Zantara Underworld
"The Professor" Shannon McCourt

(The camera pans a sold out BRA Arena. The fans are on their feet cheering and waiving to the camera. Many holding up homemade signs cheering on their favorite wrestlers.  A large group of of college age fans have their faces painted in the colors of the Irish flag. They hold up signs saying "Dublin Death", and "Teach me to wrestle professor", and "I'm the Teacher's Pet". The camera pans to the announcers' table where Garry and Sandra are smiling at the camera. Garry is dressed in a red tuxedo and pink ruffled shirt. Sandra is dressed in a red dress with white hearts on it.)

Sandra: Happy Valentine's day everyone. And welcome back to more exiting wrestling action with the Battling Ring Angels.

Garry: This next match is between two wrestlers that have no love for each other. Zantara Underworld and "The Professor" Shannon McCourt.

Sandra: Shannon is a rookie, making her debut match. She is new to BRA but not to wrestling. She comes from a famous Irish wrestling family, the Battling McCourt's She is also a professor at Harvard University. This should be an interesting match. Beauty and intelligence vs. Brutality and . . . insanity.

Garry: Zantara is not insane she just marches to the beat of a different drummer.

Sandra: Which drummer? Gene Krupa?

Garry: Who is that?

Sandra: He's a drummer that died about 30 years ago.

Garry: Why would he march to a dead drummer?

Sandra: I just thought that he may be one of the inmates in this "Hades" That Zantara thinks she is the ruler of. I'm sure he is down there. I hate that woman, she has no respect for anyone. Least of all me. Her behavior last week was horrible. The way she made fun of Tina and Veronica was inexcusable. They fought a good match.

Garry: Zantara is a little on the strange side, but I thought her commentary was pretty good actually. She has a touch of humor, and anybody that hates the Body Shop can't be all bad.

Sandra: Well, here comes the most rude and obnoxious woman in the Battling Ring Angels.

(The loudspeaker blares with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." Then that tune quickly fades into "I've Got No Room For Your Love" by Device.  Zantara walks out slowly once the new tune has started, dressed in her black suit with purple pin-stripes; a purple shirt underneath; black, steel-tipped boots.  The crowd boos greatly, and she gives them sneers in return. She spots a fan by the rail on her left with a Valentine's Day sign, and approaches him. Without warning, she grabs him by the collar and holds him still. Then she reaches into her coat and takes out a can of black spray paint. She proceeds to spray on his white
shirt a black broken heart with an axe buried in it on his shirt. Zantara then shoves him back, picks up his Valentine's Day sign, and rips it to pieces, generating plenty of negative reactions from the crowd.)

(Zantara approaches the ringside area, but turns and grabs a mic from Sandra. She then addresses the crowd:)

Sandra: She took my house mic! Why does she hate me?

Garry: (Laughing) Good tastes.

Zantara: "Hey! You morons better shut up! I've got something to say!"

( The crowd does no such thing, and boos loudly. Zantara decides to continue.)

Zantara:  "You people are the dregs of society! Look at yourselves! How can you fools celebrate a day such as this? A day that is so revolting that I am embarrassed to say its name out loud. I guess it goes to show how stupid you are! How many of you actually know that a week from today is this country's President's Day? Probably not a single one of you! How can you celebrate today's mess and not remember next week the fine efforts that people such as Warren Harding, William Henry Harrison, James A. Garfield, and Zachary Taylor made for this pathetic country? You should all be ashamed for your blatant idiocy!"

( She throws the mic down and walks into the ring. She then sits down in the corner and waits for the bell.)

Garry: Zantara raises an interesting point. Not many people know the contributions made by those great presidents that we will be honoring. I do think it is sad that she forgot to mention Millard Fillmore and the great contribution he made as President of the United States.

Sandra: What contribution did he make?

Garry: He installed indoor plumbing at the White House.

Sandra: That is a great contribution?

Garry: It is if you are Bill Clinton.

Sandra: Good point. I see her opponent "The Professor" Shanon McCourt has brought her own cheering section. Although why they painted their faces red, white and green, I'll never know. I think those are the colors of the Irish flag.

