The Marquise Yvette Desade Malreaux and Bianca Dupree
Tina Dream and Veronica Millions

(The screen is black when Blink 182's "All The Small Things" suddenly
begins to play and various images of BRA superstars flash across the

#All the, small things#
#True care, truth brings#
#I'll take, one lift#
#Your ride, best trip#
#Always, I know#
#You'll be at my show#
#Watching, waiting, commiserating#

(Alexandria Parker Bitch Bombing Sweet Misty in a steel cage....Wendy
"Wildcat" Jones DDTing Lisa Dream....Medusa Rage smashing Debbie Loretto
in the head with a steel chair...."Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane strutting to
ringside, flirting with a few male fans...."Miss America" Sabrina Perezi
hitting her Star Spangled Splash on Sky Soaring Hawk)

#Say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home#
#Na, na, na, na, na, na, na......#

(Close-up of a snarling Evonne Carmikel....Zantara Underworld giving a
Hades Hazard to Veronica Millions....Shanon McCourt and Sherry Ann
posing with their tag title belts....Kimmie Kurita elbowing Linda
Anderson in the face...."The Goddess" Nina Larue seductively leaning
over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans...Yvette Malreaux
arrogantly pinning Tiffany Epitaphine after the Third Estate.)

#Late night, come home#
#Work sucks, I know#
#She left me roses by the stairs#
#Surprise let me know she cares#

(Tina Dream waving to the fans before being attacked from behind by
Kelly Mase....Laura Parker and Peggy Christian battling outside the
ring....Missy McKinley swinging a guitar menacingly...Mia Lexington
piledrives Meagan Delanoire...Missy Jones and Amanda Sinclair
high-fiving one another....Jenny Anderson doing a cheer for the fans.)

#Say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home#
#Na, na, na, na, na, na, na......#

(Kayla Vandergriff looking into the camera with an evil grin....A group
photo of The Body Shop...A group photo of The Syndicate....A group photo
of the Sisterhood of Seduction...Lisa Dream and Lil' Alexandra standing
in the center of the ring. Lisa holds her Celestial Title aloft, a smile
on her 'perfect' face as Lil' Alexandra looks on. The last scene is of
the BRA logo.

The scene then fades into the Battling Ring Angels arena where we catch
an impressive display of fire works and explosions. The camera pans the
huge crowd of screaming and cheering BRA fans. Some of the fans even
display signs for their favorite wrestlers. Some of these include: "Take
me to school, Professor", "Tina's Dreamy", and "Alexandria Parker: The
only Rich Bitch". The camera finally lands on our announce team of
Sandra and Garry. Sandra wears a BRA blazer and skirt while Garry wears
a stained, BRA t-shirt and equally stained jeans.)

Sandra: Welcome BRA fans! We have a great night of action for you. We're
just coming off of our French Kiss PPV and we have a lot of big
announcements. First, we have new tag team champions as well as a
Hardcore champion.

Garry: (sniffs) Lisa's dead.

Sandra: Yes, unfortunately, Lisa Dream suffered a fatal accident at the
hands of Evonne Carmikel. Although her body wasn't found, many are
suspecting the worse for poor Lisa.

Garry: (sniffs) No more bumping and grinding.

Sandra: (rolls her eyes) Regardless, she has a title defense tonight
against Sabrina Perezi, the woman that took "The Goddess" Nina Larue to
the limit at French Kiss. Many are wondering if Lisa will indeed be here
to defend. Fans, if you didn't order the event, you missed out on one of
the best PPV's in wrestling history. Easily surpassing the excellent
Frozen Hearts PPV.

Garry: There is still a second chance to see the show. We have a re-play
of the PPV scheduled for this Tuesday. (sniffs) I still can't believe
Lisa's dead!

Sandra: Shhh! Lisa's not dead, idiot! They never found the body. Now,
hush! Our first match is starting!

Garry: (perks up) Yay! We get to see The Marquise beat the crap outta
some Body Shoppers!

