Sweet Misty
Nina Larue
(Round two of the tv title tournament)

[As the camera focuses in on Gary and Sandra, the two incomprable BRA play by
play announcers, we find that Gary is not his usual self.  Both commentators
wear their headsets - Sandra has a bottle of water, and Gary has...a bottle
of "Ultra Slimfast"?!]

Sandra: Welcome back to the action on this Happy Valentine's Day.

Gary: Happy?  Valentines day is the most useless holiday of the year.  It
shouldn't even be called a holiday.  In fact, the truth of the matter is:
Valentine's Day is a woman's holiday.  It's just another day that a guy has
to spend too much money so that he doesn't have to sleep on the couch that

Sandra: How would you know?  Have you ever bought a Valentine's Day gift for

Gary: Uh...well, I umm...I took Suzie Sherman some candy one time.

Sandra: Really?

Gary: Yeah, in the fourth grade.

Sandra: That's what I thought.  So, are you slimming up for the holiday or

Gary: What?  You mean this Slimfast thing?  Yeah, I'm thinking about a diet.

Sandra: Well, enough about Richard Simmons here - coming up, we proceed to
the second round of the BRA Television Title tournament.  Both women are
accomplished BRA athletes as we - -

["Break the World Down" interrupts the commentator as it echoes loudly
throughout the arena.  The fans begin to respond in their usual way - with a
flurry of boos.]

Sandra: Well, here they come now!

[Misty chops the entrance curtain back with her hand and steps out.  Crossing
her arms, she surveys the crowd with a glare as they boo and hiss her.  She
scowls at their disappreciation with her and is visibly agitated as she walks
to the ring. Her eyes stay straight ahead away from the fans.  Getting in the
ring, Misty  climbs a turnbuckle and raises her arms to the crowd in an
attempt to get
a cheer.  This only incites more of a response from the fans, as the one or
two cheers that there may have been are drowned out by the onslaught of boos
that eminate from the crowd. Not getting one, Misty will scowls again and
takes off her leather jacket throwing it out of the ring.]

Gary: Wow, these fans aren't at all happy with Sweet Misty.  What's not to
like about her?  She's good-looking, strong, smart --

Sandra: Backstabbing, conniving...

Gary: Hey!

[As Mariah Carey's "Sweetheart" blares over the speakers, "The
Goddess" Nina Larue steps from behind the curtain and is immediately
showered with massive catcalls and whistles. The busty brunette is clad
in a floor-length, white, silk robe and her raven locks fall straight to
the small of her back. With a smirk across her radiant features, she
surveys the crowd before arrogantly sashaying to ringside. Instead of
their hands, the male fans offer Nina various Valentine's Day gifts
including boxes of chocolates, stuffed animals, and roses. The Goddess
graciously accepts the gifts as she continues her journey to the ring,
her arms overflowing with Valentine's treats. As she enters the ring she
places the gifts aside and promptly removes her robe, revealing her
stunning, wrestling attire. Nina wears a pink, thong bikini, adorned
with tiny red hearts, and pink, leather, knee-high boots, with platform
heels. The gorgeous beauty poses and preens, showing off her sleek,
curvy figure. She provocatively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss
to the fans and driving the males crazy in the process.]

Gary: And there's her equally awesome opponent, "The Goddess" Nina Larue.
Also good-looking, strong, smart --

Sandra: Backstabbing, conniving...

Gary: Stop doing that!  I'm trying to talk here!  I'll tell you what, you've
just got no respect for anyone.  Here we have, a BRA Television Title
tournament match, one of the most important matches in the tournament, and
you're putting down great athletes.  Somebody oughta smack you in your walkie

Sandra:  I'm not putting them down.  I'm just telling the truth, Gary.
Besides, you don't hear me calling anyone puddin' ass.

Gary: Wha--?  Look, could we drop that whole puddin' ass thing?  I never even
said that, so I don't know who YOU heard it from.

Sandra: The ref is explaining the rules now to each of the women.  Not like
it's going to matter here.  You've got two women with blatant disregard for
authority - something akin to hell is going to break loose.

[The bell rings and the ref steps out of the way.  Nina and Misty stare
towards each other as they begin to move closer to the center of the ring.
Each woman's arms raise as they prepare to tie up.]

Gary:  Looks like it's going to be a collar and elbow tie up to get this
match rolling...

[Nina plants a boot into Misty's midsection, doubling her over.]

