Evonne Carmikel vrs Little Alexandra

Lisa Dream special Guest Referee

By: ToneDef

[The camera comes back from commerical to survey the interior of the Battling Ring Angels Stadium, where the sell out crowd is currently on their feet, screaming their appreciation for the matches thus far, and waving their signs in a vain effort for a moment of recognition. The camera spins around to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, Ladies and Gentlemen! It’s been good thus far…but we now come to one of the most involving matches contained on our card!"

Garry: "I’ve been waiting all night for this matchup! Im sick of watching the debbies and the sabrinas…its about time to get some true competitors in there!"

Sandra: "Well, both of these woman are well known for their ruthless tactics in the ring…but what makes this truly interesting is their relationship to one another. And who the referee in this match is."

Garry: "finally, we get graced with a little *perfect* presence!"

Sandra: "An interesting choice, to have Lisa as the referee in this match…not many people know what is going to go down here. Lisa used to be employed by Evonne, but usurped her company…"

Garry: "usurped is such an evil word…I prefer to think of it as taking care of it for Evonne until she is of a better frame of mind!"

Sandra: "Not much has been seen or heard from Evonne, but rumour has it that she is pretty angry…I mean, I would be the same, if some upstart came along and stole away my company!"

Garry: "And L’il Alexandra is Lisa’s new chief enforcer…this is gonna be great!"

[The lights dim, and the sounds of awe music and twinkling stars fill the arena. The blood red letters ‘THE DREAM’ spin and solidify on the jumbotron, and the crowd gets to their feet in the hopes of gazing upon the Celestial Champion. Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music changes to ‘NOOKIE’, by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits from the dressing room area with an arrogant smirk.]

Sandra: "I just do not understand this crowd…how they could possibly like someone such as Lisa is beyond me…"

Garry: "Hey, be careful what you say about the all american sweetheart! And, not to mention, the new head of carmikel industries! And just look at what shes wearing!"

[Lisa is wearing a tiny, referee striped bikini, which earns a fair amount of whistles and catcalls from the appreciative male portion of the audience. She smirks, blows them a kiss, and then makes her way to the ring.]

Sandra: "What? No speeches? No songs of praise? Is this the Lisa we’ve all come to know and love?"

Garry: "Just look at her, Sandra, it’s hard to mistake that figure!"

[Lisa gets into the ring and arrogantly takes up a perch on a turnbuckle as her music is replaced by Beethovens ‘Ode to Joy.’ Little Alexandra appears from behind the curtain with a wild stare. ‘The end is the beginning is the end’ by the Smashing Pumpkins starts, and Little Alexandra comes down the aisle smirking and giggling, like a woman possessed with violence and twisted fury. She is wearing her bowler, tight white outift, walking stick, white midriff shirt and suspenders.]

Sandra: "I tell you, the syndicate is in a sad state of affairs with that woman as their chief enforcer…"

Garry: "I don’t think that Lisa could have made a better choice…she is loyal, she is deadly…and, above all, she is psychotic. I think that Evonne Carmikel is in a bit of trouble here, did you not hear this is a NO DQ match?"

Sandra: "Really? I hadn’t heard that….How did Little Alexandra persuade Evonne to that?!?"

Garry: "I heard it was Evonne’s idea…."

[Little Alexandra gets into the ring, and Lisa hops off of her perch to go and whisper something to her. Nobody can tell what is said…but Alexandra nods, agreeing to whatever her employer is telling her.]

Sandra: "And already Lisa’s loyalties are all too apparent, Discussing her game plan with her enforcer!"

Garry: "Game plan? What are you talking about? Lisa is going to call this one fair and square, She’s just getting a head start on her referees duties! Giving Alexandra the rules of the match! Yeah, that’s it!"

[The Arena lights start to dim down as the dark techno music of Nine-Inch Nails starts to play.]

"Got money, do anything for you"

"Got money, just tell me what you want me to"

"Got money, nail me up against the wall"

"Got money don’t want everything, he wants it all"

[Strobe lights start to flash around the arena as smoke starts to appear at the entrance]

"No you can’t take it"

"No you can’t take it"

"No you can’t take it"

"No you can’t take that away from me"

[A figure slowly starts to walk through the smoke. Her six-foot frame is partially hidden from view as she steps forth from the cloud.]

"Head like a hole."
"Black as your soul."
"I'd rather die than give you control."
"Head like a hole."
"Black as your soul."
"I'd rather die than give you control"

[Evonne steps out of the cloud. She is dressed in her black and gold body suit that is bare up her left side and cross her midsection. On her feet, her Black Gucci wrestling boots. Her hair hangs loosely over her shoulders, as she begins to walk down the ramp. Her eyes are focussed on one person. The Dream. Evonne points at her and glares, her eye’s devoid of any emotion, other than pure hate. Evonne looks slightly different though. The smug look of superiority is gone, replaced with a serious expression, as if giving away how much is really riding on this match]

"Bow down before the one you serve."
"You're going to get what you deserve."
"Bow down before the one you serve."
"You're going to get what you deserve."

[Evonne’s eye’s never leave the Dream as she walks down the aisle. As she reaches the ring, she turns and looks back up the ramp. Waiting, watching as Dr. Cosmo McKinley and the rest of the Dentonvale crew appear at the wrestler entrance. Evonne then turns and glares at Lil Alex as she climbs up into the ring.]

Sandra: "Certainly a…new entrance for the ex-carmikel ceo, I told you she wasn’t too impressed!"

Garry: "You can just feel the tension in the air, as the crowd gets on their feet….Evonne and Lisa are glaring at one another, Evonne had better pay attention to her actual opponent!"

Sandra: "Exactly….Facing L’il Alexandra alone is hard enough, facing her distracted like this…"

Garry: "the Detonvale misfits come down to the ring as Lisa orders the bell to sound!"

Ding Ding Ding

[Lisa arrogantly steps back to a turnbuckle, waiting for the match to begin. Little Alexandra moves towards Evonne, who merely stands there. Evonne says something to the new Syndicate Enforcer, and then points at the mat.]

Sandra: "I think that Evonne is trying to get Little Alexandra to lie down for her!"

Garry: "Fat chance of that happening….Alexandra looks to Lisa for guidance, and Lisa shakes her head!"

Sandra: "Alexandra, back to Evonne, who again points to the mat…Alexandra, back to Lisa, who scowls and shakes her head a second time!"

Garry: "And Alexandra dashes at Evonne…she catches the powerful figurehead…sorry, ex-powerful figurehead…with a jarring closeline!"

Sandra: "Looks like Ms. Carmikels game plan didn’t much work out there…whatever made her think that Little Alexandra was going to lie down for her?"

Garry: "Perhaps the good doctor promised such….all I know is that Evonne is in trouble here!"

[Little Alexandra begins to stomp away on the brunette with deadly force, striking her with full fury in the face, in the chest, in the abdominal area. Evonne tries to get out of the ring…Lisa moves over, and blocks her path of exit.]

Sandra: "Exactly as I thought, the two of them working on Evonne…this is a travesty!"

Garry: "Hey, Lisa is just doing her job as officiating…The match is supposed to stay in the ring! If Evonne had escaped, you would have complained about that!"

Sandra: "Well…."

Garry: "It’s a catch 22 isn’t it with you, Sandra? I don’t think that anyone can win…"

[Alexandra finishes her stomps, hauls Evonne to her feet, and hits her with a solid DDT. She goes for a cover…Lisa chooses not to go for the count, instead, pulling Alexandra to her feet and giving her some instructions.]

Garry: "It sounds like she’s telling Alexandra to go for the head…"

Sandra: "And you see her as the *perfect* referee…I think she’s trying to get Evonne permanently impaired here!"

Garry: "Alexandra nods, pulls Evonne to her feet…Evonne with a martial arts chop to the chest of the brute!"

Sandra: "Followed up with an armbar! Alexandra drops to one knee from the momentum of the attack…"

Evonne: "Stay still you idiot, Remember what Cosmo told you to do!"

