Sandra: Welcome back, and by the look of things, it’s just going to get more interesting around here!

Gary: Count on it. I was impressed the last time I saw it…

Sandra: The last time you saw Misty you mean!

Gary: The last time I saw the CAGE, thank you very much! And I’m ALWAYS impressed when I see Misty!

(At that moment the cage lowered itself from the ceiling stopping the requisite 10 feet from the floor of the ring. At the exact moment it stops the lights die down and the sounds of Tom Jones’ “She’s a Lady” begin to boom loud over the speakers and the curtains part. Everyone’s favorite wrestling mother steps out and makes her way down the aisle to a chorus of mostly jeers from the pro Sisterhood crowd. Peggy’s nervous smile is replaced by a look of discomfort as she looks directly at the monstrosity hanging over the ring.)

Sandra: You can’t help but feel sorry for Peggy tonight…

Gary: You can’t help it at anytime!

Sandra: Give the poor woman a break! She wants to face Misty so bad in a match, but not like this! This is not Peggy Christian! She is a wrestler, not a sideshow freak!

Gary: Could have fooled me! Look at her, she’s afraid! Afraid to face Misty!

Sandra: Don’t you believe it! She just wants to face her in the ring, not a lobster trap! I don’t blame her at all!

(Peggy, dressed in a single black unitard and black wrestling boots, climbs into the ring and moves around it slowly, looking up at the cage above her head.)

Gary: What’s going on here? That cage should be lowered so they can get into it! Old poppin’ fresh will never make it up there! I’m surprised she made it to the ring at all! Look at her, she must weigh 200lbs!

Sandra: Oh shut up!! The layoff and the entire trauma she has been through lately would do that to anyone! She only weighs around 165 now!

(Peggy still moves around the ring, slowly, not allowing the cage to be lowered.)

Gary: Why doesn’t she get out of there and let the cage drop?

Sandra: I think she knows something that no one else does.

Gary: So no one knows her recipe for tollhouse cookies, so what!! Will someone get her out of there!

(Suddenly the lights go down again and the crowd explodes in a wave of cheers as “Break the Walls Down” bursts forth and the curtains part to reveal Sweet Misty! Instead of the booing and jeering she has grown accustomed to, Misty is greeted with applause and a resounding range of cheers as the pro Sisterhood crowd recognizes one of their own. Wearing leather pants and a red half tee, she jogs to the ring and slides under the ropes right in front of her waiting opponent before getting swiftly to her feet and with a look of pure hatred on her face shoves into Peggy’s face, backing her into a corner. The crowd goes loony over this display of pent up aggression from one of their favorites!)

Gary: What an incredible entrance from the Sweet one!! She’s got poppin’ fresh shaking in her size twelve’s!!

Sandra: There is NO love lost there, that is for darn sure! I’ve never seen such a look of pure hatred on a face! It almost makes me sick!

Gary: I don’t know why Misty isn’t sick, staring at Piggy like that!

Sandra: Misty is starting to yell something now, right in Peggy’s face! I think she is wondering why the cage isn’t down and she isn’t in it!

(Misty screams more abuse at her trapped opponent before backing off a step with a sneer. Peggy slides along the rope and away from the irate brunette and picks up the microphone lying on the apron.)

Sandra: I think she had this planned! But what is she going to say?

Gary: She’s going to give up! She’s terrified of Misty, you can see it in her eyes! It’s the best thing for her anyway, Misty would have wiped the cage with her!

(As she grabs the mike, Peggy puts it to her mouth and staring directly at Misty, starts to speak.

“Misty…” she starts as the crowd starts to jeer. “I want to first apologize for what I did to you at the Royal Rumble. It was unprofessional of me. Next, I want to appeal to you, face me in the ring, not this cage!” she said looking directly above her.)

Sandra: I knew she knew something! Peggy isn’t afraid of Misty, she just wants to see who the better wrestler is!

