logoKimie Kurita and Kelly Mase vs. the Cheerleaders

[The BRA Logo appears on the screen as the cameras return for the action. It makes a sweep over the fans that crowd the arena, where there are many signs displayed. Some of the ones that stand out the most are: "The *Perfect* Dream", "Come Back Puddin' Ass", and "I Wanna Go To Lexingtown". Then, the camera finds its way to BRA's color commentators, the ever lovely Sandra and Gary.]

Gary: Has it been a night so far or what?

Sandra: And it's just starting. Next, we'll get an eye-full of cheerleaders as well as Kimie Kurita and her latest tag team partner.

Gary: Yeah, and let's hope that Kimmie doesn't drop the ball this time.

Sandra: Drop the ball?

Gary: Hey, Mia Lexington said it herself. That girl had better watch herself. Throwing nice parties to get in good don't help you out in the ring very much.

Sandra: Surely that's not why she threw that party. The fans have began to take a liking to her, and with good reason. She's one of the best rookies in BRA today.

Gary: Tell that to Debbie Loretto.

[A loud whistle, followed by a techno version of the Ohio State Fight Song begins to play over the arena's PA system.]

Gary: [Not too enthusiastic]. And here they come now...

[Five cheerleaders come out running from the back waving their pom poms, wearing red and white cheerleader uniforms. A minute later Jenny and Linda step out of the back wearing a navy blue and gold cheerleader uniform. The outfit is navy blue and gold. The skirt is navy blue and gold pleated the top is gold with Body Shop writen in navy blue across the chest, the socks are navy blue and their bottoms has a gold color. their pom pom of course are gold and Navy blue. The two girls begin doing several cartwheels towards the ring and climb into the ring, moving into position. Then the 7 cheerleaders do a dance routine for the crowds making them scream in approval.]

Gary: Oh Jeez. It's waifs on Broadway.

[As their dance concludes, Jenny and Linda gather the red and white pom poms and hand them out to small girls sitting around the ring. The Cheerleaders make the girls little Jenny and Linda look alikes, tieing their hair into pony tails. and Pig tails. Jenny and Linda then step into the ring and Jenny ties her hair up into a pony tail and Linda ties her hair up into pig tials so the ref can see who is who.]

[The cheerleaders wait in their corner for their opponents.]

Sandra: Wow. That was...interesting.

Gary: Come on, you're just saying that because you love that Body Shop and their patron, Sherry Ann. Who cares about a little dancing? This ain't dancing, it's wrestling. You know what I'd like to see?

Sandra: No, and I'm not so sure--

Gary: Those two cheerleaders in a handicap match against Medusa Rage. You know, that reminds me...Medusa Rage is one of the biggest women in BRA. Why don't those higher-ups go out and find some real talent instead of looking for who's prettiest? Like these cheerleaders here. They'd get squashed if they faced some real competition, instead of the glamour show that BRA puts on here.

[In the middle of Gary's tirade, he is interrupted, thankfully, by the dimming of the lights. As the lights dim, red pyrothecnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as �Live and Let Die� blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance, Kelly "The Assassin" Mase, in a blood red leather suit of boots, pants and vest, strides out alongside "Lil' Dragon" Kimie Kurita, in black pvc shorts, leather sports bra, and Doc Martens. A spotlight centers on the duo showing a black dragon on a circular background of blood red. Kelly and Kimie confidently make their way to the ring, ignoring the boos, concentrating only on the approaching ring. They dive under the ropes and immediately attack the Cheerleaders, showing no mercy.]

Sandra: Whoa! This one's underway!

[Sliding under the ropes with dextrous skill, the two women move like lightning across the ring as Kelly delivers a flying kick to Linda's chest and Kimie begins to chop away at Jenny.]

[Kelly's foot smashes into Linda's small chest with force, sending her hard onto her back. Linda clutched her chest, her mouth wide open - and eyes the same - gasping for air. She rolled over and managed to get to her knees as Kelly delivered a side kick that blasted against Linda's temple, causing the young woman to create a wimper of pain as she toppled forward, landing face down. Her arms didn't even move to brace her.]

[Meanwhile Kimie struck Jenny below the throat with two knife edge chops, sending the cheerleader stumbling backwards. She then ducked down, driving a forearm between the girl's legs, whisping the gold and blue skirt up around her lower body. Jenny clutched herself and sank to her knees as the ref stepped in to break the two women up. He managed to get Kelly and Linda separated and out of the ring, now signalling for the bell.]

