Marquise Yvette Malreaux
Laura Parker

By: ToneDef

There is a burst of pyrotechnics as the show comes back from commercials, and the jumbotron comes to life, displaying a multitude of scenes. The first few is of Laura Parker and Yvette Malreaux, celebrating victories in the ring and conversing like good friends. Then, there is another explosion…and what is displayed is the insults that have been flying back and forth between the 2. Yvette, insulting Laura by implying she has a large posterior. Laura, badmouthing Yvette.

Sexy Sandra: "That’s right, Ladies and Gentlemen, it all comes down tonight to what I feel, is the greatest match on tonights card. A submission only match, between one time friends, Yvette Malreaux and Laura Parker!"

Gruesome Garry: "Weren’t there some other stipulations thrown on on top of that, as well?"

Sexy Sandra: "This is going to be one amazing match…both of these women are at the top of their game in this league, the best of the best, despite their somewhat devious methods…"

Garry: "Devious? Didn’t you see last weeks match, between Yvette and the DREAM? That had to be the most respectful match that I have ever seen in that squared circle!"

Sandra: "Well, we won’t be seeing that tonight, that is for sure! A lot of tempers flaring between these two…and the utter humiliation of having to cry out your opponents name to end the match…"

The Jumbotron comes to life, and there is a scene of a reporter holding a microphone, chasing after Yvette Malreaux, who looks to be making her way to the ring. The reporter obnoxiously yells at Yvette for a few comments…and, after a couple of repeated attempts, Yvette spins around, fire in her eyes, and grabs the microphone away from the reporter.

Yvette Malreaux: "Yvette Malreaux does not know fear. She simply IS fear. I tried to warn you, Laura Parker. I tried to give you a chance. It is most unfortunate that you chose to take me up on my offer of a match. You will serve as a sorry example for all those who think that playing games of betrayal with me is some type of humorous affair. The humiliation that I suffered, due to your backroom deals, is nothing - absolutely nothing - when compared to what I am going to do to you tonight. "Pain and suffering will take on new meanings for you, witch. My dear cousin, Andre-David, has begged me not to go through with this. I merely scoffed at him. However, after tonight it will be impossible for him to love someone who is disfigured and broken! Watch as my fury is unleashed, child!"

She then tosses down the microphone, and makes her way towards the exit from the dressing room area.

Sandra: "This is going to be one anger fueled match, that is for sure…"

Garry: "This is gonna be great, I love both of them, and seeing them tear into eachother….man, this is going to be amazing!"

Sandra: "Your parents should have consulted some psychiatrists for you at an early age…"

The first few bars of the French National Anthem play, then it is cut off, overshadowed by the explosions, fireballs, and spotlights around the exit. The jumbotron shows scenes of terrorism, violence, sex and explosions, follwed by the Lord of Acid’s ‘Out come the Evil’. Yvette emerges from the curtains, clad in her white S & M outfit style outfit with a white crop and a cage. She throws her head back, laughs, and extends both arms, forming a ‘Y’. She then curses at the audience, and makes her way arrogantly to the ring. Merci is forced to trot to keep up with her.]

Sandra: "I have to say that I think that the dominatrix, here, has the edge in this battle….she thrives on cruelty, and I’m willing to bet that she’s taken a bit more punishment than Laura…"

Garry: "Yvette looks ready, too, focused. All of her anger focused like that…*shudders*…I would NOT want to be Laura right now!"

The lights in the arena go dark as "Do you really want to hurt me" by Boy George and Culture Club plays through the sound system. The angletron erupts with pictures of Laura helping Yvette to win her matches. One shows Laura in a red and white striped shirt attacking Wendy Jones during Yvette's match with Amanda Sinclair. Another shows Laura dressed as an old woman attacking Princess Peg during Yvette's match against her. Another shows Laura as the same old lady attacking Cosmo McKinley during Yvette's match with Little Alexandra. The last one shows Laura entering the arena with Yvette and Kayla when they fought Skye and her partner.

Sandra: "Playing for the sympathy? I’m not surprised that Laura would try this front, she is a rather deceptive character…"

Garry: "I don’t care! Anytime that I get to gaze upon her impressive visage is time well spent indeed!"

A spot light shines on the wrestlers' entrance as Laura Parker steps through the curtain. Laura is dressed in a white catsuit with silver over the knee boots and silver elbow and knee pads. There are silver threads sewn into the suit causing the light from the spotlight to reflect off it. Her hair is worn in two pony tails. Andre David Malreaux, the love of Laura's life and cousin to Laura's opponent walks beside her. He is dressed in a black Armani suit and gray collarless shirt. Willie Wienersnitzel, Laura's Hollywood agent, walks behind the two. He wears his usual cranberry "disco" suit white shirt with the top four buttons unbuttoned, full Cleveland and five pounds of gold chain around his neck. On his head is perched the world's worst toupee.

Sandra: "And here comes the entourage! Is it just me, or does Willie’s outfits get more extravagent each time we see him?"

Garry: "Willie?!? Whose Willie?!? I’m busy looking at Laura!"

Laura doesn't smile, but rather looks sadly at Yvette. She walks slowly to the ring, not acknowledging the reaction of the crowd. The crowd is reacting in the usual mixture of boos, cheers and catcalls. Laura slowly enters the ring as Willie and Andre David stand on the floor of the arena in Laura's corner. Laura is given a mic by the ring attendant. She looks sadly at Yvette as she speaks.

"Marquise, Your Grace. I have always considered us friends. IN fact I thought of you as the sister I never had. You were and still are the best friend and confidant I have ever had. (Laura begins to cry softly) Now you won't even talk to me. I didn't want to say these things in public, but every time I try to speak with you on the phone or go to your castle you will not speak to me. This is the only place I can be sure that you hear my words and not what others are telling you about me. (Laura begins to cry harder) You are my best friend Yvette. I don't want to fight you. But you have been saying that you want to hurt me. No punch or kick or submission hold can hurt me as much as your rejection of my friendship. When I first came into the Battling Ring Angels, you befriended me. I would have done anything for you. . . .sob . . . I even sacrificed my movie and TV career for the person I thought of as my one true friend . . . sob . . . sob . . . But now you say . . . gasp . . . That . . . sob . . . you want . . . sniff . . . to . . . SOB . . . hurt me. (Laura breaks down in uncontrollable tears. She finally collects herself enough to continue.) I don't want to hurt you. I . . sniff . . . Just want . . . sob . . . to be . . . SOB . . . friends again. (Again Laura breaks down in uncontrollable tears.) Can't we end this match now? Do we really want to hurt each other? Can't we end the anger with a big hug?"

Sandra: "I…I don’t believe this…Laura has spread her arms out wide, and looks like she wants for Yvette to actually hug her!"

Garry: "Nooooo! I came here to see some battle, damnit! I don’t’ want them patching things up!!!"

Sandra: "Yvette actually moves in, and the two hug eachother…wait a second! Laura undoes the back of Yvette’s bustier and steps back!"

Garry: "YEAH! Let’s see some titties! The crowd wants to see them, too!"

Sandra: "What a despicable action from Laura Parker…Yvette thought she wanted to patch things up there, but Laura took the opportunity to expose her! Yvette clutches the front of her garment, to prevent herself from being exposed…"

Garry: "No! BOOOO! Come on, Yvette, I think that injuring Laura is much more important than a little show of skin!"

Sandra: "And Laura hits Yvette hard over the head with the microphone! Yvette goes down, still holding her bustier to her, and this match is underway!"

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And Laura immediately begins to stomp away on Yvette, hitting her with everything she’s got…you know, those boots do not look like regulation issue…"

Garry: "Come on, Yvette, show us the Saddies!!!"

Sandra: "Do you ever think of anything else? Smart move by Yvette….she somehow manages to find the momentum to slide out of the ring, and she leans against the ring apron."

Garry: "Laura follows her outside…already we have moved out of the ring!"

Yvette manages to reattach her bustier, much to the chagrin of the male audience, and attempts to move away from Laura, but Laura grabs a hold of her blond hair, and drives her face down onto the ring apron.

Laura: "Did you think that I would let your insults go unpunished?"

Garry: "Laura pulls Yvette off the ring apron…a knee to the belly doubles Laura over, but the brunette follows it up with a slap…and then a whip into the guardrail!"

Sandra: "The referee isn’t even doing anything to maintain order, I guess that this really is a no holds barred submission match."

Garry: "Which is the way all matches should be! Laura prances for the crowd…then goes to whip Yvette into a ringpost…reversal! Laura bounces off of it with authority!"

Sandra: "Yvette still looks fairly winded, but she manages to pull Laura to her feet, and roll her back into the ring!"

Garry: "Yvette follows, stands….and begins to hit Laura with a bunch of stomps, punctuating each hit with a comment!"

Yvette: "You! (stomp) Should! (stomp) Give! (stomp) Up! (stomp) Now! (stomp) Save yourself the humiliation and disgrace! (stomp) Sae yourself from weeks of traction! (stomp) Save yourself from me ending your pathetic career!"

Laura, somehow, manages to make it to the ropes, and, better yet, orders the referee to make a break, which he does. Yvette appears to comply…but, as soon as Laura has made it to her feet, Yvette is right there, hitting Laura with a series of solid jabs and chops that reels the gorgeous model.

Sandra: "This isn’t wrestling…this is just outright brutality on the part of the Marquise…"

Garry: "Come on, Yvette, pay her back for exposing you! Take off her top! Show us the Parkers!"

Sandra: "You are a sick little man…Yvette follows it up with a solid DDT, and then she parades for the audience, asking them what they would like to see her do to Laura!"

Garry: "Laura, however, trips Yvette to the ground when she comes back over….too early in the match to think that it was hers!"

Laura quickly rolls on top of Yvette, and begins to hit her with a bunch of solid punches to the face, which the Marquise attempts to block, but cannot. The blows break Yvettes lower lip, so that she is now bleeding. Laura then stands, elbow drops the Prone Marquise in the face, pulls her to her feet, whips her into the ropes, and Hurricanranas her to the mat.

Sandra: "I think that’s the most technical move that we have seen all night…"

Garry: "Laura spreads Yvettes legs….falls to her back, placing her legs against Yvette’s….a legsplit submission hold! Damn, I love this hold!"

Sandra: "Somehow, I’m not surprised…a move we have not seen much of here, Laura essentially has forced Yvette’s legs apart, with as much strength as she can muster!"

Garry: "Yvette looks to be in a fair bit of pain…mmmm-mmmm, keep it on, Laura, keep it on!"

Sandra: "The referee asks if Yvette submits…Yvette merely spits on the official, but she is far away from the ropes…and cannot reach Laura, this is a nice hold!"

Garry: "I’d like to see this move tried on the Cheerleader, I heard she can bend her legs a full 180….actually, I’d like to see this move tried on any of our lovely ladies!"

Laura maintains the hold for a bit, smiling for the fans, but eventually chooses to break it after realizing that Yvette is not going to give up. Getting to her feet, she goes to the top rope, and hits Yvette with a moonsault just as the blond is getting to her feet. Yvette looks pretty hurt, and does not even struggle as Laura pulls her to her feet, and slams her back into a corner, striking her with a series of chops to the chest.

Sandra: "Laura is certainly taking it to the arrogant blond…Yvette looks the worse of the pair, her lip bleeding….her chest now red from this attack.."

Garry: "Laura suddenly pulls back, and bites her lower lip, looking at Yvette…what the hell is she doing? The crowd doesn’t understand either…"

Sandra: "Maybe feeling some sympathy?"

Garry: "Laura moves back in…and it met with a knee to the belly! That’s what Sympathy gets you!"

Sandra: "And a heelkick to the face takes down the model!"

Yvette: "When I am through with you, your career as a model with be over with, let alone as a fighter."

Yvette wipes some blood from her lip, and suddenly removes the large belt wrapped around her waist. The crowd boos her quite audibly as she gets behind Laura, waits for her to struggle partways to her feet, and begins to whip Laura with the belt across the back, each connection echoing through the arena like a gunshot.

Garry: "Damn, I did not see this happening at all!!! Laura is in a huge amount of pain…her back is turning red from the brutal attack…"

Sandra: "Laura tries to get away, but Yvette keeps following her….This is awful….no! Alexandra Parker gets into the ring, behind Yvette, and grabs the belt from her!"

Garry: "Yvette spins around…sees Alex…boot to the belly, followed up with a stunner takes down Lauras teammate!"

Sandra: "But the threat has been neutralized…Yvette kicks Alex out of the ring, her belt going with her…she moves back to Laura, who is leaning in the corner…and a solid spinning back heelkick takes Laura in the face!"

Garry: "Laura goes to the mat…I think…yes! Her nose is bleeding now…

Sandra: "Yvette pulls Laura to her feet…pulls her over to a turnbuckle, she mounts the top rope…..BULLDOG from the top rope! Wow, I really think that Laura is in trouble here!"

Garry: "I love this match! Yvette smirks for the jeering crowd, moves to pull Laura to her feet again….Laura suddenly wraps her legs around Yvette’s head, in a headscissors!"

The gorgeous model uses her leg strength to pull Yvette to the ground, and lies there, applying pressure as she recuperates from the damage inflicted upon her. Yvette struggles, arms and legs flailing, but she cannot pull free of the hold, though she does not submit when asked. After lying there for a bit, Laura suddenly removes something from her right boot. It is a banner, that says WIDE LOAD. With a smirk, she smacks the banner onto Yvette’s posterior, and slaps it a few times, just to make it stay in place.

Laura: "Now THAT’S what I call truth in advertising!!!"

Sandra: "Wow! Adding insult to injury, Yvette looks livid at the action, and her struggles become even more heated!"

Garry: "And somehow Yvette manages to slip out of the hold! She goes to stand, but Laura grabs an arm, puts a foot in the belly…and flips Yvette over her body."

Sandra: "Followed it up with a scissors, right around Yvette’s…considerable chest, that is bound to cause some pain!"

Garry: "Yvette manages to grab a hold of the ropes, however, and the referee breaks the hold."

Sandra: "Laura quickly gets Yvette into an armbar…she walks to the turnbuckle, mounts the top rope…walks along the rope, jumps off of it…"

Garry: "Elbowdrop to Yvette’s shoulder, wow! What athletisism from the model, I can’t believe she walked along the ropes like that!"

The force of the blow sends Yvette to the mat, and Laura plays for the crowd for a few moments, who appreciatively cheer for the gorgeous woman. Laura then pulls Yvette to her feet, whips her into the ropes, and goes to tilt-a-whirl backbreaker her. However, somehow, when Yvette is in mid air, she gets her legs wrapped around Laura’s head, and flying headscissors her to the mat.

Sandra: "WOW! That came out of nowhere! I didn’t know that Yvette is a high flying type!"

Garry: "I think that a good battle brings out the best in anyone…"

Sandra: "Well, Yvette doesn’t look to be in the best of shape, she gets to one knee and bows her head, she needs some time to rest!"

Garry: "That’s for sure, she’s taken a beating here tonight! Laura stays on the mat for a couple of seconds…but then she gets to her feet, grabs a hold of Yvette’s hair…"

Sandra: "And Yvette clamps on a crotch claw! Laura screams out in agony, and collapses to the mat, as Yvette applies as much pressure as she can in the deadly hold!"

Garry: "Oh, to be in Yvette’s place right now! Laura manages to backpeddle to the ropes…and theres a break."

Yvette gets to her feet, though slowly, and removes the sticker from her rear with a scowl. She then pulls Laura to her feet, walks to the turnbuckle, and begins to ram the models face down onto it repeatedly. The crowd counts along with the strikes, and, when Yvette finally stops, Laura is on dream street. Yvette follows up the move with a hiptoss. Laura lands, but then crawls on her hands and knees, to the other corner, and then stops, in the classic beg off position.

Laura: "Yvette, I still love you! I am your friend! Why are you hurting me like this?!?"

Sandra: "But Yvette will have none of this sympathy play this time, and solidly kicks Laura in the face! I think that split open the models lower lip!"

Garry: "Both of them are pretty hurting units, that’s for sure! Yvette uses the ropes for leverage, and places a foot against Laura’s throat, choking the brunette!"

Sandra: "That is an evil move, and the referee gets in there, to break it! Yvette maintains the hold for a few moments, then releases it, pulls Laura to her feet…"

Garry: "Punch to the belly from Laura…but Yvette still has a hold of her hair, and she goes to whip her into the ropes…a reversal from Laura…and Yvette crashes into the referee!"

Sandra: "That was a hard hit…and the referee is down!"

Garry: "Laura pulls Yvette to her feet…I think that neither of them care too much about the referee being down…and rakes across her face! Followed up with an abdominal stretch! Yvette is in the center of the ring, nowhere to go, this could be bad!"

Sandra: "I don’t know if Laura has what it takes to make Yvette give up in an abdominal stretch…oh wait, what is this?!?"

The crowd suddenly cheers as Lisa Dream emerges from the dressing room area. She arrogantly surveys the crowd, and then makes her way down to the ring. Pinned to her leather halter top is a nametag saying ‘OFFICIAL BRA REFEREE’. She also has her belt.

Sandra: "What the hell is she doing out here?!? And when the hell did she become an official BRA referee?!? I will have none of this!"

Garry: "Hey, any opportunity to be graced by *perfection* is treasured time indeed!"

Sandra: "I don’t think that either of the ladies in the ring have noticed this con artist’s arrival…but Merci sees it, and, taking the opportunity, she suddenly barrels into Laura Parkers entourage, knocking them over!"

Garry: "Laura has released the hold, and has whipped Yvette into a turnbuckle…I think she’s setting up for her finishing manuever! She hasn’t seen Lisa, this is going to get nuts!"

Sandra: "Lisa slides into the ring, as Laura begins her series of cartwheels and flips to Yvette’s corner…"

Lisa Dream enters the ring, removes the championship belt from her waist, and, as soon as Laura finishes her display and stands, she runs full force directly into the title belt. The connection can be heard throughout the arena, and then Lisa begins to arrogantly strut around the perimeter of the ring.

Garry: "Way to go Lisa! This crowd is on their feet!"

Sandra: "What a mockery of a good match to this point…Yvette takes the opportunity, however, to move to Laura, and get her in the Bastille! Her crippling finishing manuever…but the referee is still out cold!"

Garry: "Lisa walks over to where he lies, however…she removes something from her back pocket…it looks like a tape recorder…and holds it next to the referee’s ear!"

From Lisa’s tape recorder (in Laura Parkers voice): "Yvette Malreaux! Yvette Malreaux!"

Sandra: "The referee is signalling to the bell keeper! It looks like he bought Lisa’s little game!"

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "Little game?!? I could swear I heard Laura say Yvette’s name…"

Sandra: "What are you smoking?!? It looks like Yvette gets the win, but a major assist from Lisa Dream! I don’t believe it, this match had such promise…"

Garry: "Yvette maintains Laura in the hold, who is writhing in agony, and Lisa walks over to her, getting in her face!"

Lisa Dream: "Not so *perfect*, now, huh, you imposter! Don’t ever put yourself in the same league as the All American Sweetheart, ‘cause you will ALWAYS get burned!!!"

Sandra: "What a travesty…I think our Celestial Champion should act better than that…"

Garry: "She better not, we all love her for this! Lauras entourage gets into the ring…Yvette, wisely, gets off of Laura, and her and Lisa Dream make their way back to the dressing room area…"

Sandra: "Is this a new association creeping up here? It’s a scary proposition, that’s for sure!"

Garry: "Laura’s entourage are looking into her, making sure she is allright…Laura does not look too impressed with what transpired!"

Sandra: "Can you blame her? She had this in the bag, if it hadn’t been for our gothic champion…if I was Lisa Dream, I’d be watching my back from now on!"

Garry: "I’ll watch her back for her…"

Sandra: "Ladies and Gents, a short commercial break…but we will be right back with some more great action!!!"

Fade to a commercial for the Battling Ring Angels magazine, with a full pin up insert of Darling Katie and Sherry Ann]

Winner through some DREAM-like interference: Yvette Malreaux.






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