Yvette Malreaux vrs A Mystery Opponent

By: ToneDef

[We are inside of the Battling Ring Angels arena, where the sell out crowd is currently on their feet, screaming their appreciation for their favorites and hoping for a moment of glory infront of the constantly surveying cameras. There are many signs in abundance, including ‘MISSY IS MY KIND OF HOMETOWN HERO’, ‘CARMIKEL-AHOLIC’, and ‘I’M HAZZARDING ON HADES THIS TIME!’. The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, Ladies and Gentlemen! It has been an extraordinary evening thus far, and now it is time for our main event! A lot of questions concerning this event…"

Garry: "That’s for sure! Yvette Malreaux, against a mystery opponent…"

Sandra: "A lot of guessing has been going on…trying to figure out who would sign on against the Marquise anonymously like this…"

Garry: "Isn’t it obvious? Yvette is gonna stomp this fool so bad that she doesn’t want anyone to remember who it is afterwords! I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone come out here with a paper bag over her head! I mean, really, who has a chance against the Marquise…"

Sandra: "I prefer to see it as someone who is being careful that the newly reformed Sisterhood doesn’t alter the odds of the match before the actual event…"

Garry: "Are you suggesting a sneak attack?!? Well, I never! The Sisterhood aren’t a bunch of rulebreakers, like that evil, evil shop!"

Sandra: "Well, here’s the Marquise, with some pre recorded comments!"

[A scene of the Marquise appears on the Jumbotron monitor, a closeup on her face with a black, heavily shaded background. She scowls, and then raises the microphone.]

Yvette: "I am not sure what the ArchAngel has planned or why on earth a match was signed against some . . . mystery opponent. However, rest assured, mon amis, that Yvette Malreaux fears nobody and will face any challenge, no matter how badly the deck is stacked against her! To whatever soul is unfortunate enough to step into the ring with me, let me promise you that whatever match you have had in the past; whatever pain and suffering you have had in the past; it will all seem like a distant memory of Heaven when I am through with you, wretch. I shall look forward to adding a new definition of pain to your vocabulary."

[The picture then fades as the first few bars of the French National Anthem play. Then, the lights go out, and the place erupts in explosions, fireballs and spotlights. The jumbotron shows scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and explosions as the Lord of Acids ‘Out comes the Evil’ plays.]

Sandra: "What a good role model for children…"

Garry: "You said it, sister!"

[Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a ‘Y’. Merci and Jennifer Christian, daughter of Peggy Christian then follows her. She arrogantly makes her way to the ring to the jeers of the audience, and awaits her opponent.]

Sandra: "I wonder how Peggy Christian is taking her daughter hanging out with the likes of Yvette Malreaux…that has got to be tearing her up inside!"

Garry: "Didn’t you just say that Yvette would make a great role model? But be quiet, you simpleton…here comes the Mystery opponent! If she even is foolish enough to show her face…"

[There are a few moments, as the crowd eagerly awaits the arrival of the mystery opponent. The lights in the arena suddenly go out. Then with the deafening sound of a gong, the lights come back. In the middle of the ring, Yvette is down and trying to get on her feet as a blonde woman menaces over her. As the people wonder, she slowly raises her head. Then a woman's deep voice speaks]

"That, who has lost her trust in humans, is damned with The Wrath."

Sandra: "It’s the Wrath! Tiffany Epitaphine has returned! Tiffany Epitaphine has returned!"

Garry: "Will you stop that, your giving me a headache! I used to think this woman had such promise….look at that cheap shot she gave Yvette!"

Sandra: "Tiffany has a lot to repay Yvette for…they met a while back, and Yvette managed to get the better of her, through her usual scrupulous tactics…"

[The crowd goes crazy as it recognizes Tiffany The Wrath Epitaphine. As Yvette is trying to get to her feet, both Merci and Jennifer dash at Tiffany, who, with a smirk, hiptosses Merci over the top rope and closelines Jennifer with the other, who roles out of the ring. Tiffany begins to stomp on Yvette’s back.]