(The camera pans to a large group of college aged fans with their faces painted. They hold up signs saying  "Dublin Death", and "Teach me to wrestle professor", and "I'm the Teacher's Pet".)

Garry: Their faces aren't painted Red. That color is orange. Red, white and green are the colors of the Italian flag. The Irish flag is Orange white and green. The orange representing the Protestant plantation that occurred after Oliver Cromwell's victory in the Jacobite revolution. The green represents the native Celts and the white represents the common ground they have.

Sandra: Where did you learn that?

Garry: It's common knowledge, for those of us that don't spend all our time reading "romance novels".

Sandra: You amaze me. How can a man of such learning be such a pig?

Garry: Practice, practrice practice. This is going to be a real dog of a match.

Sandra: What do you mean? I think that these two wrestlers will really give it their all and out on a great show. This is a true battle between two skilled women. It is also a battle between good and evil. Zantara is the most hated wrestler in BRA, one that is not above using dirty tricks to get a win. Shanon is a true crowd favorite, wrestling clean and fair. She would rather lose than cheat. The fans have a real choice here.

Garry: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about looks. Zantara could be hot if she did something about her looks. Maybe Simply Divine could do a make over on her. But right now it doesn't look like she even cares about looking good. McCourt is a teacher. Enough said about that. She is probably an old dried up spinster.

Sandra: Zantara cares more about wrestling than looks, which is the only good thing about her. Have you even looked in the BRA's Official Program to see what Professor McCourt looks like?

Garry: I didn't bother. I just ate and don't want to spew on in front of the cameras. She's a teacher, There is no such thing as a beautiful teacher. Trust me they are all old ladies that can't get a man.

Sandra: I think you will be in for quite a surprise.

(The arena darkens as orange, green and white flash pots light up the place. As the lights begin to go back on, over the PA "No Place to Hide" by Korn begins to play. "The professor" Shanon McCourt makes her appearance, waving to her fans in the crowd and smiling. Carrying a small  Celtic cross for luck, Shanon hands it off to one of her fans as she makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands and greeting her fans.)

Garry: WOW! She is gorgeous! What class does she teach?

Sandra: I don't know. I just know that she is a professor at Harvard.

(The ref calls both wrestlers into the center of the ring. He explains the rules to them and then searches them for foreign objects. Shanon lets the search proceed without incident. Zantara threatens the ref and moves around letting get only a cursory search. The ref signals for the bell.)


(The match begins with McCourt moving toward the center of the ring but Zantara staying near the ropes. Underworld seems to be laughing at McCourt's defensive posture. She saunters around the ring taunting Shanon. Zantara makes a move toward the professor, but Shanon backs away quickly. Zantara again  taunts McCourt, drawing boos from the capacity crowd. The professor refuses to be drawn off her game plan by Underworld's taunts.)

Garry: Are these two just going to keep this up or do they plan on fighting someday?

Sandra: Shut up! These two are both technical wrestlers and are just looking for an opening.

Garry: Wake me when this is over.

(Zantara moves toward McCourt but dances back as McCourt gets into a position to deliver a kick. Shanon follows Zantara toward the ropes. Zantara strikes quickly with a series of punches that drive Shanon across the ring. Shanon is able to block most of these but a few get through forcing her across the ring. Shanon grabs the ropes with both hands. The ref signals for Zantara to move away. Zantara takes advantage of the Irish Scholar' unprotected stomach by launching the toe of her boot in it with a snap kick. Shanon groans and doubles over from the impact.)

Sandra: I think Zantara has steel toed boots on. That kick didn't look that hard to have such an effect on Shanon. The ref should check Zantara's boots.

Garry: There is nothing illegal about Zantara's boots. She just landed that kick perfectly.

(The ref gets between the two wrestlers and forces Zantara toward the center of the ring. Zantara uses the ref's body as a shield and sends another kick toward Shanon. Shanon sees it in time and manages to dodge it. Shanon moves away from the ropes as the ref steps away from Zantara. Underworld and McCourt move together and exchange a series of punches. Both wrestlers landing some and blocking some. Zantara attempts a lariat on Shanon but she ducks under it and steps behind Zantara. Shanon wraps her arms around Zantara's waist and with a grunt lifts her up and over with a belly to back suplex. Shanon bridges into a pin but Zantara kicks out before the ref can even get to the mat.)

