Three Way Dance

Sandra: Hello everyone! Welcome to another edition of the Battling Ring Angels! I'm your host Sandra.

Garry: And me! Garry Grimmoire!

We've got a great lineup tonight! We kick off with a three-way dance involving "The Ninja" Missy Jones, "Miss America" Sabrina Perezi, and ring veteren Alexandria Parker. This one is sure to knock the roof off early in this broadcast.

Garry: I have to go with Alexandria on this one. She's on a hot streak! Sure maybe she lost to Sweet Misty last week but she also pinned her later on in the evening. Man! She's tough!

Sandra: I have to disagree as usual. I'm putting my money on Miss America tonight. She has been on a hot streak stepping out of the ranks of the Battling Ring Angels' newcomers. She has distinguished herself from the others well. Be give Missy Jones credit. She has the speed and counters to pull this one off.

Garry: Next we have Shop veteren Zantara Underworld taking on the newcomer "The Professor" Shannon McCourt. I am not exactly sure how to judge this one. The Nut vs. The Nutty Professor! Ha!

Sandra: Nevertheless it will be interesting to see what the Professor can do the the obviously stronger Zantara Underworld. Will her mind prevail over muscle? A hardcore match comes next! Kayla "The Ab-Dominator" Vandergriff versus the noble warrior Sky Soaring Hawk.

Garry: I give the edge to Kayla not only because...well..I like her more, but because it is being fought under hardcore rules! She is a natural at this sort of thing! Inflicting pain is her specialty. Hardcore rules just means many many more ways to do the job.

Sandra: I'm going to have to agree with you there. This will be Kayla's first match since she took a vacation from the sport...and this match is right up her alley. Sky Soaring Hawk will have her hands full.

Garry: Part of the Marquise's Television Title Tournament continue tonight with the "Not So Sweet" Misty taking on fellow Sisterhood member Nina LaRue. Nina will be more fresh after the brutal match Misty had last week in the "Fall from Grace" match. I have to give her the win here and an advancement to the finals.

Sandra: As much as I hate how Misty has turned out lately, I have to go with her. Her unpredictable nature makes her a dangerous foe to contend with lately. She has been on the up and up in the rankings as well. A tag match has been scheduled tonight as well.

Garry: Kimie Kurita, fresh off her win last week, and Mia Lexington take on the team of Tina Dream and Veronica Millions! The new versus the not-so-new! Ha!

Sandra: I have to give this win to the veterens here. Tina and Veronica have worked together before and work well. They just have that edge every tag team needs to get to the gold.

Garry: Our main event is your favorite and mine, Evonne Carmikel, taking on the psycho from the nuthouse next door, Lil' Alexandra! The kicker is your Celestial Champion, Lisa Dream, will be the referee. I think Lisa will tend to lean toward her friend and accomplice Alexandra in this one.

Sandra: After her antics in Carmikel's company, I am sure she will be against the CEO in this one. Expect a blind eye turned in this one...

"Through The Never" by Metallica booms from the House Speakers signalling the beginning of the night. The fans pop and go nuts ready for the action that is to come. Miss America Sabrina Perezi steps out onto the entrance ramp to the crowd's delight. She is wearing a light blue sash over her wrestling attire with the words "Miss America" across the front of it. After a few moments several flash pots explode and with great excitement, Sabrina slaps hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them flashing her winning smile. Sabrina enters the ring, steps to the center, and poses. Red, white, and blue flash pots ignite behind her illuminating the entire ring and area around accenting the beauty queen.

Sandra: "Miss America" Sabrina Perezi makes her grand entrance this Monday night! She looks ready to delight the fans with smiles and suplexes tonight!

Garry: It'll take more than a pair of hot legs and a white smile to...mmmmm...wait a minute...maybe that is all it takes!

She's a...

Pyros shoot up and pop loudly drowning the next few words out. Before the fans even have a chance to boo her a loud Bam is heard as the ramp explodes with pyro's as well. The crowd all jump back as the heat can be felt throughout the arena. In the middle of the entrance ramp stands Alexandria Parker looking out at all the faces turning back her way, absorbing the hatred from the fans. She wears black form fitting pants with a fire red image embrosed on both sides. Her upper torso is covered by a black, sheer shirt with a fire image across the middle. Standing next to her with Alexandria's tag belt held high in the air is Miss Vanity. Sauntering down the aisle, Alexandria's fire red hair dangles down her back in a cascade of curls. Hopping onto the apron, Miss Vanity pulls the ropes apart for the rich redhead to step through ready for action.

Garry: There she is! There's my pick to win! She looks ready! She's looks intense!

Sandra: Indeed she does look fully healed from that tumble she had last week. Alexandria is ready to strut her stuff in front of this capacity crowd!

The entire arena goes dark and still. A few murmers and some lighters can be heard and sen throughout the dark room. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and an eerie hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing "Riders on the Storm" and the lights pulse dimly. The fans cheer and scream knowing the Ninja is somewhere in the area! A barely noticeable shadow flies from the heart of the crowd, over the top rope, and into the ring. Missy Jones, in full ninja attire, lands silently on the mat. She tears off her hood and black suit in one fluid motion to reveal a charcoal one-piece, solidly filled in all the right places by her lithe, firm muscles. She surveys the landscape carefully looking for where she can press her advantage best.

Sandra: I have to say she has one of the best ring entrances in the sport today!

