logoKayla Vandergriff vs. Skye Soaring Hawk: Hardcore Rules

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our next event of the evening - a hardcore rules match. Coming out first from parts unknown, standing at 5'6" and 127 pounds - Kayla "The Ab-Dominator" Vandergriff!

[There is very little fanfare. No pyrotechnics. The curtain opens and the rythmic sound of flesh slapping flesh continues over the P.A. systerm Enter Kayla Vandergriff, much to the displeasure of Skye's fans. Until she gets to the ring, it is obvious Kayla is more than focused on the match, as she doesn't even seem to see or hear the fans cheering and jeering at her. Once to the ring, she rolls under the ropes and stands. She doesn't dance or posture.. she just remains in her corner, but her hands never seems to stop moving or touching her skin as she stands there waiting for her opponent.]

Announcer: Her opponent this evening, from Reno, Nevada, standing at 5'8" and 130 pounds - Skye Soaring Hawk!

["People of the Sun" by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, her jean vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, strides down the aisle, a wide smile spreading across her face as she slaps hands with the cheering crowd. She slides under the bottom rope, tossing her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan, finally sinking into the corner to wait for the bell, when Kayla suddenly rushes her.]

Kayla's foot slammed into Skye's groin with surprsing force. The kick itself hurt - quite a bit in fact - but not as much as Kayla probably intended.

Thank goodness for cups. Still, she'd best pretend it really hurt.

But the protective device was of little use when a second kick landed in her thigh instead. Or when Kayla managed to kick Skye's feet from beneath her.

It was going to be a long match.

The excitement inside Kayla began churning. Her heartbeats where so loud to her own ears, she barely heard the bell ring over it. She briefly admired the gorgeous Native American who now was laying before her, but only briefly.

"What? To slow to catch me?" Kayla laughed. She wrenched Skye's arm as hard she could and whipped Skye into the ropes. She caught the woman in a face-to-face bearhug, lifting her and bringing her down hard in an atomic drop. Kayla held Skye there briefly, if only to feel her warm body twisting against hers.

That's when she noticed something. Something hard ("... and plastic?") on Skye where there shouldn't be anything on a woman. Was she wearing a-?

An earclap from Skye hinted she might not enjoy the bearhug and wanted to be released. The Ab-Dominator happily oblidged, pushing Skye onto her back.

Her opponent rolled on the mat before her, her fans demanding vengence from her. She watched as Skye got on all fours to push herself up, and saw an opportunity. Kayla drove her elbow between Skye's shoulder blades, pushing her against the mat. She could feel the air expel from Skye's lungs. Immediately, Kayla rose again, backing away as Skye scrambled to stand. When the woman was halfway up, Kayla again zoomed in for an attack, sweeping Skye's legs from under her. Skye made an "oof" sound as she clattered to the mat - prone.

But prone did not mean helpless. Kayla saw the the vision of her beautiful opponent replaced by the ceiling of the arena as her own legs were swept from beneath her.

She'd really have to be more careful about that.

Skye was hurting.

Not as much as she could be, of course. She'd taken worse, and this was far from a real beating. But certain areas on her were still smarting, and her thigh muscles still remembered the increasingly annoying visits by Kayla's knee ("Again, thank God for that cup!").

Kayla, she saw, was already halfway to her feet. Thus far, Kayla had been much better on her feet than she'd expected. Of course, that was in the ring.

And this was a hardcore match.

Skye held Kayla by the back of the head and thrust her palm into Kayla's eye. Kayla thrashed immediately like a stuck pig, swinging wildly. One of her talons caught Skye in the midsection, peeling off a sliver of skin. Skye knew this if only because she saw the flesh fragments fly off, not because it hurt.

Immediately, Skye held Kayla by the sides and yanked her up, thrusting her over her head and the ropes. She could hear Kayla slam against the side of the mat on her way down. She turned and saw the gothic beauty laid out on the pavement.

Skye seized the moment, bounding up the ropes and leaping down to land on the girl, feet first.

Kayla saw Skye's figure looming overhead.

She also saw her jumping up and over the ropes, coming down towards her own midsection.

What Kayla did next would be impressive to even her. She slithered back a few inches and snaked hear legs up and over her torso, barely missing being pinned under Skye's feet. As Skye slammed into the floor, Kayla thrust both feet in a stamp, slamming them into Skye's kneecaps. Skye yipped as her knees were kicked repeatedly, but it was obvious this tactic would be far from crippling. If anything, it was a stalling tactic.

With a last double-stamp, Kayla thrust her feet between Skye's knees and forced her legs apart. Skye's footing went, and the Native American slid into the splits. Kayla watched her opponent grit her teeth painfully - obviously not too comfortable. Kayla reached up and grabbed Skye's face, pulling her head into Kayla's legs and tightening around them. She rolled over, lurching Skye's neck at a painful angle. Pinning Skye to the pavement, Kayla pulled Skye's right leg over and began twisting it at the knee, trying to push it out of place. Skye sputtered and gagged, twitching under Kayla.

Kayla looked back again, smiling nastily. Her groping fingers found their way to Skye's groin and went for a clawhold on the senstive area.

And immediately, Kayla yelped as one of her daggerlike nails split down the middle.

She stared, in disbelief, as she saw a piece of plastic peaking out from the corners of Skye's shorts leghole. She really was wearing a cup!

A stray punch entered Kayla's face - a stray, hard punch. Harder than a hit from just a flesh and bone hand, too. As the second hit pushed Kayla off of Skye, by the jaw, Kayla realized there was something else to Skye's gloves - something a lot more solid than her fingers.

And that Skye was a lot more prepared than she was.

Kayla tried to get away, but Skye wouldn't have any of that.

A good kick to the back of Kayla's knees brought her down.

Kayla fell from the kick, clutching her knee painfully. Those steel inserts were paying off. Kayla attempted to rise, but another kick drove deep into Kayla's back. She slammed into the floor and quivered a bit, either completely wasted or stunned from the hits.

But Skye wasn't ready to take a chance. She reached over the guardrail and took hold of a folding chair, then walked to the barely moving Kayla. Three solid whacks found Kayla's upper back as their destination. She rolled a bit, trying to move out of the way.

And for once, Kayla was put in the receiving end of punishment in the stomach as the steel toes of Skye bit into her belly. Over and over again she kicked Kayla mercilessly until the gothic beauty was curled in a ball and groaning.

Skye lifted the girl effortlessly and tossed her back in the ring, following with chair in hand. Kayla rose to stand, but the chair caught her in the back of the head. She went down instantly.

Skye lept and landed, steel heels first, in the back of Kayla's knees. Kayla shot up and let loose a scream, clawing at the mat to get away. Skye had other plans.

As she flopped and flailed, Skye stood strong and proud, latched her hands under Kayla's chin and pulling her up tightly. As the referee checked for submission, Skye slowly ground her heels into the back of Kayla's knees, leaning all her weight there. Again, a shriek, followed with wild hand gesturing towards the referee. Skye could feel Kayla's head nodding in her hands, up and down.

And the bell rang.

"Winner by submission, Skye Soaring Hawk!" the announcer boomed.

Immediately, the woman stood off her foe. Kayla rolled on the mat, clutching her legs and wailing in a mixture of anger and pain. Skye stared at her for a moment. The fight had been brief - but brutile enough. She reached down and lifted Kayla to her feet. Whether Kayla wanted the assistance or not, she did not seem to struggle.

With great care, Skye helped Kayla from the ring and towards the locker room, where a physical therapist would be waiting to check for any major damage.

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