Sandra: Surprising strength from the professor. That belly to back suplex took Zantara by surprise. The crowd is showing it's appreciation of the move with their cheering.

Garry: Zantara is right about one thing. The fans are morons. These same idiots will cheer for Body Shoppers who haven't made it through a match yet without cheating. I'm sure this "professor" has some nasty tricks up her sleeve.

(Both wrestlers are quickly back to their feet. Zantara moves close to the ropes as Shanon moves toward's her, but keeps some distance between them. McCourt darts in quickly and delivers a kick to Zantara's midsection. Zantara grabs Shanon's leg before it can connect. She proceeds to push Shanon backward while holding on to the leg. Shanon hops to try to keep from going down. Shanon leaps and nails Zantara in the back of the head with an Enzuguri, driving Zantara face first onto the mat. Shanon moves quickly and traps Zantara in a Boston Crab. Shanon leans back putting lots of pressure on Zantara's back. Underworld pounds the mat in pain but refuses to submit. Shanon leans even further back, increasing the pain in Zantara's back. Zantara reaches around and grabs Shanon's shoulder. She applies a nerve pinch to the shoulder, causing Shanon to cry out in pain and surprise. Both wrestlers refuse to break their holds.)

Garry: This is turning into a test of wills and endurance for both wrestlers. I think Zantara is getting the worst of this. That camel clutch is really on tight and the pain in her back must be killing her.

Sandra: That nerve pinch is painful too. It should cause Shanon's arm to go numb.

(The nerve pinch must have done its job as Zantara is able to kick one leg free from the camel clutch. Zantara is able to roll out from the hold. She rolls under the ropes and out of the ring. Shanon slowly gets to her feet shaking her right arm, trying to get some feeling back in it. Zantara rubs her back as she paces outside the ring. The ref begins to count Zantara out, but she stays outside the ring, taunting Shanon to come out after her. Shanon refuses to leave the ring. The count reaches 15 before Zantara gets back in the ring. With surprising quickness Zantara rushes Shanon and sends her to the mat with a lariat. Zantara brings Shanon back to her feet and sends her back to the mat with another lariat. With a handful of hair, Zantara forces Shanon to her feet again. Zantara extends her arm and sends Shanon crashing to the mat with another lariat to the neck.)

Garry: I don't think the little professor will be giving any lectures in the near future after the beating her neck and throat are taking.

Sandra: It looks like Zantara is going to give her another lariat.

( Shanon gags as she is forced to her feet once again. Zantara whips Shanon into the ropes and leaps into the air, this time to deliver a leg lariat to Shanon's already damaged throat. Shanon manages to grab the ropes and prevent her rebounding off them. Zantara lands with a thud on the mat. Shanon jumps to the second rope and springs off it  She nails Zantara with a flying elbow drop to the throat. Zantara gags and bounces on the mat from the impact. Shanon brings Zantara to her feet and puts her into a side headlock. She spins Zantara around, then drives her head into the mat with a spinning DDT. Zantara's head hits the mat with a clang. She seems stunned. Shanon's students begin to cheer and ridicule Zantara. Shanon walks to the ropes and silences with her 'knowing teacher's look.)

Garry: I'm sorry Miss Overberg.

Sandra: What?

Garry: That look McCourt gave her students. It's exactly like the look Miss Overberg, my third grade teacher gave me. For a minute I thought I was back in third grade.

Sandra: For a life time I thought you were still in the third grade.  Oh oh! Zantara is back on her feet and is behind Shanon.

Garry: I think Shanon didn't take into account the steel plate in Zantara's head. I think she is about to get a lesson in metallurgy.