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "Already going to work on Yvette’s back, you think the Wrath could have thought up a different gameplan in her absence…"

Sandra: "You do what works, Garry, and right now, Yvette is in a bit of trouble! Tiffany pulls her to her feet…bodyslam!"

Garry: "Come on, Yvette! Show this girl why you’re the best in the business!"

Sandra: "Hey, Tiffany was our Television Champion before leaving…and it doesn’t look as if there is any ring rust on her at all!"

[Tiffany whips Yvette into the ropes, and drives her to the mat inside of a vicious spine buster. She goes for a quick cover, but only gets a 1 count as the Marquise proves that she still has a lot of resolve. Tiffany goes to pull Yvette to her feet…Yvette suddenly rakes across her eyes, stunning the Wrath, and follows it up with a Spinning back heelkick which knocks Tiffany to the mat.]

Garry: "Yeah! I told you Yvette was going to come through…Tiffany has only succeeded in making her more angry!"

Sandra: "Through her usual underhanded tactics, Yvette has gained the initiative…Yvette stomps away on Tiffany’s head, and then pulls the Wrath to her feet!"

Yvette: "I am going to make you wish that you’d stayed in retirement!"

Garry: "Yvette grabs a handful of Tiffany’s hair, holding her head in place…and begins to repeatedly drive a knee up into her face!"

Sandra: "Tiffany tries to pull away, but cannot! What an underhanded move, the referee is ordering a break…and starts to count!"

[At the 4 count, Yvette releases the hold with a smile and holds up her hands as Tiffany slumps to one knee. With a scowl for the jeering fans, Yvette gets Tiffany in a side headlock, and, running forward, bulldogs the Wrath into the mat. She goes for a quick cover…but the Wrath kicks out at one and a half.]

Garry: "I tell you, Yvette has gotten a lot more skilled since she first came to this league, she is mighty impressive now!"

Sandra: "Don’t count Tiffany out…see! Yvette went for a martial arts kick…Tiffany grabbed it, and solidly backhanded Yvette into a corner!"

Garry: "Tiffany moves forward…and begins to hit the Marquise with a series of jarring rights and lefts while she is trapped in the corner! Come on, referee, can’t you do something about this?!?"

Sandra: "Looks perfectly legal to me…"

Garry: "Closed fists! She’s hitting Yvette with closed fists, that’s an instant disqualification, if ever I’ve heard of one!"

[Tiffany finally stops, and whips the ailing Yvette into the opposite corner, with authority. Yvette slams into it with a cry, the force of the blow knocking her out of the corner a few steps, where Tiffany scoops her up and backbreakers her onto her outstretched knee. She pushes Yvette to the mat, and then stands.]

Tiffany: "My revenge, it is not sweet. It is sour, since that is the taste of blood."

Garry: "What the hell is she talking about, revenge…"

Sandra: "Yvette beat her before, I guess this is the revenge…Tiffany pulls Yvette to her feet, gets her in a side headlock…grips the back of her white S & M outfit, and vertically suplexes her to the mat!"

Garry: "She’s not done yet! She maintains the side headlock, again gets Yvette to her feet…a second vertical suplex! A repetition again, with a third vertical suplex!"

Sandra: "What strength displayed from the Wrath, wow! This sell out crowd is on their feet, what an impressive display of brute power!"

Garry: "She goes for the cover….They are a little too close to the ropes, however, and Yvette manages to put a foot on the ropes. The referee sees it, and stops the count. Good eyes on the referee…for once."

[Tiffany pulls Yvette to her feet again, and goes to get her inside of a full nelson. However, Yvette is still too close to the ropes, and, grabbing a hold of them with one arm, Tiffany cannot lock in the hold. Instead, Tiffany whips Yvette into the ropes, and goes to closeline her. The Marquise ducks under the arm, bounces back, jumps into the air…]

Sandra: "Hurricanrana! She hurricanrana’s Tiffany to the mat! Since when is the Marquise a high flyer?!?"

Garry: "Yvette can do anything, Sandra, she’s the goddess of the squared circle!"

