Sandra: Hello, and welcome back everyone. Sorry about the delay, we experianced a power outage here at the BRA Arena. I guess Van Driesal hasn't been paying her bills or something.

Garry: Oh get real, the boss always pays her bills on time! Some drunk probably ran into a telephone pole or something outside.

Sandra: Anyways it's time for more great Battling Ring Angels action, and next up we have Nina Larue, going at it with Medusa Rage, and this should be a great match up.

{ Dvorak's 9 Symphony: New World 4th Movement begins to play, and Medusa Rage makes her way towards the ring. }

Garry: Mmmnn Mmmnnn she's a hottie! and a big one too!

Sandra: Yes she is, Medusa stands in at a whopping 6' 2" and weighs 178 pounds, she defiantely has the size advantage tonight!

Garry: This woman has quite an extensive background in this sport from what I hear.

Sandra: Yes she does, and she's out to make a name for herself here tonight against Nina Larue.

{ Medusa grabs a mic, and steps into the ring. }

Garry: I hope this doesn't take long, I wanna see some action!

Sandra: Oh hush!


Medusa: You're all feeling the Rage now, aren't you? Well that's good. You aren't good enough to stand there and watch me. You don't deserve to be in my presence, but that's fine. I'll bless you with my talent. And my opponent, Nina. Well, it's been said that her family is really rich. That they used witchcraft to acquire their fortunes. I don't know anything about witchcraft. I don't practice it. I never have. I never will. What I know is bitchcraft, though. So, Nina LaRue, you come on down and face the Queen Bitch. Let me give you a little hug, okay?

Garry: She sounds serious!

Sandra: Well she isn't out here to sell girlscout cookies ya doofus!

{ "My Lovin' (Never Gonna Get it)" by En Vogue begins to play. }

Sandra: Here we go!

{ Pyro pots explode and fireworks soar through the air as "The
Goddess" Nina Larue steps from behind the curtains, followed by "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane. Nina wears a risque, black, lace, thong bikini, showing off her sleek, curvy figure. Her long, shapely legs are covered in black, leather, thigh-high boots, complete with platform heels. Her long, silky, black hair is styled in a pony tail that falls to the small of her back, drawing attention to her flawless face. The equally gorgeous Tiffany
wears a black, micro-mini dress and matching heels, her long, blonde hair falling down her back in a cascade of curls. The "Miss BRA" tiara rests atop her golden mane. The two beauties pose for a second, surveying the crowd, before sashaying to ringside, eliciting massive catcalls and whistles from the
appreciative male fans. The ref holds the ropes open for the two
beauties and they gracefully enter. They both pose and preen before Nina seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and giving them a tantalizing glimpse of her ample cleavage. This only causes to drive the men even wilder as a "Nina" chant begins. Tiffany exits the ring as Nina does a few warm-up stretches, smirking arrogantly. }

Garry: Oh mah gawd, I'm in love!

Sandra: Oh geez, what a shocker! Well folks, Nina Larue is in the ring. Nina hails from Beverly Hills California.

Garry: The raven haired beauty stands at 5' 10", and weighs in at a lovely 130 pounds.

Sandra: Well the ref is going over things with the two ladies now.

Garry: He needs to take a coffee break, and just let these two beat the hell out of each other.

Sandra: Ummm yea, like whatever!

{ Nina grabs the mic. }

Nina: You aren't fit to stand in the same ring as "The Goddess" peasant!

Sandra: Sheesh, that was uncalled for!

Garry: I liked it.

Sandra: Figures.

Nina: Who's the Goddess?

{ The crowd replies back. } Nina!! Nina!! Nina!!

Sandra: Medusa isn't thrilled with Nina's antics


Sandra: Here we go! and Medusa charges across the ring, and nails Nina with a European uppercut, and that sends her reeling to the ropes, and Medusa stays on her.

Garry: Medusa drives her knee into Nina stomach.

Sandra: Medusa is on fire!

Garry: She's stomping on Nina's feet! Why is she doing that???

Sandra: Well, Nina relies on her speed, and that'll slow her down big time if she keeps it up.

Garry: She is, she is!

Sandra: Yes, Medusa continues to stomp on Nina's feet, and now she begins kicking her in the shins. Medusa has clearly done her homework on Nina.

Garry: Medusa grabs Nina's arm, and Irish Whips her across the ring. Nina bounces off the ropes, and heads towards and awaiting Madusa, who is ready to decapatate Nina with a running clothesline.

Sandra: WOW! Nina just baseball slid between Medusa's legs, and greeted her with a punch to the groin as she passed under her! Well that'll slow the big woman down for a bit.

Garry: Sure will, Medusa has dropped to her knees, and now has rolled into the fetal position in pain, but Nina is still feeling the effects of the punishment she took earlier, and is walking it off now. Tiffany is cheering her on, and telling her to go on the offensive.

Sandra: Which she does, as Nina is now stomping away at Medusa's midsection.

Garry: Now she grabs Medusa by the hair, and brings her to her feet. Medusa now gets a ride into the ropes.

Sandra: No! Medusa reverses the whip, and sends Nina to the ropes instead!

Garry: Nina bounces off, and heads towards the big arm of Medusa.

Sandra: Nina ducks it! and she keeps going, and bounces off the ropes again.

Garry: She heads towards Medusa, and leaps in the air with a flying cross body block!

Sandra: Wow! Medusa just caught Nina in midair! Now she slams her over her knee with a backbreaker!!!

Garry: Oh wow, I heard bones crunching there!

Sandra: Medusa now pounds away at the stretched out stomach of Nina, as she is still hanging over Medusa's knee.

Garry: Larue is in trouble now, as Medusa is just dropping double axe handle blows to her stomach, one after the other!

Sandra: I'm impressed with Medusa, she's definately a force to be reckoned with!

Garry: Well there is one way to get out of that, Nina just grabbed a handful of Medusa hair, and gave it a big yank!

Sandra: Medusa rolls Nina off of her knee, and holds onto her own head, as that hair pull kinda smarted!

Garry: Medusa rolls back against the ropes, and rests while the ref yells at Nina about pulling hair.

Sandra: UT OH, here comes Tiffany getting into the act now! She's choking Medusa from the outside! Nina knows what is going on, and is dragging out her little discussion with the ref, so that Tiffany can do as much damage as possible.

Garry: Tiffany notices the ref turning around, and quickly breaks the choke hold, and walks away, smiling innocently to the crowd. Ya gotta love her!

Sandra: Nina rushes in, and picks up where Tiffany left off. She holds onto the top rope, and plants her foot on Medusa's throat, and is choking her with it.

Garry: Effective, and she wisely breaks the hold before the ref counts her out. Hey, here comes Tiffany again, what's she up to now?

Sandra: No good, I'm sure!

Garry: WOW! She's doing a little dance on the ring apron for the ref, and HOLY *BLEEP* She's stripping now!!!

Sandra: Yup, and look at Nina, taking full advantage of the distraction, she choking Medusa out again!

Garry: Who cares about that? Look at Tiffany!!!!! Hehehe she's kissing the ref, and grabbing his ass!!! Lucky bastard!

Sandra: Well Medusa isn't so lucky, she's about out, and all thanks to one Tiffany Lane, what a crock!

Garry: To cool, I love it!!!

Sandra: Hey ref, do your damn job, and look at the combatants, not the strip show!

Garry: Crap, stop the match, and let's watch this!

Sandra: You can go down to Glitter Gulch and see this stuff!

Garry: I prefer Olympic Garden, thank you.

Sandra: Whatever, this is a wrestling arena, not a strip club! Sure seems like Nina's recovered well from that nasty powerbomb she suffered earlier from Sabrina.

Garry: Yea that sucked.

Sandra: She deserved it! Anyways, the ref has finally remembered what his job is. However, it may be to late, I think Medusa is out cold!

Garry: Yup, stick a fork in her, she's done!

Sandra: We'll soon see, Nina is pulling her to the center of the ring, and is now going for the cover.

Garry: Well don't anyone dare cover up Tiffany!

Sandra: Shut up! Ok, here comes the count! One...Two...Three! It's over, but chalk this win up to a lot of help from Tiffany Lane!

Garry: Ya take um anyway you can get um!

Sandra: Ok, we're late for a commercial break. Your winner here, Nina Larue by.....Ummm pinfall I guess.



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