(Zantara stands behind the unsuspecting professor. Zantara jerks her head back and then forward, hitting Shanon in the back of the head with a head butt. Shanon's eyes cross and her knees buckle from the impact. She staggers into the ropes and holds on to keep from falling to the mat. Zantara grabs her and pulls her off the ropes before the ref can intervene. She spins Shanon around and head butts Shanon on the forehead. McCourt staggers backward into the ropes. Underworld follows her and his McCourt with a series of punches to the chest and face. She finishes with a solid kick to the Professor's belly. The ref moves in and tries to force Underworld away from Shanon. During the pushing and shoving between the ref and her, Zantara reaches into the pocket and takes something out. She slides it into Shanon's hand and backs away from the ropes as the ref forces his way between Underworld and McCourt. Zantara begins to scream the ref and point at Shanon's right hand. Shanon is barely able to stand as she counts the stars floating around her head. The ref opens Shanon's fist and reveals a . . .)

Garry: BRASS KNUCKLES!!! I knew that good girl routine was just an act. She brought brass knuckles into the ring. What a cheater.

Sandra: Something is wrong. I know Shanon would never cheat. This is something that Zantara has set up.

Garry: Yeah! Go ahead and make excuses for your cheating friends. The next thing you know she will be joining that pack of cheaters in the Body Shop.

(Shanon's students look in shock as the ref removes the brass knuckles from Shanon's hand. She has regained enough of her senses to realize that something isn't right. When the ref questions her about the foreign object, she can only shake her head no. Some of the fans boo the teacher that got caught cheating. Shanon looks at Zantara questioningly. Zantara merely looks at her with contempt. Shanon looks at the fans and sees the look of shock on her students faces and hears the boos from the other fans. The ref hands the brass knuckles to the timekeeper. He lectures Shanon on the rules. Shanon pleads her innocence but the ref doesn't believe her. She attempts to plead to the crowd but they have already made up their minds. She is spun around by Zantara who nails her with a kick to the midsection. Shanon squeals and doubles over from the impact. Zantara wraps her powerful thighs around Shanon's head. With a grunt she raises Shanon and then sends her crashing to the mat with a power bomb. Shanon bounces on the mat from the impact. Zantara begins to kick and stomp on the fallen professor with her steel toes boots. The boots land with sickening thuds as Shanon tries to roll into a ball to protect herself. Zantara stops and stares as someone walks down the wrestlers entrance.)

Sandra: Here comes Veronica Millions to the rescue.

Garry: What a surprise! A shopper interfering in someone else's match.

Sandra: This is just payback for what Zantara did to her last week.

Garry: What did Zantara do last week? She was here as a special guest commentator giving her expert opinion on the match. Veronica didn't like what she heard so she attacked the poor woman with a chair. Zantara merely defended herself. She couldn't help it if Veronica couldn't take some constructive criticism.

Sandra: Constructive criticism? Zantara used the mic to ridicule two very good wrestlers.

Garry: That's how you say it. I think Zantara was just trying to help some of her former stable mates.

(Veronica takes a seat at ringside, saying nothing. She just stares at Zantara. Shanon takes advantage of the momentary distraction to roll out of the ring. She stands outside the ring trying to fight the pain caused by Zantara's head butts and brutal kicks. The ref begins to count her out. Shanon keeps a hand on the ring apron to keep herself steady. Zantara walks toward Shanon. She sticks her leg through the ropes and stands on Shanon's hand. Shanon screams in agony as Zantara leans over and places most of her weight on Shanon's hand. The ref stops the count on Shanon and tries to get Zantara away from the ropes. Zantara refuses to leave her position. Shanon sends three quick and powerful right jabs into Zantara's knee. Zantara screams and staggers backward, holding her knee. Shanon waives her hand trying to ease the pain. The ref starts the count again, but Shanon has recovered enough to get into the ring. Shanon is on the opposite side of the ring from Veronica. Zantara watches Shanon but is also turning to make quick looks at Veronica to see if she is up to something. Veronica remains seated, quietly staring at Zantara.)

Sandra: It looks like Veronica is just trying to unnerve Zantara.

Garry: Don't count on it. Millions is just waiting for the right time to make a sneak attack. She is too afraid to face Zantara in the ring when Zantara is prepared for her.

Sandra: Veronica is not afraid of Zantara. They will be fighting each other at the nest PPV in two weeks. The French Kiss, which is live from Paris.