Sandra: "Yeah? Well, she’s having problems capitalizing right now, the damage that Tiffany has inflicted has been enough…Yvette just lies on the ground, trying to recuperate!"

Garry: "Tiffany is down too, the referee begins his count…Come on, Yvette! A kid could take care of the Wrath!"

[The referee continues his count, but by the count of 7 Tiffany has struggled to her feet while Yvette is on her hands and knees. Tiffany moves over, and is met with a low blow from the Marquise. Yvette quickly follows it up with a DDT, and then, getting to her feet, she scowls down on Tiffany.]

Yvette: "Welcome to Hell!"

Sandra: "And then Yvette begins to stomp away on Tiffany again! I tell you, does this woman have any legal moves in her repetoire?"

Garry: "Hey, those stomps are nice and legal! After a few of these nice, legal shots, Yvette looks to the crowd, and runs a finger along her throat! Here it comes, the Bastille!"

Sandra: "Aren’t we that much better for it…Yvette places a knee in the back of Tiffany, and, grabbing her arms, pulls them back in this surfboard variation! Tiffany is in trouble here!"

Garry: "Anyone is in trouble in the Bastille!"

[Tiffany is asked if she submits, but she shakes her head as Yvette applies as much pressure as she can in the deadly hold. There is only one escape from a move this deadly, and Tiffany realizes it as she reaches one of her feet back, so that it is barely resting on one of the ropes. The referee sees this, and orders Yvette to break the hold. Yvette does so with a scowl, grabs one of Tiffany’s legs, and pulls her out into the center of the ring, so that she can apply the hold again without Tiffany reaching the ropes.]

Sandra: "A sweepkick from Tiffany knocks the Marquise off of her feet, however! A quick roll on top of Yvette…and a series of punches to the face dazes the french aristocrat!"

Garry: "No! Come on, Marquise, you can do better than this! Tiffany hauls her to her feet….another bodyslam takes her down! Tiffany looks to the crowd, who are electrified, for some reason…"

Sandra: "I think they’re all happy about the Marquise getting what she finally deserves! Tiffany gets Yvette to her feet again, and hoists her up, it looks as if the torture rack is coming!"

Garry: "No! Yvette manages to slide off of Tiffany’s shoulders…Tiffany spins around, boot to the belly, doubling her over…"

[Yvette shoves Tiffanys’ head between her legs, hauls her powerful body up, into a position for a tombstone piledriver, and then, with a scowl, she drops to her knees, driving the Wraths head down onto the ring apron. Yvette then seats herself on Tiffany’s body, going for the cover. The referee counts, and the match is over.]

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "Wow! A new move inside of Yvette’s already impressive arsenal, I didn’t think she had the strength to pick someone up like that!"

Garry: "Pfft, Yvette is the epitome of women’s wrestling. I heard she calls that the Third Estate, what a move!"

Sandra: "Into the ring comes Merci and Jennifer….they hauls Tiffany to her feet, and Yvette manages to handcuff the dazed woman to a turnbuckle….oh no!"

Garry: "Oh yes! Yvette begins to hit Tiffany repeatedly with her riding crop! Welcome back to the Battling Ring Angels, Wrath!"

Sandra: "This is despicable, someone get some officials in there!"

[Yvette continues to beat on Tiffany, who is unable to escape from the deadly attack. Her only rescue comes in the form of a bunch of white clad officials, who rush to the scene and separate the two of them. Yvette is forced to exit the ring, and her and her entourage arrogantly make their way back to the dressing room area, gloating in their superiority.]

Garry: "If Tiffany was smart, she wouldn’t be going after Yvette again!"

Sandra: "The Pay Per View is coming, I almost feel sorry for Sabrini Perizi, who is getting into that cage with that beast! Well, ladies and gents, we are all out of time for this week, but be sure to check out the French Kiss Pay Per View, coming your way next Monday!"

Garry: "You won’t want to miss it!"

[Fade to a promotional piece for the upcoming French Kiss Pay Per View.]

Winner of the Match: Yvette Malreaux.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws