Sabrina Perizi
Nina Larue

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(Writer’s note: This was the hardest match I ever had to write. Both players did a spectacular job. Don’t let ‘win’ or ‘loss’ cloud the result of two people who worked as hard as anyone I have ever seen. I went back and forth choosing a winner, and just could not decide. Both did wonderfully.)

(The city of Paris; arguably one of the most lovely and spectacular cities in the world. Now it is a battleground between the best of the best of the BRA wrestling federation. The arena is filled to capacity. It is sacred and hallowed ground for members of the Sisterhood of Seduction, the local champions; in particular, their leader, Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux. The cries of the fans show how excited they are that BRA brought one of the biggest Pay Per View events to their city. They display signs cheering on their favorites: Nina Larue, Laura Parker, Kelly Mase, and of course, Yvette. Music blares, hyping the crowd. Banners have been held high, hanging from the rafters with the words ‘French Kiss’ printed on them, with Yvette’s smiling picture underneath. She is their hero. She is their champion. Naturally, the scorn is felt towards Sherry Ann, Veronica Millions, and the most dreaded and detested one of the lot: Sabrina Perezi. Now, they get their chance to see Sabrina first hand. The camera pans down to Sandra and Garry, who look around with amazement.)

Garry: This is the greatest day in BRA history, Sandra! Finally, the fans see these tramps for what they are worth and cheer on the best of the best!

Sandra: Are you out of your mind?! Yvette and her goon-squad have been terrorizing these girls all week! She has used every dirty trick in the book to make them feel unwelcome and hated! That is hardly what a good hostess does!

Garry: Sandra, you ARE an idiot! The French are cultured, beautiful and tasteful. They now talent when they see it. Just think of Monet.

Sandra: (rolls her eyes) Anyway, folks, we have, coming up next, the match up for the Television Title, between Nina Larue and Sabrina Perezi. It should be a great one; one to keep in the books. Nina has been opening her mouth all week, trash-talking Sabrina. Tonight its time for her to put up or shut up!

Garry: Nina? Shut up? Are you mad?! Nina is going to make an all-star fool out of Sabrina, beating her senseless, pinning her to the mat, and making a mockery of her before she sends her, beaten and battered, to Yvette, the lady of the evening.

Sandra: Yeah, more double-teaming!

(Suddenly, 'Don’t Tread On Me,' by Metallica blasts over the PA, while the

Angel-Tron comes to life, proudly revealing, ‘MISS AMERICA’ in a bright,

bold, font, with the American flag waving behind it. Several skyrockets,

scream to life from the ceiling, as they shoot their way earthbound towards

the entrance stage and erupt into red, white, and blue explosions. Miss

America Sabrina Perezi enters the arena with the French fans screaming in anger, booing her, a sensation rarely experienced. A blue one-piece suit, with red and white stripes across the top half. Sabrina’s boots have her initials on them, and she wears her blond hair in a ponytail. To finish off, Sabrina wears red kneesavers and white boots. She wears a light blue sash with the words, ‘Miss America’ going across it, her hair is in a braid and she gently smiles to her fans. After a few moments, several flash pots explode and with great excitement, Sabrina slaps hands with a few of the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Sabrina enters the ring and poses while red, white, and blue flash pots explode behind her. Unsettlingly, many of the fans are screaming for her blood, condemning her for coming to France. However, with a noble spirit, she enters the ring.)

Garry: Boooo! You suck! Go back to America!

Sandra: Garry, aren’t YOU an American?

Garry: Umm, leave me alone!

(The lights in the arena dim and gold, fire works soar through the air and pyro pots explode, signaling the arrival of The Babe Squad. ‘The Thing Song,’ by Sisqo starts up from the sound system, loudly. The French crowd is

on their feet, cheering and screaming for the two busty beauties. "Miss

BRA" Tiffany Lane steps from behind the curtain, clad in a risqué, gold,

micro-mini dress and matching heels. Her long, blonde hair falls

straight down her back, the "Miss BRA" tiara atop her golden mane. She

steps aside, making way for "The Goddess". Nina wears a gold, thong

bikini, showing off her curvy, sleek figure, and matching knee-length

boots. Her long, raven locks fall to the small of her back in a cascade

of delicate curls. The two sex symbols pose for a few seconds, basking

in the massive catcalls and whistles from the male fans, before

sashaying to ringside and slapping hands with the adoring, French crowd.

The ref holds the ropes open for the two beauties, as they enter the

ring, and Nina seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to

the fans and offering them a seductive glance at her ample cleavage. As

Tiffany leaves the ring, Nina poses and preens for the appreciative


Sandra: What a tramp! These two are some of the most notorious and dirty players ever seen in this federation!

Garry: You say that about Lisa Dream, Evonne Carmikel, Yvette, Little Alexandra, Laura Parker, Alexandra Parker, Kelly Mase . . . Which is it? You have just lost ALL credibility as far as I am concerned!

Sandra: Oh yeah? Well just wait and see. Look at the official in the ring. He is already ogling both Nina and Tiffany. We all know how this works - Tiffany will distract the guy, like some common tramp, and Nina will get away with murder. Its really disgusting!

Garry: You don’t even know what you’re talking about, in fact - Hey! What’s that?!

(Garry’s curiosity is turned towards a group of elderly women who have been sitting in the front rows, patiently until now. As the camera pans across them, showing their faces on the Angle-Tron, they suddenly notice and pull out mops! They violently show their signs, showing that they are the Parisian auxiliary of Mothers Against Pornography (MOP). They scream wildly at Nina and Tiffany, waving their symbols of cleansing like weapons, high above their heads.)

Garry: Hey! How did those old crones get in here! This sucks! ‘Mothers Against Pornography,’ indeed! I thought porn was INVINTED in France!

Sandra: Well, I’m glad their here. At least they seem to be supporting Sabrina. She needs all the support she can get!

Garry: Yeah, well, I think it sucks! When we get back, I’m gonna start my own organization - ‘SLUT;’ Sandra: Looks Ugly on TV! Or how about, ‘BABES;’ Busty And Beautiful, Ever Sexy! Yeah, that is my new resolution!

Sandra: You just go do that! Well, it looks like Tiffany has started already!

(Tiffany is clearly seen, rubbing her hands on the chest of the youngish and cute official. He seems most smitten with her as Nina turns and looks at Sabrina, shrugging her shoulders, with feigned innocence.)

Sandra: Oh, wonderful. I see we’re off to a great start, already.

Garry: You better believe it, sister! In fact -

(Garry is cut off as Beethoven’s ‘Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement starts up. The lights dim and explosions fire up, when the song reaches the crescendo. From the curtains two busty models, one a blonde, one a brunette, come from behind the curtains. They are both wearing skimpy, revealing bikinis and have large, feathery wings on their backs, attached with wires. Aside from the small outfits they wear, they have smiles on their faces, and crooked halos over their heads. Each pulls back a portion of the curtains and wave their hands as if displaying some prize from a game show. A figure, clad in black robes with a hood and a golden mask upon his face, steps out. To his side is a beautiful redhead, dressed in a tight, spandex, referee’s shirt, cut so high, it barely covers her ample breasts. She wears tight black shorts, barely covering her rear. The ‘outfit’ is complete with small black boots. The pair begins to descend the ramp, slowly. The audience immediately recognizes the black-clad figure as Gabrielle, assistant to the ArchAngel. The two ‘angels’ jog behind him, slinking their way down the ramp, seductively.)

Garry: Oh, wait a minute, I don’t think I like the looks of this . . .

Sandra: What do you mean? This is great! If the official gets switched, I doubt the Babe Squad will be able to use any undue influence on the referee.

(The small entourage reaches the ring, the two seductive angels hold the ropes high for Gabrielle and the redheaded official to make their entrance. Gabrielle is slow and methodical, perhaps the sign of an aging man. He speaks to the male official amid screaming protests from Tiffany and Nina. The Babe Squad looks as if they are ready to attack the loyal servant but his two angels appear to give them both dirty looks, the brunette drawing her finger across her throat, the blonde rubbing one finger against the other, motioning the universal symbol of ‘shame-shame,’ then she holds her nose with one hand, raises her other in the air and wiggles downward, symbolizing drowning. Gabrielle takes the microphone and speaks with his slow and hollowed voice, made more obscure by the mask.)

