Tina Dream


Mia 'The Daisy' Lexington

In a one fall, twenty minute time limit match

"We're back!"

After returning from commercial break, the camera is back on the commentating crew of Gary Grimmoire and Sandra Allistair, with several thousand fans in the background.

Gary:'Next up, we have Mia versus Tina!  This should be a killer match.'
Sandara:'You like any matchup where anyone is wearing a bikini.'
Gary:'I don't want to see *you* in a bikni!'
Sandra:'You could only be so lucky.'

The verbal melee is interrupted by the introduction of Tina Dream. Sweet Virginia Breeze by Robbin Thompson blares over the PA as Callisto appears in the entranceway. Suddenly Callisto raises her arms into the air and series of fireworks explode in the entranceway. On cue, a bikini clad figure cartwheels through the sparks and pauses, striking a pose with her arms raised into the air. The incomprable Tina Dream! Callisto hands Tina a mic as Tina smiles and moves her hand across her outfit, a flower print bikini with a matching wrap tied just above Tina's left hip.

"Mia honey! I wore this outfit just for you sweetie! Tonight we're gonna show these fans what a real wildflower is!" Tina hands the mic back to Callisto and goes into a series of forward handsprings working her way down the aisle as Callisto warily watches for interference. The crowd repsonds with a polite pop for the bikini clad american.

Gary:"What the heck is Callisto looking for? Spare change?"
Sandra:"I believe she's checking for a hint of outside interference."
Gary:"She's fighting the Daisy!  The Daisy'd never cheat."
Sandra:"Maybe not, but there are some wrestlers that can get overzealous."

Upon reaching the ring Callisto gives Tina a hand up allowing Tina to spring from the arena to the top turnbuckle. With a flourish and wave to the crowd Tina somersaults off the turnbuckle into the ring. While Callisto waits patiently at Tina's corner.

Gary:"The Dream looks sensational, I can't wait to see Mia...and her lonnnnng legs!"
Sandra:"Is that all you care about?"
Gary:No!  Mia has other lovely body parts as well...

Before Gary can elobrate any further, the lights dim, and a red daisy appears on the Angeltron. Half of the fans begin to cheer while the other half begin to boo. However, it seems that in the last couple of weeks, the actions of Mia Lexington have gained her more positive support than negative. The daisy disappears only to be replaced by two things: The driving sound of "Supervixen" by Garbage, and the words "Mia Lexington" in blue on the screen.

Gary:Why are these idiots booing the Daisy?  She's great!"

As the music picks up, Mia steps from backstage. Dressed in her usual wrestling attire - a light blue one piece, complete with a cut-out in the midsection; and black wrestling boots. Her dark hair falls around her shoulders and back as she makes her appearance. She begins to stride towards the ring, her long shiny legs carrying her in deep strides. Using the second rope, she pulls herself onto the apron, and steps between the ropes. She's
wearing her game face, and proceeds to her corner.

Sandra:"There isn't any flashiness on the part of the Daisy.  She's all business."
Gary:"Ah hell..No parading around?  It'd been great if she stripped!  Maybe that would loosen the crowd up to her."

Sandra shakes her head in disapproval of her colleague.  As the bell sounds, the big girl rushes Tina and catches her in a collar and elbow tieup.

Gary:"Whoo! Lookit Mia go!  You think she's still upset at her loss to Debbie Loretto still?"
Sandra:"Debbie Loretto is a great talent, but you might be right.  This might be a more aggressive Mia."

Mia is able to bull Tina into the turnbuckle and the ref orders a break.  Without warning, Mia fires off a barrage of chops to the smaller girls' chest and then with a great shove, launches Tina into the opposite turnbuckle.  As Tina is propelled towards the turnbuckle, she is followed closely by Mia.  Tina instinctively hops to the top turnbuckle and backflips on to the incoming Mia, knocking the big girl down and getting a count of 'one' from the ref.

Sandra:"An excellent move by the wily veteran Tina."
Gary:"I guess so.  She does get my vote though, for showing more skin."

With authority, Mia kicks out and races to her feet to be met with a dropkick to her knee.

Sandra:"Well thank goodness its NOT decided by skin, and rather by skill."

The brunette Daisy doesn't go down, but clutches her knee, giving Tina the opportunity to dropkick Mia's other leg and causing the big girl to her back, grabbing both of her legs.

Gary:"And luck!  And cheating!  And risque!"
Sandra:"Can we call the match?"
Gary:"that's what I'm doing."

Tina closes in, but is met with a double boot to the chin, as Mia angirly lashes out.  Mia is up to her feet and offers a clothesline but Tina ducks under and bounces herself off the nearby ropes, looking to dropkick Mia's knee again.  Mia is able to quickly hop out of the way, and as Tina scrambles to her feet, is leveled with a surprise, short arm clothesline.

Gary:"Devestating clothesline!  That almost took Tina's head clean off."

Mia offers no respite as she locks a headscissors around Tina's lovely head.  After struggling for a few moments, Tina is able to kip up, out of Mia's headscissors and leaps onto Mia's head with a headlock, grinding the pretty girls' head down.  Callisto is on the outside, shouting encouragement to Tina.

Sandra:"Tina is like a stick of dynamite, ready to explode on you in an instant."

Mia is able to force Tina to her feet, depite her predictament and launches Tina into the ropes.  Rebounding off the ropes, the dynamo cartwheels around Mia's shoulderblock and kicks Mia in the stomach.  The open part of Mia's suit, as a matter of fact.

Gary:"Her pretty tummy is like a bullseye for that dasterdly dream!"
Sandra:"You can't even spell, 'Dasterdly.'  How could you possibly know what it means."

Mia's body shakes as Tina drops a few more bombs to Mia's mid-section.  Mia has had enough and begins firing back with shots to Tina's pretty face.  The two warriors begin slugging it out and Tina, a credit to her boxing studies begins back Mia up.  Mia rides a punch back a couple of steps and snaps back with a superkick that connects with Tina's jaw, and as  result, Tina falls crumples to the mat.

Gary:"Yowza!  Tina just went down like a Kennedy!"
Sandra:"That's real nice.  Mia took enough damage and is on the offense."

Mia feverishly locks in a figure four headscissors, elicting howls from Tina.  Thrashing about, Tina tells the ref to stick it, as he asks if she wants to submit.  Mia turns up the pressure as she squeezes and attempts to put Tina to sleep.

Sandra:"Time is against Tina here...if she doesn't get out of this hold soon, she'll be out like a light."
Gary:"Who wants to go out for a Bud Lite?"
Sandra:"Pay attention!  Wrestlers...in the ring.  Fighting...to win.  You and I...commentating the match...ring a bell?"
Sandra:"Forget it."

Tina's thrashing pays off as it brings her legs around the ropes, and the ref orders a break.  Mia is up to her feet in a flash and drops her butt down hard on Tina's chest.

Gary:"Me next!"
Sandra:Mia is patting the open part of her costume on her stomach...she's no doubt going for her belly smother!"
Gary:"The Momma Mia!"

Mia forces her stomach onto Tina's face and then Mia wraps her arms around Tina's head and squeezes, leaving no room to breathe.  Callisto is raising holy hell on the outside, citing that the 'belly smother' is an illegal manuver.  The ref realizing that any smother is illegal, orders Mia to break the hold.  Witht the threat of disqualification looming, Mia angirly gets to her feet and begins screaming at the ref.

Sandra:"Mia is really hot under the collar at having her move being deemed illegal."
Gary:"The only time its not illegal is when its performed on me!"
Sandra holds her head:"Its your future Gary...No, its nots happening anytime soon"
Gary:"You see the future?  You got the winning lotto numbers?"

A precious seconds go by, Tina gets a breather and as Mia turns around, Tina headbutts the tall beauty in her favorite target, Mia's belly.  Mia instinctly yanks on Tina's hair and Tina retaliates in kind.

Gary:"Catfight!  Catfight!"

Finally, the ladies lock hands together and surprisingly, Tina is able to stand her own in this test of strength.  Without warning, Mia snaps her knee into Tina's midsection, doubling the smaller beauty over.  Releasing one of Tina's hands, Mia strikes with a viscious snap kick to Tina's head, knocking her to the ground.

Sandra:"What a brutal kick to the head!  Tina is gonna be lucky if she remembers her name, much less anything else after that!"
Gary:"I still like the Dream's chances...after all, she is showing the most skin."

Mia savagely holds Tina's hand and yanks Tina to her feet.  Mia locks Tina into a front chancery headlock and looks to be going for a suplex.

Gary:"Looks like suplex coming up."
Sandra:"...OR...it could be Mia's finisher, the Shrinking Violet!"

Mia kicks her feet out, slamming Tina's lovely face into the mat, with her own weight plus Mia's.  Mia instantly covers Tina and goes for the pin.  Callisto pounds on the mat to get Tina moving.

The ref counts and Tina kicks out, just a millisecond after the ref drops his hand for the third and final time.  The ref calls for the bell and goes to raise Mia's hand.

Mia shoots out of the ring, angry at something.  As the Daisy moves up the aisle, she looks into the camera and shouts, "No more mister nice girl!!!"

Gary:"Wow what a match!  Mia hit her move out of nowhere, but Dream was there til the end."
Sandra:"My money would've been on the veteran, but that's why the wrestlers show up and play the game."

"Okay, onward and forward, we'll be right back after this message..."

Your winner by pinfall, Mia Lexington

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws