Zantara Underworld


Veronica Millions


{ The camera reopens, and pans over the screaming fans, and then goes down to the announcers table, where Sandra and Garry are seated. }

Sandra: Hello again everyone, time for another great match here at French Kiss, live from Paris, France.

Garry: Oh this next match is gonna be fun to watch!

Sandra: Yes, this is going to be a good one, and the heat for this one has been ongoing for a while now. We have Veronica Millions going at it with her old stablemate, the bizare Zantara Underworld!

Garry: Ah yes, the wise one, that left that retched Body Shop. I think the Z woman is gonna mop up the ring with Millions tonight.

Sandra: I dunno Garry, Veronica has really proven she has what it takes to win here. I think this is going to be a great battle, but I'm going with Veronica tonight.

Garry: Wanna bet?

Sandra: We're not in Vegas tonight Garry, and I'm not familiar with the gaming laws here in Paris, so no.

Garry: Chicken!

Sandra: Oh shut up, and eat a few more cheeseburgers, tubby.

{ Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." That fades out and goes into Public Image Ltd's "Order of Death." begins to play over the sound system. }

Garry: Killer, here comes Underworld!

Sandra: Huh? No Veronica is coming to the ring now.

Garry: What? This is Zantara's music!

Sandra: I thought so too, but it's Veronica Millions making her way to the ring, not Zantara.

Garry: Did they goof, and play the wrong music?

Sandra: If they did, Veronica doesn't seem to care. She's smiling from ear to ear.

Garry: That little bimbo is purposely using Zantara's music! Oh is Zantara ever going to be pissed about this!

{ Veronica steps into the ring, wearing a purple satin bikini and black low cut wrestling boots and she also has on a silver Body Shop jacket and a pair of sunglasses. }

{ Veronica waves to the fans, and then winks at a couple of elderly ladies, who are seated close to the ring, then begins stetching out as she waits for Zantara to make her way to the ring. }

Sandra: Ok, Veronica is looking pretty confident tonight.

Garry: Oh sure, she can look that way while Underworld isn't out here, but watch her knees tremble when she shows up.

Sandra: I doubt that happens, she's trained hard for this match, and surely isn't afraid of that lunatic woman!

{ The loudspeaker blares with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." Then that tune quickly fades into the haunting "Order of Death" by Public Image Ltd. Zantara walks out slowly once the new tune has started, dressed in her black suit with purple pin-stripes; a purple shirt underneath; black, steel-tipped boots. The crowd boos greatly, but instead of paying them any attention, she stares at the ring with pure hate in her cold eyes. Zantara marches down to ringside, and violently grabs a microphone from Sandra. }

Zantara: Okay, all you blithering nitwits! Time to shut that rat trap you call a mouth and listen to what I have to say!

{ The crowd responds with an array of boos, which Zantara sneers at. }

Zantara: Okay, now I want to make something quite clear! I will not, I repeat, NOT take part in this match unless any and every idiot who came down with Millions is sent to the back and stays there! And that is final!

Sandra: Wow she is nuts, Veronica is alone!

Garry: Makes ya wonder about her sometimes.

Zantara: Now, while these clowns are leaving....turn up my music full-blast, Sound Man, and I'll double today's salary. it is about time these idiots heard some good music...and don't turn it off until the song is over!

{ The Sound Man responds quickly, cranking up the haunting song as loud as it gets, much to everyone but Zantara's chagrin. Zantara, enjoying the song, laughs at everyone complaining about it. }

Sandra: Sheesh, she's cooko for cocoa puffs!

{ Zantara then starts to walk away. She gets to the ramp and slips underneath it. She is under it for a few minutes, doing who knows what. Then she walks out, grinning, and heads for the ring. She waits outside until the song is over. }

Garry: Wonder what she was doing down there?

Sandra: Who knows, probably holding some sort of ritual for herself, beats me! All I do know is that if I have to hear this song once more tonight, I'm gonna puke!

Garry: Umm aim it the other direction than mine please.

