Evonne Carmikel
Lisa Dream

Sandra: Now is the time for the piece de resistance. The master piece of tonight's card The battle for the Celestial Title.

Garry: When this match was scheduled it looked like it would be a great one. But events have happened to turn it into a real snoozer.

Sandra: What do you mean?

Garry: Ever since her match with Zantara, Evonne has been a couple of fries short of a happy meal. She has been locked in a rubber room for the last few weeks. I don't think she will be here tonight.

Sandra: I must admit that Evonne has been acting strange lately.

Garry: Strange is not the word for it. Her elevator doesn't go to the top floor. The lights are on but nobody is home. She is a lunatic. She is in a rubber room and deserves to be in a rubber room.

Sandra: She had a mental breakdown. That is all. She will soon be her old cruel self.

Garry: She is out of it. Lisa did some quick thinking and took over Carmikel Enterprises. Lisa has proven herself to be not only a great leader of a stable but also a brilliant business woman. Even when Evonne was sane she couldn't match the business skills of Lisa.

Sandra: Didn't you use to be Evonne's biggest fan?

Garry: Never! I always knew that Lisa Dream was the brain behind that operation.

Sandra: Didn't you insist on calling her Miss Carmikel?

Garry: Only out of respect for her old age.

Sandra: Didn't you call Evonne the most intelligent woman in BRA?

Garry: Bah! Evonne was just a front, a facade. *Perfection* has always been my favorite. She will have a *perfect* forfeit tonight.

Sandra: That remains to be seen. I have never been a fan of Evonne, but I prefer her to that Gothic Horror. She at least shows some class in the ring. Lisa acts like a stripper.

Garry: What do you mean? Lisa is the class of this league. She brings beauty, brains and ability to the ring. Evonne only brings a lot of money.

Sandra: The lights are coming down. Someone is about to enter.

(All of the lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fill the stadium.  The blood red letters 'THE DREAM' spin and solidify on the large jumbotron monitor located above the exit from the dressing room area, as smoke fills the entrance ramp.  Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of 'NOOKIE', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area.  She arrogantly stands on the entrance ramp, surveying the sell out crowd as they show their appreciation for the concieted girl.  Lisa is wearing a black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, and she walks down to the ring like a supermodel on an entrance ramp.  With Lisa is Little Alexandra, wearing her white suit, suspenders, and bowler.  On Lisa's other side is Ivana Harlot, the Syndicates personal secretary.  Lisa sweeps into the ring with an arrogant smirk, and struts around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of her adoring fans.  Lisa then orders someone at ringside to hand her a microphone, which she quickly gets, and, when the crowd finally quietens down, she raises it to her lips.)

Lisa: Feast your eyes and fantasize, all you lucky little DREAM-o-phobics, because the event that you have all been waiting for is finally upon you!  I know that all of you paid the money for those tickets that you hold in your grubby little hands in the hopes of setting your eyes upon the ultimate form of human *perfection*, and, ladies and gentlemen, I do not disappoint!  I know how sad the show has been to this point.I know exactly how pitiful most of these self proclaimed Battling Ring Angels wrestlers are!  And, unfortunately, though I am slated to fight here tonight, it is not going to happen!  But, before all of you tear up your tickets and curse your rotten luck, I must tell all of you that it is not my fault that my opponent has decided not to show up!  And, even though I knew she would not be here, I still decided to come and let all of you be addressed by your All American Sweetheart!  So this is going out to all my loyal DREAM-o-phobics.those who wish they were as TALENTED as the DREAM, as CUNNING as the DREAM, as GORGEOUS as the DREAM!

"It was my ex employer that I was slated to fight here tonight.but, unfortunately, as much as I would have liked to have matched my skills against one of my only true equals in this business, what is more pressing is that Evonne gets well again!  As you all may or may not know, Evonne was not of the appropriate frame of mind for this past month, and I have charitably taken over the company for her until she has gotten well again!  She refused aid, however, until this last week, when it was heard that she went to the RoseyDale clinic of her own volition and booked herself in!  But do not worry, little darlings, because, when she finally does get out, we WILL have our match!  For I do not disappoint my adoring fans!  But she will still have problems against your Battling Ring Angels' icon, that is for sure, because, though I am your greatest DREAM, I am her greatest NIGHT...

(As Lisa is about to finish her speech,  the lights dim down. For a moment there is no sound, other than the screaming cheers of the thousands in attendance.)

Garry: What's this?

Sandra: It looks like Lisa does have an opponent.

Garry: But who can it be? It can't be Evonne. She is still slobbering in a straight jacket in some looney bin.

