Madusa Rage
Debbie Loretto

[The camera returns to the hosts of BRA - French Kiss 200, the ever lovely
Sandra, and her cohort in crime, good old Garry.  They appear to be caught
off guard, as if something else was supposed to be happening.  Apparently,
they're back on the air as Sandra quickly speaks in an attempt to save them.]

Sandra: Uh, we're back here at Battling Ring Angels - French Kiss 2000,
presented by the Sisterhood of Seduction.  We were having technical
difficulties for a moment, but all seems well now.  We apologize for the
breakup in the signal.

Garry: Yeah...that's right.  Medusa Rage has already entered the ring for
this hardcore matchup, and now we await the arrival of Debbie Loretto, whom
we await pre-match comments from.

[The lithe brunette stands in the corridor leading onto the entry-way into
the BRA arena, her fists clenched and her eyes showing her readiness for this
knockdown battle with 'the Snake'. Before the reporter can even ask a
question, Loretto wrests the microphone from her and stares into the camera,
almost bouncing on her feet with energy.

" might call yourself 'Rage'....but you're going to experience
a whole new level of anger tonight. You know why? Because tonight is the
night that the most lethal package in women's wrestling will finally come
together...intelligence, power and beauty...all in one."

With that, the familiar strains of Elgar's Cello Concerto can be heard, and
Loretto stalks off towards the entryway.]

[The camera now switches to the arena entrance, where the sounds of the mosty
french crowd can be heard.]

The lights dim as the familiar, haunting strains of Elgar's Cello Concerto
played by Jacqueline du Pre soar around the BRA arena. The fans stir as they
realise that this is the entrance music for Debbie Loretto, the hot (in more
ways than one) new rookie. However...she doesn't appear to be making an
entrance. A buzz of conversation can be heard around the arena as the music
continues for a few moments with no activity around the entrance ramp.

Suddenly, the beautiful cello music is violently yanked from the speakers and
replaced by the resounding opening riff of Rage Against the Machine's
"Killing in the Name". As a pyrotechnics display erupts around the entryway,
Debbie Loretto finally makes her appearance...and she looks psyched up!
Running down to the ring, she ignores the screams of the fans, shadowboxing
in time with the violent music. Sliding under the ropes, she runs into the
centre of the ring and takes in the atmosphere....and as the song builds to
its violent climax, she literally rips apart her black midriff top to reveal
a lacy black bra underneath.]

Garry: Momma Mia!

Sandra: No, that's Mia Lexington's move.  This is Debbie Loretto.

Garry: I know, it had a double meaning, so I thought that I'd take a gamble
and use that phrase.

Sandra: Well, at any rate, Debbie Loretto is fired up!  It looks as if -- No,
she's taking the fight to Medusa Rage.

Garry: Both women are hammering away on each other.  This is not the route
for two titanesses to be taking - especially with all the innocent

Sandra: This battle between possibly two of the most powerful women in BRA
could very possibly tear this arena down around us.

[Debbie and Medusa continue to hammer away on each other, trading punches.
Medusa, however, breaks the exchange with a powerful clothesline - one that
sends Loretto to the mat.  She quickly pulls Debbie up by her hair, rocking
the woman with a European uppercut.]

Sandra: And Debbie goes down again.  Medusa appears just as angry as Debbie
did during her entrance.  She's stomping away on her fallen adversary.

Garry: She's getting her up again.  Medusa off the ropes...

[Medusa bounces off the ropes towards Debbie, who ducks and pulls the top
rope down, sending Medusa over the top and onto the floor.  Debbie rolls
underneath the bottom rope, moving to the outside.  There, she "helps" Medusa
up and runs her into the ring post, shoulder first.]

Sandra: That had to hurt!  Debbie is really taking the fight to Medusa this
time. Not like last time when Debbie hardly put up a fight.

[Debbie begins to reach under the ring, looking for anything to use against
her opponent.  Meanwhile, Medusa gets to her hands and knees, reaching one
hand into her pants.]

Garry: Loretto's looking to cause some more damage.  Medusa's in trouble

[Debbie produces a chair from beneath the ring, turns towards Medusa, and
raises it over her head, prepared to strike her opponent.  Medusa acts,
however, tossing a handful of white powder into Debbie's face.  This sends
dust throughout the area, in an obvious white cloud.  Debbie drops the chair
and covers her eyes.  Medusa is quick to take advantage of the situation, and
grasps the chair.  Debbie stumbles around, and turns towards Medusa, swinging
every once in awhile with a wild punch.  Medusa grins, and blasts Debbie over
the head with the steel chair, denting the seat.  A sickening sound echoes
through the arena, as Debbie crashes onto her back.]

Sandra: Oh God!  Medusa just bent that chair over Loretto's head.  She's
going for the cover already.

Garry: No way...



[Debbie kicks her legs, and frees herself from the pinning predicament.
Medusa complains to the ref, standing and threatening him.  Debbie rolls to
her side, still trying to wipe the powder from her eyes.  Her face is now
white, the remnants of the dust still clinging to her skin.]

[Medusa turns around, and launches a kick into Debbie's ribs, sending her
onto her back.   Then, standing over her adversary, she pulls Debbie to her
feet.  Medusa reaches back far, preparing to send a powerful fist into
Debbie's head. Debbie ducks, and Medusa's fist catches nothing but air.
Then, Debbie raises a knee, slamming it between Medusa's legs.  Her knees
come together, and she sinks to the floor.]

[Debbie stands over Rage, and clamps her head between her thighs, locking
Medusa in a powerful head scissors.  Debbie rolls to her side, keeping the
pressure on her adversary.  Medusa struggles between Debbie's legs, kicking
and waving her arms.]

[After a few moments of agonizing pain, Debbie releases the hold and pulls
Medusa to her hands and knees by a handful of hair.  Medusa still has fight
in her, though, and rams a shoulder into Debbie's exposed, hardened
midsection. Debbie releases a grunt as the air tries to leave her lungs - And
medusa does this move again, forcing Debbie's middle and lower body to shoot
out from the force of the blow.  Medusa gets to her feet, and the women start
brawling again.]

Sandra: They're moving up the runway now.  The fists are flying.

[Soon, the two women disappear from view as they fight through the curtains,
and into the backstage area.]

Garry: We're trying to get someone back there with a camera, but they're
telling me that something is interfering with the signal.  It's those
technical difficulties again.

Sandra: They say it's like someone's trying to -- wait, they have it now.

[The camera moves to backstage just as Medusa has irish whipped Debbie into
the wall.  The tall, powerful woman lies in a heap on the floor as Medusa
begins to stop away on her ribs and shoulder.  Debbie manages to get to her
feet just in time to deliver a kick to Medusa's midsection, forcing her over.]

Sandra: No! Not on the concrete floor!

Garry: Yes! A powerbomb!  That's it for Medusa Rage!

[Instead of attempting a cover, Debbie climbs onto a table.  Medusa rolls to
her side, holding her back in pain.  She continues to move slowy, and it's
obvious that Debbie may have been able to score a pin there.  Debbie waits,
standing on the table like a stalking cheetah. Medusa gets to her knees, and
struggles to stand.  Her back happens to be turned to her opponent.]

[Debbie begins to reach into her own trousers, and produces a miniature

Garry: Debbie's got a weapon! Debbie has a foreign object.

Sandra: No joke, it's a hardcore match.


[As Medusa turns around, Debbie flies off the table, bashing the blackjack
between Medusa's eyes.  Medusa goes down in a heap once more as Debbie rolls
over, moving for the cover.]

Sandra: That's it.  This one's over.

[The ref swats the concrete three times and Debbie stands, the ref raising
her hand in victory.]

Garry: Wait, Debbie isn't finished yet!

[She pulls Medusa up once more, lifting her and bringing her down on her knee
with force - in a perfect backbreaker. Then, she walks away contemptously.]

Sandra: THAT was uncalled for!  There was absolutely no reason for Debbie to
do a thing like that.

Garry: Well, she had to make sure that Medusa didn't attack her from behind
while she was trying to leave.

Sandra: What the hell kind of logic is --

Garry: Sorry, we have to get ready for the next match, which should be a

Sandra: "Doozie??"

*Winner* Debbie Loretto

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