logo Mia Lexington vs. Debbie Loretto

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(After returning from the latest advertisement for 'Goofy Ball,' the hottest craze sensation sweeping the nation for brain-dead kids, the crowd is in a frenzy over the upcoming match. However, no BRA broadcast would be complete without the . . . charismatic . . . figures of Garry Grimmoire and Sandra Allistair. As the camera pans across to the two announcers, they are embroiled in a bitter fracas of some nature. After the off-stage director shouts something to the pair, they straighten up, all smiles, previous fight forgotten until they go back to the next commercial break.)

Garry: Well, Sandra, you are wrong, regardless.

Sandra: Sure! Whatever you say! Uh-hu.

Garry: Feh! You have no clue what you're talking about. Hopefully, your insight on the upcoming match is more thought out than your views on the Kinsey Study and the various ways it has jaundiced American views on the role of sexuality in the later-half of the twentieth century.

Sandra: Well, I can promise you my thoughts on the match are crystal clear, unlike your Kantian view on the Kinsey Study.

Garry: (snobbishly) Bah! Enough of your senseless chatter! In our next match we have Mia 'the Daisy' Lexington up against Debbie Loretto. Debbie is a powerhouse and a babe, too boot!

Sandra: Grrrr. Its all about T&A with you, isn't it?

Garry: Not at all. Its just that Debbie has been having some slow starts as of late. (with a flair of drama) However, I think that it is about to now be the winter of Mia's discontent!

Sandra: You sound like my high school Lit teacher. Speaking of rambling nobodies, I think we have some comments from Debbie Loretto.

(The camera clicks over to Jenna Jamestown, lovely blonde reporter for the BRA organization. Jenna stands, perky and happy with her blonde hair tied back in a red lace. Her red BRA blazer has the lovely angel on her breast pocket. Standing next to her is the well-toned, well-tanned Debbie Loretto, dressed in her black trousers, black midriff top, and black combat boots. The lithe brunette stands in the corridor leading onto the entry way into the BRA arena, her fists clenched and her eyes showing her readiness for the evening's fight. As the perky Jenna is about to ask Debbie a question, the brunette swipes the mic from her, startling poor Jenna. Debbie bounces back and forth on her feet, clearly excited, and ready for action.)

Debbie: Mia....you've been whining on all week about your latest date, or your latest dress, or your lavish parties. You're about to find out that whilst you were messing around and irritating everyone with your spoiled child routine, I was training. Training hard. I don't intend to lose another match in this franchise...and I certainly don't intend to lose to a spoiled imbecile like you. Get ready for a thorough and painful beating!

(With that, the familiar strains of Elgar's Cello Concerto can be heard, and Loretto stalks off towards the entryway, throwing the microphone onto the floor. Jenna looks upset that another interview she has tried to conduct has ended up with someone swiping the mic from her. When the camera pans back to Garry and Sandra, they watch the entrance, waiting for the Debbie Loretto. However, she does not appear. As the fans cheer, anxiously awaiting the rookie, the cello music is suddenly stopped, replaced by 'Killing the Name,' by Rage Against the Machine. As fireworks explode and pyrotechnics fire off, Debbie comes out of the curtains, underneath the Angeltron. She looks brooding and ominous. Jumping into the air with flair and drama, she runs down the ramp, shadowboxing in tune with the music. She slides under the ropes, and runs into her corner. As the music reaches its crescendo, she rips off her black top, revealing a tight, black, lacey bra underneath.)

Garry: Good Lord! I'm gonna have a heart attack!

Sandra: Let me guess, all that red meat?

Garry: Would you shut up for maybe one minute? That entrance was great! I can't wait to see what the Daisy gives us! You think maybe she'll strip?

Sandra: Ugh! I hate you.

