Sabrina Perizi
Skye Soaring Hawk
Little Alexandra
Three Way Match

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(Roaring with satisfaction, the crowd gazes upon, waiting for the next match to begin. Garry and Sandra, the tried and true announcers, staples of the BRA organization, anxiously fidget, as the crowd cheers.)

Sandra: Garry, our next match up will not be for the week of heart. Little Alexandra, the biggest nutcase in BRA, with the sole exception of Zantara Underworld, will be in a three-way watch up with Skye Soaring Hawk, another hulking brute, as well as Sabrina Perezi.

Garry: Oh yeah, Sabrina is doomed! Doomed! What Little Alexandra fails to accomplish, Skye will finish off. That Americana wanna-be is gonna be killed! I love it!

Sandra: What is your beef with Sabrina, other than the fact that she plays fair and she embodies what a good role-model should be?

Garry: Bah! You just answered your own question! Besides, this Sabrina person is a total flake. Do you want her facing Nina in Paris for the TV title?

Sandra: Not only that but I hope she kicks her ass and becomes a real champion. We’ve hardly had a decent person as the TV Champion, as Yvette is anything but a good role model.

Garry: (pausing) Um, you’re just mad because Yvette has a bigger chest than you do!

(As Sandra growls at the rude comment, she secretly looks down her blouse, curious. ‘People of the Sun’ by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, wearing her jeans vest appears. She wears matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat. She strides down the aisle, a wide smile spreading across her face as she slaps hands with the cheering crowd. She slides under the bottom rope, tossing her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan, finally sinking into the corner to wait for the bell.)

Garry: She is looking mighty fine, tonight! Hotty McHot Hot!

Sandra: Calm down, Custer.

(Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ is the next sound heard. Booing, the fans know who is next. Before the classical piece can play too long, it is suddenly, and violently cut off, replaced by ‘The End is the Beginning is the End’ by the Smashing Pumpkins. As the crowd boos and jeers, they are shocked to find that Little Alexandra, the odd protégé of Dentonvale, is nowhere to be seen. Taking longer than her usual immediate appearance, it seems as if the British brawler is not showing.)

Garry: Why is it that so many people disappear and not show for matches? These people do have contracts, you know. Besides, despite how creepy Little Alexandra is, she does have a nice butt. Now that she is not coming, that deprives me of seeing yet one more supple and nubile young lady.

Sandra: (looking off camera and highly perturbed) Someone fire him!


(The lights dim, again, cutting off any further discussion by the argumentative pair. 'Through The Never,' by Metallica comes over the PA, and Miss

America Sabrina Perezi enters the arena to a loud cheer from the crowd. She

wears a light blue sash with the words, 'Miss America' running across

it. A blue one-piece suit further compliments her ensemble, with red and white stripes across the top half. Sabrina's boots have her initials on them, and she wears her blond hair in a ponytail. To finish off, Sabrina wears red knee-savers and white boots. After a few moments, several flash pots explode and with great excitement, Sabrina slaps hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Sabrina enters the ring and poses, while red, white, and blue flash pots explode behind her.)

Sandra: Pay attention, Garry. This is what you do to get people to like you.

Garry: (growling) I bet I know how YOU got people to like you . . .

(The official stalls for a few moments, perhaps trying to wait for Little Alexandra. However, as Skye and Sabrina glare at one another, he knows that there is only so long that he can keep them apart. Not waiting any longer, he signals for the bell and the two ladies spring into action. Skye is the first to connect with a hit. She lands a perfect boxing punch to the jaw of Sabrina, knocking her backwards. Skye follows up with another punch to the gut, slamming, like iron to the blonde. Skye, clearly taking control early, looks around, wondering where the third member of the match is, obviously looking forward to a hardcore match with the insane brawler. Almost as if on cue, there is movement behind Garry and Sandra. Unbeknownst to Sabrina or Skye, Little Alexandra rises above the two announcers, having been hidden under a tarp, and behind boxes. The screams of the crowd go unnoticed by the pair, as they are focused on the match. Little Alexandra wears her white slacks, suspenders, and cut-off white shirt, barely coming over her breasts. With an evil smirk, she raises her walking stick, high above her head and begins to come down mercilessly on Garry and Sandra, beating them with her stick. Laughing the entire time, she attacks like a woman possessed. Upon finishing the beating, the pair lay face down on the table and the sinister girl stares down at them, and shouts between unsettling giggles.)

Little Alexandra: I never liked either of you. You gollen on and on about useless tripe! And I don’t like being called ‘crazy.’