(Peggy looked again at Misty and the crowd, not totally understanding every word but getting the meaning started to boo louder.

“This will not solve anything! I know you’re mad at me and want this match as bad as I do, but lets settle it like wrestlers, not circus performers! What do you say?”

Before anyone could get the chance to answer, the French National Anthem blares from the speakers, sending the crowd into rapture as they cheer for their favorite athlete. From the curtains Yvette Malreaux, dressed in a black micro mini skirt appears. A red blouse covers her top and a black choker hangs around her neck.)

Sandra: What is she doing here? She’s not scheduled until later!

Gary: It’s her PPV, she can come out whenever she pleases…and as often!!

(Upon seeing their champion, the fans raise to their feet, chanting her name. She turns to them and raises her arms in a premature victory, planning for her match against Sabrina Perizi. As the Frenchwoman comes down the aisle, she strides slowly, her stiletto heels clicking on the ramp. She has an intent stare toward Peggy as she grabs the mike.

“Let me applaud you on the humiliation you have just faced with Misty. However, the little punishment you endured, my dear, is nothing next to the little surprise I have in store for you. My heartfelt sorrows on your crippling divorce, old girl, but when these things happen they tear a family apart. Children need love and support, as well as plenty of attention. Sadly, you can neither keep a man, nor can you keep a watchful eye over your children. I, Yvette Malreaux, can pick up the slack!”

Sandra: I’m not liking the look of this at all! Look at poor Peggy! This must be driving her crazy! What is that evil woman up to?”

Gary: Watch!! Hehe!

(The crowd dies down slightly as Yvette gestures to the curtains. Suddenly explosions appear either side of the curtains, the lights dim and the French National anthem plays a few bars again before the raucous sounds of Bryan Adams’ guitar rocks the building as “Fits Ya Good” blares out of the speakers. The Angeltron then lights up with the name blazoned across it, “Le Petite Marquise”. Then, just as the vocals begin a lithe young blonde steps boldly from the back. Dressed in an Yvette Malreaux leather jacket that extends to the young girl’s thighs, she stops at the curtains to an arousing cheer from a largely male audience. She strikes a pose. One arm in the air and the other curled down below her waist, forming a stylized “J”. )

Sandra: OH…MY GAWD!!!

Gary: Told ya to watch, didn’t I!

Sandra: That’s no small Marquise, that’s Peggy Christian’s daughter!! What is happening here! Oh, the poor woman, look at Peggy!! She’s completely taken aback! Oh this is wretched…completely wretched!

Gary: I wouldn’t have missed this for a night in the sack with Yvette!! Well…maybe just that!

(Jennifer Christian descends the ramp and enters the ring next to Yvette. Standing firm, the girl glares at her mother, seething! Yvette casually leans against the younger girl who stands firm, acting as a pillar for Yvette.

“So what we have here Peggy, is a classic case of poor parenting. Don’t worry though, I shall take care of her as the newest member of the Sisterhood of Seduction!”

Yvette throws back her head laughing after emphasizing the words “Sisterhood of Seduction”. Stunned immobile, Peggy looks on crushed as her daughter starts to scream out words of anger and disgust at her mother. As soon as she says her piece, Jennifer pulls open the leather jacket in a dramatic fashion to reveal a white S and M outfit almost identical to Yvette’s. She tosses the jacket down and preens in front of her mother, working her way around to the other side of the ring, playing to the audience. She walks over to Misty and joins her in a bump and grind, driving the male audience members into a frenzy of lust.)

Sandra: I just cannot believe my own eyes!

Gary: Neither can I! (drooling) This is my lucky day! Two blondes and a brunette and boy does the Petite Marquise look HOT!!

Sandra: Have some decency you oaf! Her mother is right there!! And she just a child!

Gary: She turned 18 yesterday! She’s leeegggaall!!!

(Peggy is trying to say something to her daughter in an almost pleading fashion. Jennifer continues to grind with Misty for a few more seconds, then stops. She turns to her mother, and her words are clear as the crowd dulls down to a quiet roar to listen.

