Double Ladder Match
For the Tag Team Title Belts

( The screaming legions of fans are chanting and cheering as the lights slowly dim. The Arena is packed full as the throng of fans wave their signs and clap their hands in anticipation of the next match. Inside the ring, technicians have placed two ladders. Also the tag belts have been hung 15 feet above the ring at equal distances apart. The camera slowly pans towards the announcer’s table. Garry sits at the desk, a bottle of wine, a beret and a plate of cheese and crackers are placed in front of him. Sandra rolls her eyes and shakes her head before looking into the camera.)

Sandra: “Welcome back to FRENCH KISS! The next event on our card is a first for Battling Ring Angels, a Double Ladder Match for the tag titles.”

(Garry quickly downs a piece of cheese and then frowns into the camera)

Garry: “This match is an outrage! Simply Divine, members of the Sisterhood of Seduction, being forced to defend their titles against no less than 6 other competitors, is an insult! Obviously the powers that be, want new champions. But I know in my heart or hearts, that Simply Divine will be victorious.”

Sandra: “You have a heart?”

Garry: “ Bitch….”

( The lights in the arena go dim as spotlights begin to circle the arena and "Girls on Film" By Duran Duran begins to play through the sound system. Laura Parker steps into the spot light and smiles as the French fans cheer another member of Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux' Sisterhood of Seduction. Laura wears a red bikini top and black spandex pants with Simply Divine, written on each leg. Red over the knee boots and black over the elbow gloves complete her ensemble. She dazzles her fans with her beauty queen smile as she waives to them. She enters the ring and stands in a corner, absorbing the cheers from the Sisterhood Faithful.)

Garry: “ Listen to this crowd! They love Laura.”

Sandra: “ What’s not to love? She’s all American through and through”

Garry: “ I am glad you are finally giving her the respect she so rightfully……”

Sandra: “ American Silicone in her chest, American plastic surgery to keep her appearance, American collagen in her lips , shall I continue?”

Garry: “Heathen!”

(Suddenly a loud noise is heard, as the ramp explodes with pyro's and other fire like fireworks. The fans all jump back as the heat can be felt throughout the arena. In the middle of the entrance ramp stands Alexandria Parker, absorbing the cheers and boo’s from the fans. She wears black form fitting pants with a fire red image embossed on both sides. A black, sheer shirt covers her upper torso with a fire image across the middle. Standing next to her with is Miss.Vanity. Sauntering down the aisle Alexandria's fire red hair dandles down her back in a cascade of curls. Miss.Vanity holds the ropes for Alexandria as she gracefully steps into the ring and smiles at her partner.)

Garry: “ Well the champions are in the ring,”

Sandra: “ Champions for now…”

( Gothic Music starts to play and from beyond the curtain walks the Ab-Dominator. Kayla scowls at the cheering Sisterhood fans as she slowly walks to the ring. Alex and Laura smile at the Belly Freak as she slides herself into the ring)

(The lights dim once more and red pyrotechnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as “Live and Let Die” blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance, Kelly “The Assassin” strides out in a black leather suit of boots, pants and vest. She stops at the top of the ramp and crouches, staring into the ring at Simply Divine. "Gimme the Prize" by Queen starts to play and The Red and Black Dragon logo appears on the Angeltron. The Dragon, Kimie Kurita steps out. She glares into the ring, before joining her Syndicate Teammate in a slow walk to the ring.)

Garry: “ Two of the New Syndicate’s finest warriors”

Sandra: “ New Syndicate?”

Garry: “ Where have you been? Lisa Dream is in charge of the Syndicate, in charge of Carmikel Inc.”

Sandra: “ Well, I don’t know where Kelly’s and Kimie’s loyalties lye.”

Garry: “ Bah they know their roles.”