Garry: Viewers should be sure to contact their cable companies and subscribe to it. The action will be fantastic and the fans won't want to miss a minute of it.

Sandra: Nice plug.

Garry: Thanks. That ought to be worth a few extra dollars in my next pay check.

(Shanon takes advantage of the distraction caused by Veronica. She surprises Zantara with a droop kick that sends her into the ropes. Shanon gets quickly to her feet and catches Zantara on the rebound. With surprising strength she lifts Zantara up and sends her crashing to the mat with a powerful body slam. Shanon gets to her feet and runs toward the ropes she springs off them bringing her leg down across Zantara's throat in a guillotine leg drop. Shanon jumps to her feet and runs to the ropes. She climbs to the top turnbuckle pauses for a second  and leaps off in a moonsault. The crowd reacts with cheers at this show of athleticism. Zantara reacts quickly, bringing her knees up. Shanon's taunt belly crashes into Zantara's rock hard knees. With a loud OOOOF! Shanon rolls off Zantara and onto her back. She lies on the mat trying to get her breath back. Zantara gets to her feet and forces the professor to hers. Zantara places Shanon's head between her thighs, She then puts Shanon in a double arm bar. With a grunt, Zantara raise Shanon into the air. Holding her upside down before driving her head into the mat with a double arm bar pile driver. Shanon flops onto the mat. Zantara gets to her feet and walks to the ropes. She points at McCourt, and yells:)

Zantara: "That's Veronica Millions right there!"

Sandra: What does she mean by that?

Garry: I think she is telling Veronica that she will look like that after their match at the PPV.

Sandra: Zantara has gone back to Shanon who is lying dazed on the mat. She puts her hand over her face in a face claw.

Garry: Here it is! The Hades Hazard! The most dreaded move in wrestling.

(Zantara applies pressure to the face claw. Shanon screams in agony. Zantara begins to lift her off the mat using the face claw. Suddenly Shanon lashes out with a foot that catches Zantara in the knee. This doesn't seem to bother Zantara, as she continues to lift Shanon from the mat. Shanon lashes out again and again striking the same knee. Finally Zantara's knee buckles and she falls to the mat.)

Garry:I can't believe it. I have never seen anyone escape the Hades Hazard before.

Sandra: It looks like the professor is teaching Zantara some lessons in wrestling.

Garry: It was a lucky kick. Zantara will still win this match.

Sandra: I wouldn't count the scholar out yet.

(Shanon gets groggily to her feet feeling the effects from the pounding her head has taken. Zantara gets to her feet too, flexing her knee to get the pain out of it. Both wrestlers pause for a moment as they think out a new strategy. Zantara moves toward Shanon but is met by a spinning heel kick to the face. Shanon follows that up with  another spinning heel kick to the midsection that doubles Zantara over. A leap into the air brings Shanon's leg down across the back of Zantara's neck, driving Zantara's face into the mat. Shanon brings Zantara to her feet and sends her head crashing into the mat with a quickly executed pile driver. Giving Zantara no time to recover, Shanon forces her to her feet and drags her into the corner. She lifts the still groggy Zantara until she sits on the top turnbuckle. Shanon climbs to the second turnbuckle and places Zantara in a side head lock. Shanon signals to the crowd, most of whom now believe that the brass knuckles were a trick by Zantara.)

Crowd: (chanting) "Zantara's the Teacher's Pet!"

(Shanon smiles in approval. She yells at Zantara.)

Shanon: "Always listen to "The Professor"!"

Sandra: I think this match is over. Shanon is starting her finishing move, the teacher's pet.

(Shanon springs backward driving Zantara's head into the mat with a top rope DDT. Zantara flops on the mat as Shanon rolls her into a match book pin. The ref drops to the mat.)



Thr . . . no!

Sandra: I can't believe this Zantara has managed to kick out after that top rope DDT. How did she do it?

Garry: It's that steel plate in her head. It absorbed at least part of the blow.

Sandra: That is unbelievable.

(Shanon gets to her feet and stares in disbelieve at Zantara. Zantara continues to lie on the mat, on her back. The Professor pulls Underworld to her feet. She lifts Zantara up and brings her crashing over her knee in a back breaker. Underworld screams in agony over the torture her back went through. MCCourt brings her to her feet again and snap kicks her in the midsection. Shanon whips  her across the ring and into the ropes. On the rebound, Shannon hits Zantara with a leg lariat to the throat. Knocking Underworld to the mat. Shanon tries to put Zantara in a figure four leg lock but Zantara is able to drive her steel tipped toes into Shanon's right knee. As Shanon hobbles away, Zantara kicks her left ankle causing the professor to fall to the mat.  As Shanon massages her knee Zantara gets to her feet. She is still groggy from the DDT. Both wrestlers are battered and bruised from the match so far. The fans seem amazed that either of them still able to stand. They pause as they catch their breaths. Shanon's fans cheer her on. Zantara looks out into the crowd and is greeted by a loud chorus of boos. She smiles at the reaction she gets. Veronica Millions is laughing at Zantara but she remains in her seat.)

Sandra: I can't believe that either wrestler can go on. This has been a brutal match for both of them.

Garry: It's just like I predicted ions the beginning. A close and tough match, between two very tough and skilled opponents.

Sandra: You said that? I was the one that said it.

Garry: Yeah right!

(The wrestlers have regained enough oxygen to continue the match. Shanon attacks Zantara with a series of kicks that Zantara manages to block. One does get through Zantara's defenses but it lacks the power of Shanon's earlier kicks. It is enough to double over Zantara though. Shanon places Zantara's head between her luscious thigh and wraps her arms around Zantara's waist. She grunts as she tries to lift Zantara, but Zantara manages to block the move. Shanon squeals in surprise as she finds herself being lifted by Zantara. She crashes to the mat as Zantara sends her over Zantara's back with a back drop. Zantara forces her to her feet and places another face claw on Shanon. Shanon struggles in agony against the face claw. Shanon attempts to kick Zantara in an effort to break the hold, but Zantara manages to avoid the feet of her opponent. Shanon's struggles begin to weaken. Before the ref can ask if Shanon submits, Zantara lifts her up by the face claw and slams her to the mat.)

Garry: This time it's over. I have never seen anyone survive the Hades Hazard.

Sandra: You may be right, but I still wouldn't count out the batting professor.

(Zantara pins Shanon's shoulders to the mat as the ref checks to make sure both shoulders are pinned.)





( The ref raises Zantara's hand in victory, but Zantara shakes him off. Veronica Millions leaves the arena in disgust as Zantara points at Shanon.)

Zantara: You will end up worse than this at the PPV, Millions.

Garry: What a match! I'd like to see these two fighters go at it again. Shanon is a rookie here in BRA but she has really impressed me tonight even though she lost.

Sandra:I agree with you, Garry. It is really a shame that either of these fine women had to lose. One group that didn't lose is the fans. This may rate as one of the best matches ever seen in BRA.

(Shanon slowly gets to her feet. She seems barely able to stand. Zantara struts around the ring as the fans heap boos and other types of verbal abuse on her. She smiles in recognition of the fans reaction.)

Zantara: Now these are the Valentine's I like. A bunch of moron's booing the greatest wrestler in the Battling Ring Angels.

(Shanon extends her hand to shake Zantara's hand. Zantara seems mystified by the action. She then smiles at Shanon and extends her hand.)

Garry: This is the part I hate. The loser being a good sportswoman. Shanon probably has another trick up her sleeve, maybe another set of brass knuckles.

Sandra: I'm sure she doesn't. Shanon is just congratulating Zantara on a well-fought match. I am surprised that Zantara is returning the complement.

(When Zantara and Shanon are a foot apart, Zantara raises her hand to Shanon's face. She locks on another face claw and quickly lifts Shanon up and slams her down in another hades hazard.)

Sandra: That was uncalled for! Zantara had already won the match. Why did she have to punish Shanon even more?

Garry: She is just showing everyone in BRA who is boss.

(The ref steps between Zantara and Shanon to keep Zantara from doing any further damage. He needn't have bothered because Zantara walks out of the ring. She walks purposefully out of the arena to a loud chorus of boos from the fans.)

The Winner ZANTARA UNDERWORLD, by pinfall.

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