Garry: Entrances don't mean a thing when it comes to your ability as a wrestler. You can have all the pyros and flashing lights you want and it won't make a difference.

The New York Poet slithers out of the crowd and stands by the announcer's table to greet Sandra and Garry to their surprise.

Poet: Hi there, I just thought I'd let you know how seriously The Ninja is taking this match. Last week she got a good up-close look at Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream...

Garry: Two of the real icons! What an honor it was for Missy to be even in their presence!

Sandra: Ignore him...

Poet: Umm... yeah, well Missy has learned from her encounter with the Syndicate, and will be even more deadly tonight than Sabrina or Alexandria could ever expect. Also, she is ready to unveil her new signature move, "The Shadow". Laters.

The Poet steps back over the railing and into his seat leaving the two announcers looking at each other before addressing the ring once again. The bell rings getting the action underway!

All three girls look at each other waiting to see what the other will do. Coming from seperate corners, they circle to their left. Suddenly, all three spring forward attacking! Miss America and Missy must have had the same thought...for both of them kicked Alexandria in the gut doubling the redhead over. Parker falls to her knees and grasps her stomach as her face twists in agony.

Looking at each other, Sabrina and Missy nod agreeing to a temporary truce. Grabbing Alexandria by the hair, both girls sling her into the ropes. A double dropkick finds the mark and Alexandria stumbles back before falling through the ropes and to the floor. Sabrina is fast on her feet, but Missy twists agily and sweeps her back down.

Sandra: Looks like the truce is over before it began...

Flipping onto her feet, Missy snatches Miss America by the hair. Looking down at Parker as she has gotten to her knees, Missy runs toward the ropes with Sabrina in tow. She throws her easily over the top but her fall was broken by Alexandria. Both women topple back to the concrete moaning in pain. Finally, Alexandria pushes Sabrina off of her and starts to use the apron to pull herself up.

Reaching through the ropes, Missy pulls Alexandria up and into the ring. She shoves her back into the ropes, and starts to unleash a barrage of punches and kicks to the Red-headed Bitch crumpling her. Pushing forward, however, Alexandria pushes her head into the muscled gut of the Ninja before heaving her up and over. Missy lands on the apron smiling at the feeble attempt to fight her off. In a heartbeat, an elbow slams into her nose then again! The Ninja wobbles on the apron before strong hands grab onto the back of her neck. Alexandria drops draping Missy's neck across the ropes. Missy's head snaps back and she gurgles before falling backward onto the concrete.

Garry: What a turnaround! Alexandria is now the Queen of the Ring!

Picking up Missy, Sabrina rolls her roughly back in to give Alexandria something to play with as she gets back in. Alexandria is quick to take the gift heaving Missy to her feet. A slam is all it takes to keep the Ninja grounded. Sabrina, however, sees her opportunity and runs across the ring with her arm outstretched. Alexandria ducks just in time and turns to see Miss America bounce back toward her. Lifting one leg, the Red-head kicks Sabrina in the stomach, pulls her forward so her head is between her legs, then wraps her arms around her waist. With a smile, she heaves her up and plants her back onto the mat on her back with a powerbomb!

Sandra: Beautiful Powerbomb by Alexandria Parker!

Turning back to Missy Jones, who is unsteadily getting back to her feet, Alexandria grabs one arm and pulls her in for a devastating short clothesline! The Ninja is quick to duck though and comes up behind the surprised Red-head. She turns Parker around, kicks her in the gut, hooks a headloack, pushes her shoulder into the back of her neck, then flips over her keeping a hold of her head. Both ladies are stil on their feet, but not for long! Missy drops down into a neckbreaker that rocks Alexandria's body! She flops to the mat and lays unmoving.

Garry: The Shadow! Missy pulled it off early on!

Rolling back and hooking a leg, the ref counts down to two before a boot to the back of the head stops the count. Missy feels herself hauled to her feet by Miss America who just saved herself from a loss. Alexandria groans on the mat and holds her neck as she comes to. Sabrina whips Missy to the turnbuckle quickly. She leaps in the air onto the turnbuckle as a rage in her eyes can be seen when they fall back on Miss America. She leaps in the air toward her with the intent of finishing this off. Timing it right, Sabrina holds her arms out catching the Ninja. Using her own momentum, Miss America twists into a powerslam! Leaping back to her feet, Sabrina runs to the corner as well and leaps atop the top turnbuckle. She then moonsaults back beautifully right ontop of Misy Jones who cries out of pain.

Sandra: Missy is in trouble! She needs to get a breather.

Sabrina smiles a white pearly set of teeth before covering her opponent. Someone plops down next to her. Looking over, a hand is thrust in her face and she realizes that Alexandria is trying to pin as well. Both women start to push and shove at the other as Missy, fully able to kickout from one person but not two, squirms underneath. A bell rings and both women look up confused.

Garry: Hey wait a minute! Who won?

Both women get up and raise their arms in victory, then glare at each other before yelling and screaming at the other saying they were the ones that won. The official looks questioningly at the two ladies and shrugs not sure who really got the win. He raises both their arms. Both ladies shrug him off and continue arguing not wanting to share the spotlight with anyone!

Sandra: Looks like this is not going to be decided tonight. The official counted a fall but both ladies were covering side by side! I have never seen that before. Poor Missy never had a chance to kick out of that much weight.

Garry: Looks like we have to take a break. When we come back...more Battling Ring Angels action! 1

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