Gabrielle: Hawk the Herald Angel sings! In light of the fact that our current official has recently failed a drug test, I am afraid that he is no longer eligible to call the match. We have a replacement, however. I introduce to you Ms. Vicki Task. She is our newest official and she takes very little . . . intimidation. Now that Ms. Perezi and Ms. Larue have no problems with it . . .

Nina: Burn in Hell, Gabrielle! You can -

(As Nina lunges forward against the ArchAngel’s servant, his two angels come forward, protectively. Tiffany holds her friend back, preventing an assault on one of the top officials. Gabrielle’s fight, if present, is hidden behind his golden mask.)

Garry: I can’t believe this! This is nonsense! However, that Vicki girl does have large tits! Ooops. Can I say that on the air?

Sandra: You just did, a$$hole.

(Gabrielle exists the ring, followed by his angels. The shamed male referee exists, as well, taking one last look at the beautiful girls in the ring. Of course, Nina and Tiffany have nothing more for him as he has outlived his usefulness. Tiffany, disgusted, leaves shortly thereafter. The angels have gotten a chair for Gabrielle close to the ring and the MOP crowd goes wild with delight that the Babe Squad has been foiled.)

Sandra: Let’s hope this Vicki character can restore some decency to this match!

Garry: I sure hope not! Oops! There’s the bell!

(The two women immediately charge for one another, no love lost between them. Sabrina is the first to go on the initiative as she throws Nina to the ground, and lands another hip toss as Nina gets up again. Nina, while on the mat, swipes her feet, taking Sabrina to the mat, both girls now prone. The sudden shock to Sabrina has her off guard as Nina gets to her feet and thrusts her boot onto Sabrina’s neck, causing the blonde to instinctively raise her hands, choking. As Nina raises her foot, yet again, Vicki seizes her by the hair and pulls her back. Spinning around, Nina is furious.)

Nina: Who the Hell do you think you are?!

Vicki: (smirking) No cheating, Larue!

(By this time Sabrina has quickly gotten to her feet and come at Nina from behind. Nina gets spun around and picked up, placed into a body slam. The wind is knocked out of her and Nina goes for the turnbuckle, early. Quickly, Tiffany runs to the ropes and gives Sabrina a push off, landing on the mat. Gabrielle’s angels attempt to stop it but they are too late. However, Vicki sees it and shouts something at Tiffany who smiles and shrugs her shoulders.)

Sandra: Already, Nina and Tiffany are getting more than they bargained for in Vicki.

Garry: Yeah, I know. This is an insult, a rip-off. And the fans don’t like it. I am not sure whether they love the Babe Squad more than they hate Sabrina but the is sure on fire.

(The crowd continues to boo Sabrina but they become elated as Nina creeps towards the blonde as she gets up. Sabrina comes face to face with Nina who subsequently delivers a perfect spinning heel kick, knocking the blonde into the turnbuckle. Nina follows through with throwing her body into Sabrina’s, crushing her. Nina jumps backwards and as Sabrina falls forward, the brunette grabs her, and flips her, in a perfect martial arts throw, Sabrina landing on her back, in a most painful fashion. Nina, seeing Sabrina lying painfully on her back looks to the crowd and arrogantly shoots up her arms, throwing her head back.)

Nina: Who’s your Goddess?!

(The crowd roars with approval even though many have no idea what she is saying. However, the MOP contingent is hardly pleased as they shake their mops vigorously in anger.)

Garry: These MOP hags are the stupidest people. As I understand it, a ‘mop’ is something which is an English term. Thus, the ‘joke,’ if you can call it that, is that these old broads use a double meaning. Now, the word for ‘mop’ in French is ‘un torchon.’ Yet they still call themselves, ‘MOP.’ How stupid.

Sandra: No. What is ‘stupid’ is the fact that you wasted so much airtime with that pointless analysis.

(Nina has turned back to Sabrina who has gotten to her feet. Nine takes a confident swing, but the blonde blocks it, striking Nina in the face. Nina takes another swing, but it blocked, taking a shot in the stomach. As Nina screams in pain and frustration, Sabrina continues to go on the offensive, delivering knife-edge chops to her, then quickly applies a cradle DDT, smashing the brunette into the mat. Sabrina looks around and decides that the turnbuckle is not the best direction as Tiffany is lying in wait to pounce. Instead she throws herself to the mat, locking a Boston Crab on Nina, who begins howling in pain. As Sabrina applies more pressure, the crowd boos and Tiffany begins jumping up and down, encouraging Nina to build the strength to reach the ropes. Since Nina has hardly used up much of her strength, she manages to clamor her way to the ropes within moments, much to the frustration of Sabrina who breaks the hold after a friendly nod from Vicki. Tiffany cheers with delight at the sight of it. Gabrielle, on the other side, whispers something to his angels who both stand up, making their way to Tiffany, walking in sync, looking at the blonde most menacingly. Both of them stand close to Tiffany watching her with intent interest.)

Garry: Can those two bimbos do that? They have no right! This is an outrage!

Sandra: Calm down, Garry, they’re just making sure Tiffany doesn’t cause any more trouble.

Garry: That is exactly what I mean!

(Standing, the black-robbed figure of Gabrielle approaches the announcers and looms high over Garry, his gloved hands resting on the table in front of him. He stares down at Garry, intently, his cold eyes barely seen behind the golden mask.)

Gabrielle: Mr. Grimmoire, I would highly suggest that if you do not wish to begin calling matches in one of our sister federations in an independent circuit, outside of Nome, Alaska, you will keep some of your comments to yourself.

(As Garry gulps, watching Gabrielle move back to his seat, the action in the ring has picked up. Nina and Sabrina have each been trying to impress one another with high-flying moves, but they each came prepared for one another and manage to escape and dodge each other, creating a fast and furious pace. Finally, the impasse is broken as Nina catching Sabrina in the face with a palm strike, knocking the blonde backwards and into the ropes. As Tiffany springs forward, in an attempt to trip her, each arm is seized from either side by the angels, preventing the cheat from occurring. Tiffany, caught red handed, screams her protests, catching Vicki’s attention.)

Vicki: What the Hell?! Girls! Keep her busy while the match goes on!

(Vicki turns back to watch the action as Nina capitalizes on the pain in Sabrina’s face. The busty brunette catches Sabrina with a clothesline, knocking the beautiful blonde to the mat. With great speed, Nina slips around her, and dives to the mat, as well, locking in a perfect Dragon Sleeper, applying as much pressure as she can. Screaming with delight, the crowd cheers Nina on.)

Nina: Fall into oblivion, wretch!

Garry: Hah! Nina has the Dragon Sleeper! Yes! Its nighty-night time for Ms. America!

Sandra: Don’t be so sure! This lady is unstoppable as of late. I recall her taking on Skye and Little Alexandra a couple of weeks ago.

Garry: Ugh. How can I forget. That is when Little Alexandra beat the Hell out of us.

(Sabrina gasps for air, slowly everything draining from her. Vicki watches, making sure it is legit, while turning back to the angels, who are holding a struggling Tiffany. In the confusion, Gabrielle looks up to a darkened booth and seems to receive some kind of signal. He gets to his feet, and makes his way to the ring, where, unbeknownst to either Sabrina - a girl who would never cheat; and Vicki - a referee who seems to be right down the middle; he pulls Nina’s foot, dragging her off Sabrina. He then steps back as all Hell breaks loose, with Nina and Tiffany going wild, Vicki turning to see what happened and the crowd angered. Vicki looks at Gabrielle suspiciously. Nina had a perfect Dragon Sleeper and would never have just released it. She scowls down at her employer, and yells.)

Vicki: Don’t play games with me, Gabrielle! I didn’t come out her to rob Peter to pay Paul!

(Nina, livid, jumps up and sees Gabrielle, throwing out a slew of obscenities and threats. The robbed man simply stands, holding his ground, curious as to what she is saying. The fact that Nina thinks he is smirking under his mask, angers her all the more.)

Nina: How dare you mess with the Goddess! You are drawn blood that you cannot justify! The cards will determine you fate! The ancestors of a thousand-

Nina’s spirited ranting and raving sent her into her own world, but she was cut off as Sabrina swept her foot, taking out Nina, who’s neck fell onto the ropes, bouncing her neck, snapping her head backwards. Sabrina gets back as Nina staggers to her feet, dazed and her throat in pain. Before she can react, Sabrina drives her head into Nina’s stomach, driving the breath out of her. Sabrina’s hands reach around Nina’s thong, lifts, throws her up and over onto Nina’s back with a resounding crunch. Sabrina maintains a beautiful bridge and places Nina in a pin. Vicki leaps to the canvass and counts, getting only a two before Nina rolls up her shoulder, and kicks out. Sabrina, confidently, gets up to begin more moves, much to the pleasure of Gabrielle and to the anger of Tiffany who is struggling to break free of Gabrielle’s ‘crooked halo’ angels.)

Garry: Bah! Sabrina sucks!

(Almost as if showing off to Garry, Sabrina gets to her feet, seizing Nina by the fabric of her costume and looks into the crowd. She seems to revel in her temporary showboating, even though the crowd boos and hisses in anger, and Tiffany is screaming, wildly, at Sabrina. Sabrina, looking down at the stunned Nina, shouts proudly.)

Sabrina: None of your magic spells will help you now, Larue! The last card is spent!

(Sabrina then offers a fierce and brutal kick to Nina’s midsection, throwing her backwards, into the ropes. As she returns, Nina tries to duck, but Sabrina catches her in an over-the-knee back-breaker, resulting in screams of pain from Nina. The brunette rolls to the mat, clutching and arching her back, in obvious pain. Sabrina then climbs the second rope, then the third rope and prepares to dive off. However, Tiffany breaks free of the angels and begins to violently shake the ropes, Sabrina wobbling and loosing her balance. It appears as if Gabrielle tries to do something, moving forward, but he is slow. The tall blonde falls to the mat, her head landing on the canvass. Both women lie motionless. The crowd cheers in satisfaction. Tiffany stares confidently at Gabrielle and strikes a dramatic pose. However she does not see the two angels behind her, who pounce with anger and fury, at Gabrielle’s nod. Tiffany disappears behind the mat as she collapses under the attacks of the two busty models with crooked halos.)

Garry: Is there any way you can justify this! Those two lunatics are putting their hands on Ms. BRA!

Sandra: Can I justify it? Sure. That blonde bimbo gets what she deserves after interfering with the match a second time. Vicki should just throw her out!

(Nina is the first to get to her feet as she was not the one to suffer a head injury. She grabs Sabrina by her golden locks, puling her to her feet. Before Vicki can put a stop to the blatant hair-pull Nina has thrust Sabrina into the corner, and with an insane glare she slams Sabrina into the turnbuckle, head first. Nina slams again and again, relentlessly and mercilessly. With each smash, Nina is overjoyed as Sabrina’s head bounces painfully off the turnbuckle. Within seconds, Nina has stunned Sabrina, who falls backwards, and into the arms of Nina, who tilts her and smashes her face first into the mat. Nina stands, kicks Sabrina over with her foot, and drops the guillotine leg drop across her throat. Sabrina sputters and stammers like a dying fish as Nina gets up again, stomps her foot into Sabrina’s chest and holds it there for an arrogant pin. Vicki lands on the canvass, and gets a one count before Sabrina moves her shoulder, despite the horrible pounding that she took to the head at turnbuckle. Nina screams in frustration and Vicki playfully laughs.)

Sandra: Ha! Nina probably could have had her if it wasn’t for her arrogance. Ya gotta hook the leg! No shortcuts her, missy!

Garry: Silence, heretic! The Goddess knows what she’s doing . . . I hope.