( Then strobed flashed of gold light shimmers around the arena as the theme from GoldFinger begins to play. All eyes turn to the wrestlers' entrance as the curtain parts. Stepping through the darkness is the six foot figure of Evonne.)

Garry: OH MY GOD! It is Evonne!

(Inside the ring, Lisa looks dumbstruck at her approaching nemesis.)

Sandra: Lisa looks a little disturbed over this appearance. She looks like she has seen a ghost.

Garry: Lisa isn't scared at all. She can take care of Evonne and not even work up a bead of sweat on her *perfect* face.

(Evonne walks up to the edge of the ramp and points to the ring. She is in her Syndicate Colors, Her gold Singlet with Black Gucci Wrestling boots. On her elbows and knees, black pads with golden dollar signs. She just stands on the ramp, her eye's glaring into the ring. She pulls a microphone up to her lips as she cracks a devilish smile.)

" Why the surprised look Lisa? Did you really think you could keep me from my destiny? Did you really think you could deny me my revenge? Here, in Paris, I will take back what is mine! I will exact my revenge upon you and show the world what happens to traitors! This country has a history of dealing with petty upstarts who usurp the throne of another. Let us embrace Lisa, let me wrap my hands upon your neck and drag your carcass out to Madame Guillotine! She is waiting for you, tonight I shall drag your broken body through the streets of this city. You will be my messenger Lisa, tonight I show the world what happens to those who would be Queen in Evonne's castle!"

( Evonne drops the microphone and slowly starts to walk to the ring. Ivana and Little Alexandra discuss plans with Lisa as Evonne inters the ring. With one last look at Evonne, they exit the ring. Only Lisa, Evonne and the ref are still in the ring.)

Garry: Lisa and Evonne are just staring into each others eyes as the ref gives the instructions. This is a no DQ, pinfalls count any match, so there aren't a whole lot of instructions.

Sandra: The look in Evonne's eyes is one of pure hatred. Even from this distance, she scars me. I would not want to be Lisa Dream at this moment.

Garry: Evonne is just trying to play with Lisa's mind. It won't work.

Sandra: That's because Lisa has no mind to play with.

Evonne: " I will never surrender to you Lisa, you have taken everything from me, but you will not take my soul!"

Lisa: You insignificant peon! Who are you to challenge *perfection* in such a manner?

Sandra: There certainly is no love lost between these two. They want to kill each other.

Garry: This match will be a blood bath, unless Evonne goes loony again and starts loving everybody.


(Both wrestlers move to the center of the ring. They circle each other looking for an opening.  Feints by one of them bring counters from the other.  Lisa raises her arms signaling for a test of strength. Evonne agrees by raising her arms and moving in. At the last moment Lisa lowers her hand and rakes Evonne across the face with her finger nails. Evonne screams in pain and her hands got to protect her face. Lisa quickly sidesteps Evonne and sends a boot to the back of Evonne's knee, causing her to fall to the mat. Lisa struts her stuff for her adoring public. She points at her head, indicating her superior intelligence. Evonne rolls onto her back and kicks her legs out in a sweep that takes Lisa's legs out from under her. America's sweetheart lands on her *perfect* rump.)

Sandra: Lisa pays a penalty for playing to the fans.

Garry: No big deal. Lisa isn't hurt by that.

Sandra: Of course not. Lisa's butt has so much padding that landing there will never hurt her.

Garry: She has a *perfect* butt. Almost as perfect as Laura Parker's.

(The two warriors get to their feet. Carmikel feints with a punch to the face that causes Lisa to duck. Evonne nails her with snap kick to the knee. Lisa groans and hobbles backward. Evonne follows it up with a series punches that back Lisa into the ropes. Lisa covers her beautiful face leaving her belly open to repeated punches by Evonne. Lisa grabs the ropes and steps through them. Evonne lunges at Lisa and knocks her off the apron and onto the floor.)

Garry: Evonne is cheating. She should be Dqed for that.

Sandra: This is a no DQ match, remember?

Garry: But there are some things that go beyond the norm of no DQ and should lead to a suspension from the league.

Sandra: What kind of "things".

Garry: Trying to ruin the perfect beauty of the all American Sweetheart.

Sandra: Lisa's beauty only appeals to ghouls like you.

Garry: You're just jealous of her great beauty.

Sandra: What has she got that I haven't?

Garry: You both have the same things. It's just that hers are in better proportion and don't sag as much as yours.