( Kelly and Kim climb into the ring and take up position in a corner. Suddenly, "Welcome to Missy McKinley's Pay Per View Debut" is announced. The lovely Daisy Crenshaw steps out from the back in a one piece leather jump suit, she brushes aside her flowing black hair and continues on...)

Daisy: "Ya know, tonight, when Missy ascends that ladder and grabs HER HALF of the Tag Team Titles. It's gonna be a great Moment for all of you, cuz you will have witnessed the beginning of what will be the single biggest reign of terror in BRA history. And after it's over, we invite all of our fans to join us as the Blue Suede Shoe nightclub, to join us for drinks, music and a lil' bit of Missy, all night looooonggggg.....SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADUE.....MISSSSSSSSY MCKINLEY!!!!!!!"

("If Your Not In It For Love (I’m Outta Here)" plays, which if you don’t know is Missy's special occasions theme song. Out steps the Raven hair song stressed already in her ring attire, a dazzling vinyl purple bra and panties, with her trademark zebra skin boots running up the length of her fishnet clad legs, all the way to mid-thigh. She flings her cowboy hat to the crowd like a Frisbee and makes a beeline to the ring, intensity on her face, as she slides under the bottom rope. Missy walks straight towards one of the ladders and grabs it. The other four wrestlers in the ring look at her as she points to all of them, claiming ownership of the climbing device.)

Sandra: ‘ Oh sure, that’s going to happen”

Garry: “ Well, the ladder doesn’t have anyone’s name on it. And possession is 9/10ths of the law.”

(The houselights flicker, then go out completely. The techno version of the Ohio State Fight Song begins to play, and the crowd erupts with cheers knowing that Jenny is on her way to the ring, but to their surprise, they get a double treat, as the rumble of a Harley is heard. A concussion grenade explodes, and fire fills the stage area. When it clears, Sherry Ann comes rolling onto the stage, and Jenny is standing up on the seat behind Sherry, and is waving her pom poms to the crowd.)

Garry: “ Oh great, Grandma and the queen of Perky”

Sandra: “ Grandma? Sherry Ann is in great Shape, my sources tell me that she has been training hard for this match. The Body Shop has risen from obscurity and begun its ascension to the top of the wrestling world again. They have a new attitude, new members. I can’t wait to see them in action tonight!”


(The fans continue to cheer as Sherry and Jenny make their way towards the ring on the Harley, with Callisto walking slowly behind them, with a menacing look on her face.

( Jenny reaches into Sherry's saddlebags, and pulls out extra sets of pom poms, and begins throwing them out to the little girls in the crowd. Sherry just smiles and waves to the fans, and is careful not to knock Jenny off of the seat as she approaches the ring. Callisto just snarls at the crowd, as she isn't used to them cheering for her at all.)

(Parking the bike at ringside, Jenny hops off the seat, and then Sherry dismounts the Harley, and gives Callisto a high 5, as little Jenny parades around the ring area slapping hands with the fans. Sherry just waits for Jenny to make her rounds, and smiles as she watches her daughter remove a ribbon from her hair, and tie it on a lucky little girl at ringsides hair. Jenny then bounces back to her mom, and Callisto. Mother and daughter then climb into the ring, and Sherry hoists Jenny up onto her shoulders, and Jenny once again waves her pom poms in the air. She then stands on Sherry's shoulders, and jumps high in the air, doing a pike, then lands with both feet on the mat. High 5'ing each other,. The other 5 women in the ring just sneer as Jenny sticks her tongue out at each of them in turn. Sherry’s visage is serious as she prepares herself for the upcoming battle.)

Sandra: “ That’s 7 who’s next?”

( As if on cue, the lights go off and a woman's deep voice says, )

"She, who has lost her trust in humans, is damned with the wrath."

(With that, Madonna's 'Frozen' blows on the speakers. A red spotlight in the shape of a circle wanders around the arena. As is hits the ring, white pyro explodes from the ceiling. Tiffany stands at the stairs. She is in a black long overcoat, which flies behind her as she runs and slides into the ring. She stands up, flexing her muscles for a moment, before exchanging glances with Sherry and Jenny. )

Sandra: “It’s good to see Tiff back on the BRA roster. We’ve missed her.”

