is. The Tv audience can hear you just fine. Are you going to be a special guest commentator for this match?

Zantara: Shut up! I'll do the talking from now on. It's about time BRA got an announcer that is really an expert, unlike the lame brains they have on regularly.

Garry: If you are going to be an announcer you have to sit next to me.

(Garry pulls the chair out from under Sandra, dumping Sandra on the floor. Sandra screams loud enough to be heard through Garry's mic. Sandra gets up and leaves the arena in a huff.)

Zantara: I would rather spend a week on the equator than ten seconds next to you, scum boy.

(Zantara walks closer to the ring. This way her comments can be heard by the wrestler as well as the TV audience.)

(Meanwhile back in the ring, Kelly is trapped in Veronica's corner. Her right arm dangles at the side, still effected by the flying elbow drop. Kelly is desperately trying to tag out but Veronica has managed to keep her away from Missy. Veronica sends Kelly into the ropes and clothes lines her to the mat.)

Zantara: Veronica whips her into the ropes . . . and delivers the weakest clothesline in wrestling history!

(Veronica is distracted by the sound of Zantara's voice, she turns toward her. This gives Kelly enough time to kick Veronica and send her into the ropes. Kelly struggles to her feet and runs to her corner to tag in Missy. Missy enters the ring and faces an enraged Veronica.)

Garry: Veronica seemed to lose focus there. She had Kelly in a bad situation . . .

Zantara: SHUT UP! No one wants to hear your stupid comments.

(Missy smiles a seductive smile and winks at Veronica. Veronica looks at Missy as though Missy has just grown a horn out of her head. Veronica goes for a kick to Missy stomach, but the singing sensation grabs her leg and spins her around. Missy grabs Veronica's hair and hair mares her to the mat. Veronica lands with a thump. The C and W star attempts to wrap legs in s figure four leg lock but Veronica kicks Missy in the stomach before she barely gets started.)

Garry: Missy goes for the figure four but it's way too early for a move like that.

Zantara: Whatever! These girls are in worse condition than the world's oldest woman!

Garry: Ah Zantara . . . We are supposed to be neutral commentators.

Zantara: If I want your opinion I will give it to you.

(Veronica is quickly on her feet. She goes to the ropes and jumps on the bottom one springing off into a drop kick that knocks Missy to the mat. Veronica grabs Missy's hair and prepares to bring her to her feet)

Zantara: And Veronica Millions horrible flubs up another move!

(Veronica turns her head to yell something at Zantara but all that comes out is a loud OOFF! As Missy hammers her unprotected gut with a vicious right hand. Missy lands a series of punches that cause Veronica to back away, holding her stomach.)

Garry: Once again Veronica has allowed herself to be distracting by the words of Zantara.

Zantara: Once again Garry has shown his stupidity by stating the obvious.

(Missy gets to her feet as Veronica backs into her corner and tags in Tina. Tina leaps into the ring prepared to go toe to toe with Missy. Missy sends her flying backward with a thrust kick to the belly. Missy moves in and is met by a series of punches to the midsection. Missy doubles over.)

Zantara: ...And Tina delivers a series of viciously lame punches . . .

Sandra: What do you mean lame?

Garry: Sandra! You're back.

(Slap! SLAP! SLAP!)

Sandra: That's for pulling my chair out from under me. I had to go in back to get another head set.

Zantara: Stop interrupting me!

(Tina places Missy in a side head lock and begins running across the ring. She drives head into the mat with a viscous bull dog. Missy hits the mat hard and bounces. Tina quickly gets to her feet and turns Missy on her back. She makes a threatening gesture at Zantara and leaps into the air driving her head into Missy's groin. Misty squeals in pain from the low blow. The ref warns Tina about the use of low blows, but Tina ignores him as Missy rolls on the mat in pain. Tina brings Missy to her feet and begins to rain a series of punches on her midsection chest and head. Missy reels from the force of these punches. The crowd boos Tina for the low blow.)

Sandra: That low blow by Tina seems to have taken all the fight out of Missy. The fans don't seem to like Tina's actions.

Garry: The fans have finally caught onto Tina and her cheating ways. Of course Tina is a shopper and everyone knows that all shoppers cheat.

Sandra: Not all shoppers cheat.

Garry: Yes they do. It's the only way they know how to win.

Sandra: Peggy Christian doesn't cheat.

Garry: She also doesn't win.

Zantara: Can you cut this mindless chattering and get back to some intelligent analysis? You two just shut up and let me do the talking. The TV viewers' intelligence is dropping with every word you two brainless wonders say. It's not like the morons that watch this show have much intelligence to spare in the first place.

(Tina backs Missy into a corner with her punches. The ref tells Tina to stop when Missy grabs the ropes but Tina ignores him. The ref steps between them forcing Tina away from Missy. Missy uses the ref's body to shield her as she sends a snap kick into Tina's belly. Tina doubles over and staggers backward. Missy moves out of the corner and grabs Tina by the hair and sends her to the mat with a hair mare. The ref cautions Missy about grabbing hair but Missy just smiles at him. She goes to her corner and tags in Kelly, who has been stretching her hand out to make the tag. Kelly enters the ring and grabs Tina. Kelly lifts Tina over her shoulder and then falls backward to the mat. Dropping Tina in a big Samoan Drop. Kelly gets to her feet and rolls the stunned Tina onto her back. Kelly puts Tina's feet under her arms and leans back in a Boston crab. Tina screams from the pain. Tina begins to claw her way to the ropes. The ref asks Tina if she submits, but Tina shakes her head no. Tina continues to claw her way to the ropes as Kelly leans even further into the crab. Tina screams in pain but refuses to submit. With a final burst of strength Tina reaches the ropes. The ref signals for Kelly to break the hold, but she doesn't.)

Sandra: A lot of courage shown by Tina in getting to the ropes. I don't think Kelly realizes that they are now in Tina's corner.

Garry: Veronica reaches down and tags Tina's hand. The ref signals that the tag is made. He starts counting for Kelly to break the hold.

Sandra: Veronica climbs to the top of the ring post.

Garry: (Shouting) WATCH OUT, KELLY!

Zantara: Were you born stupid or do they pay you extra to act that way?

(The ref's count reaches four as Veronica reaches the top of the turnbuckle. Kelly breaks the hold and stands only to be sent to the mat with a flying clothes line from Veronica. Tina painfully rolls under the ropes and out of the ring.)

Zantara: A terrible flying clothes line by Millions . . .

(Veronica quickly gets to her feet and runs to the side of the ring that Zantara is on.)

Veronica: If you're so great, why don't you step into the ring with me? You insane icicle idiot.

(This distraction allows Kelly to get to her feet. She is still groggy from the surprise clothes line. Veronica turns her attention to Kelly and viciously kicks her in the knee. Kelly hobbles but doesn't go down. Veronica moves in to kick her again but is met by a quick chop to the throat that makes her reel backward, gagging. Kelly moves in quickly and whips Veronica into Kelly's corner. Veronica hits the turnbuckle with such force that her heads snaps back. She bounces out of the corner but is hauled back into it by Missy, who has a firm grasp of Veronica's hair. Kelly moves in quickly to deliver a series of blows and chops to the trapped Veronica. Tina enters the ring to try to help her partner. The ref sees her and blocks her. Tina tries to get around the ref, but he grabs her and tells her to get out of the ring. Tina struggles against the ref as he physically forces her out of the ring. Veronica is taking a terrible beating at the hands of Kelly. Missy is also getting in shots to Veronica's kidneys and back. Veronica holds on to the ropes to keep herself upright but this leaves her open to the kicks of Kelly. The ref turns from removing Tina from the ring, just as Missy lets go of Veronica. Kelly steps back to deliver another kick to Veronica but before she can do it, Veronica lashes out with a foot that strikes Kelly in the groin. Kelly'd mouth forms an O and her hands go to her wounded body. She slowly droops to her knees. Veronica staggers out of the corner as the ref gets in her face, reading the riot act about low blows. Veronica continues to stagger across the ring and tags in her partner. Kelly, meanwhile, crawls to her corner and tags in Missy.)

Garry: Another low blow by a shopper. What a surprise.

Sandra: Hey! Kelly and Missy were double teaming her in their corner. She had to get out of that.

Garry: Win by any means necessary. That's the credo of the Body Shop.

(Tina runs toward Missy and attempts a drop kick, but Missy dodges it. Tina lands on her back. Missy brings Tina to her feet by means of a handful of hair. She then delivers a series of kicks to Tina's face stunning her. The kicks land with sickening "whacks" and snap Tina's head back. Each kick brings a moan from Tina and drives her into a corner. One of the kicks starts a trickle of blood from Tina's lip. Missy winds up to deliver a big kick to Tina's face, but Tina ducks under it. Tina runs out of the corner to the other side of the ring followed by Missy. Tina leaps to the second rope and springboards off it into a back elbow that nails a surprised Missy in the nose. Blood gushes from Missy's nose as she staggers backward. Tina hops to her feet and runs toward the bloody singer. Missy steps toward Tina and surprises her with a bear hug. Missy drops her hands to Tina's thong and grabs hold of them. Missy grunts and sends Tina face first to the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Missy gets to her feet as Tina flops on the mat. Missy grabs Tina's feet and attempts to put her in a Boston Crab. Tina kicks back strongly sending Missy crashing to the mat. Tina, who stands and goes to Missy, rakes her fingers over Missy's face. Missy screams and covers her face with her hands. The ref warns Tina again. Tina runs to the ropes and leaps off the second rope in a moonsault that nails Missy to the mat. Tina rolls Missy up for the pin. Kick out at the two count.)

Sandra: Tina almost had Missy there.

Garry: It wasn't even close. Did you see the strength of Missy's kick out?

(Tina brings Missy to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Tina goes for a spinning mule kick, but Missy has managed to grab the ropes to keep her from bouncing off them. Missy runs to her corner and tags in Kelly. Kelly moves toward the surprised Tina and nails her with a short arm clothes line. Tina hits the mat hard.)

Garry: This is a good match. Both sides have shown good wrestling skills.

Sandra: It is a good match. I thought this would be a beat down by the Shoppers. But Kelly and Missy have shown surprising ability.

Zantara: Now that we have heard from dumb and dumber I will give you an expert opinion. This match proves the league is scraping the bottom of the barrel of losers!

Sandra: How can you say that?

Zantara: I can say it because I am not paid to make four jobronis look good.

Sandra: I am reporting you to Amanda Strike.

Zantara: Why don't you do it now? I hear she likes to spend her time listening to mindless prattle.


(Veronica Millions has sneaked away from the ring and found a chair. While Zantara was making her comments she snuck up behind Zantara and hit her over the back of the head with the chair.)


(A woman has run out of the stands and hit Missy over the head with her own guitar at almost the same time that Veronica hit Zantara with the chair.)

Sandra: There is suddenly more action outside the ring than inside. Veronica has attacked Zantara with a chair for saying those nasty things about her.

Garry: And someone has hit Missy over the head with her guitar. Breaking it in million pieces. I guess she won't be giving a concert after the match tonight. Who would do such a thing?

Sandra: I think Missy guitar sounds out of tune. The woman that attacked her is that rookie wrestler, Mia Lexington. They call her "the daisy."

Garry: Well, I call her the doozy. That was a mean trick to play on Missy.

(Missy falls to the floor of the arena from the impact of the guitar. Mia grabs Missy's arm and throws her into the ring post. Missy makes solid contact with it, opening a gash on her forehead. Veronica tries to hit Zantara in the head with the chair again but Zantara grabs it before she can. They struggle for control of the chair. Zantara lashes out and kicks Veronica in the belly with her steel toed boot. Veronica grunts and doubles over. Zantara puts Veronica's head between her powerful thighs and wraps her hands around Veronica's waist. She lifts Veronica up and then falls backward to the floor, driving Veronica's head into the concrete floor of the arena with a pile driver. Veronica fops on the floor. In the ring, Kelly picks up the gagging Tina and slams her to the mat with a power slam. Kelly picks Tina up again but is surprised by Tina sticking a finger in her eye. Kelly screams and steps back as she covers her eye with her hand.)

Garry: The action is too fast to call. Talk about your three ring circus! We have three different fights going on at the same time.

Sandra: I'm rooting for Veronica. She at least got that rude and obnoxious Zantara off the air.

Garry: Veronica doesn't look to good. That pile driver into the concrete floor seems to have KOed her.

Sandra: Well, your Country singing sensation isn't in much better shape. At least her guitar was put to good use by Mia.

(Mia attempts to whip Missy into a ring post again, but Missy reverses the move and sends Mia flying across the arena. Mia misses the ring post and continues until she runs into Zantara. Zantara had just put a face claw on Veronica as the beginning of the finisher the Hades Hazard. Mia knocks Zantara away from Veronica. In the ring, Tina and Kelly are circling each other looking for an opening. Kelly extends her arms offering a test of strength. Tina accepts and moves toward her with her arms raised. Kelly moves quickly side stepping and getting behind Tina. Tina squeals as she is out into a reverse bear hug. Kelly lifts her up and then brings Tana crashing down on her knee in a brutal Atomic Drop. Tina hops around the ring holding her crotch. The ref doesn't know which fight to watch. He is screaming at Zantara and Mia to leave the ring area and trying to keep an eye on what is going on in the ring.)

Sandra: The ref has lost control of this match. Any thing can and probably will happen now.

Garry: Veronica is getting to her feet slowly as Missy shakes the cobwebs out of her head.

Sandra: Zantara seems to have found somebody new to beat on as she and Mia exchange punches.

Garry: We need to get security in her to get these outsiders away from the ring.

(In the ring a smiling Kelly Mase approaches the hurting Tina Dream. Kelly tries to out her in a front face lock, but backs away, screaming in pain from another low blow from Tina Dream. The ref turns to the action inside the ring and sees both wrestlers doubled over. He is not certain who did what to whom. His attention is soon turned outside the ring as he hears a loud "CLANG". The ref sees Veronica, who has recovered enough to feel the full effect of a boot choke being applied by Missy. Veronica struggles on the floor to get out from under the foot of Missy. Mia has grabbed Zantara in a side headlock and rams her head into the steel barrier between the fans and the ring. That is the source of the clang. Mia is surprised by the sound for a split second, just enough time for Zantara to reverse positions and ram Mia's head into the barrier.)

Garry: (Shuddering) I will never get used to the sound of Zantara's head hitting things.

Sandra: That steel plate does make weird noises.

Garry: It also protects her from things liked being rammed into steel barricades. Zantara doesn't seem phased by it, but Mia is wondering around counting stars circling her head.

(The ref begins to yell at Missy to break her boot choke as Veronica's face turns three different shades of blue. Security finally arrives at ringside and forces Mia to leave the ring area. Security tries to remove Zantara, but she resists them. Zantara grabs her head set and is pointing at it and saying something to security. Back in the ring both Kelly and Tina have recovered enough to get together in a clinch. Tina does a legsweep faceslam, then drops her knee into the middle of Kelly's back She moves quickly and locks on a dragon sleeper. Tina pulls Kelly up into a sitting position and locks on a body scissors around her waist.)

Sandra; This may be the end. Tina has managed to put Kelly in her finisher move, the "Perfect Sleeper".

Garry: Kelly is fighting against it, but I don't think she will be able to break it.

(Zantara has put her headset back on. She speaks into it.)

Zantara: Bobby, tell this moronic rent a cop that I am an official announcer.

Garry: Who is Bobby?

(Zantara walks to Garry and puts her hand on his shoulder. It looks like a normal touch, but it is actually a nerve pinch.)

Zantara: Tell the security guard that I have permission to be here Tommy.

Garry: OOWW . . . yes . . . She a special guest announcer.

Sandra: She is not a special . . . OOOOWWWW!

(Zantara has put the same nerve pinch on Sandra.)

Sandra: Wait, I'm wrong. OOOWW! She is a special announcer.

(The security guard shrugs her shoulders and walks away.)

Zantara: Well, you can teach old dogs new tricks. Where was I before I was so rudely interrupted? Oh yes Dream applied that truly pathetic finishing move of hers. With a finisher like that is it any wonder that she rarely wins?

(Kelly is screaming in the ring as she struggles against the perfect sleeper. The ref hears the screaming and turns his attention back to the ring. Missy hears the screaming too. She turns to see her partner weaken from the effect of the sleeper. Missy reaches into the top of her boot and pulls something from it. Kelly continues to struggle but she has grown weaker. Missy runs to the ring apron as the ref raises Kelly's hand for the first time. It falls listlessly to the mat. Missy puts the thing from her boot onto her fingers. The ref raises it a second time, before he can release it, Missy charges into the ring and nails her with a fist to the back of the head. Tina slumps from the punch.)

Garry: Missy really packs a wallop with her punch.

Sandra: Missy packs brass knuckles with her punch.

Garry: She does not.

Sandra: Look at her fist. That's a set of brass knuckles on them.

Zantara: What difference does it make? That moron hit Dream in the head. A punch there is not likely to do much damage.

(Missy quickly removes the brass knuckles and throws them out of the ring.)

Garry: I don't see anything.

Sandra: Neither does the ref. He seems to be checking Missy's hand but she has already gotten rid of them.

(Kelly has regained her senses and gets to her feet. She is wobbly on them. Tina is on the mat, counting the stars that dance before her eyes. Kelly brings Tina to her feet with a wrist lock. Kelly walks to her corner and tags in Missy. Kelly walks to the center of the ring forcing Tina to go with as she keeps the wrist lock on. Kelly brings Tina over her head in a press slam, then bring her down on top of her knee, pushing down on the head and knees of the Tina to bend her over Kelly's knee. Missy runs and leaps to the top rope and does a springboard asai moonsault landing across Tina's outstretched head and chest. Veronica gets to her feet and jumps up to the ring apron. She attempts to enter the ring but is stopped by Kelly who is leaving the ring. Veronica and Kelly trade punches as Missy goes for the pin. The ref drops to the mat.


(Veronica grabs Kelly and tries to whip her across the ring. Kelly grabs Veronica's arm and refuses to let go.)


(Veronica sticks a thumb in Kelly's eye causing Kelly to shriek and let go of Veronica's arm. Veronica runs across the ring and nails Missy with a drop kick.)


Sandra: It looks like Veronica got there in time to save her partner from a pin.

Garry: No, the ref is signaling for the bell. He holds up Missy and Kelly's hands in victory.

Sandra: It was close, but I thought Veronica had saved Tina just before the ref's hand hit the mat.

Zantara: It doesn't matter what you think. The ref has ruled that the Shoppers lose. What a pathetic exhibition this was by Millions and Dream.

Sandra: How can you say that? Tina and Veronica gave it their all and put on a great show.

Zantara: GREAT SHOW? Why don't you go back and lick Amanda's boots? That's how you got this job isn't it? You wouldn't know what a goog wrestling is if it bit you on the butt.

(Zantara walks backward up the wrestlers entrance. Her microphone is turned off but she continues to yell pithy criticisms at Tina and Veronica.)

Sandra: We have to go to commercial now. Don't go away folks we'll be back with more BRA action after these words from our sponsors.

The winners: KELLY MASE AND MISSY MCKINLEY by pinfall

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