[Kimie pulls Jenny to her feet. The young woman's face is still reddened from the blow suffered earlier. Kimie positioned herself and jabbed a knife hand blow directly against Jenny's solar plexus. The stunned girl gasped for air as Kimie spun around, striking the back of Jenny's head with a devastating spinning kick. Jenny fell to the mat in a heap, one arm holding the back of her head, the other pressed tightly against her lower sternum. Her legs moved as if trying to get up, but her arms wouldn't help. Kimie grasped the cheerleader's ponytail, dragging her towards her corner. Jenny shrieked and both hands immediately grabbed for her hair - to support it, and Kimie pulled her helplessly across the mat. Then, Kimie extended a hand to her partner, "The Assassin" Kelly Mase.]

Sandra: And there's the tag!

[Kelly Mase steps between the ropes as Kimie pulls Jenny to her feet. Kelly sneaks behind Jenny, lifting her up into an atomic drop. The cheerleader wears a pain-racked face once more, falling to her hands and knees. Kimie crawls out of the ring and Kelly pulls Jenny up - tossing her backwards, hard into the turnbuckle. Kimie hooks an arm underneath the cheerleader's neck pulling her head back. Jenny begins to gurgle from the pressure, as her lower body bows outwards. Seeing the perfect target, Kelly slams a boot into Jenny's stomach - forcing her lower body to shoot backwards into the corner. Due to the ref's instructions, Kimie lets go, and Kelly pulls Jenny from the corner by her hair. Scooping the young woman up, Kelly walks to the center of the ring. She looks in the direction of Linda Anderson, before dropping Jenny across her knee. Jenny's body ricochets off Kelly's thigh with force, snapping her body backwards, before landing back first onto the mat. Kelly Mase stands, looking down at her nearly destroyed opponent. She smirks as Jenny's face is twisted in agony. The cheerleader rolls to her side, clutching her lower back.]

[Kelly then sprints across the ring, catching Linda off guard, and sending her onto her back on the ringside apron. Kelly then turns around to tend to Jenny once more. Having stumbled to her feet, Jenny takes a swing at Kelly. Kelly shifts to avoid the punch, catching Jenny at the waist and lifting her up into the air. Kelly spins, bringing Jenny down hard onto the mat with a spine buster.]

[Linda gets to her feet on the apron and steps through the ropes. The ref charges her, holding the girl back. Kelly places Jenny's head between her thighs, lifing her up - and Jenny's legs point towards the lights. Her skirt flows backwards, revealing her gold bottoms to the audience as Kimie crawls to the top rope. The Lil' Dragon flies from up high, grasping Jenny's ankles at the same time that Kelly brings her down. The result is a neck wrenching spike piledriver. that bounces Jenny into the air before landing on her back. The ref finally gets Linda back in place, and turns around to force Kimie out of the ring. Kimie claps her hands, indicating there was a tag, and the ref nods, allowing that.]

[A chorus of boos fill the arena regarding that call as Kelly and Kimie drag Jenny to her feet. Each grabbing one wrist, they gain the leverage and whip the woman with authority towards her own corner. Jenny slams sternum first into the turnbuckle as the force of the impact is felt between her breasts and deep into her heart. Jenny makes an uncontrolled "Auagghhh!" sound as her little body bounces off the turnbuckle. Kelly makes her way through the ropes to the outside as Kimie stands there - motioning for Linda to enter the ring. Jenny manages to reach up for the tag before rolling to the outside, and in comes Linda!]

[Running across the ring, Linda leaps into the air, driving both feet into Kimie's upper chest. This sends Kimie against her own turnbuckle as Linda gets to her feet quickly - and backs up, preparing for another run. Kimie emerges from her corner as Linda runs full speed towards her again, Kimie - without hesitation - ducks and grasps Linda's thighs, bracing her shoulder against the cheerleader's lower belly. In one fluid motion, Kimie lifts her opponent and falls backwards with her own weight combined with Linda's speed. Too close to the corner, Kelly Mase connects a clothesline in the middle of this move that snaps Linda's head back, breaking her body from Kimie's grip and slamming her against the mat. Kimie stands and tags Kelly. Linda rolls to her stomach as Kelly moves to stand over her. She grasps Linda's legs, hooking them with one of her own while she pulls back on the young girl's head - locking on a perfect STF.]

[Jenny rolled to her side, clutching her chest with both hands - and still gasping for air. Nothing in a wrestling ring had ever hurt like that. She could hear the fans against the guard rail yelling for her to get to her feet. She could also hear the sounds of bodies hitting the mat. She knew that that sound had to be Linda fighting all alone in there. She had to get to her feet, had to get back into the ring to help Linda. Even if her sternum was cracked - she had been through worse...and she must not let this overcome her.]

[Linda struggled to reach for the ropes. Kelly had began jerking back on her head at unprepared times - each jerk sending a wave of pain through her neck and back. Kelly smirked again as the cheerleaders arms and body struggled beneath her. Linda had began making sounds that were a combination of pain and strain. Kelly was starting to take a liking to these sounds. Stretching as far as she could, Linda finally managed to grasp the ropes. At first she was relieved, but this relief was short lived as she realized that Kelly wasn't breaking the hold. The ref began counting. Kelly began jerking back on Linda's head with force as the ref's count continued. Reaching the count of 4 - one second before disqualification, Kelly broke the hold. She stood, grasping the back of Linda's outfit to pull her to her own feet. Upon doing this, she used Linda's uniform to toss her back into the corner towards Kimie. Kimie took hold of Linda's wrists, pulling them back over her head. Kelly took a stance and began to rain kicks against Linda's ribs. From left to right to left to right, Kelly hammered her feet against Linda's ribs and lungs three times each before the ref finally convinced Kimie to break the hold. Kelly stuck out her hand for the tag.]

[Jenny had managed to use the ring apron to pull herself partially up. One look into the ring revealed that Linda wasn't faring well at all. Kelly Mase used the girl's own uniform to hurl her into the corner. Kimie grabbed her wrists, and Kelly began kicking away. Jenny placed her hand on the bottom rope and put one knee on the apron. Then, she crawled into the ring on her hands and knees, between the middle and bottom rope to help her partner.]

[As Kimie entered the ring, she pointed towards what she saw. Jenny was back for more and crawling on her hands and knees into the ring. Kelly turned around to look, and then looked towards Kimie. Both women smiled to one another. Then, they flew across the ring, both stomping viciously on the kneeling Jenny Anderson. They stomped her to the mat and then continued to bring their feet down onto the back of her head, neck and shoulders. Together, they pulled her up and positioned themselves behind her. Turning their backs on her, each woman hooked one of Jenny's arms. Kelly hooked Jenny's left arm with her right, and Kimie hooked Jenny's right arm with her left. Then they reached back with their free arms - Kimie with her right and Kelly with her left - hooking their hands underneath Jenny's chin; pulling her neck backwards against their shoulders, and lifting her feet off the ground in a double hangman. Jenny gurgled once more as the two smiling women began to bounce her little body - still maintaining the hold. When Jenny's struggles stopped, they continued to bounce her - causing her skirt to dance around her thighs.]

Sandra: My God, she's out! Someone do something! She's unconscious and she can't breathe!

[Kimie and Kelly dropped Jenny with little regard, and the cheerleader landed face down, her arms and legs sprawled out. They were eyeing Linda as the ref began to yell about Kelly leaving the ring. Kelly pushed the ref out of the way with one hand, and scooped Linda up with her arms. She braced herself and lifted the girl high into the air, over her head. Kelly noted that Linda was surprisingly light - and then brought her down hard over her thigh. The fall took Linda's breath, but the end of the move was disasterous. Linda bent over Kelly's thigh like a bow - and Kelly placed one hand underneath her chin and one on her thigh - holding her there and pushing down - causing tremendous pain in her lower back, added to the pain that was already there. Linda knew that this match was over - Jenny had been hurt and couldn't help. These were her thoughts as she opened her eyes. And that's when she saw Kimie Kurita perched on the top turnbuckle.]

[Kimie gained tremendous elevation as she flew from the turnbuckle. She shifted her body and drove her elbow into the captive Linda Anderson's face, sending her sprawling off of Kelly's thigh. Kelly stood to step out of the ring as the crowd roared with appreciation of that maneuver. Kimie crawled to her hands and knees and rolled Linda over. Then, in a nonchalant pin, she remained on her knees, simply placing her bent thigh and calf on Linda's body - pressing the inside of her thigh against Linda's chest. The ref made the three count and Kimie stood. She and Kelly exited the ring, leaving the two cheerleaders a destroyed mess in the ring.]

Sandra: Wha? What just happened here? I've never seen anything like this happen to the Cheerleaders.

Gary: Can Kimie and Kelly be that good together? Perhaps they should spend some of their time training together and make a stab for the gold in the much overlooked tag team division. They looked spectacular!

Winners: Kimie Kurita and Kelly Mase

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