{ The ref is telling Zantara to get in the ring, but she just stands there till the song is completely finished, then she slowly climbs in at her own leisure. }

Sandra: These folks here in Paris don't quite know what to think about Zantara, and quite frankly, neither do I!

Garry: I think she's great! Be nice if she'd show a little skin though.

Sandra: Umm yea, go tell her that, Garry.

Garry: No thanks, I want to live ya know?

Sandra: And you call me chicken. Anyways, looks as if we are about ready to begin this thing now. This is probably the biggest match of Veronica's young career thus far, and she looks ready, but wow is Zantara ever giving her a deadly stare right now!

{ The ref signals for the bell, and things are underway. }

{ Veronica and Zantara circle around one another, as both are looking for an opening. Veronica steps in quickly, and lashes out with a quick kick to the midsection, than just as quickly steps away from Zantara. Zantara reaches out for Veronica, but she is out of arms reach, and this seems to aggravate Underworld, and Veronica starts taunting her. }

Veronica: Come on, get me Zantara! Your looking a little slow tonight.

{ Zantara growls, and goes after Veronica, and a chase insues. Veronica is just laughing, as if this is what she wanted Underworld to do. }

Garry: She's playing with fire, if Zantara gets her hands on her, it's all over with!

Sandra: Veronica is getting under her skin fast, and that is a good game plan. This is going to take Zantara off of her game, and possibly make her make mistakes.

{ Veronica is cornered by Zantara, and Z comes charging at her with a lariat, but Veronica ducks it, and runs past Zantara, then stops, and lashes out with yet another kick to the midsection. Zantara bends over in pain slightly, and the quick footed Veronica, steps back in, grabs Zantara by the head, and runs to the center of the ring with her, and delivers a flying bulldog. }

Garry: Impressive, this kid has really planned this thing out well, but she best enjoy it while it lasts, Underworld is gonna whoop her ass any second now.

Sandra: I dunno, Z is really off of her game already.

{ Veronica quickly gets to her feet, and then lines up Zantara for an elbow drop. }

Sandra: Faster Veronica, you're wasting time.

{ Veronica comes down with the elbow, but hits nothing but the mat with her elbow, as Zantara rolled out of the way at the last second. }

Garry: Rooookie!

Sandra: Oh shut up.

{ Zantara gets to her feet, and looks out at the Paris crowd, and snarls at them. She then makes her way over to Veronica, who is slowly getting back up, and nails her in the small of the back with those famous steel toed boots. Veronica lets out a loud moan, and is flattened out on the mat, but instinct tells her to get away, and she quickly rolls to the safety of the ropes. Or so she thinks she's safe there, as Zantara slowly makes her way over to Veronica, and rares her leg back, then once again delivers another kick with those boots, but this time she lands her boot in the back of Veronica's head. }

Sandra: OUCH!

Garry: Whoa, you know she's seeing stars now!

{ Zantara isn't liking the fact that Veronica is close to the ropes, so she grabs her foot, and drags her to the center of the ring. }

Garry: Sheesh, is Millions even conscious?

Sandra: I dunno, that was one hell of a shot she took to the head there. Zantara is just walking around Veronica, trying to decide what to do to her next.

Garry: Give her a big headbutt, Zanty!

{ Zantara hears Garry, and she flashes a menacing grin at him. However she opts to kick Veronica once again with those boots, that should be outlawed by the federation, this time she gives her a shot in the ribs, and a cracking sound is heard in the ring, and it had to be some of Veronica's ribs. }

Sandra: Oh my, the ref needs to stop this, she's hurt!

Garry: Nah, that her kill that pathetic Shopper!

Sandra: You're sick! Hey what are these two grannies doing?!?!

Garry: Dunno, maybe they're senile old bats, and lost.

{ The two elderly ladies that Veronica was waving to prior to the match have just climbed over the rail, and are standing at ringside. One of them motions to someone in the back. }

Sandra: These old gals are nuts coming to the ring while Underworld is in there!

Garry: Senile I tell ya. Oh Zantara just spotted them, and she isn't looking to happy!

Zantara: I know it's you, take off that wig and mask, Sherry!

Sandra: Sherry?!?!

Garry: Oh big shock there.

Sandra: Wait, that isn't Sherry, Sherry just climbed over the guardrail, and is standing next to the two old ladies.

Garry: Who are the old bats then? Must be some of Sherry's other kids.

{ A group of men come down the aisle dressed in Body Shop jackets, and are wheeling out some outdoor lighting units, and torpedo heaters ( The kind used on the sidelines at football games ) and are making their way to the ring area. }

Garry: Oh what in the hell is super bitch up to now?

Sandra: I think I know, hahaha this is gonna get funny now!

Garry: HAHAHA What's funny is that the entrance ramp just collapsed, and a couple guys carting those heaters out fell in! Ahahahaha!

Sandra: So that is what Zantara was doing under there! Well only a couple guys fell in, the others all made it out here, and are surrounding the ring. Look at this stuff, those lighting units all have their own generators on them, and they are now firing everything up, and does Zantara ever look pissed!

Garry: I don't blame her, these fools have no business being out here at all!

Sandra: hey look, the old ladies are removing their wigs and masks, one of them is Callisto, who is the other?

Garry: I'm not sure, but Zantara looks as if she's just seen a ghost or something!

Sandra: Hey, I know who that is, that's Karen Lorace Bennett, she's a Shop leader, and was once very close to Zantara!

Garry: Someone was close to her? I have no clue how that could ever happen.

{ Karen grabs a mic from Sherry. }

Karen: Zantara, you should be ashamed of yourself! You've turned your back on the only group of people that have ever took you in as a friend, and I thought you and I were great friends, I suppose I was wrong about that!

Garry: Wow, look at Underworld, she actually looks upset right now!

Sandra: This is so sad, she is very confused.

Karen: Well Zanty, I guess it's time for Sherry to shed some light on your wrong doings now, and get you heated up. I do hope that this makes you realize just how stupid you are acting!

{ Veronica has staggered back to her feet, and has gone to her corner, and is putting her sunglasses back on. }

{ Underworld is just standing there looking out at her old friends, Karen and Sherry, and just doesn't quite know what to think. }

Sherry: Can't say I didn't give you plenty of chances Z. It pains me to do this to you, but the time has come. Hit it guys!

{ Upon Sherry's command, the lights light up, and the heaters are ignited. The lights are blindingly bright, and Sherry, Callisto, and Karen all put on their sunglasses to shield themselves. }

Sandra: WOW! Everyone knows that Zantara hates two things with a passion, and that is heat, and bright light, and Sherry is giving her an overdose of both right now, along with some mental abuse bringing Karen out here!

Garry: This sucks, I wanted to see Millions get pounded some more!

{ Veronica moves up behind Zantara, and nails her with a punch to the kidney. Zantara just staggers a bit, then just stands there staring at the people outside the ring. }

Garry: She didn't even feel that, and I don't think the light and heat is bothering her at all.

Sandra: She looks deranged!

Garry: She's pissed!

{ Veronica leaps in the air, and nails Zantara in the back with a drop kick, but once again, it doesn't seem to phase Zantara. But now the tempature in the ring is really picking up, and beads of sweat are forming on Zantara's forehead. Veronica is flustered that she isn't doing any damage to Zantara. She grabs Zantara by the hair, and runs her over to the corner, then smashes her face into the top turnbuckle. Zantara's head pops up off of it, and she just glares over at the people outside the ring again. }

Sandra: Whoa, this is getting creepy!

Garry: Yea, reminds me of Cane or the Undertaker in a way! Sherry's big plan doesn't seem to be doing a thing here, however you can tell that Zantara isn't liking the heat or the lights as she is sweating worse and worse, and is starting to squint from the bright lights.

Sandra: Weird, Veronica just smashed her face into the turnbuckle again, but it once again has no effect on Zantara. Now she glares over at Karen, Callisto, and Sherry again, and Sherry is even starting to look concerned about this.

Garry: Just what is going through Zantara's mind right now? I know she's nuts, but she wont go near those three, and she doesn't seem to be paying any attention to Millions either.

Sandra: She's gone, she's just completely off her rocker now, and I'd really hate to be in Veronica's shoes right now.

Garry: Speaking of Veronica's shoes, they just left the ground, and she nailed Zantara with a drop kick to the back.

Sandra: Yup, but Zantara just bounces into the corner, and again she just stands there with that haunting look in her eyes.

Garry: Man, this place is so quiet right now you could hear a pin drop, everyone is just freaking out over how bizare this all is, the heat, the bright lights, and one deranged woman in that ring, with someone beating on her, and it having apparently no effect on her what so ever.

Sandra: Well so much for the silence, Sherry just signaled to someone, and now AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds" is blaring from the sound system. Again, this is something Zantara dispises. Loud music drives her insane, Sherry is going all out to help Veronica here.

Garry: I think she's going all out just to make Underworld pissed for leaving that bum stable of hers.

Sandra: Well things seem to be working now, as Zantara is holding her ears, while Veronica just pounds away on her back with punches.

Garry: Look at Millions though, she's freaking out that nothing she does effects Zantara.

Sandra: I bet she's getting pretty scared right now.

Garry: This is all so crazy! WOW! Look at Zantara's eyes now!

{ Zantara's eyes turn fire red, and she turns around, and is now facing Millions. She reaches out, and grabs Veronica's face with her hand, in a claw hold. }

Garry: Later Shopper, we all know what's coming now!

{ Zantara hoists Veronica up in the air, while holding the claw hold on her face, and then slams her hard to the mat. }

Garry: Hades Hazard!! Hades Hazard!!

{ Veronica's body just bounces off of the mat, then she lays motionless. Zantara turns to the Shop members outside the ring, and once again stares daggers through them with a mean look. Now she turns back to Millions, and grabs her by the hair, and brings her back to her feet. }

Garry: Ok Sherry, wanna try something else? Your other three ideas have failed miserably here. In fact, I think all of this has made Underworld more deadly! I think she's gonna plant Millions with another Hazard!!!

Sandra: Oh lord no, there is no need for this at all!!!

{ Zantara grabs Veronica's face in another claw hold, and again hoists her up in the air, then slams her hard to the mat with another Hades Hazard. }

Garry: nah nah nah nah, na na, hey hey goodbye! Stick a fork in millions, she's done! and best of all, it's all Sherry's fault!

Sandra: What?!?!

Garry: Yup, she made Underworld go nuts, and now Millions is paying the price for that.

Sandra: Um she was already nuts before this match!

Garry: Oh well she's more nuts now! and this is great!

{ Karen gets up on the ring apron, and yells at Zantara, for her to stop this. Zantara looks over at Karen, with a confused look on her face. She then turns back to Veronica, and plants a boot into her already hurting ribs, but Veronica is out, and doesn't move. Zantara again looks at Karen, then back at Veronica. Now she places her foot on Veronica's chest, and the ref hops down to the mat, and goes to count. }








Sandra: It's over!

Garry: Is it?

Sandra: We'll soon see, but officially the match is over.

{ Zantara turns and looks at her old stablemates, then she just turns and walks away. She climbs through the ropes, and hops to the floor, then methodically makes her way up the aisle, looking back at everyone as she goes. Sherry and the others hop into the ring, and attend to the injured Veronica Millions. Karen then just stands up, and stares back at Zantara in disbelief. Zantara continues to stare back on occasion as she exits the arena. }

Sandra: Ok this is all so weird. I think Zantara is feeling remorse for what she's done here.

Garry: I doubt it, I don't think that woman has feelings at all.

Sandra: Oh bull, everyone has feelings!

Garry: Evonne?

Sandra: Well maybe not her, but everyone else does!

Garry: Well folks, while the medical team attends to Veronica, we'll take a break here.

Sandra: Your winner, in one crazy match, Zantara Underword.

{ Fade to an advertisement for Battling Ring Angels Action Figures. }


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