(After a moment of Debbie getting cheered or booed the mood changes. A red daisy appears on the Angeltron. The beginning chords of 'Supervixen' by Garbage erupt from the sound system. At that moment, the Angeltron reads, in blue,' Mia Lexington.' Then, the heavier part of the song kicks in, blasting through the BRA Arena. Within moments, Mia appears from the backstage area, dressed once again in her usual wrestling attire - a one-piece blue suit with the cutout at the midsection. The outfit is completed by black midnight wrestling boots. She begins to walk towards the ring as the fans still continue with their mixed reactions. Some cheer, some boo, but all near the guardrails outstretch their hands. When Mia reaches the ring, she looks out to her 'adoring' fans. She grasps the second rope and pulls herself onto the apron, stepping between the second and top rope. She moves to her corner, standing on the second turnbuckle, and raises her arms as she smiles. Then, she leaps down, clearly prepared for the match to begin.)

Garry: Ehhh. I think if she had stripped down it would have been better.

Sandra: Again, I hate you.

Garry: Well, as the official reminds the ladies of what passes as rules around here, what do you think of out two athletes, Sandra?

Sandra: (grumbling) Garry, we have two brunettes. Both are ready for action. Both are excellent performers. However, both have some slight problems with ethics and morals, I think.

Garry: I just knew you would ruin it somehow. Debbie is a powerhouse and she clearly has some skill with boxing. Mia is more of a 'jack of all trades,' combining whatever skills she has, in order to fully size up her opponent and adjust as the situation requires.

Sandra: I'm surprised your analysis did not use the term 'tits' or 'ass.'

Garry: Oh, I'm saving that for the match.

(The bell sounds and the two women spend a brief moment sizing one another up. Mia makes the first move by coming forward, reaching for Debbie's arm. Debbie is fast to respond, surprising Mia. Debbie kicks out her leg, striking Mia in the stomach and sending her back. Rather than waiting for a reaction, Debbie goes on the offensive, following up her kick with a clothesline, slamming Mia to the ground. The impact with the mat takes Mia by surprise. Giving no room to operate, Debbie follows up with a series of stomps to the stomach, keeping Mia on her back.)

Sandra: Debbie has started out this match like a woman determined to win! She is showing a real wrestler's spirit!

Garry: (smugly) I told you . . .

(Debbie has pulled Mia to her feet by her hair and has delivered several backhand chops to Mia's face and upper body. However, just as Debbie is about to land another one, Mia ducks and gets out of Debbie's range. As the muscular woman turns to face Mia, the agile Mia introduces her to a kick in the face. The kick plants Debbie on her rear and she growls in frustration. As she gets to her feet, Mia runs forward, grabs Debbie by the head, and slams her back onto the mat, Debbie's head bouncing in a most dramatic fashion. Mia, like a rabbit, gets to her feet and allows her fans a glimpse at her before returning to her work. As she spins around to apply a hold to Debbie, the muscular woman is waiting for her, less dazed than Mia thought. Mia is stunned as she receives several punches to the face, like an expert boxer.)

Sandra: Hey! Can Debbie do that? This is wrestling, not boxing!

Garry: Well, Sandra, may I remind you that this is the same sport where people sign up for 'hardcore' matches, and get thumped by chairs. I guess lots of it really depends on the various outlooks of the officials.

Sandra: (rolling her eyes) A simple 'yes' or 'no' would have worked.

(Debbie, taking control of the match, turns it into her realm - a tough brawl, with boxing moves. Debbie is in her element, and Mia is suffering the repercussions of it. Debbie's powerful arms deliver the force of the impact, over and over. Mia reels, trying to dodge, but as the hits become hard and harder, she finds it more difficult to get out of the way. Finally, the official decides to step in, reminding Debbie that this is not a boxing match. Angered, she shouts something back to him, as Mia falls and rolls out of the ring, needing a much needed break.)

Sandra: Smart move by Lexington. She saw her opportunity to escape from a beating.

Garry: Only an idiot would not have gotten out of there, you simpleton! I mean, look at Debbie's biceps! She is a goddess! And smart, too! But the biceps . . .

(After Mia shakes the cobwebs out of her head, she decides to turn to her adoring fans and greet their cheers with smiles and blown kisses. Then she jumps up to the apron and Debbie meets her. Reacting quickly, Mia uses the top rope as leverage as she slams her right shoulder into Debbie stomach, and uses the rope to flip herself back in. Angered, Debbie seizes 'the Daisy' by her arm and slings her into the far ropes. Debbie runs to meet her in the center of the ring, offering a clothesline, but Mia leaps over Debbie's head, landing behind her. When Debbie turns, realizing the trick, Mia spins her foot upward, catching Debbie in the mouth and knocking her back into the ropes. Debbie sputters for a moment, but Mia is the first to react. She kicks out her leg, catching Debbie in the stomach and as she bends forward, applies a DDT, knocking Debbie's head into the mat.)

Garry: Mia is fast and furious! Her long legs can do the damage! Oh, those long legs . . .

Sandra: Wait a minute! First its biceps, then its legs! What is it with you?

Garry: Well, since you don't have anything like that to look at, I get excited when something hot comes out!

Sandra: Grrrrrrr.

(Mia's attempt at a pin was premature as Debbie threw her off, with authority. The crowd roared as they saw Debbie toss Mia several feet. As Mia got up, the look of surprise was in her eyes and a look of ferocity was in Debbie's. As Debbie took a brief instant to rub her head, Mia lunged forward, but gets caught by the brawler. She throws Mia into the ropes and she hits them, landing on her neck and snapping backwards. Debbie stomps forward, prepared to cause more damage to the Daisy.)

Debbie: Daddy should have paid for better wrestling lessons, brat!

(In response, Mia shows Debbie a rather well executed leg scissors, wrapping her long legs around Debbie's neck. Debbie hands immediately go to her neck, trying to pry the legs loose, but Mia cleverly launches Debbie into the turnbuckle. She lands, head first, onto the hard structure. She bounces backwards, falling like a great oak to the mat.)

Sandra: Good God! She's out!

Garry: That's what you think! Huh! That's what Mia thinks, too. She's going for the cover.

(Mia is shocked, yet again, as Debbie jolts out of the pin, with authority. Mia proceeds to palm her face in anger and frustration. She stands upright as Debbie gets to her feet, albeit, wobbly. An enziguri kick to the head catches Debbie but does not make her fall. Mia then jumps back and kicks forward, wrapping her legs, again around Debbie's neck, taking her to the mat. Debbie slaps the mat in frustration, as Mia applies more pressure to her. Mia leans backwards, flexing her leg muscles, obviously taking the toll on Debbie. As the official analyzes the situation, Debbie shouts something at him, causing him to turn back to Mia, perhaps seeing if she is using the ropes as leverage. The brief distraction is all she needs, to swing her leg around, planting her boot in Mia's crotch, with severe authority. Mia yells in pain as her legs go limp, allowing Debbie to break free. Mia has assumed a fetal position as Debbie strong and unforgiving boot played its role. The official, suspecting her has been tricked, yells at Debbie who ignores him. She reaches down, seizing a handful of Mia's hair and storms over, with her prey, to the far turnbuckle, slamming Mia's head into it, over and over. A total of six cracks into the turnbuckle from Debbie's powerful muscles, causes Mia to stumble backwards, grasping her hands at air. Blood trickles down her forehead.)

Debbie: (laughing) So, Lexington, what's it like to be dominated for once?

Garry: Folks, Mia is reeling like a drunken prostitute!

Sandra: A subject that you, no doubt, have plenty of personal knowledge.

Garry: Yeah, I work along side of one.

(As Mia stumbles around, the blood in her eyes, she tries to reach for the ropes, hoping to slide out again. She only manages to run directly into Debbie, who lifts Mia's chin slightly, holds it, draws back her powerful fist and delivers it solidly into Mia's face. Mia falls back nearly three feet before going down, hitting the mat. The crowd roars with approval as the gladiators have given their all. Debbie runs, hits the far ropes, comes back, hits the others and the extra momentum, allows for a powerful slam atop the fallen Mia. Mia does not move. She is as stiff as a corpse as the official counts. However, right as he slams his hand down a second time, she kicks out, barely enough, but enough to save herself from the loss. The audience is on their feet, amazed that Mia could escape the pummeling.)

Garry: Wow! Mia sure showed what she was made of there! But she might have gotten Debbie really mad that time.

Sandra: Garry, by the looks of things, earlier, Debbie came into this fight mad!

(Debbie launches to her feet as Mia rolls around on the mat, looking for an escape. Mia narrowly escapes a stomp to the head from Debbie. As Debbie raises her foot for a second stomp, Mia catches her foot and flips Debbie backwards. Mia scrambles to her feet as Debbie rises, as well.)

Sandra: Mia escaped instant death, there!

(Both women go backwards, bouncing off the ropes. They pass one another, both avoiding clotheslines. On the return, Mia ducks and spins, grabbing Debbie from behind, and swings her back, landing the woman on Mia's knee, giving her an inverted atomic drop. As Debbie bounces off, screaming in pain, she falls forward to the turnbuckle. Mia is quick to capitalize, running forward and slamming Debbie's head into the turnbuckle. Debbie bounces off and spins around, falling back into the corner. Mia mounts the ropes and begins to pummel Debbie, as she sees the opportunity for further mischief against the muscular woman. Mia plays to the crowd, reveling in their approval. The crowd chants as Mia's fist impacts with Debbie's head. Again and again. Mia, with a pleased smile, despite the blood and sweat, leaps backwards and allows Debbie to fall to the ground, stunned. Mia mounts the second rope, ready to spring off in a powerful splash. As she leaps, Debbie does the unthinkable and raises her leg, catching Mia in the kisser, and she crumples to the mat in a heap. Both women being downed, the official begins his count-out. The crowd is in a frenzy, screaming for their champion. They rise to their feet at the same time. Both women are groggy and both seem weary of the fight. Mia is the first to come out of her dazed state. She launches for Debbie, ready to apply her bulldog DDT - the Shrinking Violet. Debbie reacts on pure instinct, however, slamming her fist into Mia's stomach before she can set off her lethal finishing move. Mia grunts in pain from the punch, and Debbie puts Mia into a suplex, lifting her over her head and slamming her back onto the mat. The crowd goes wild with anticipation and regret, depending on who their hero is.)

Garry: This is great! I am on the edge of my seat!

Sandra: Yeah, I see that. Just stay off mine!

(Debbie rolls around and waits for Mia to rise. Suddenly, her muscular legs shoot up around Mia's neck, slamming the woman to the mat. Mia struggles, trying to get Debbie's legs away from her neck, desperate to stick her hands between her legs to pry them apart. Debbie increases the pressure by stiffening her muscles. Clearly, this is 'Seeing the Light,' Debbie's finishing move. Mia is helpless to escape. Within moments she is unconscious, air having been cut off. The official calls for the bell.)

Garry: Huh . . . well, that was kind of anti-climactic . . . I mean, it's a cool finisher and all but still . . .

Sandra: What were you hoping for? Someone's top to fly off?

Garry: Well . . . yeah . . . sort of.

(As the official raises Debbie's arm in victory, she snatches it back. She reaches down and pulls out a daisy from her back pocket, rips the head off and stuffs it in the mouth of the unconscious Mia Lexington. Then a swift kick to the side, seems to bring Mia around to the land of the living. Debbie growls something down at her and leaves the ring, heading for the ramp.)

Sandra: Does anyone end with a handshake anymore?

Garry: Remember when Yvette and Lisa Dream met? That ended in a handshake.

Sandra: Yeah, and I am still shocked over that . . .

(Fade to commercial . . . )

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