“What’s the matter, PEGGY! Jealous? If it’s good enough for you, then why not for me!”

At that moment Peggy falls heavily to the mat on her face as Yvette, forgotten behind everyone, lays the larger woman out with a dropkick to her back. In a second the younger Christian dives onto the back of her mother, landing in a sitting position on the middle of her back. Stunned and helpless, Peggy can only lay there as Jennifer extends her legs forward, pulling Peggy’s head up harshly by the hair and locking it between her young thighs, squeezing the head like a vice in a vicious scissors. Then, grinning wickedly, she hooks both of her mother’s arms underneath and pulls them up and back hard! Peggy squirms in pain, trapped and helpless, screaming and pleading for her daughter to stop.)

Sandra: Oh this is awful! I just can’t believe this! Her own mother!

Gary: Boy I’d give anything to be wrapped up in THOSE legs! Yabba dabba doo!

Sandra: What is she doing to her? I’ve never seen that before?

Gary: That…is the Croix de Guerre! That is the finisher of Le Petite Marquise!

Sandra: (shocked) You seem to know an awful lot! Did you know this was going to happen! Did you!!

Gary: Well…when you are as popular as I am, and hang around all the wrestlers I do, they just cant help telling me some things to keep me happy! Can I help it?

(In the background Yvette is whipping the crowd into a patriotic frenzy as Jennifer refuses to release the painful hold, squeezing her legs hard, releasing the pent up frustrations that were locked up in her. Misty meanwhile is keeping the ref occupied trying to show him some non-existent flaw in the cage. Peggy’s kicking grows noticeably weaker as the punishing hold takes its toll, squeezing the consciousness from her. Jennifer finally drops the arms, grabbing her near unconscious mother by the hair and whispering wickedly into her ear.

“How does it feel…to be the first victim of the Croix de Guerre! Exquisite, isn’t it!”

Mean while Yvette has got the ref’s attention by pointing up the aisle, proclaiming Sherry is lurking up there, trying to interfere! Misty goes over to where Jennifer has finally released Peggy, leaving her barely conscious on the mat. She bends over her prostrate opponent with a smile of satisfaction on her face.

“So …Peggy!!” she spat out. “How DOES it feel to be savaged brutally while you’re back is turned!” With some venom Misty kicks Peggy in the ribs, causing a weak groaning to come from her.)

Sandra: I cannot believe I just witnessed what I did! In all my days I have never seen such treachery…

Gary: Hah! How easy you forget when the shoe is on the other foot. Don’t you remember what your precious Peggy did to Misty at the PPV? How she attacked her helpless and beaten from behind, and that when she was a Shop member too!

Sandra: She apologized for that! The whole world heard it!

Gary: Too little, too late! Misty could have been the Celestial champion that night! Piggy got off lucky!

Sandra: You call that lucky! Her own daughter!

(In the ring the ref has finally got over to see Peggy who is lying in a painful heap in the corner. Misty meanwhile jumps up and swings nimbly into the cage, taking up a sitting position and waving to the crowd! The ref checks her, but shakes his head as he can’t get her to move, let alone make it to the cage. Yvette and Jennifer stand in a corner, the jacket having being put back on as the ref regretfully waits for Misty to jump back down and grabs her hand and raises it as the bell sounds in the background. The crowd goes wild and Yvette grabs her other arm, raising it high.)

Sandra: NO!! He can’t do that!! He’s giving Misty the win??

Gary: She can’t make it to the cage even when she’s not hurt! Anyway, she never wanted to go in there in the first place! She got her wish!

Sandra: But Misty never threw her out!

Gary: She made it into the cage though. So that disqualifies Porky!

( The three women of the sisterhood leave the ring together to the roar of the crowd as attendants enter the ring to help Peggy out.)

Sandra: This was truly a sad night for wrestling! We’ll be right back…


WINNER: Sweet Misty by disqualification

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws