logo Veronica Millions vs. Missy Jones

(The crowd cheers as the lights in the BRA Arena dim. Suddenly a series of explosions lights up the ring, sending red and white flares of light shooting up to the rafters, before they explode raining down glittering fragments of fire. The AngelTron roars to life, showing images of the BRA Superstars performing their spectacular deeds. Another Camera shot shows the hundreds of signs and flag wavers. The boys from I TAPPA KEGGA are in their usual spot, drunk and screaming for Simply Divine. Others are wearing Body Shop T-Shirts, with a new sense of pride that their favorite stable is once again on the rise. Then there are the Gothic fans, whether Lisa's or Kayla's is unknown. They're black outfits and make-up, a stark contrast to the thousands of others in bright clothes and shiny signs. The camera switches to the announcer's desk and pushed in as Sandra begins to speak)

Sandra: 'Welcome, one and all to Battling Ring Angels! We are only 7 days away from French Kiss! What is destined to be the biggest and most exciting card that BRA has ever produced!

Garry: "Yes!! And not only that, The Arch Angel in her absolute wisdom has made me, the official Bikini supplier to the touring group on the French Rivera!"

Sandra: " What?!"

( Garry smiles as he pulls out a roll of Dental Floss )

Garry: 'Now this is a G-String!'

( Sandra rolls her eyes and Garry smiles, pulling out the string and laying it down carefully )

Sandra: ' Folks, we have some great matches for you tonight"

( Garry pulls out a box of colored Band-Aids )

Garry: " Ahhh, the Bikini Tops!"

( Sandra frowns )

Sandra: " As I was saying , we have some important matches tonight, First up Veronica Millions will be taking on The "Ninja" Missy Jones"

Garry: " Yes, hopefully the poet will enlighten the moronic masses with a verse or two "

Sandra: "Whatever, Veronica has a big match at the PPV against Zantara Underworld. Veronica has been trying to made amends with the ruler of Hades, but Zantara has scoffed at every attempt, every peace offering."

Garry: " Zantara is a nut, but you got to like her style. She doesn't play all nice like those other Shoppers."

Sandra: "Should be interesting to see if the pupil can beat the teacher."

( The lights dim down as "Back to life" by soul to soul will blare over the loudspeakers as Veronica appears from behind the curtains. Behind her walks Tina Dream. Veronica stands there for a few seconds and then makes her way to the ring wearing a satin sky blue bikini and black low cut boots. She is also wearing a gold body shop jacket and sunglasses. Veronica hops into the ring and grabs the microphone from the announcer. Catcalls and whistles from the ringside fans, cause Veronica to smile as she speaks.)

Veronica: "I know I look good in this bikini to. I would like to extend an open invite to Zantara to come down to the ring and have ringside seat. Don't worry Zantara I have some special people here tonight. These six men sitting in the front row wearing the new Veronica Millions T-shirt that is now on sell for $29.95.Well these men are the people I call Veronicas Millions Muscle. Don't worry Zantara they will protect you to."

( Veronica points at the six men sitting at ringside next to the I TAPPA KEGGA's. The men smile at Veronica nodding their heads as all eyes turn to the wrestler entrance )

Sandra: " I don't know if that's too smart by Veronica, I wouldn't call Zantara out"

Garry: " Yes, none to bright , but then again Body Shop members aren't known for their IQ..

( Sandra turns in surprise as a man steps over the guardrail. Her shock turns to a frown as The New York Poet steps over to the announcer's table to greet Sandra and Garry.)

Poet: "Hello again. For Veronica Millions I have a poem to recite, on behalf of those of us who are not quite as fortunate as she is, and still don't have to resort to punching people in the groin."

Sandra: "It'll probably be over the head of dumbass here."

Garry: "Sandra I'll have you know I am a card-carrying member of multiple literary guilds. But better a dumbass than a "puddin' ass", I suppose".

Poet: "It's called "The Honest Dollar." (he reads)
A paradox unto itself, a theory yet unproved,
The thought of making honest cash is centuries removed.
Stocks and bonds and IRA's are what men and women here can trust
To make their budget match that of our country, buy and sell they must.
Those who try get old and die from red tape tied around their hands,
And time has not black white or gray, but garish Technicolor sands.
People now get judgment not by goodness but by collar,
And woe the day that someone makes a single honest dollar.

Thank you."

(The crowd snaps their fingers politely, with the exception of the Booing Frat boys.)