Garry: “ Was she gone?”

(The arena darkens as red, green and white flash pots light up the place. As the lights begin to go back on, over the PA “No Place to Hide” by Korn begins to play. “The Professor” Shanon McCourt makes her appearance, waving to her fans in the crowd and smiling. Carrying a small Celtic cross for luck, Shanon hands it off to one of her fans as she makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands and greeting her fans.)

Garry: “ Bah , another nobody”

Sandra: “ Nobody? Shannon is a great talent, who represents everything that is good and pure about wrestling.”

Garry: “ Boring “

Sandra: “ Well, I think the Rookie has tremendous talent, although she may be out of her element in this type of match.”

( Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ starts up. Every wrestler in the ring turns to look towards the ring entrance as the last combatant is about to enter. Little Alexandra appears from behind the curtain with a wild stare. ‘The End is the Beginning is the End’ by the Smashing Pumpkins starts, and Little Alexandra comes through with her bowler, tight white outfit, walking stick, white midriff shirt and suspenders. She comes down the aisle smirking and giggling, like woman possesed with violence and twisted fury. Behind her, wearing the Celestial Title is Lisa Dream. “Perfection saunters slowly down the ramp, shaking and twisting her body for the crowd.)

Sandra: “ Why is Lisa here? She should be preparing for her match.”

Garry: “ That match isn’t going to happen. Lisa took out Evonne. She is the head of the Syndicate now.”

Sandra: “Well, I wouldn’t dismiss Evonne’s ability to show up when you least expect it.”

Garry: “She has no chance of even getting here in time.”

Sandra: “Evil finds a way”

( Kimie and Kelly whisper to each other as Lisa gives them a slight wave of her hand. Lil Alex slides into the ring, still carrying her walking stick. She walks to the middle of the ring and smiles.)

Sandra: “ Well, I don’t envy the ref’s in this one. The ArchAngel has assigned two referee’s for this match.”

Garry: “ Great, two pairs of blind eye’s rather than one.”

( One of the ref walks to the middle of the ring and asks for Alex’s walking stick. She turns her head slightly and then cracks a devilish grin. She removes her bowler and places it on his head. She shakes her blonde hair about and then hands over the cane. The other ref grabs the Ladder from Missy and places it in the middle of the ring. The second ladder is set next to it. One of the ref’s climbs out of the ring, leaving his comrade inside.)


( The wrestlers all stand still for a moment after the bell. Tiffany just flops to the mat, sitting in her corner. Missy makes the first move, rushing towards the middle of the ring. Almost immediately, the other wrestlers start running for the ladders. Kimie and Kelly stand still in their corner, waiting and watching to see what happens. Jenny Anderson also stands still, hands on her hips, watching and waiting. 8 wrestlers plow into each other for control of the ladders. Pairs start to splinter off as the wrestlers pull and punch at each other. Sherry Ann grabs a hold of Missy and pulls her into a headlock, Lil Alex is all smiles as she flails her fists at whoever comes in range. Alexandria and Laura Parker both land perfect dropkicks, nailing Shannon and sending her to the mat. Kayla storms through the throng and grabs one of the ladders pulling it free. The other ladder tumbles to the mat as lil Alex shoves it aside and then turns to find someone to beat on. Jenny glares from across the ring as Kayla pulls a ladder free. The cheerleader starts to move around the ring, but stops as Kimie and Kelly move in on the Gothic Queen. Kayla’s eye’s open wide as Kelly spins her around and Kimie nails her with a front kick. Both Syndicate members quickly grab Kayla in a double headlock, before leaping backwards.)

Sandra: “ Double DDT on Kayla!!”