(Meanwhile, back in the ring, Sabrina has reversed the situation on Skye. A series of high-flying moves from Sabrina has Skye dropped to the mat, getting up, and dropped back down. The frustration on her face, being quite apparent, has the large Native American desperate to get back with her power moves. A sudden missed shot by Sabrina allows Skye to capitalize, seizing her by the arm and sending the powerful blonde into the ropes. On the bounce back, Skye gives her a stinging clothesline dropping her, followed up by stomps to the midsection, winding Sabrina. As Skye prepares her next move, she happily sees Little Alexandra enter the ring, throwing her walking stick to the outside. The British blonde, stomps her way to Sabrina, prepared to mete out her own punishment. Skye picks Sabrina up and before the good girl can react, Skye has placed her in a full Nelson. Without saying a word, Little Alexandra begins hammering away with rabbit punches, connecting each time with Sabrina’s midsection. The jabs, painful as they are, take a toll on her, but Sabrina is made of tougher stuff.)

Skye: Hit her! Hit her again!

(Like a grinning toady, Little Alexandra is all too happy to comply, making this a two on one match, hoping to disintegrate Sabrina’s chances of going to Paris to face Nina, ‘the Goddess’ Larue. Like a boa constrictor, Skye tightens her grip on her, holding her more steady for Little Alexandra. The British brawler is caught off guard, however, as Sabrina raises her foot, slamming it into her midsection. When Alexandra comes back for another attack, Sabrina plants her foot into the smaller girl’s face, sending her spiraling backwards and knocking over the official. Both fall to the ground stunned. With her renewed energy, Sabrina begins a series of drives, with her elbow, into Skye’s ribs, causing her to shout out in pain. As soon as Skye’s iron grip is released, Sabrina breaks free, and shoots across to the ropes, jumping over the two people on the mat. Springing back, Skye attempts a punch, but misses, as Sabrina ducks under her and on the rebound, slams Skye in the back, knocking her prone, as well. Deciding now for a high risk/high payoff move, Sabrina jumps backwards, taking a seated position on the ropes. However, the huge Native American, rises to her feet rapidly, and thunders towards the unsuspecting Sabrina. Meeting her, Skye catches her in the lip with a fist, and with a shriek, Sabrina realizes she is bleeding. The ruthless Skye follows up with another shot to the face, climbs the ropes, and flips Sabrina off, the blonde landing on her back with a bounce. The crowd boos over their ‘good girl’ being manhandled. Little Alexandra, the psychotic mental patient, has gotten to her feet, and shaken her head, clearing away the sudden kicks that Sabrina hand landed upon her. As Skye moves in for the kill on Sabrina, Little Alexandra jumps over, pushing Skye out of the way. Initially offended by the move, Skye takes the opportunity to conserve her strength. Little Alexandra lands and elbow to the throat of Sabrina, and gets up, dropping another. As Little Alexandra rises again, prepared to pull off some further dirty trick, Skye is horrified as Sabrina swings her leg, catching the British girl in the stomach, throwing her back. Skye gets hit by the stumbling Little Alexandra and they both get knocked into the corner. Sabrina rolls out of the ring and checks her lip, still bleeding.)

Little Alexandra: Bah! The malenkey blonde made good on an escape. (turning to Skye) You jump out and go left. I’ll go right. We’ll catch the devotchka!

(Nodding, Skye leaps out and goes one way while Little Alexandra does the same the other way. Sabrina sees them both coming and prepares herself. Fortunately for her, Little Alexandra stops and begins digging under the mat, likely for some weapon. Sabrina groans at the idea, but tries to make the best of it, by meeting Skye on the outside. Skye blurts out an obscenity as Little Alexandra seems to have suddenly changed the very sensible plan. Meeting on the outside Skye and Sabrina prepare for battle, Sabrina sucking in her breath, as she did not want a toe-to-toe slugfest with the Native American. Within seconds, Skye begins pounding the blonde with hard rights and lefts. Sabrina, while fighting back, clearly takes the worst of it. Shortly, Skye’s powerful fists, backed up by her toned muscles have turned Sabrina bloody once more. Still fighting, the blonde has now come to terms with the violent and driven Skye, desperate for some change in the events.)

Skye: How did you think you would beat me this time, when you couldn’t beat me the last time?!

(Little Alexandra, finally finding the object she was looking for, comes up from the ground with a large sheet of glass in her hands. The official, now cognizant and getting to his feet, sees what is going on and decides that activities on the outside of the ring are ‘fair game’ to the stiff competitors. However, he begins the twenty count. Still slugging away, Skye and Sabrina are entertaining the wild and cheering fans, giving them exactly what they want. Neither, however, see Little Alexandra creeping up towards them, as they are embroiled in the bitter and furious combat. As soon as Little Alexandra reaches them, she lifts the glass high above her head and swings down atop Sabrina. At the last moment, Sabrina ducks and the glass crashes down on Skye’s head, shattering into thousands of pieces and blood exploding from the huge woman. As the crimson liquid flows down her face, Skye screams in anger at Little Alexandra’s incompetence and miscalculated attack. Briefly, even Sabrina seems to have slight sympathy for the now-bloody Skye, her face covered in scarlet. Sabrina recoils in momentary fear, happy that it was not she that received the attack. She quickly rolls back into the ring, getting out of the two snakes that have been double-teaming her.)

Skye: You idiot . . . !

Little Alexandra: (giggling nervously and waving her hands defensively) Oh, now Skye, there is a perfectly good explanation, I assure you. But that does viddy like a nasty cut, er, cuts . . .

(If it had been any other woman, Skye would be flattened by the attack from the glass. Years of hard knocks and violent matches had hardened the Native American. What she could not control was her temper as she lashed out in anger at the small woman, who was her temporary partner. A solid fist slammed into Little Alexandra’s face, a fist any boxer would have been proud of. Not content with a simple punch, Skye then, looking through bloodied eyes, delivered two successive blows to the blonde and as she doubled over, applied a DDT, knocking Little Alexandra’s head onto the hard concrete.)

Official: Get in the damn ring, Skye!

(Wearily, the bloodied Skye gets back in the ring, only to be greeted by a double axe handle smash by Sabrina. Skye’s vision, now blurry from the blood, never saw it coming. Whatever sympathy Sabrina had for Skye has left, as she delivers another smash into Skye’s midsection, but at least both women made it to the ring. Desperately, Skye lowers her bloody head and thrusts it into the throat of her opponent. Sabrina chokes, unable to react as Skye seizes her by the hair and drops to the mat, executing a beautiful jawbreaker. As both women lay on the mat, moaning and trying to conserve their strength, building up for a new attack, the official nears the end of his count for Little Alexandra. However, as he reaches ‘18’ she slowly slinks back in the ring, rubbing her forehead.)

Little Alexandra: (approaching Skye) I am terribly falicked about the mix-up out there, but I tried to hit her!

(Little Alexandra tries bringing Skye to her feet but the Native American seems furious still, at the psychotic blonde, and pushes her away. Sabrina, having gotten to her feet, still hunched over, rubs her jaw, glaring at Skye. Sabrina’s eyes darken and still with a hunched swagger, gestures Skye to come towards her, with a most unsettling look.)

Sabrina: C’mon, Skye, let’s go!

(Sensing more time needed to try and recuperate, Skye whips Little Alexandra into Sabrina, using the smaller girl as a weapon. Little Alexandra, startled, receives a clothesline from the determined Sabrina. The force knocks the psychopath to the mat. Skye, picking glass out of her was hardly aware of the evil blonde being dispatched. Sabrina charges forward, leaping onto Skye. The blow from her body, takes them both down and Sabrina, now having Skye off her feet, begins hammering away at the Native American. Both women, now bloody, are weary and broken. Frustrated, Skye launches her powerful hands around Sabrina’s throat, choking her, biceps straining with anger and force. The official, seeing this, races to call her on it. However, Little Alexandra, trying to make amends for her earlier mistake, sweeps her leg, tripping the official to the mat, preventing the count.)

Little Alexandra: (looking down at the official) Oops. Dopey, me!

(Skye, now insane with pain and rage, rises from the mat, still clutching Sabrina with both hands, by the throat. Squeezing and contorting her face, Skye lifts Sabrina off the mat, the blonde’s feet swinging. The Native American begins muttering something in her ancestral tongue and has a look of deranged ferocity on her.)

Skye: (in a near-psychotic state) For the massacre at Kas-ki-yeh . . .

(Skye throws Sabrina across the ring, causing the blonde to land with a thud. Little Alexandra, now no longer interested in continuing her chat with the official, detaches herself from him and pounces, like a jackal, on the downed woman.)

Little Alexandra: (on her hands and knees, sneering at Sabrina) Now, to make up my razoodok on what to do with you . . .

(Little Alexandra’s gloating is cut short as Sabrina manages to thrust her arm up, locking it around her neck, slamming the British blonde face first into the mat. Sabrina uses Little Alexandra to bring herself to her knees, only to look up into Skye’s eyes. The Native American grabs Sabrina by the hair and pulls back her fist to punch, but the blonde patriot reacts, saving her from instant oblivion. She bunches her fists together and slams them into Skye’s stomach, doubling her over. Sabrina launches up, and executes a swinging neckbreaker planting Skye on her back. Turning quickly and seeing the deranged and evil Little Alexandra throwing a punch, Sabrina falls backward, throwing up her legs and locking them around Little Alexandra’s neck. Using her leg muscles, she throws the blonde across the ring as she falls backward. Skye reaches out but grasps at air. Sabrina does a back flip to her feet, but it is clear that she is weakened, and drained, her vigor drained from her. She snaps her arm out, latching on to Skye’s as the Native American rises. Skye soon finds herself thrown into the ropes and on the way back, is greeted with a clothesline. Intense pain races through Sabrina as she feels something digging in her back. Little Alexandra has leapt upon her, as if wanting a piggyback ride and delivers a series of kicks to the square of Sabrina's back with her black combat boot. The official, not liking what he sees, races over with the intent of prying the psychopath off Sabrina or throwing her out of the match. Sabrina, immobile from the weight, can only fall backwards, and in so doing, crushes Little Alexandra, forcing air out her lungs. As the bloodied and battered Skye rises to her feet, she uses the turnbuckle as a crutch, concerned that the blood is still flowing from her head. Sabrina gets up, close to delirium and launches herself into the turnbuckle, crushing Skye. The two Amazons, now locked in a series of punches, are merely weakening one another. Their intensity drives them on however. To all but the brain dead, the two women’s seeming hatred for one another is apparent. Skye steps forward, attempting to land a powerful blow, but Sabrina has the agility to side step the attack and plants Skye to the ground with a DDT. Little Alexandra, merely gapes onward, not even noticing what is going on, in a state of near catatonic paralysis. Sabrina ignores her and goes for the cover, but Little Alexandra snaps out of her gaze at the last moment, kicking Sabrina in the back, before the official can count to three.)

Skye: Alexandra, do something, you clod!

(Sabrina turns to face Little Alexandra, who has now snapped her fingers, as if remembering something. The smaller girl has jumped out of the ring, and gone underneath the ring covers, looking for something she must have places. To the audience, only her legs and rear end are visible. Skye has rolled out of the way, as Sabrina is busy trying to keep track of both her opponents - one who is fiercely attacking her and a psychopath providing a mild distraction with her incoherent babbling and occasional dirty tricks. The official is now keeping track of Little Alexandra, counting her out, one number at a time.)

Official: 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . 11 . . .

(Sabrina and Skye move to the center of the ring, both barely able to stand due to the punishment they have taken and both covered in blood and sweat. The match, if Sandra and Garry were conscious to call, would be one of the more physical they had seen in recent weeks. Skye throws Sabrina into the ropes and on her way back, they clothesline one another, both landing on the mat.)

Official: 14 . . . 15 . . . 16 . . . 17 . . .

(Skye is the first to rise, and begins kicking and stomping all over Sabrina’s prone body, but not with the strength she once had. However, the kicks and stomps still feel like bricks to Sabrina who groans with every bit of force of the impact. Satisfied that Sabrina is weakened, Skye picks the blonde up, and applies a bear hug from behind, wrapping her powerful biceps around Sabrina, squeezing as hard as she can. Sabrina thrashes in pain and her eyes bulge. Skye throws her into the turnbuckle and when Sabrina bounces off, coming back, Skye applies a reverse DDT, crushing Sabrina onto the mat. Some of the more hardcore fans begin chanting, ‘Bird of Prey,’ and it appears that Skye is not going to disappoint, making her way to the ropes. The official, meanwhile, has shouted for the disqualification of Little Alexandra, who has not returned in time for the twenty count. Suddenly, Little Alexandra appears, curious at what the official is saying to her about being thrown out of the match. She has in her hands a glass jar of Planter’s peanuts, apparently the only thing she could find. The confused official decides to take no guff from Little Alexandra and shouts for her removal. Finally, the fact that she has been tossed out of the match sinks in, and she begins throwing a major tantrum. She ends by throwing the jar of peanuts at the official. He ducks and it goes sailing past, hitting Skye in the stomach as she is prepared to leap onto Sabrina. Instead she clutches her stomach and curses wildly, again angered that Little Alexandra made a blunder. As she rethinks her strategy, it is too late. Sabrina has gotten to her feet and charges to Skye, slamming into her stomach, clutching her outfit, and flipping her off the turnbuckle. Skye lands on her back with a crash, and she screams in pain as she arches her wounded back. Desperate, weary and exhausted, Sabrina climbs to the same turnbuckle Skye was on, launching herself off with a corkscrew splash; the Star Spangled Splash. Upon landing on Skye, the Native American is crushed from the blow and her eyes flutter beneath the blood. The official lands on the mat, offering up a three count. The bell rings, but neither woman move, both destroyed from the brutal match. The ringing of the bell causes Garry to stir.)

Garry: Ugh. My head hurts! What happened? (punching Sandra in the arm, causing her to get up) Hey, stupid, wake up!

Sandra: Ouch! Dammit! What happened?!

Garry: I dunno! I think that psychopath, Little Alexandra hit us!

Sandra: Yeah, I was just told we missed the whole match! But it looks like Sabrina won . . . somehow.

Garry: She did? Dammit!

(As the camera fades out, Sabrina, the victor, is seen ascending the ramp, slowly and in pain. Skye is speaking to a medical technician and security is having a few words with Little Alexandra about her antics.)

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