(Tiffany is seen on the other side of the ring, being double-teamed by Gabrielle’s viscous angels, each taking perverse delight in keeping the blonde down. Back in the ring, Nina has pulled Sabrina to her feet, unaware of the brutal attack on her best friend. Nina applies a spinning heel kick, her foot impacting with Sabrina’s mouth, splitting her lip and a stream of crimson immediately appearing on the beautiful blonde’s face, her lip having been split by the brunette. The crowd again roars in satisfaction, pleased at their current champion, cheering her on for the TV Title.)

Nina: Ah, Sabrina, now you learn that you are no match for The Goddess!

(Arrogantly pleased with herself, Nina runs across to the ropes, bounces off, comes back to the other ropes, building momentum, and as she hits the ropes a third time, Gabrielle withdraws a small stick, impacting with Nina’s back with a loud crunch. In terror and pain, Nina screams, falling forward, instinctively reaching for her back. She falls face-first onto the mat and again Vicki shoots a dirty look to the creepy man, dressed in black. However, he has turned away, giving the appearance of innocent indifference.)

Garry: Look at this flagrant cheating by this crook!

Sandra: Well, I certainly don’t condone cheating, but I still can’t shake the feeling that Nina is getting what she deserves.

Garry: Oh, malarkey! This is a sham! This is outrageous! This is a crime! A virtual crime! In fact, I think -

(Garry is cut off by a ringing telephone which he promptly picks up. A voice is barely heard on the line and he looks up to the booth that Gabrielle had earlier made reference to. He gulps and goes pale. Then he hangs the phone up.)

Garry: (sheepishly) As I was saying, this is totally fair and I didn’t see anything.

(Back in the ring, Both Nina and Sabrina have gotten to their feet. Both women now have been taken to the limits. Nina, a bruise appearing on her back appears in pain. Sabrina, blood on her mouth appears equally pained. They both circle on another, looking for some sign of weakness in the other. Sabrina, standing as solidly as she can, fakes a lunge, and Nina falls for it. While momentarily distracted, Sabrina flings herself at the ropes, and as she comes back, locks up with Nina from behind. Nina finds herself thrashing in frustration, but it is to no avail as Sabrina applies a side Russian leg sweep, knocking them both to the ground, but with Nina taking the brunt of the assault. Sabrina makes it to her feet, quickly and places herself in position as Nina rises. Nina turns around, attempting to catch Sabrina with a savate kick, but missies. Sabrina capitalizes, grabbing Nina, belly to belly and places her in an atomic drop. Falling off, Nina howls in pain, clutching her lower regions, a look of agony overcoming her. Sabrina follows up with a kick to the face, sending Nina spiraling backwards. Landing in the corner, Nina sees that her lip is bleeding from the impact and launches a counter attack in frustration, but still in pain. Sabrina, more calm, locks with her arms under Nina’s, flipping her to the mat. Nina lands on her already injured back and arches in pain. She quickly rolls out of the ring, looking for a breather and sees Tiffany in trouble from the two angels. Vicki immediately begins to count as Sabrina catches a breather, still being demonized by the crowd. Nina, mustering as much strength as she can, seizes one of Gabrielle’s angels by the neck and spins her around, launching a foot into her stomach, sending the blonde back, with her eyes bulging out. The temporary assistance from Nina gives Tiffany the opportunity to sling the brunette over her shoulder, landing on the concrete on her back. Nina, nods and gets back in the ring, ending the counting from Vicki. The blonde angel, frustrated by the impromptu attack by Nina, sees another opportunity to cause mischief, thrusting up her leg, impacting with Tiffany’s face, and sending her towards the rail and into the arms and mops of the awaiting MOP fanatics. They proceed to begin beating and thrashing the blonde bombshell with their weapons, Tiffany unable to escape.)

Sabrina: (staring at Nina) Oh, don’t count out yet, Larue, I’m just getting my second wind.

(In actuality, both women seem a bit more refreshed, although Nina is walking in obvious discomfort, an after effect of the atomic drop. Nina seems to bait Sabrina, who falls for it. As the blonde lunges towards Nina, she applies a drop toehold, slamming her down, Sabrina’s head bouncing off the canvass. Sabrina turns her neck, her mouth dripping with blood, and as Nina comes down, catches her with a boot to Nina’s stomach, causing the busty brunette to double over in pain. Sabrina again goes on the offensive, her face still stinging, however, as she launches her foot upward, catching Nina in the head. Nina falls on her back, in about as bad a shape as Sabrina, with her cheeks speckled with her own blood. Sabrina circles, trying to figure out the best plan of attack. She goes for her lags, perhaps planning a figure four. But the resilient Nina suddenly springs forward, thrusting her fingers through Sabrina’s hair, clutching tightly. As Sabrina screams in sudden pain, Nina impacts her knees with Sabrina’s midsection, flipping her over Nina and the big blonde landing on her back, the crowd cheering in satisfaction.)

Garry: Ha! Finally, despite these . . . um . . . original tactics Nina is taking control, as it should be!

(Nina begins a relentless attack on Sabrina, taking advantage of her stunned state. She sits her up and runs, bouncing off the ropes, flying back, and landing on her back, forcing Sabrina forward, in a most unnatural and uncomfortable position, pushing her upper torso as far down between her legs as it will go. Nina continues to bounce up and down, furious at the earlier attacks upon her. Finally she gets off, and looks down at Sabrina, in obvious pain. She shouts something unflattering at her and delivers a kick to her face, drawing more blood. As Sabrina falls onto her back, Nina goes for the pin, sitting on the blonde’s chest, using her legs to pin her arms down. She puts her arms behind her head, gyrating for the crowd, but when Vicki reaches a two count, Sabrina manages to kick out, infuriating Nina. Getting to her feet, Nina seizes Sabrina by the collar and brings her up, as well. For her own amusement, she begins delivering a series of chops to the chest, with an occasional chop at Sabrina’s bloodied mouth, taking on a look of fury and anger at the blonde who will simply not quit. As Nina delivers a rabbit punch to Sabrina’s gut, the blonde doubles over but manages to drive her own head into Nina’s stomach, driving her back. Sabrina, more out of desperation, plows into Nina, until they are both against the far turnbuckle. Nina’s shock and frustration is apparent, as Sabrina begins to furiously pound away at the brunette, rocking her world, ignoring her own pain and aching body. For the moment, Nina is stunned, and Sabrina climbs the second rope, still facing Nina, and begins to deliver hard punches to her face and head. Nina thrashes wildly, screaming in pain with each hit, yelling out inaudible insults and terrorized yelps. However, Sabrina stops with one major punch to head and climbs the top rope, building momentum. She clutches Nina’s neck with great strength and does a back flip, tugging the unwilling brunette with her. Nina flies through the air and lands across the ring, with a horrible bounce. The brunette spins and sputters seemingly in another world. Sabrina makes it to her feet and scrambles for the pin. As she flies down on the brunette with a solid impact, Nina’s crushed body bounces. However, she has the strength and presence to throw out her leg, putting it on the ropes. As Vicki begins to count, the robed hand of Gabrielle comes out of nowhere, knocking the leg off the ropes. The vigilant Vicki catches the dirty trick and stops counting, jumping up and glaring at him.)

Vicki: One more stunt and you’re outta here, buddy! I’ll break your damn arm as I ‘escort’ you out of the arena, personally.

(Clearly, Sabrina is frustrated as the match is turning into a series of cheating moves and power plays by forces outside the match. She picks up the sputtering brunette, hoping to be able to finish it as soon as possible, and with a feat of strength, lifts her over head for a gorilla press. However, Nina cleverly, and at the risk of her own demolition, wriggles free of the offensive more, falling behind the blonde. With a kick to the back, she sends her into the ropes. Rather than follow through, she stumbles backwards and climbs the top turnbuckle and flies off, in a somewhat sloppy maneuver. However she manages to land on the blonde, knocking them both to the mat. The two begin rolling around on the canvass, trading blows, punching, pulling hair, punching some more, both vying for supremacy for a pin. However, neither manages to get much ground while still driving fists of fury everywhere.)

Garry: I can’t see what’s going on! I do see butts and boobs, though! Show more skin!

(Detaching themselves from one another, both girls roll away, realizing that their temporary strategy of punching and kicking was getting nowhere. They both come to the center of the ring, weary and worn, neither having been able to accomplish their original goals. Sabrina begins making sudden moves, catching Nina off guard. She backs up as Nina lunges out, angered and livid, her attacks missing the target. However, Sabrina backs off, falls down, wrapping her long and muscular legs around Nina’s neck, clutching tight, throwing Nina head first into the turnbuckle. Nina falls back, bloodied and dazed, reeling from the newly formed split in her forehead. Sabrina quickly comes behind her as Nina swings wildly at air, and scoops her up and lands her on her knee, by her back, crushing the already damaged area. Nina falls off, motionless. As Sabrina climbs the ropes, and Tiffany runs forward again, but the two angels leap for her, grabbing at her but missing. Tiffany manages to make it to the turnbuckle and shake it, causing her to look behind her. She takes a swipe and misses, Tiffany trying to swing back. However, the position is dangerous for Sabrina. Gabrielle comes forward, yelling at his angels to come forward. They charge but Tiffany side steps them, both hitting the turnbuckle and knocking Sabrina off. Gabrielle curses at them and they look on in terror as Sabrina hits the canvass. Nina gets to her feet, after seeing the failed corkscrew splash and punches out a low blow as soon as Sabrina gets up. This doubles her over as Nina applies a DDT, knocking the blonde into the mat. Quickly covering, AND hooking the leg, Vicki counts out three and the bell rings. Nina hardly has the strength to get up but Tiffany springs into the ring, launching her arm up in victory. As Nina and Tiffany bend down to further punish Sabrina, Vicki who gives them the most menacing look they have ever seen stops them. Both back away, smiling innocently.)

Garry: Nina wins! Nina wins! Nina’s Knockout! Yes!

Sandra: Yeah, well, sometimes even cheaters win.

(Vicki helps Sabrina to her feet, and escorts her out of the ring, dazed. The two angels come to Sabrina’s aid but it is clear that she thinks that they have ‘helped’ enough for the day and clocks the brunette, with her blonde ‘sister’ catching her. She glares at the meddlesome Gabrielle as she brushes past him. Nina and Tiffany begin shouting threats and demanding to know where their belt is. Gabrielle and his girls ascend the ramp, staring down the Babe Squad. Behind him the curtains part, revealing Yvette in a red evening gown, holding high the TV Title. She makes her way past Gabrielle, frowning and enters the ring, kissing Tiffany and Nina.)

Garry: How fabulous! Three of the greatest women in BRA in the same ring - kissing!

Sandra: Oh, shut up, you twit.

(Yvette hands Nina the belt, the French aristocrat proudly smiling to the crowd who has erupted in pleasure. She takes a mic and beams to everyone.)

Yvette: This title is now proudly passed on to Nina Larue, the NEW Television Champion. And the people of Paris were honored to watch it in person!

Nina: (breathing heavily as Tiffany wipes away the blood and sweat for the cameras) Of course I will cherish the belt forever and thrash anyone who challenges me for it! Yvette, it will be given from one champion to another one who merely hopes to keep it as pristine as you did.

(The celebration in the ring is cut off by Gabrielle and his frowning and angered angels. He takes a microphone to his mask and speaks.)

Gabrielle: I certainly hate to ruin the celebration, my dear ladies, but I have been instructed to inform you that the Television Title is no longer a recognized belt in this federation. You are now the ‘Hard Core’ Champion, my dear. Best of luck.

Garry: What?!

Sandra: What?!

Yvette: What?!

Tiffany: What?!

Nina: What?! Screw you, old man!

(As the crowd boos and screams their displeasure, Gabrielle laughs and turns away. The blonde angle sticks her thumb on her nose and wiggles, while the brunette angel sticks out her tongue before they both leave.)


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