( Sherry has pulled Missy into the corner and slams the cowgirl’s head into the turnbuckles. The Shop Leader repeats the move before dropping the dazed McKinley to the mat. Alex and Laura stick together as they quickly lift the second ladder up. Before they get a chance to open it, Tiffany steps forward and slams a forearm into the back of Alex’s head. Laura turns and yelps as Shannon’s feet slam into her chest. Lil Alex stands alone in the middle of the melee, she turns with a twisted smile on her face as Kimie and Kelly try to set up one of the ladders. Lil Alex starts to head towards them. Jenny Anderson has climbed to the top rope and is crouched ,waiting and watching for an opportunity. She doesn’t have to wait long as Kimie quickly starts to climb up one of the ladders. Jenny leaps off the top, smashing the ladder with a dropkick. Kimie yelps as the ladder falls. She crashed down to the mat in a heap. Kelly glares at the Cheerleader who is pushing herself up. The Assassin steps forward and grabs Jenny around the head. Tiffany has picks Laura up and scooped her into the air. The chiseled blonde them slams the Tag Champ down across the fallen ladder. Laura screams in pain and rolls away, clutching her back. Sherry Ann bends to grab one of the ladders , but is knocked aside by Lil Alex. The British Brute smiles as she grabs Sherry by the hair and pulls her up. Alex then kicks that ladder out of the ring. Both women begin slamming punches into each other. Sherry using her skills to block and parry , while Alex just swings away madly, taking Sherry’s blows without a care for her own safety. )

Garry: “ This is just a big brawl, there’s no room for the grapplers to really do any moves.”

Sandra: “ It’s a slobberknocker! “

( Kimie pushes herself up and growls as she stares at Jenny, Kelly twists the Cheerleader into a full nelson and Kimie moves in, throwing a series of marital arts punches into Jenny’s firm Tummy. Kimie steps back to plant a kick to Jenny’s face, but she screams in pain as Kayla wraps her large hand around her throat. The Ab-Dominator grabs Kimie from behind the throws her through the ropes. The Lil Dragon crashes onto the floor as Kayla follows her prey outside. Jenny takes the moment to lift her leg up and backwards, slamming into Kelly’s groin. The Assassin let’s out a gasp and doubles over, clutching her nether region. Missy has grabbed a ladder and is trying to set it up again. Shanon has moved to help Sherry and both women toss the howling lil Alex out of the ring. Sherry turns and see’s Jenny waving to her. She quickly heads over as Jenny rams her knee up into Kelly’s gut, sending her to the mat. Tiffany smiles as she picks Laura up and whips her into a free corner. Laura slams into the turnbuckles and falls to the mat. Alexandria Parker is taking a breather by the ropes, she notices Missy has finished setting up the ladder and is about to climb up it. Alex quickly runs behind her and wraps her arm around Missy’s head from behind. Missy yelps as Alex falls backward, planting Missy with a reverse DDT.. Sherry and Jenny have pulled Kelly into the corner and are working her over with punches as kicks. )

Garry: “ Kelly is in big trouble, she needs some help in there, where’s …Look out!!!”

( Outside the ring Kayla has scooped Kimie up and is carry her towards the timekeepers table. The crowd gasps as Kayla slams the Lil Dragon into the small table, shattering it. Lisa Dream is on the outside, helping Lil Alex back into the ring. The Blonde nut has a angry glare in her eyes as she slides back into the ring. Tiffany stands above the stunned Laura and begins to remove the padding from the top turnbuckle. She smiles as she stares down at Laura. Shannon yells out a warning to Tiffany, but the roar of the crowd deafens her cry. Alexandria has grabbed the ladder and rams it into the back of Tiffany’s head. She is smashed face first into the exposed turnbuckle and them slumps down on top of Laura. Who smiles as she partner helps her up. Sherry whispers into Jenny’s ear as she pulls the Assassin into position. The Cheerleader quickly scales the ropes and stands on the crouches on the top turnbuckle. Sherry shoves Kelly’s head between her thighs and backs up into the corner.)