Garry: "I don’t think that Alexandra much liked that…she hauls Evonne onto her shoulders, and samoan drops her down to the ground!"

Sandra: "Looks like this is NOT what Evonne expected…"

[Evonne somehow manages to find the energy to roll out of the ring, and she stumbles over to where the good doctor stands. Alexandra remains in the ring…until, of course, Lisa walks over to her, and orders her to follow her ex-boss. Evonne is chatting with Cosmo, her arms flailing about in anger, and, as soon as Alexandra exits the ring, Evonne moves away from her. Alexandra goes to follow, but is stopped by her psychiatrist.]

Sandra: "What is going on here….?"

Garry: "Even the most feeble minded can tell what is going on here! Cosmo is saying something to Alexandra, very heatedly…"

Sandra: "I do believe that Alexandra did not listen to the good doctors directions before the match…I think that Evonne was expecting Alexandra to lie down…"

Garry: "Alexandra stares dully at Dr. McKinley as he continues his tirade….Lisa merely sits on a turnbuckle and awaits their return…"

[Evonne merely waits outside of the ring until Alexandra leaves the doctor and enters the ring. Only then does Evonne go back into the squared circle, and regards Alexandra.]

Evonne: "that is right, Alexandra. Do what the good doctor told you to do."

Sandra: "And I don’t believe this! Alexandra gets down on the mat! She lies down for Evonne!"

Garry: "Lisa is not too happy about this, she moves over to Alexandra and starts to say something to her…Evonne pushes her away! She pushes the referee!"

Sandra: "No DQ, I think that Evonne can do whatever she wants with the referee…"

[The crowd jeers the action as Evonne smirks, and orders Alexandra to flip over, onto her front. Alexandra does so…and, producing a pair of handcuffs from her coat and handcuffs Alexandra.]

Garry: "Lisa is livid! She is ordering Alexandra to get to her feet, but Alexandra is now cuffed!"

Sandra: "I highly doubt that Lisa will make the 3 count on Alexandra…."

[The crowd suddenly roars its approval as Evonne suddenly pounces on Lisa, attacking her with a brutal array of punches and kicks that soon knocks the celestial champion into the corner. Lisa drops to her knees, and sticks her head between the ropes, yelling at the timekeeper.]

Lisa Dream: "She’s disqualified, She’s disqualified! Ring the Bell! Ring the Bell!"

Sandra: "The timekeeper just looks at Lisa…this is a NO DQ match! Evonne cannot be disqualified here!"

Garry: "I bet this was Evonne’s gameplan all along!"

Sandra: "Evonne grabs a handful of Lisa’s hair, pulls her to her feet, and bodyslams the raven haired girl to the ground!"

Evonne Carmikel: "Did you think that you could steal what is mine and not reap the fires of hell for your actions?"

Garry: "This was Evonne’s plan from the beginning! Incapacitate Alexandra…and get Lisa all alone to herself!"

Sandra: "A no DQ match…I tell you, Evonne is always thinking 2 steps ahead here!"

Garry: "I don’t think Lisa saw this coming! She tries to crawl away from Evonne….Evonne again pulls her to her feet, and body to body suplexes her down!"

[Lisa is in trouble here. The bikini attired goth pulls herself over to the ropes, and tries to pull herself up…Evonne follows, but a rake to her eyes stuns the brunette. Lisa takes the opportunity to slide out of the ring, much to the dismay of the crowd.]

Sandra: "Looks like little Lisa is running away…"

Garry: "She scowls, waves her arms at the ring in a ‘screw this’ motion…turns around…and is met with a closeline from Ms. Blush!"

Sandra: "Dr. McKinleys personal secretary! A woman whom Lisa is reputed to having a lot of problems with recently!"

Garry: "That’s for sure! The blond slaps Lisa a couple of times in the back of the head…pulls her to her feet…then whips her into a ringpost! Lisa looks out of it!"

[Lisa lies there, clutching her face as Ms. Blush pulls Lisa to her feet again and rolls her into the ring, where a waiting Evonne is standing.]

Evonne: "I did not climb to the top of the wrestling mountain simply for the view, Lisa, the Syndicate is mine and will always be mine. You are a *perfect* fool to think you could run my company."

Sandra: "Followed up with a couple of stomps to Lisa’s back! Evonne then pulls the smaller woman to her feet…and slides her face along the top rope! Rope Burn!"

Garry: "Attacking Lisa’s *perfect* little features! Lisa pulls away, clutching her face!"

Sandra: "Working on Lisa’s vanity, that’s for sure…this is a domination so far, and the right combatants aren’t even in the ring!"

Garry: "Evonne grabs Lisa….Lisa hits her with a lowblow, doubling her over…followed up with a flashkick!"

Sandra: "A back handspring catching Evonne under the chin with her feet! Nice move there from our Celestial Champion! The force of the blow knocked Evonne back into a corner…"

[Lisa follows, punches Evonne a few times in the face, blows a kiss to the crowd, and then backhands Evonne across the face with the hand she blew the kiss with. She is about to play to the crowd when Ms. Blush sneeks into the ring with a chair, and drives it right down onto Lisa’s head.]

Garry: "OH! And Lisa goes to her knees!"

Sandra: "This is quickly getting out of control…Evonne gets out of the corner, Lisa spins around and puts her hands up…her typical begging off position…"

Evonne: "Only now, at the end, do you realize your mistake, young fool. Now you must die."

Garry: "And Ms. Blush drives the chair right down onto Lisa’s face! Lisa collapses to the mat! I think she’s out cold!"

Sandra: "Not yet, but close enough for all intents and purposes….Evonne grabs Lisa, hauls her over to the top rope, Evonne stands on the top rope…"

Garry: "Evonne pulls Lisa up to the top rope as well, what is she doing?"

Sandra: "Evonne smirks, gets Lisa in the bulldog position…and launches off of the top rope, out of the ring…right down onto the spanish announcers table!!!"

Garry: "What a brutal shot!!!"

[The table breaks under the force of the blow, and Evonne stands as Lisa remains sprawled out in it’s remains. She looks to be unconcious. Ms. Blush comes to ringside, and, grabbing Lisa, hauls the raven haired woman into the ring. Lisa cannot even walk straight, but she does look to be somewhat concious. Evonne gets into the ring…rolls Alexandra onto her back…and covers her.]

Sandra: "What? How can Lisa possibly make the count here? I’m betting she can hardly see straight after a shot like that!"

Garry: "Evonne has prepared for this…Ms. Blush lifts Lisa’s limp hand, and lets it fall. 1. Again. 2. 3!"

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "What a mockery this match has been….what kind of pinfall is that?"

Garry: "A prelude of things to come…Lisa faces Evonne at the upcoming Pay Per View….that is going to be one amazing confrontation, let me tell you!"

Sandra: "This was a joke….Evonne spent more time attacking Lisa than Alexandra! What…."

Garry: "The Queen of the Mind Games comes through again…and she’s not quite done yet!"

[Evonne removes Alexandra’s handcuffs, and uses them to attach one of Lisa Dream’s arms around a rope. Lisa is barely concious, on one knee, head bowed, as Evonne and Ms. Blush begin to beat on her again.]

Sandra: "Haven’t they already had enough fun with Lisa?!?"

Garry: "You can never have too much fun with *perfection*! But she is in trouble here….No place to run to, no place to hide, no one to save her…"

Sandra: "You spoke too soon! Alexandra barrels over to the two of them…a double closeline sends both of them out of the ring!"

Garry: "Alexandra does not look happy!"

Sandra: "She was forced to just lie there and see what was happening with Lisa, I would be angry as well! Ms. Blush and Evonne exit the ring area…their work is done here!"

Garry: "I can’t wait for the Pay Per View!!!"

Sandra: "Ladies and Gents, we will be right back with some more great action, so stay tuned!"

[Fade to a Commerical for Sabrina Perizi Kitten chow, just as Catty as the real thing]

Winner: Evonne Carmikel







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