Gary: Guess not...

[Nina places a finger underneath Misty's chin, lifting on her head - and
Misty stands straight again, recovering from the blow.  Then, Nina follows up
with a martial arts chop across the upper chest.  The fans bellow a "Whoo!"
for the move.  The chop drives Misty's upper body back in a recoil-like
motion, but she goes with the force, bouncing off the ropes behind her.]

Sandra: One of Nina's martial arts chops. Ouch.  Misty bounces off the ropes!

[Nina attempts to kick the oncoming Sweet One as Misty ducks underneath the
roundhouse kick, bouncing off the ropes on the opposite side.  Misty leaps
high into the air, landing both feet against Nina's upper chest in a
perfectly placed dropkick.  Nina lands hard on her back as Misty twists to
execute a graceful landing.  Misty stands, making her way to the downed

[Grabbing a handful of hair, Misty lifts Nina to her feet.  And she delivers
a chop of her own to the chest. Nina moves uncontrollably from the force of
the chop. Therefore, Misty chops the Goddess a second time.  Nina grits her
teeth as the stinging sensation echoes through the building.  Misty grasps
Nina's wrist, sending her running across the ring, and into the opposite

[Nina's back slams against the turnbuckle with force.  Misty follows her in,
running full speed, only to deliver a back elbow into the Goddess's face.
Her head snaps back as both women grunt with the effort of the maneuver.]

Gary: Misty's really taking it to her!  Get her Misty!

Sandra:  Why are you cheering for her all of the sudden?  We're supposed to
be unbiased, you know.

Gary: Hey, I like a winner, so I'm cheering for who's winning.

[Misty takes ahold of Nina's arm and wrist once more, sending her careening
into the corner on the other side of the ring - with much the same
back-wrenching effect.  Still on the other side of the ring, Misty stands on
the second rope, attempting to recieve some support from the fans.  None is
found as a wave of jeers fill the building.  Misty mumbles something that the
camera's don't pick up, and jumps down from the second turnbuckle.  Looking
to Nina, who remains draped in the corner, Misty breaks into a full speed run
across the ring.]

Sandra: And here it comes again!

[As Misty nears her opponent, Nina springs to life and pounds a devestating
savatte kick underneath Misty's chin.  Combined with the force from Misty's
running, the beauty's head snaps back with terrible effect as her feet come
out from under her and she lands backside-first on the mat - unmoving.]

Sandra: Oh my goodness!  Nina just hit Misty with one of the most devestating
kicks I have ever seen!  Misty may be down already!

[Nina stands over the fallen opponent, shaking cobwebs from her own head.
She looks down at Misty, a look of disgust on her face.  Stepping over the
woman, Nina nears the ropes, looking to the audience.]

Nina: Who is the Goddess?!

[And they respond, "Nina! Nina! Nina!"]

Gary:  This match just took a turn for the worse.  I think that Misty may be
unconscious here.

Sandra: Nina is walking around Misty... She looks like a tigress, stalking
her prey...Oh, Misty's moving now.

[Misty rolls over to her stomach.  Slowly, she attempts to use her arms to
push herself up.  However, Nina almost playfully kicks one of her arms out
from under her, sending her sprawling back to the mat.  Nina pulls Misty to
her feet, and forces her into the corner.  Then, Nina follows up with a
popping martial arts kick that crashes into Misty's temple...one to her ribs,
another to her other temple...one to her belly...and finally, a spin kick
that hits the woman's upper chest.  Misty sags, landing on her bottom in the
corner.  Once more, Nina drags the helpless woman to her feet.  She whips
Misty into the ropes, and prepares to deliver another kick.]

Sandra: Nina is killing her!  Misty has to do something or this one will be
over in a matter of seconds.

[Misty takes the kick that hammers her face, sending her staggering...then,
she explodes from nowhere, surprising Nina and everyone else with a stunning
clothesline - in a last burst of strength.  Both women lie on the mat - Misty
face down, Nina on her back.]

Gary: Where did she find the reserve to do that?  Now they're both down.
Wait...Nina's starting to move...

[Nina crawls to her hands and knees as Misty lies near her.  She manages to
make it to her knees as Misty moves once more, hooking her head underneath
her arm from behind.  Misty rises to her feet, bringing the
bent-over-backwards Nina Larue with her.  Then, she drives the back of Nina's
skull into the mat with a reverse DDT.]

Sandra: She did it again!  How did Misty ever mount a comeback?  Is it pent
up frustration involving the Sisterhood that keeps her alive in this one?

Gary: Oh...did we have to mention them?

[Misty struggles over to where Nina lies on the mat.  She manages to lie her
body across that of The Goddess.  The ref begins his count.]



[And Nina kicks out just as the count reaches 2.]

Gary: That would've been luck for Misty if she could have ended it right
there.  Unfortunately, Nina isn't some second rate wrestler that Misty can
just beat with a DDT.  It's not like she's Peggy Christian or anything...

Sandra: Or Charisma Carr.

[Misty pulls Nina to her feet, scooping her up with one arm over her shoulder
and the other between her legs.  She holds Nina there for a moment, before
driving her into the mat with a powerful body slam.  Once more, Misty tries
to rally the fans on her side - but is only treated to much of the same.]

Sandra: You know, it seems as if Misty is trying to get the fans behind her
tonight.  Why would she do that?  I mean, since when did she care?  I have
noticed though, that Misty has wrestled nothing BUT clean this entire match

[Misty hooks Nina's head tightly underneath her arm before bringing her up
into the air - Nina's legs pointed skyward.  This actually moves by in a
flash as Misty brings the woman down hard in a snap suplex. Misty stands,
only to begin driving stomps down into Nina's belly and chest.  Nina tries to
use her arms to cover up, but if she covers her chest, Mist stomps her belly
- if she covers her belly, Misty stomps her chest.  Misty is obviously
irritated by the way that the fans are receiving her.]

Gary: Now we see her reverting to her old tactics here.

[Misty kindly helps Nina up, who kindly gives her a palm thrust in the face.
Misty staggers backwards, holding her probably busted mouth.  Nina isn't
finished yet as she begins to rain palm thrusts into the gorgeous girl's
chest and face.  Once the display of ability is over, Misty stands there
staggering a bit.  Her knees tremble and she fights to stay on her feet.  Her
arms are low by her side - as she stands helpless.]

Gary: Nina's fighting back.  This has been one for the ages!  It looks like
Nina's setting up for the coup de grace!

[Nina leaps into the air, her foot sweeping to the outside - with intentions
of crashing into the back of Misty's head.  But Misty ducks, and Nina lands
on her belly and chest in a painful way - making her mouth form an O and her
eyes bulge.]

Sandra: I think Nina hurt something there.  Ouch...I know how that feels.

Gary: Yep, a hundred years ago when you wrestled...

[Misty quickly takes advantage as the pained Nina stands.  Misty turns her
back to her opponent, who also has her back turned.  The move is like
lightning.  Misty hooks one of her arms and reaches back to grasp the Goddess
underneath her chin.]

Sandra: This is it!  Misty's locking on the SWEET REVENGE!!

[Misty manages to grab Nina's chin, pulling her head back - her neck tightly
against her shoulder.  She begins to bend at the knees - trying to take Nina
with her so that the move can be complete.]

Gary: No!!

[Unexpectedly, Nina kicks back, bringing her heel between Misty's legs, who
promptly lets go of the hold - bending at the waist, her knees weak, and
holding her own injuries with both hands.  Now, it's her turn to form an O
with her lips.]

[Nina spins the woman around to face her, locking her head, and falling
backwards with a DDT that drives the woman's head into her shoulders.]

Sandra: Nina's Knockout!!

[Nina rolls Misty onto her back and crosses her body over hers, hooking a leg
with her left arm.  She lifts Misty's lower body high as Nina's back presses
tightly against Misty's cheek.  Nina grasps a fistful of Misty's bottoms with
her free hand, pulling them tightly for leverage.]

[The ref counts...]




[Nina lets go of the opponent's bottoms, standing as the ref raises her hand
in victory - and the fans are completely appalled.]

Sandra: What a load of crap!  A low blow and pulling the tights...

Gary: Hey, you have to do what you have to do to win.  This ain't figure
skating, you know - although I hear they have some good brawls there...

[Nina exits the ring, further on her way to capturing the Television Title.
The fans boo her all the way to the backstage area.  The ref is checking on
the fallen Sweet Misty.  She denies his help and slowly stands on her own.
One by one, the fans begin to clap...some are even cheering as this brunette
beauty gets to her feet.]

Gary: What are these morons doing?

Sandra:  They're showing their appreciation for an athlete's fine performance
- that's what they're doing!

Winner: "The Goddess" Nina Larue

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