Garry: “ What the hell does that old timer think she… is ….doing!?”

( Sherry pulls Kelly up into and inverted position, then in display of strength and balance, she steps up onto the first, and then second rope. Jenny then stands up on the top turnbuckle. Sherry then pulls Kelly up and leaps off, Jenny follows a second later.)

Sandra: ‘ Oh my god!! Body Shop Drop!’

( Sherry powerbombs Kelly into the mat from the second rope, Jenny then lands , butt first on Kelly’s chest, crushing her into the canvas. The Assassin lies flat on her back, unmoving as Jenny playfully counts to three. Across the ring, Alex and Laura have picked Shannon up and double suplexed her onto the ladder. The Professor screams in pain, rolling away and clutching her back. Missy McKinley is back on her feet and standing in one of the corners. She watches as Simply Divine lift the ladder up, pulling the legs apart. Laura goes to climb up, as Alex holds it steady.)

Garry: “ Laura’s up the ladder, she’s almost to the top!!”

( The crowd cheer’s as the Sisterhood member quickly scales the ladder. She is nearly to the top when the ladder starts to shake. Lil Alex is standing at the bottom, while Alexandria Parker is lying on the mat, clutching her face. Laura hold on for dear life as Alex rocks the ladder back and forth. Laura squeals as the ladder tips over, sending the Sisterhood member crashing to the mat. Missy takes the opportunity to jump on top of Alex. She smacks a series of left and rights into the model’s chest and head. Alexandria covers up, trying to block the blows. Outside, Kayla has wrapped her hands around Kimie’s throat. The Lil Dragon is still reeling from the table smash and tries in vain to break the vice-grip around her throat. )

Garry: “ Kayla is going to put Kimie out permanently! Kelly needs to help her partner out!”

Sandra: “ Kelly is out cold in the ring, Kimie is on her own.”

( Suddenly a dark figure leaps over the guardrail. She obviously female form runs up behind Kayla and smashes her across the head with a nightstick. Kayla slumps to the ground clutching her head as the “ninja” stands above her.)

Sandra: “ That’s Missy Jones! What is she doing here? She’s not even on the card.”

Garry: “ Well, she’s here now and just saved the Lil Dragon. What is she doing now…?:

( Missy quickly bends down and pulls a small dart from a case. She jabs it into Kayla’s white thigh and then backs off. Kayla moans for a moment and then lies still. Missy then moves and helps Kimie to her feet. The Lil Dragon rubs her head and smiles as Missy bows once, before jumping back over the guardrail.)

( Inside, Lil Alex is holding the ladder like a large bat. She is swinging the metal frame at anyone who comes near her. Lisa Dream is screaming at Alex to put the ladder down and climb up to get a belt. Sherry Ann turns as Callisto hands her the other ladder through the ropes. Tiffany is rising slowly to her feet, her forehead cut from her own last kiss. She wipes the blood and glares at Alexandria , who after gouging Missy in the eyes is crawling away from the madly swinging lil Alex. Sherry moves forward, holding the ladder in her arms. Lil Alex smiles and licks her lips )

Lil Alex: “ So, ya wanna go round about with me eh!?”

( Alex swings her ladder at Sherry, who responds by swinging hers. The two metal frames smash into each other with a bang. Jenny quickly runs around the ring and grabs the rising Laura in a side headlock. Jenny smiles to the crowd and she runs , dragging Laura with her, before leaping into the air.)

Sandra: “ Bulldog on the champion!!”

( Laura’s face is planted into the mat. Jenny quickly rolls Laura onto her back and slaps her hand down three times, giggling all the way. Her giggles stop and become screams as Alexandria grabs her from behind and pulls her up. Jenny is sent crashing through the ropes and to the outside. Shannon has backed herself into one of the corners and is watching as Alex and Sherry duel with the ladders. She eye’s Tiffany and points at lil Alex’s back. Tiffany nods back and both women stand ready.)

( Outside, Lisa Dream is walking up behind Jenny, who is rubbing her bum and moaning. Lisa lifts up a chair and prepares to smash Jenny over the head. As she goes to swing the Chair is literally wrenched from her hands. “Perfection” turns and stares eyes to chest with the Shop’s new Enforcer, Callisto. Lisa quickly and perfectly runs away as Callisto cracks a grin and holds the chair in her arms.)

Garry: “ Smart move by Dream there, no point in her getting injured before her match “

Sandra: “ I thought you said there would be no match?”

Garry: “Well, umm, it’s a smart move.”

( Shannon and Tiffany charge across the ring as Lil Alex’s back in turned. They both grab a hold of the ladder as Alex draws it back for a swing. She howls in anger as she turns to see the two women holding the other side of the ladder. Sherry takes advantage and rams her ladder into Alex’s chest. The nut stumbles back, and looses her grip on her ladder. Shannon and Tiffany pull it from her and then with a quick move forward, send the big blonde crashing to the mat as the run forward with the ladder, knocking lil Alex to the mat.)

Sandra: “ Well, this is interesting…”

( In the ring, Sherry holds a ladder, while Shannon and Tiffany also hold one, Sherry smiles and plants her ladder on the mat, opening the legs and setting it up. Tiffany smiles at Shannon for a moment, deciding on her next move. Alexandria Parker is crouched in the corner helping her partner up. She watches in horror as Sherry scales the ladder. She goes to prevent it, but is stopped as Jenny grabs her ankle from outside the ring and pulls her down. Missy watches from the other side of the ring as Sherry climbs up the ladder.)

Garry: “ Oh no!! Come on !! Not her!!! Anybody but her!!”

( Sherry reaches top and extends her arm up to grab the belt, her fingers are inches away from the title. Suddenly the crowd gasps as Kimie Kurita leaps up onto the top turnbuckle. Sherry sees her through the steps and pauses. Kimie shakes her head as Sherry quickly reaches her arm up to grab the belt. Kimie leaps off the top rope and smashes into Sherry Ann as the Shop leader reaches for the belt. The impact sends the ladder crashing to the ground. The belt swings back and forth on the hook as all eyes watch it move. Sherry and Kim slam into the canvas as Tiffany , Shannon, Laura and Missy all look up as one of the titles swings back and forth.)

Garry: “ It’s gonna fall, it’s gonna fall!!”

Sandra: “ Sherry Ann was so close……”

( Missy quickly rams her fist into Shannon’s midsection and runs for the ladder, leaving the Irish Beauty gasping for breath. Tiffany smiles as Laura turns to face her, the big blonde slams grabs Laura by the hair and throws her into the ropes. Jenny and Alexandria are brawling on the outside of the ring. Callisto watches with a grin as Jenny drops into a splits and rams her fist upwards. Alex gasps and clutches her groin. The Cheerleader then pushes herself up and grabs Alex in a side headlock. She quickly leaps up onto the guardrail, before twisting back and falling to the concrete. Alex’s face is driven into the floor with sickening force )

Sandra: “ Brutal DDT by Jenny, Alex is out!”

( Jenny rises to her feet and holds her arms out in the air, she smiles and waves to the fans, before turning to enter the ring. As she turns she yelps as Kelly Mase stands in front of her. The Assassin does not look happy and plows her knee up into Jenny’s ribcage. Kelly repeats the move three more times, before smashing Jenny across the back with a double AxeHandle.)

Garry: “ Kelly’s going to get some payback now!”

( Inside the squared circle, Sherry is livid as she slams Kimie’s head into the mat. Sherry pulls the lil Dragon up and scoops her into a cradle lift, before dropping down to one knee.)

Sandra: “ BackBreaker!! Sherry is pissed at Kim.”

( The LiL Dragon’s body is arched over Sherry’s thigh. The Shop leader slams her fist into Kimie’s midsection causing her to rise up, Sherry then slams her elbow into rising Kim’s chin, sending her head back down to the canvas. Tiffany and Laura are exchanging blows on the side of the ring, the tall Tiff gaining the advantage with her size and strength. Missy smiles as she pulls the ladder up under one of the belts. She goes to climb up , but stops as Lil Alex is back on her feet and starts to climb up the other side. )

Garry: “ It’s a race!!”

( Missy and lil Alex climb up the ladder and reach the top at the same time. Missy pleads with Alex to let her have the belt, but the Blonde Nut shakes her head and smiles. Shannon has run to the corner and is mounting the top turnbuckle. Missy reaches her hand up to grab the belt , but Alex slaps it away, explaining with a rather large amount of four letter words that the belts belong to her and Lisa. Missy scowls and shoves Alex, trying to knock her off the ladder. Lil Alex shoves back and both women duel for position. Shannon stands up on the top turnbuckle and watches as Missy reaches up for the belt, she touches it, causing it to start to swing again. She curses as Alex reaches for it as well, causing it to swing even more. )

( Outside, Jenny is whipped into the guardrail by the Assassin. The Cheerleader slams into the metal bars and slumps down, holding her head. Kelly moves in and hauls her up. She picks Jenny up for a Bodyslam, but instead of slamming her, Kelly twists and holds Jenny inverted.)

Sandra: “ Oh no! Kelly’s going to Tombstone Jenny into the concrete!!”

Garry: “ Plant her!!”

( Jenny wildly thrashes her legs, kicking and flailing as Kelly tries to get her into position. The thrashing gives Jenny the momentum she needs and she flips over Kelly’s shoulder. Jenny lands on her feet as Kelly turns. The Cheerleader quickly drops to her hands and kicks her feet back. )

Sandra: “ Handspring Mule Kick!!”

( Jenny’s feet plow into Kelly’s midsection and send her tumbling backwards. Inside, Sherry has picked up the other Ladder and smashed it down into Kimie’s body. The Body Shop Leader is furious as she turns and glares as Laura pokes Tiffany in the eye. Sherry runs across the ring with the ladder and slams it into Laura sending her crashing through the ropes and onto the floor. Alex snarls at Missy as both women continue to jockey for position. The belt is swinging back and forth as they both claw and grab for it. Shannon is watching the belt swing from the top rope, her head moves in motion with the swaying as she prepares to jump. Sherry and Tiffany turn as both Missy and Alex go to grab the belt. As they reach , Shannon leaps off the top rope. The Professor’s timing is perfect and she snatches the belt, just as Missy and Alex grab for it. The Irish fighter lands on her feet in the ring, holding the belt in her hands.)

Garry: “ What!! No way!! The rookie!!!?”

Sandra: “ Shannon’s got one of the belts!!”

( Sherry Ann cracks a small smile as Shannon’s face goes bright red with excitement. She holds the belt high in the air and jumps around the ring. Lil Alex and Missy stare down from the top of the ladder with shock on their faces. Alex growls and pulls her fist back, before smashing it into Missy’s face. McKinley falls off the ladder and lands on her back at Tiffany’s feet. The big blonde smiles and pulls Missy to her feet. The ref tells Shannon she has to leave the ring and the Irish Sweetheart smiles, kissing him on the cheek before stepping through the ropes.)

Garry: “ I don’t believe this, she’s been here what… two weeks and she’s a champion!?”

Sandra: “ Maybe it’s the luck of the Irish?”