Sandra: "Well, that was... interesting..".

Garry: " Woman, have you no comprehension of the subtext that underlies the use of metrical verse, or the uses of rhyme and meter to counter the severity of a broad topic with a whimsical tone? (mutters) And she calls ME a moron!"

( The poet bows and then returns to his seat as the lights start to dim )

(The entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing "Riders on the Storm" and the lights pulse dimly. A barely noticeable shadow slides out from underneath the ring apron, and slingshots over the top rope into the ring. Missy Jones, in full ninja attire, lands silently on the mat. She tears off her hood and the top half of her gi, to reveal the upper half of a midnight blue one-piece, filled in all the right places by her lithe, firm muscles. Missy surveys the landscape carefully, until her eyes lock firmly on her opponent. She strides up and gives Veronica a shove, complete with a large dose of attitude. )

Missy: " You don't have to wait to see Zantara! I'll send you to the Underworld..tonight!"

(Veronica shoves her back, before the ref steps in between them, telling both of them to head to their corners.)

Sandra: " Missy seems itching to fight."

Garry: " Well, she is a Ninja after all, a trained killer!"

Sandra: " Humpppft, wish she would silence that Poet."

Garry: " Heathen!"

( The ref calls for the bell as both women move out from the corners. Missy goes into a Kata as Veronica carefully circles.)

Sandra: " Veronica has to be careful here, she can't try and trade shots with Missy"

Garry: " If she was smart, she would lay down and hope that Missy is merciful!"

( Missy quickly steps forward launching out her foot in a sweeping motion, Veronica steps back, as Missy continues her attack, sending forth a barrage of sweeping kicks and punches. Veronica swiftly dances away, avoiding the blows and looking for an opening. She steps forward as Missy swings, attempting to catch the Ninja's arm. Missy quickly crouches, lashing out her leg in a sweep, knocking into the side of Veronica's legs, sending her to the mat. Missy quickly pops up, starting to rain a flurry of kicks into her opponent as Veronica tries to rise. Missy's foot connects with the side of Veronica's head , snapping it sideways and putting her down on the mat again. The Ninja quickly leaps on top of Millions, wrapping her arms around her head in a lock and putting on the squeeze)

Sandra: " Quick attacks by the Ninja have Veronica in trouble!"

Garry: " Like I said, it's only a matter of time. Why in that hold, Missy could kill Veronica a thousand different ways, with her pinky even!"

( Missy cranks on the pressure, causing Veronica to yelp and start to struggle to her knees. Missy quickly switches positions, pinching down onto Millions shoulders.)

Sandra: ' Nerve Hold! Veronica is in pain!"

Garry: " Look at the expression on her face!!"

( The Camera shows a close up of Veronica as her face in contorted in pain. Missy squeezes the shoulder hold, as Veronica moves to her knees. Missy suddenly lifts her hands up and drives them down with knife-edge chops to the back of Veronica's neck. Millions fights through the pain and rises to her feet as Missy takes a step back and sets herself. Veronica turns and Missy quickly leaps up into the air extending her feet outward. Millions is sent tumbling into the corner, crashing into the turnbuckles.)

Garry: " The Ninja is all over Veronica, she's just toying with her!"

Sandra: " Veronica is off to a shaky ...Woah!!"

( Missy had come charging in, attempting to spear Veronica in the corner, but the pretty brunette moved out of the way at the last second. Missy crashes into the turnbuckle head first before stumbling backwards. Veronica reacts quickly, she runs forward, grabbing Missy's head with her arm, before leaping into the air.)

Sandra: " Flying Bulldog!!!"

( Missy is driven face first into the mat as Veronica takes a moment to settle herself. Missy slowly starts to rise, shaking her head to clear the daze, she yelps as shooting pain runs through her leg )

Garry: " Millions is standing on her leg!!!"

( Veronica pushed herself up and then stomped with all her weight onto Missy's right leg. Veronica lifts the leg up and begins to kick and stomp on it, sending blow after blow into the limb )

Sandra: " Smart thinking by Veronica, she's trying to slow Missy's Martial arts abilities down.)

( Millions quickly moves her leg over Missy's and twists it into a step over toe hold. Missy grumbles, regaining her focus, but the pain is still evident. The ref asks for a submission but the Ninja ignores him. Missy tries to sit up quickly, lashing her fists up at Veronica , who quickly leans up, avoiding the blows.. Missy then changes tactics as Veronica twists on her ankle again. The Ninja kicks her free leg up, into Veronica's knee, causing the Shopper to squeal and limp away, clutching her leg. Missy quickly rolls to her side, checking her leg as she rises. Veronica rubs her kneecap, glaring across the ring. She stops dead in her tracks, as she hears a snicker, a familiar snicker, but is unsure from where it came. Missy moves in quickly, trying to press her advantage, she moves forward, extending her arms to lock up with Veronica, who mimic's the position and locks arms with Missy. Veronica quickly yelps as Missy falls backwards, pulling Veronica down with her, before extending her legs. Millions gulps as Missy's feet pump into her stomach, flipping her over and sending her crashing onto her back.)

Garry: " Big monkey flip!!"

( Missy flips up to her feet as Veronica rolls onto her stomach. The ninja moves quickly, ignoring the pain in her leg, she leaps up into the air, extending her leg and crashing down across the back of Veronica's head.)

Sandra: " Brutal LegDrop!! That has Millions seeing stars!"

( Missy quickly flips Veronica over and hooks the leg as the ref slaps his hand on the mat. He reaches two before Millions kicks out. Missy quickly moves behind Veronica, wrapping her legs around her midsection in a scissors. The Ninja then wraps her arm around Veronica's neck, trapping her right arm in the process.)

Garry: " Cobra-Clutch!! With a Body Scissors!! Millions in trouble again!!"

( Veronica gasps as the clutch slowly starts to wear her down. With each squeeze of her legs, Missy makes it hard for her to breathe. Veronica rolls onto her side, desperately trying to reach the safety of the ropes. Missy smirks, clamping more pressure into the clutch and leg vice. Millions begins to kick her legs, trying to push their combine weight towards the ropes.)

Garry: " She's having a spasm!!"

Sandra: " No she isn't you idiot! She's trying to get to....YES!!"

( The Shop faithful cheer as Veronica's hand grabs the ropes. Tina smiles, clapping her hands and banging them on the ring edge, trying to cheer Veronica on. The ref calls for a break and the Ninja complies, reluctantly. Missy rises to her feet, helping Veronica up by her hair. She whips the seemingly groggy Millions into the ropes. Veronica rebounds, bouncing back into the ring. Missy charges forward, leaping into the air with a cross body block.)

Garry: " NO!!!"

Sandra: " She caught her!! Backbreaker!!!"

( Veronica plants herself as Missy leaps into the air. Millions manages to stay standing as Missy impacts into her. Veronica holds her heavier opponent up for a moment, before dropping to one knee, slamming Missy's back against her outstretched thigh. The poet winces in shared pain from his ringside seat as Millions shoves Missy off her leg and falls across her.)

Garry: " 1...2....Kickout!"

( Missy powers out with authority. Veronica grabs her by the arm and pulls her up, The Shopper send Missy into the ropes and takes off in the other direction. Missy rebounds and then yells out in pain as Millions jumps into the air, her feet impacting into the Ninja's right leg.)

Sandra: " Good focus by Veronica! She's going right back to that leg."

( The Ninja rolls around on the mat, clutching her knee as Millions rises to her feet. Veronica moves in, grabbing Missy by her leg and pulling her into the middle of the ring. She quickly places her foot in between Missy's legs, twisting her right leg and then falling backwards to the mat.)

Garry: " Figure-four!! Figure four!!!

( Missy lets out a gasp as her leg is painfully twisted. Veronica leans up on her elbows, adding more pressure to the hold.)

Sandra: " Perfect execution!! The Ninja is trapped in the middle of the ring!!"

( Missy flails her arms, trying to move out of the middle. The ref' asks for her submission but she refuses. Veronica shakes her legs, adding to the pressure, Tina cheers from ringside, applauding her partners efforts. Sweat pours from Millions brow as she feels more fatigued than she thought. But she keeps on the pressure as Missy lays back down on the mat, holding her head, fighting through the pain. Missy's face become emotionless as she brings her hands over her face. She pauses for a moment, seemingly going to a different level of consciousness as she begins to use her arms to drag herself towards the ropes. )

Garry: " Missy's moving, she's pulling herself towards the ropes!!"

Sandra: " She must be using all her concentration here, she's been in that hold for a while now!"

( The crowd applauds the effort as Missy grabs the ropes. Veronica immediately breaks the hold, a look surprise and respect on her face for her opponent. Whose expression is now showing the pain of the hold.)

Garry: " Missy used her mental training to fight through the pain and get to the ropes, but she's in trouble now!."

( Veronica reaches down as grabs Missy by the arm pulling her up. Missy stumbles falling to one knee. Veronica quickly moves forward, trapping Missy's head between her legs.)

Sandra: " Millions could be going for her finisher here!! She uses a Tombstone Variant!"

( Veronica leans over Missy's back, wrapping her arms around her waist. Veronica pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath she bends her knee and then squeals as Missy starts to rise. Veronica's feet leave the canvas as Missy straightens up and pushes Millions legs up and over her back.)

Garry: " Back body drop!! Great counter by the Ninja!"

Sandra: " But she paid for it!!"

( Missy falls forward to one knee, her right leg unable to withstand Veronica's weight. Millions lands awkwardly, her legs flop over the top rope as she falls, the back of her head and neck impacting in to the mat.)

Garry: " Millions is trapped in the ropes!!"

( Missy stops for a moment and stares at the canvas. She hears a sinister snickering, coming from somewhere but chooses to ignore it. She turns on her knee's and smiles as she looks at her upside down foe. Missy quickly limps over and begins sending punches and chops to Veronica's trapped body. The Shopper shakes after each blow, her body bouncing in the ropes as the ref calls for a break. Missy ignores him, sending blow after blow into Millions legs, and lower abdomen. At the 4 count the Ninja, stops. She glares at the ref as her pulls Veronica's legs off the ropes. )

( Veronica slumps to the mat, curling into a ball as Missy looks down at her. Outside the ring, Tina Dream is walking around , she is cautiously looking underneath the ring curtain. She yelps as a prod comes shooting forward. The athletic Tina handsprings away as a familiar body in a ripped and torn purple and black pinstripe suit appears from under the ring)

Garry: "What the Hell!!"

Sandra: " Zantara was under the ring!!"

( Zantara curses at Tina who begins yelling at the Underworld Ruler. Veronica's Muscle men all rise from their seats as Zantara curses at the ringside fans, who have started to boo and jeer her. The electric cattle prod keeps everyone at bay as Zantara threatens Tina with all sorts of vile punishment for ruining her surprise.)

Garry: " Watch out, that nut has a .......ZZZZAP!!"

( One of Veronica's Muscle tries to grab Z, but is sent into electric Lala land by the prod. The other 5 back off as Tina still yells at Zantara.)

( In the ring, Missy has hauled Veronica up and slams a palm thrust directly into the brunette's face. Veronica squeals and clutches her face, exactly what the Ninja wanted. Missy quickly lifts her knee up into Millions exposed midsection. Veronica bends forward and Missy quickly wraps her arm around her neck, before falling backwards to the mat)

Garry: " DDT!! Missy just planted Millions!!"

( Missy quickly rolls across Veronica's chest and hooks the leg for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down twice before he stops. Millions shoulder barely comes up to stop the count. The Ninja slaps the mat and glares at him. She pulls Veronica up by her hair and turns. It is then she sees the activity on the outside. Another Millions Muscle man has been felled by Zantara, who is howling with rage. Tina has backed off, avoiding the Hades Lunatic, knowing that she can't afford to get zapped before her match. Zantara curls her lip into a snarl and follows after Tina, enraged that the Surfer girl foiled her plans.)

Garry: "EEEP! They're coming this way!!"

( Back in the ring, Missy whips Veronica into the ropes. Veronica rebounds and comes bouncing back in. Missy spins, launching a back fist punch. A look of surprise comes over her face as she hits nothing but air. Millions ducked and slowed her momentum as Missy spun. The Ninja completed her rotation and yelped as a hand covers her face. )

Sandra: " Veronica's put on a claw ...I think ...yes! She's going for the Hades Hazard!!"

( Z just happens to be passing the desk as Tina ducks behind Garry's large form. She scowls at Sandra's words and turns. Her eyes filled with flame as Veronica uses all her strength to lift Missy into the air with a face claw, using her other hand to help lift the Ninja into the air and then slam her down.)

Garry: " Get away from me...I'm not a shield ...OuCH!!! I bruise easy!!"

( Garry falls over in her chair, pinning Tina to the floor for a moment. Zantara turns and quickly slides into the ring as Veronica covers Missy. The ref never reaches two as the prod is pushed into his leg. He quivers for a moment before lying still. Veronica yelps as Zantara grabs her by the hair and pulls her up.)

Zantara: " How dare you use my Move!! And I hate Roses!!!!"

( Zantara clamps on the face claw and lifts Millions into the air, performing the original and one handed Hades Hazard. The crowd screams it's outrage as Veronica slams into the mat, her arms and legs spread out. Missy smiles as she rubs her head. Zantara growls at her , before turning. Zantara scowls as a pair of boots slam into her chest. Tina nails the Z with a dropkick, sending her out of the ring. Tina quickly follows after her, trying to grab the stun gun. The Million Muscle men also make a move for the device, causing a big melee at ringside. Above the roar of the crowd and the screaming Tina. Zantara's cursing and promises of life long agony and pain are heard.)

Garry: " Whew.. I think Tina's putting on some weight."

Sandra: " What the hell is that freak Zantara doing? The ArchAngel is not going to be happy about her ref's being stunned."

Garry: " Well, Z took great offence to Veronica using her hold. Uh oh, looks like the Ninja is going to take advantage of this situation."

( Missy rises to her feet, looking down at the dazed Veronica. She quickly pulls Veronica up to her feet and wraps her arm around her head. The Ninja backs up so she is close to the ropes before lowering her shoulder over Millions head.)

Sandra: " Missy's setting up for something...."

Garry: " Here comes the Shadow!"

( Missy then leaps up in the air, her feet landing on the second rope, before she pushes off and forward into a roll. Veronica's body is pulled backwards, her head twisting and then slammed into the mat with horrendous force.)

Sandra: "Brutal NeckBreaker!!!"

Garry: " Missy rolls to her feet, she's got Veronica now, she's just got to pin her....?"

( Missy smiles, a twisted smile as she kicks Veronica onto her back. The Ninja walks over to the ref, tapping him on the temple, and rubbing his neck. The zebra mumbles and stirs, rubbing his head and wondering what happened. Missy then walks back to Veronica and grabs her legs. The Ninja lifts them up and twists. She turns Veronica over and squats.)

Garry: " Scorpion Deathlock!!!"

Sandra: " She had Millions pinned! There is no need for this!"

( The ref rises to his knee's and stumbles across the ring. Veronica is in tears as the pain storms through her back. Outside, Zantara is screaming at some ringside fans. She has regained control of the stun gun and is backing herself up the ramp as Tina and Veronica's muscle men stalk after her. Zantara scowls as a fan throws a drink of sugary sweet fluid onto her. She screams, acting as if the liquid was acid. She jabs the man with the prod, sending him into Lala land.)

Garry: "oh boy, now she's going to get it."

Sandra: "You can't touch the fans, that's rule #1"

Garry:: "Well, it's all over for Veronica, she didn't have a chance anyway."

Sandra: 'Veronica would have had this match! Zantara stole it for the Ninja!"

Garry: " Well, she shouldn't have called her out, shouldn't she?"

( The ref asks if Veronica wants to surrender. The valiant Shopper shakes her head, fighting the pain.)

Sandra: " Veronica doesn't have the strength left to power out of this. She's been hit by the Hades Hazard and the Shadow, but she keeps on trying!"

Garry: " She's too stupid to now it's over!"

Sandra: " It's called courage you moron! She's got a lot of pride.!"

Garry: " Pride never helps, it only hurts!"

( After another 20 seconds, Veronica can't hold on any longer and taps the mat. The ref calls for the bell and tells Missy to break the hold.)


Sandra: " Oh come off it!! Release her!!"

( Missy keeps the hold on, leaning back adding more pain to the hold. The ref screams at her to release the hold. She refuses, smiling as she bends Veronica's back and legs to the breaking point. The ref yells at her again, threatening to reverse his decision. The Ninja breaks her hold. She turns and smiles, waving her hands in the air , before removing her pants, revealing her bikini bottom. )

Garry: " Wow! Nicely shaped ...."

Sandra: " Ass, you're an Ass!"

( The Poet claps from ringside and Missy smiles down at him as she poses and prances around the ring.)

Sandra: " Well, I know that Veronica is going to get some payback at the PPV. And if the rumors are true and the Shop is getting things back on track. Zantara will have much to answer for."

Garry: " Bah, Zantara was the Shop Enforcer, she can beat them all."

Sandra: "What is with Enforces turning their back on their friends these days?"

Garry: " Don't even go there....."

Sandra: ' Folks, we got to take a commercial break. The Daisy Mia Lexington will be taking on Debbie Loretto. We're back in two minutes!"

***Winner: The Ninja, Missy Jones,***

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