(Lisa lies on the floor as Evonne sneers at her. Lisa gets to her feet and begins to argue with some of the fans at ringside. Even in France Lisa seems to have rubbed the fans the wrong way. Evonne moves to the center of the ring as Lisa continues to argue with the fans. Evonne runs and vaults the ropes in a suicida planca on Lisa. Lisa senses something and moves out of the way at the last second. Evonne lands with a thud on the concrete floor. Lisa moves quickly, scooping up Evonne and slamming her to the floor. Lisa smiles at Evonne.)

Lisa: Did you honestly think that you could defeat *perfection*? Feel honored that *perfection* took the effort to put you in a loony bin, instead of leaving you in the gutter with the peons.

(Evonne manages to get off a quick punch to Lisa face. Lisa staggers backward holding her face. Evonne slowly gets to her feet. Evonne moves toward Lisa, who takes off running.  Being faster, Lisa gets a good lead on the charging Carmikel. Lisa lids into the ring and gets to her feet quickly. Evonne slides into the ring and is met by a series of stomps on her back from *perfection*. Evonne rolls to the corner as Lisa follows stomping on her. Evonne uses the ropes to get to her feet. Lisa steps back, she does a quick handspring and nails Evonne under the chin with both her feet. Evonne's head snaps back as her body crashes into the turnbuckle. Lisa begins to do a bump and grind for the appreciative audience.)

Lisa: Whose your Sweetheart?

(The crowd, or at least the male portion of it, roars back "LISA".)

Garry: Look at who just entered the arena?

Sandra: Isn't that Jenny "the Cheerleader" Anderson? What is she doing here?

Garry: Isn't it obvious? She's a Shopper. They can't win matches honestly so they interfere in matches.

(Jenny takes a seat at ringside and begins to encourage. Lisa smirks at Jenny as she struts over to Evonne, who is slumped in the corner. Lisa cradles Evonne's head in her hand. She is about to say something but all that comes out is a squeal as Evonne slams a fist into Lisa's crotch. Lisa staggers backward, her hands trying to sooth the pain. Evonne snarls and gets to her feet. Evonne puts Lisa in a reverse head lock and falls backward, driving Lisa's head into the mat. Jenny cheers Evonne's success. Evonne looks surprised at Jenny.)

Sandra: A vicious DDT by Evonne seems to have taken Lisa out of the match.

Garry: I think it was the vicious low blow that did that.

(Lisa flops to the mat. The dollar lady gets to her feet and walks to the turnbuckle. She removes the cover from the top one, baring the steal hardware underneath. She grabs Lisa by the hair and forces her to her feet. Evonne forces Lisa into the corner and begins to beat her head into the exposed steal hardware. Lisa screams as a cut is opened on her forehead. Evonne beats Lisa's head into the turnbuckle three more times before Lisa is able to brace her hands on the ropes and stop the beating. Evonne tries again but Lisa's hold is too strong and blocks her. Evonne tries agin with all her strength, but Lisa drops to the mat and rolls out of the corner. Lisa rises to her feet with her hand to her forehead. She pulls it away and sees the blood.)

Lisa: My face!  Oh, my Beautiful Face!

(Jenny points and laughs at the wounded Lisa.)

Garry: OH NO! That loony bin reject has scarred the perfect face.

Sandra: That scar will be an improvement to that ghastly visage.

(Evonne charges at Lisa, who neatly sidesteps her. On her rebound of the ropes, Lisa bends over as though attempting a back drop. Evonne manages to stop before Lisa can execute it. But Lisa had no intention to do a backdrop. Instead she moves quickly and nails Evonne in the belly with a snap kick. Evonne grunts and doubles over. Lisa places Evonne's head between her *perfect* thighs in a standing head scissors. Evonne struggles as Lisa increases the pressure. Lisa bends over and begins to spank Evonne. Evonne roars in anger over this humiliation. Suddenly Lisa squeals as she is lifted off her feet. Evonne strains and lifts Lisa up and sends her to the mat with a backdrop. Jenny Anderson attempts to get the crowd behind Evonne by leading them in cheers.  Evonne attempts top remove the sting in her posterior by rubbing it gently.  Lisa scrambles to her feet as Evonne moves in on her. Evonne hits Lisa in the stomach with a martial arts' kick. Lisa groans and doubles over. Evonne places her in a front headlock. Evonne begins to force Lisa toward a corner, but stops and screams in agony. Evonne releases the front head lock revealing that Lisa has put a crotch claw on her. Evonne strikes at Lisa's arm in an attempt to break the claw. This only brings more pain to Evonne as Lisa has the claw on tight. Evonne squirms in agony trying to break the hold. Lisa smiles at her. Finally Evonne uses her longer arms and hits Lisa with a double ear clap. Lisa breaks the hold stumbling about the ring trying to regain her equilibrium. The statuesque blond slumps to her knees moaning in agony. Stumbling into the ropes, the American Sweetheart holds on to them to keep from falling to the mat. Both wrestlers stay this way for a minute before Lisa launches a drop kick at the moaning former CEO. She nails Evonne in the face with both her feet, causing Evonne to sprawl backward unto the mat with a trickle of blood flowing from her lip. Jenny begins yelling derogatory remarks at Lisa. Lisa smiles at her and flies a one finger salute in her direction.)

Sandra: This match has been incredibly brutal so far.

Garry: It is far from over, both wrestlers want to destroy the other.

(Lisa forces Evonne to her feet by means of a handful of hair. Evonne surprises her with a kick martial arts punch to the stomach. Lisa grunts in shock at the unexpected punch. Putting Lisa's head under her shoulder, Evonne grunts and lifts Lisa up in the air upside down. Evonne holds her there  before dropping her to the mat with a suplex. Lisa bounces on the mat from the impact. Evonne gets to her feet and drags Lisa to hers with a wrist lock. Evonne runs toward the ropes dragging Lisa with her. Evonne launches Lisa into the air and over the top rope. Lisa hard on the concrete floor. Evonne follows her out of the ring and grabs a T.V. cable. She wraps the cable around Lisa's throat and chokes her with it.)

Garry: This is not good for Lisa. Evonne wants to keep this match out of the ring.

Sandra: Well, it is a falls count anywhere match.

( Lisa's face turns three shades of blue as Evonne keeps up the pressure. The ref tries to remove the cable from Lisa's neck. He is also slapping Evonne's shoulder to get her to release the deadly choke. Evonne gets frustrated with the ref and pushes him away. Lisa takes advantage of the momentary distraction to get the cable off her neck. Lisa attempts to recover her breath but Evonne acts quickly, pulling Lisa to her feet and attempting to ram her head against the barricade. Lisa sticks out a foot and blocks it. Evonne changes her grip on Lisa. She raises Lisa into the air and drops her down across the barricade. Lisa's neck impacts on the top of the rail with a sickening thud. Lisa gags as she slides to the floor. Evonne grabs Lisa's head and places it between her luscious thighs. With a grunt she lifts Lisa up to deliver a power bomb. Lisa surprises Evonne by wrapping her legs around Evonne's head in a head scissors. She pauses a moment before taking Evonne down in a DDT onto the concrete floor. Evonne flops on the floor as Lisa holds her down with one hand in a lazy pin attempt. The ref drops to the floor.)


Garry: YES ! This is the end of Evonne.


Sandra: It looks like Evonne is unconscious from that DDT.

THR . . . NO! A kick out by Evonne at the possible micro second.

Sandra: That was close. If Lisa had bothered hooking a leg, this match might be over. Lisa was getting too cocky there.

Garry: Lisa was just trying to go easy on Evonne. She'll pin her after this move. Evonne should have stayed down instead of taking any more of a beating.

(Lisa rises to her feet and argues with the ref over what she considers to be a slow count. The ref ignores her. In frustration she rains kicks on Evonne as Evonne rolls up to protect herself. Lisa leaps to the top of the barricade. She poses for a moment before leaping backward off it in a moonsault. Evonne manages to roll away at the last second. Lisa crashes down on the concrete floor. Lisa groans as she lies on the floor.)

Sandra: Fast thinking by Evonne saved her there. It seems to have turned the tables on Lisa.

Garry: That's why I think high flying maneuvers are not worth it. Lisa looks to be in a lot of trouble here.

(Lisa lies on the floor trying to work through the pain in her body. Evonne rises to one knee but pauses to regain her bearings. They fighters remain like this for a minute. Evonne rises to her feet and grabs Lisa throwing her over the barricade. Lisa lands in the laps of some very appreciative fans. Lisa attempts to swat their hands away from her *perfect* body. Lisa only has two hands and the fans are many. Evonne climbs over the barricade and goes after Lisa.)

Garry: Evonne is taking this match to the fans. Lisa is furious about having these insignificant peons touching perfection. They can look but they don't deserve to touch *perfection*.

Sandra: Security needs to clear the fans away. Some of them could get hurt in this vicious fight.

Garry: I'm not worried about the fans. They seem to enjoy helping Lisa to her feet. All those helping hands. Some people have all the luck.

Sandra: Security seems to heave cleared a small circle around the two combatants as Lisa and Evonne square off in the middle of the third row.

Garry: Lisa is going to have to get this match back into the ring. The arena is not the best place for her high flying style.

(Evonne confidently moves in on Lisa. Lisa moves quickly darting around Evonne and running down the row of chairs. She turns toward the ring but sees her way blocked by a wall of standing fans. She runs up the aisle toward the lobby, Evonne in hot pursuit. The faster Lisa gains a lead as she runs through the doors to the lobby. Evonne runs through the swinging doors and immediately comes flying back out.)

Garry: What happened?

Sandra: Look at the monitor. The camera in the lobby caught the action.

(The monitor shows Lisa running through the door and stopping. She spins around and nails Evonne with a clothesline as she comes through the doors.)

Garry: Quick thinking on Lisa's part. She put that door to good use.

Sandra: Lisa reenters the arena and leaps into the air. Dropping an elbow on Evonne's unprotected stomach. Lisa gets to her feet and drops a leg across Evonne's head.

(Lisa gets to her feet again and lifts both of Evonne's legs in the air. She smirks at Evonne as Evonne waives her arms, pleading with Lisa not to do what she is about to do.)

Evonne: I forgive you Lisa, Can't we work this out?

Lisa: Do you really think that you can touch *perfection* and not pay the consequences? You should have stayed at Roseydale.

(Lisa releases Evonne's legs as she drops her elbow onto the junction of those shapely legs. Evonne shrieks and curls up into the fetal position. The crowd groans with sympathetic pain. Lisa gets to her feet and plays to the crowd, which showers her with boos.)

Lisa: Whose your greatest DREAM, and her greatest Nightmare?

(The crowd only boos Lisa even more. Lisa begins to kick at Evonne. Scoring hard kicks to her back and legs. Lisa moves in too close and is caught by a leg sweep that sends her to the floor on her back. *Perfection* is back to her feet first, but Evonne is able to struggle to hers. The pain of the beatings is evident on the beautiful faces of both wrestlers. Lisa jumps to administer a drop kick to Evonne but Evonne is able to move out of the way of it. Lisa crashes to the floor. Evonne forces Lisa to her feet and places her in a head lock. She uses Lisa's as a battering ram to force open the door to the lobby.)

Sandra We will have to watch this on the monitor. It was good thinking on the part of BRA administration to have a camera crew in the lobby.

Garry: Yes it is. Isn't it amazing that they had planned for just such an event? What were the odds of that happening?

(Evonne drags Lisa to the concession stand. She scoops Lisa up and body slams her on the counter scattering some patrons' beers in the process. Lisa groans as she hits the unyielding stainless steel surface. She slides down the side of it. Evonne picks Lisa up again and is hit by a punch to her face. The punch staggers Evonne enough to make her let go of Lisa. Lisa gets to her feet and grabs a large ketchup dispenser. She breaks it over Evonne's head causing the kethup to mix with the blood that is already flowing from the cuts on Evonne's head. Lisa grabs Evonne and throws her over the counter, causing the concession workers to scatter in panic. Lisa hurdles the counter and grabs a large fork. Evonne reaches behind her and grabs the only weapon she can find, a large spatula.)

Evonne: En Garde! You treacherous serpent.

Lisa: I spit on you and your plans. You dog of a Saxon.

(Lisa and Evonne square off like fencers and begin a makeshift sword fight, moving back and forth behind the counter. The crowd roars it's approval of the fencing technique shown by both wresters.)

Garry: Who does Evonne think she is? D'Artagnon?

Sandra: Who is D'Artagnon?

Garry: From the Three Musketeers.

Sandra: Oh yeah, Michael York. Wow was he handsome.

Garry: I was referring to the book by Victor Hugo, not the movie. Although Raquel Welch sure was hot in the movie.

(The two wrestlers continue to sword fight with their oversized kitchen utensils. Lisa coring an occasional jab with her fork and Evonne scoring some slaps to Lisa's thighs with the spatula. Lisa manages to back Evonne into the stove. Lisa Pins Evonne's spatula against the stove with her fork, burning Evonne's hand on the hot stove. Evonne reaches behind her and grabs the only thing that will move. She strikes Lisa in the side of the head with it. It is the deep fryer basket, still very hot. Lisa shrieks in agony as a mesh burn spot appears on the side of her face. Lisa stumbles backward clutching her head and screaming words at Evonne which the censors have bleeped out.)

Sandra: That is going to leave a mark on the *perfect* face.

Garry: This is no laughing matter. The most beautiful woman in BRA may be scarred for life.

(Evonne tries to sooth her burned hand as Lisa feels the injury done to her face. Lisa throws open the door to the pizza oven and sees a large pepperoni with extra cheese baking in it. She grabs the pizza paddle and shoves it under the pizza as Evonne Advances on her holding the deep fryer basket. Lisa moves quickly throwing the hot pizza and hitting Evonne in the face with it. Evonne screams and drops the basket.)

Garry: Seeing all that food is making me hungry.

Sandra: I know. A perfectly good pizza was just ruined.

(Evonne gets the crust off her face but the cheese is still stuck to her hair and face. Lisa grabs her and drags her to the beer taps. She rams Evonne head into the taps and then forces it under them. She turns on the taps.)

Garry: OH NO! Don't waste that beer. That is alcohol abuse. What did that innocent beer ever do to Lisa?

Sandra: It looks like Lisa is just trying to help Evonne get the cheese off her face. Besides beer is good for hair. It gives it a lustrous sheen.

(The beer flows over Evonne, soaking her as she struggles to break Lisa's hold. She manages to elbow Lisa in the gut, causing her to break the hold. Lisa vaults the counter and runs toward the door to the arena, Evonne in hot pursuit. She pushes against it but the door doesn't move.)

Garry: Lisa is trying to get back to the ring, where she can use her abilities to best advantage. But she can't get the door to open.

Sandra:The door is blocked by that huge crowd of fans trying to see what is going on in the lobby.

(Evonne catches Lisa and whips her toward another door. Lisa crashes through it and the door closes behind her.)

Garry: OH MY GOD! Evonne just threw Lisa into the mens room.

(A group of men leaves the rest room, mutter and cursing as they zip their flies. Evonne goes into the men's room followed by the camera crew. Lisa is lying on the floor as men, scrambling to get out, step over her. Evonne forces Lisa to her feet and rams her head into one of the urinals. She holds Lisa's head there and flushes. Lisa's screams are drowned out but the rushing water. Lisa kicks backward and manages to connect with Evonne's knee. Evonne yelps and loosens her grip. Lisa spins quickly and hits Evonne with a spinning heel kick. The force of the kick causes Evonne to crash into the door of a stall. The door remains closed.)

Voice from inside the stall: Occupied.

(Lisa puts Evonne in a reverse headlock and rams her head into the same door.)

Voice: I TOLD YOU! This stall is being used.

(Evonne manages to reverse the positions and ram Lisa's head into the stall door.)

Voice: All right already! You French ARE the rudest people in the world.

(There is a sound of a toilet flushing as Lisa and Evonne grapple for position. They continually strike the door which doesn't open. There is the sound of a latch being thrown just as Lisa and Evonne crash into the door again. The door flies open and they crash into the man that was in the stall. All three of them falling into a heap on the toilet. Lisa and Evonne exchanges  bites, punches, kicks, elbows and head butts. The man is getting hit with quite a few of these. Evonne grabs Lisa and whips her out of the stall and against the far wall. Evonne follows Lisa out. The man staggers out of the stall, with his pants around his ankles. He falls on his face and looks toward the camera.)

Man: These unisex restrooms have gotten way out of line.

(He collapses to the floor. Evonne grabs Lisa by the arm and whips her out of the men's room. Lisa crashes into the condiments table. Evonne advances on her with a look of pure hatred in her eyes. Lisa grabs a bottle of mustard and sprays it into Evonne's face. Evonne screams and shields her eyes.)

Lisa: Care for a little grey poupon with that?

(Lisa grabs Evonne in a reverse head lock and DTT's her to the floor. Evonne flops on the floor. Lisa takes the opportunity to rest and regain some of her strength. Lisa stands and prepares to strut her stuff for the fans, but realizes that there are only a few left in the lobby. Lisa runs to the counter and leaps on it before spring off it in moonsault, landing with a splash on the prone Evonne. Lisa put Evonne in a match book pin. The ref drops to the floor.)



(Somehow Evonne reaches down for her last reserves of strength and kicks out after the count of two.)

Garry: That is amazing. I didn't think Evonne had anything left, but somehow she managed to kick out.

Sandra: I think Evonne's hatred of Lisa is keeping her going. She truly wants to destroy Lisa and regain her company.

Garry: Lisa is stunned by Evonne's refusal to get pinned. I don't think either one of them has anything left. They are both lying on the floor trying to recuperate from the match.

(Both wrestlers lie on the floor breathing hard. Lisa is the first to rise. She hauls Evonne to her feet, but her smile of confidence is changed to one of pain. Evonne has landed a low blow on Lisa, causing her eyes to bug out and her mouth to form a perfect O.  No sounds escapes from Lisa's mouth. Evonne lifts Lisa into the air and throws her through the window. The glass shatters and Lisa lands on the sidewalk in front of the arena. Evonne jumps through the hole where the large Display window used to be.)

Garry: Evonne just used Lisa to shatter a huge plate glass window. Someone is going to have to pay for that.

Sandra: I don't think Evonne is worried about paying for the window. She is taking the fight to the streets of Paris.

Garry: They better be careful. The drivers in Paris are the worst in the world. Either one of them might get hit by a car.

Sandra: I hope they have some Gendarmes out there to stop traffick.

(As if on cue, Evonne whips Lisa into the middle of the street. A truck stops and is followed by other trucks stopping. All the trucks bear the silver and black markings of Carmikel Enterprises. The trucks form a circle around Evonne and Lisa. Making an impromptu ring in the middle of the busy street. The trucks have moved so close together, that they are touching bumpers, allowing no one into or out of the ring. The only people inside of the ring are the two wrestlers and the ref. Evonne whips Lisa into the front of a truck with such force that the grill is bent back. Evonne charges in to deliver a shoulder block, but Lisa drops to the street and Evonne hits the truck with a resounding GLANG. Evonne staggers away from the truck rubbing her aching shoulder. Lisa gets up and runs toward Evonne, intent on clotheslining her. Evonne ducks at the last possible second and Lisa runs past her. Lisa jumps onto a truck's bumper and leaps off, flying through the ais and wrapping her feet around Evonne's neck, She spins and sends Evonne crashing to the street with a Huricanrana. Both wrestlers lie on the street regaining their bearings. Lisa is the first to her feet, but she falls back to the street courtesy of a leg sweep by Evonne. Both wrestlers slowly get to their feet. They stagger around looking for an opening. Lisa strikes first with a Snap kick, but her leg is caught by Evonne. Evonne spins her around and wraps her arms around Lisa midsection. Evonne strains and lifts Lisa up. Lisa crashes to the street on her shoulders in a belly to back suplex. Evonne bridges into a pin. The ref begins the count.)



(Evonne releases the pin before the ref can count to three.)

Sandra: WHAT? Evonne had Lisa pinned but released her.

Garry: I told you Evonne is still crazy. She probably decided that she now loves Lisa and doesn't want to fight anymore.

(Evonne gets to her feet and smiles at the stunned Lisa.)

Evonne: I can forgive your treachery, I can forgive you putting me in a mental hospital, but there is no forgiveness for failure. You failed to get rid of me when you had the chance Lisa, and now you pay the price!

Garry:  What did she say? Something about forgiving Lisa. I knew Evonne had changed. She is not going to pin Lisa, even though she had the chance.

Sandra: I think Evonne is back to being the old mean and cruel Evonne. She just wants to make Lisa pay even more for what she did to Evonne.

Garry: What is Evonne doing now? OH MY GOD! She has gotten Lisa into a position for the Goldnight.

Sandra: Lisa has suffered enough. Evonne should just pin her, not kill her.

(Evonne drives Lisa's head into the street, using the reverse pedigree "Goldnight" one of her signature moves. Lisa bounces on the street. Evonne glares at her as Lisa lies on the street unconscious.)

Garry: I knew Miss Carmikel would pull it off She orchestrated the whole match. Lisa Dream is has been, or more like a never was. The Celestial title is Evonne's for the taking. Lisa Dream has proven to be no match for the brilliant Miss Carmikel.

Sandra: What are you driveling about? Didn't you say that Lisa was the greatest wrestler in BRA and that Evonne was a lunatic?

Garry: That's Miss Carmikel to you. I would never say that about the most brilliant woman in the world.

Sandra: You have been saying that all night.

Garry: Quiet! The beautiful and intelligent Miss Carmikel is about to pin that total loser Lisa Nightmare. WHAT IS EVONNE DOING NOW?

(Instead of pinning the unconscious Lisa, Evonne has picked her up. The trucks break the circle and one of them backs up toward Evonne. Evonne throws Lisa into the back of the truck and locks the door. A figure jumps out of the crowd watching the match and begins to attack Evonne.)

Garry: What fool has the audacity to attack Miss Carmikel?

Sandra: I can't tell who it is. The light is not good and she seems to be wearing a mask.

Garry: I have some talk about a secret friend of Lisa's called Belladonna. Do you think it is she?

Sandra: I don't know anything about this Belladonna person, but there is something in her style that reminds me of some wrestler in BRA. I just can't place who it is.

(The masked woman is giving Evonne a severe beating. Evonne is too exhausted to resist. Three of the truck drivers get out of their trucks and chase the woman away. Evonne is helped into the cab of the truck Lisa was put in. The ref is grabbed by one of the truckers and thrown into the same cab. The truck speeds away. The camera shows a street full of very confused people.)

Garry: Do we have a camera crew following that truck?

Sandra: I just got word from the producer saying they were caught totally off guard by this. The truck has gotten away and we have no idea where it is going.

(The angeltron now switches to a camera showing Garry and Sandra at the announcers' table.)

Garry: The match can't end this way.

Sandra: I know, it's for the Celestial Title, the highest award any woman wrestler can hope for. There must be a winner.

Garry: I'm sure the brilliant Miss Carmikel has some plan cooked up. To end the match like this would be a waste.

Sandra: Well wrestling fans, I don't know what to tell you. It looks like Evonne was more interested in kidnaping her hated Syndicate enforcer rather than winning the Celestial Title. I guess this is the . . .

Garry: LOOK!  The angeltron is showing a new image.

Sandra: It looks like the Eiffel Tower.

Garry: The producer just told me that is not our signal. Somebody has hijacked our signal and is sending us this.

Sandra: Isn't that the truck that has Lisa, Evonne and the ref we see stopping in front of the Eiffel Tower?

(The angeltron shows a black and silver truck stopping at the base of the tower. The camera moves to a close up as the passenger side door open and the ref gets out followed by Evonne. Evonne walks to the back of the truck and unlocks it. Evonne drags a barely conscious Lisa out of the truck. She drags Lisa to the elevator and forces the ref to get on it too. The elevator makes its slow assent to the highest point people are allowed to go. As the elevator rises it shakes back and forth. All we can see are faces and bodies and being rammed against the steel grating of the elevator. Whose face or body it is we can't tell.)

Sandra: They better be careful. That elevator is shaking so violently, it might snap the cable. Both wrestlers could be killed if that elevator crashes down from that height.

(The elevator does not snap it's cable and stops at the highest point it can go. Another camera picks up the action. The elevator doors open and Lisa and Evonne tumble to the steel grating of the floor of the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower. Both wrestlers' faces are so bloody now that you can't tell them apart. The only thing that distinguishes the two wrestlers is the differences in their heights. Evonne is the first to her feet. Evonne places Lisa in her "24 Caret clutch", a choke hold. Lisa struggles against it, but slowly her oxygen starved brain causes her to pass out. Evonne smirks and poses before the camera.)

Evonne: I have brought you here, Lisa, to show the entire world that I am back. Your pathetic attempt to take over my empire and my stable has failed. No one can match wits with Evonne Carmikel.

(Evonne positions Lisa so that the camera will have its best view of the pin. Evonne prepares to roll up Lisa.)

Garry: Well Evonne is going to reassert herself as Queen of BRA. What a brilliant plan. What style, what showmanship. WHAT THE . . .  ?

(Just as Evonne is about to pin Lisa, Lisa surprises her with an inside cradle. She forces Evonne to the floor as the ref jumps to the floor and slaps it.)

Garry: Brilliant move by the always unpredictable Lisa Dream. She only pretended to be passed out. She has got that old wind bag, Evonne, trapped.




Garry: I can't believe it. Lisa Dream has pulled out a victory over Evonne. Just when you thought she was out she tricked Evonne and won the match. This is incredible.

(Lisa slumps on her knees. Exhausted but ecstatic over her win. Evonne is furiously arguing with the ref. The ref makes a wise decision by hopping on the elevator and closing the gate. He rides the elevator to the ground floor. Leaving only Evonne and Lisa on the tower. Lisa laughs at Evonne. Evonne, with a strength born of total hatred, picks Lisa up and raises her over Evonne's head. She walks to the railing. Lisa looks in shear terror at the ground 250 feet below her.)

Evonne: You may have won, but you won't have long to savor the victory. I always get the last word in. One last thing, before I throw you to your death! You're fired!

(Lisa shrieks in terror as Evonne rears back and throws her over the railing.)

Garry: I CAN"T BELIEVE THIS! That nutcase just murdered the Celestial champion. OH THE HUMANITY!

(The camera follows the screaming Lisa as she hurdles through the air to her certain death. Lisa makes grabbing motions with her hands, hoping to find that one piece of air that is strong enough to keep her from falling to her death. Suddenly all the TV screens go blank for a second. The image of Lisa falling to certain death is replaced by a screen with the following message on it.)


(The sounds from the arena have been replaced by some truly horrible Muzak.)

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