( Outside the ring, Laura Parker watches as Shannon holds her belt high in the air. The Sisterhood member curses under her breath as she sees her partner lying out cold on the floor. Kelly and Jenny are still fighting on the outside, the Assassin gaining the upper hand and smashing Jenny’s head into the ring post. The Cheerleader slumps to the ground, a nasty gash on her forehead. )

( In the ring, Alex is still on top of one of the ladders. She looks over at the other belt. Her eye’s open wide as she gets an idea. Sherry is setting up the other ladder under the belt and can’t believe what she’s seeing. Lil Alex is now standing on the top of her ladder, preparing to jump and grab the other belt.)

Sandra: “ She’s Insane!! If she misses this, she will crash onto the floor!”

Garry: “ Lisa is going nuts, she can’t believe Alex is going to try this!”

( Tiffany grabs Missy in a side headlock and takes off towards the corner with the exposed turnbuckle. There is a dull clang as Missy’s head is smashed into the exposed metal bar. The Tennessee native stumbles backwards for a moment, before falling flat on her face. )

Sandra: “ Last Kiss” from Tiffany, Missy’s now in Dreamland!”

( Laura Parker had grabbed a ring chair and is sliding back under the ropes. Sherry’s back is turned as she is climbing up the ladder. As Laura raises the chair, Tiffany comes charging across the ring, Laura turns at the last moment, swinging the chair down as Tiffany spears into her. The chair slams into Tiff’s back , as her shoulder crashes into Laura’s midsection. Both women, plow into the rising Kimie Kurita, sending them all sprawling to the mat. )

Sandra: “She’s going to do it, she is insane!!”

( The crowd gasps as Lil Alex leaps off the top of her ladder, she flies through the air , with her arms extended. Her eye’s nearly pop out of her head as Sherry’s hand comes up and grabs the belt, just as Alex flies by. Lisa Dream looks up in horror as her friend comes crashing down over the ropes and on top of her.)

Garry: “ No no no!!”

Sandra: “ Thank god Lisa was there to break Alex’s fall.”

( Sherry holds the belt high in her hands as she jumps off the ladder. Kelly looks up and snarls as Shannon slides back into the ring and jumps into Sherry’s arms. With a last act of spite, Kelly picks the dazed Jenny up and goes to slam her head into the post. As she lifts Jenny up, a strong Black Hand comes across her shoulder. Kelly spins, releasing Jenny and glares at Callisto.)

Callisto: “If you value your life, be somewhere else.”

( Kelly takes a step back, glaring at the muscled giant in front of her.)

Sandra: “ My god, there are bodies everywhere!”

( The camera shows the carnage, Missy, Kayla, and Jenny lying out cold. Lisa and Alex is a crumpled mass outside the ring. Tiffany, Laura and Kim lying in a pile. Shannon is beside herself with joy as Sherry flips her belt over her shoulder. The Shop Leader turns and looks around the ring as spots Callisto tending to Jenny. The perky Cheerleader has a nasty cut on her forehead. Laura Parker is being restrained by security as she yells and screams at Shannon and Sherry, oblivious to the fact that her partner is still lying outcold on the ground. Kelly helps Kimie out of the ring, they both pass Lisa Dream, who is trying to push Alex up off of her. The two Syndicate members turn away from their “leader” and walk up the ramp.)

( The announcer climbs into the ring as speaks)

Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, The winners, and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD. ….The Professor Shannon McCourt and Sherry Ann!”

Garry: “ I don’t believe this, what a travesty of justice!”

Sandra: “ Why? “

Garry: “ A rookie, with a belt? It’s what her third match?”

Sandra: “ Well, second match really, we had that power outage on the 21st.

Garry: “And Sherry? The has-been? She’s got more mileage on her than Goodyear.”

Sandra: “Sherry worked hard to win this one, all the competitors gave it their best shots. Experience and Luck won out.”

Garry: “ Well, at least Jenny got her head split open. She won’t be so perky for a while.”

( Sandra smacks Garry upside the head before turning to the camera.)

Sandra: “ Folks, we’re going to take a commercial break for some of our sponsors



*Winners * Shannon McCourt and Sherry Ann.



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