(Suddenly, the crowd cheers loudly as "Welcome to the Jungle", by Guns
and Roses, blares over the speakers. The curtains part and Veronica
Millions and Tina Dream make their way to ringside. Veronica wears a
gold, satin bikini and black, low-cut boots. She completes the ensemble
with a silver, Body Shop jacket and sunglasses, her face serious. Tina
wears a stars and stripes bikini and black, thigh-high boots, followed
closely by fellow Shopper Callisto. Tina slaps hands with the fans while
Veronica seems oblivious to their applause.)

Sandra: Veronica looks determined tonight. I think Bianca and The
Marquise are in for quite a battle.

Garry: Bah! The Marquise will make easy work of those two peasants.

(Just then, the heavy metal strains are silenced and the lights go out,
the fans booing, expressing their hatred of one of the most detested
athletes in BRA. However, this does not deter her as she walks intently
to the ring. Explosions and pyro technics erupt as fire balls shout into
the air. As the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, the
crowd is worked into a frenzy of anger. Then suddenly the traditional
music is cut off. A voice, in a french accent, with a seemingly innocent
tone speaks out, "I'm not going to hurt you." Then there is the sudden
and streaking sound of a whip cracking and the same voice laughs
cruelly. The Angeltron explodes to life, showing scenes of terrorism,
violence, sex, and clips of some of Yvette's greatest moments, followed
by The Lords of Acid's "The Most Wonderful Girl". Yvette appears from
the curtains, clad in a white, S&M style outfit with white cape and
crop, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a
Y (For Yvette, of course). She twirls around for the fans to gaze. Merci
and Jennifer Christan, "La Petite Marquise", then follow her. Merci is
dressed in her chauffer's uniform, looking stern and nasty, while
Jennifer is dressed in a black, mini skirt, white blouse, and leather
jacket, bearing the words "Sisterhood of Seduction". Yvette and her
entouage slowly make their way to the ring. Yvette scans the entire area
with a look of pure sadism, almost challenging anyone to oppose her.)

Garry: (clapping) Bravo, Yvette! Bravo!

Sandra: Sit down! You're making an even bigger fool of yourself. Where's

Garry: Who knows? It's not like Yvette needs her or anything. The
Marquise is a one-woman-wrecking crew! Plus, that Dupree chick weirds me

Sandra: Regardless, Yvette is at a decided disadvantage without her
partner to back her up. It looks like The Marquise is checking with the
official asking him where Bianca is. Uh oh! She had better watch out
because Veronica just whipped off her coat and glasses and she attacks
the Marquise from behind!

Garry: No fair! Pearl Harbor! Pearl Harbor!

(As Yvette confers with the referee, Veronica spears her from behind,
immediately showering the French beauty with punches and chops. The ref
signals for the bell and the match is on.)

Sandra: Veronica is really laying into Yvette with those rights and

Garry: No fair! Veronica is nothing more than a common back jumper!

(The crowd cheers Veronica on as she continues to brutalize Yvette
before grabbing a handful of her blonde locks and roughly shoving her
into a corner. Yvette slumps in the corner, dazed, as Jennifer and Merci
look on in concern. Veronica pelts Yvette with a series of savage kicks
to the ribs and chest. The ref chastises Veronica but she ignores him,
assaulting the beautiful Parisian mercilessly.)

Sandra: This is unlike Veronica. She's blatantly breaking the rules.

Garry: (sarcastically) A Shopper breaking the rules? Gee. What a

(Veronica grabs Yvette by the hair again and sends her spinning in the
air, crashing to the mat on her back. Yvette clutches the small of her
back as Veronica once again roughly brings her to her feet. She greets
the Marquise with a boot to the gut and then a power bomb, the crowd
cheering wildly.)

Sandra: The crowd is loving this! Veronica going for a quick pin.

(Veronica goes for a cover but Yvette easily kicks out at 1.)

Garry: Ha! That loser doesn't have what it takes to handle The Marquise.

(Veronica grabs Yvette by the head and jumps in the air, sending Yvette
smashing face first into the canvas again. She repeats the move to the
delight of the fans, who are enjoying watching the vile Marquise get her
due. Veronica quickly tags out and Tina Dream enters the ring. Tina
waves to the crowd and attacks a rising Yvette with a missile drop kick,
catching the Marquise in the chest. She lifts Yvette on her shoulders
and slams her roughly to the mat, The Marquise's back once more
absorbing punishment. Tina signals to the crowd again and mounts the top
rope, hitting an impressive, split-legged moonsault onto Malreaux!)

Sandra: Wow! What a move! Tina is really showing off her acrobatic

Garry: Come on, Yvette! Kick out!

(Tina attempts a pin but Yvette kicks out at one.)

Garry: Ha! The Marquise still has alot of fight left in her!

(Tina attempts to bring The Marquise to her feet but Yvette surprises
Tina with a jab to the throat, drawing jeers from the fans and applause
from Jennifer and Merci. Tina doubles over and Yvette, a look of fury in
her eyes, savagely pummels her body with punches and stiff kicks. Yvette
lands a kick to Tina's face and Dream collapses to the mat, clutching
her nose.)

Sandra: Whoa! That was kinda stiff. I think Yvette may have just broken
Tina's nose.

(Yvette grabs Tina by the hair and snap suplexes the smaller acrobat.
She then lands another quick jab to Tina's throat before smiling
arrogantly at the jeering crowd. As Tina gasps for air, Yvette quickly
applies a dragon sleeper. Tina flails wildly, trying to escape the hold,
as Yvette tightly applies the pressure. Tina tries to reach the ropes
but can't as Yvette has her positioned in the center of the ring.)

Yvette: "Tina Dream-I have crushed you under heel once before. Why
should now be any different?"

Garry: Say goodnight, Tina Dream.

(Tina's motions grow weaker and weaker, the effects of the sleeper
becoming all too evident, when Veronica races in the ring and begins to
attack Yvette with a flurry of stomps, forcing her to release the hold.
The Marquise shoots Veronica a look of utter hatred as the ref forces
Millions to return to her corner.)

Sandra: Veronica coming to the rescue. That's where a partner comes in

(Yvette brings Tina to her feet and punishes her head with a jumping
DDT. She quickly brings the winded Dream to her feet again and whips her
to the ropes, catching her with a leg lariat to the throat. Tina slumps
to the mat as Yvette arrogantly covers her, a boot covering Tina's
chest. Tina kicks out at two.)

Sandra: You're not going to pin a wily vet like Tina Dream with such a
flimsy cover.

Garry: Whatever. Dream is done for.

(Breathing heavily, Tina stumbles to her feet where Yvette attacks her
with another round of punches and jabs to the throat, showing off her
expertise in savate. Tina falls to her knees where a grinning Yvette
throws a heel kick to Tina's throat. Dream's eyes bug out as she falls
to the canvas. Yvette covers and hooks Tina's leg.)

Sandra: Yvette going for another cover but Millions runs into the ring
and breaks it up. She's really looking out for her partner.

Garry: More like blatantly cheating for her partner.

(In frustration, Yvette slaps Tina across the face and again whips her
to the ropes. Yvette attempts a clothesline but is surprised with a
flying cross body block from Tina. The ref counts but Yvette kicks out
at two. As the French blonde makes it to her feet, she is sent crashing
to the mat with a flying bulldog, courtesy of Tina Dream. The fans cheer
loudly, clapping for Tina, as she follows the move with a handspring,
double, mule kick, catching Yvette in the stomach as she rises to her
feet. The Marquise slumps to her knees as Tina cartwheels to her corner
and tags in a fresh Veronica Millions.)

Garry: Uh oh! Here comes the psycho!

(Millions wastes no time as she immediately clotheslines Yvette, sending
her crashing into the ropes. Yvette, pinned against the ropes, is next
assaulted with clubbing forearms to the stomach, knocking the wind out
of the Marquise. The ref attempts to admonish Veronica about attacking
Yvette while she is in the ropes but she ignores him, even going as far
as to push him away.)

Sandra: Veronica had better watch it. She's flirting with a

(Veronica lifts Yvette and drops her across her knee with a crushing
backbreaker. Veronica attempts the pin but Yvette manages to kick out.
She whips The Marquise to the ropes and takes her down with a running
lariat. Yvette is dazed as she lands on the mat, clutching her throat. A
worried look creases Merci's brow as Veronica gets Yvette in position
for a tombstone piledriver.)

Sandra: This is it! This is Veronica's finisher! If she hits this,
Yvette is done for!

(Veronica leaps in the air and brings Yvette's head crashing into the
canvas with a tombstone piledriver.)

Garry: Noooooooooooooooo!

(Veronica confidently attempts a cover but gasps as Yvette brings her
shoulder up at a two count. Veronica slaps the mat and reluctantly tags
out to Tina. As Yvette makes it to her feet, on shaky legs, Tina
surprises her with a flying splash. She pounces on top of Yvette and
attempts a pin. The ref counts but only makes it to two as Yvette's
again escapes the loss. Tina whips a weakened Yvette to the corner and
runs in after her, surprising the Parisian with a monkey flip. Yvette
flips in the air and lands on her back again, a pained look across her
flawless features.)

Sandra: Yvette is in trouble. The team work of Tina and Veronica can't
be denied!

(Tina drops an elbow across Yvette's chest and attempts a cover but
Yvette again eludes the pin. Tina brings Yvette to her feet again and
whips her to the ropes. Tina gasps in horror as Yvette surprises her
with a hurricanrana. Yvette hooks Tina's legs but Veronica races in and
kicks The Marquise off of her partner. The two Body Shoppers then
assault Yvette with kicks and stomps.)

Garry: This is a travesty! Someone has to stop this!

(Tina and Veronica grab Yvette and perch her on the top turnbuckle. The
two Body Shoppers share a sly smile before sending Yvette crashing back
down with a double superplex. Tina and Veronica high-five one another
when a commotion rings out in the crowd. Suddenly loud cheers of
"Freestyle! Freestyle! Freestyle!" ring out in the arena.)

Sandra: Bianca? Bianca's here?

Garry: Where? I can't see anything in that crowd. This is pandemonium!

(Veronica moves closer to the ropes, watching for any sign of Bianca,
when Yvette races behind her and clubs her in the back, sending her
flying from the ring and crashing to the arena floor. As Yvette turns,
she is met with a drop kick to the chest from Tina Dream. Tina drops a
leg across her throat and whips the Marquise to another corner. Tina
attempts a handspring elbow but is surprised with a boot to the back
from the wily Marquise. As the ref looks into the crowd, Yvette delivers
a low blow to Tina, causing Dream to bend over in pain.)

Sandra: Cheater!

Garry: Oh shut up! It's only fair after what those two liars did to The

(With a snarl, Yvette lifts Tina and puts her in tombstone piledriver

Garry: Yes!!! Third Estate! Third Estate!

(With a piercing, battle cry, Yvette leaps into the air, sending Dream's
head into the hard canvas, delivering her brutal Third Estate. She
covers Tina Dream as the ref counts. Veronica races into the ring and
tries to break the count but is too late as the ref counts three! The
bell sounds and Yvette stumbles from the ring, leaving a defeated
Veronica and Tina behind.)

Garry: Yay! Here comes The Marquise!

Sandra: Wha...

(Sandra doesn't get to finish her sentence as Yvette, flanked by a
beaming Jennifer and Merci, shoves her aside and grabs her microphone,
the crowd showering her in boos.)

Yvette: "Bah! I, the great Yvette Desade Malreaux, need no such thing as
a partner to devestate, dominate, and crush my opposition! I cannot be
stopped! As I have often said, I am the greatest force in BRA. There are
peers but no equals. There are no betters: only servants.
A new era is on the verge of beginning where the forces of hell have no
means of stopping me. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me shall fall.
Much like this pair of tired and moronic trolls. If TWO cannot defeat me
then what chance does ONE have!?! Make no mistake; I rule this
federation. All others exist because I allow it!"

(With that, Yvette tosses the microphone away and leaves with a cheering
Jennifer and Merci.)

Garry: You tell 'em, girlfriend! Woo Hoo! The Marquise wins another one!
We'll be back with more BRA action!

(The scene fades into an ad for the French Kiss replay.)

Winner: The Marquise Yvette Desade Malreaux and Bianca Dupree

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