Eden Starr
Missy McKinley

(The camera pans the capacity crowd at the BRA arena as it comes back from commercial. The fans are on their feet Cheering for the camera. They hold up signs saying: "All I dream about is Lisa", "Where is Lisa?", "Evonne Carmikel = Murder!" and "I'm with stupid". The camera continues to pan the crowd until it stops at the announcers' table.)

Sandra: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. This next match features Eden Starr, making her Battling Ring Angels debut, against a wiley and experienced veteran, Missy McKinley. That should be an interesting match up, don't you agree, Garry?

(The camera shows Garry listening to a walkman. He is beating time to the music on the table. Sandra leans over to him and pulls off one of the earphones.)

Sandra: Get your headset on, we're back on the air.

Garry: In a minute. I just want to hear the end of this song.

Sandra: You're not being paid to listen to CDs.

Garry: Finished!

(Gary takes off the walkman headphones and puts on his headset.)

Sandra: What were you listening to that was more important than this match?

Garry: I managed to get a copy of Missy McKinley's newest CD. She specializes in two kinds of music.

Sandra: Two kinds? What are they?

Garry: Country AND Western. This CD is great! She does covers of all the great country classic.

Sandra: Do you mean songs like "Crazy", "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain", "Oh Lonesome Me"?

Garry: No I mean the true classics of Country and Western. She sings "You Dun Stomped on my Heart and You Squashed that Sucker Flat", "Drop Kick me Jesus through the Goal Posts of Life", "I get tears in my ears when I lie on my Side in my Bed and I cry over you", "I.'m my own Grandma", true classics. I am going to recommend to my good friend, Archangel, that we sell this CD at the souvenir stand. I guarantee that it will go platinum.

Sandra: Since when are you and Archangel such "good friends"?

Garry: Since she and I had a talk after last week's PPV. She and I discussed . . .  Ah . . . future employment opportunities.

Sandra: In other words, she threatened to fire you.

Garry: Ah . . . well . . . NO! That's not it at all. We discussed the possibility of me moving up within the organization.

Sandra: Then why are you still doing the announcing?

Garry: Well, Archangel made an offer, but I really prefer doing the color commentating. Archangel is a wonderful person. She is truly the guiding light of this league. A brilliant woman. I am going to nominate her for a Nobel prize.

Sandra: Which Nobel Prize?

Garry: The one for . . . ah . . . being the greatest person on earth. Maybe the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sandra: The way you're spreading the shinola around, it sounds like she really called you in on the carpet. I don't think she was happy over all those uncalled for comments you made during the TV Title match last week.

Garry: You can say that a . . .  I mean, that's not what happened at all.

Sandra: Then what did happen?

Garry: Ah  . . .   I think Eden Starr is about ready to make her entrance.

[From nowhere, the opening chords of "High" begin to blast through the arena. Simultaneously, the following appears on the Angeltron in shaky, distorted letters:]


[Then, the sounds of the entrance song pick up, shifting to the heavier part. Two women appear from the backstage area. One of them is Bethany Starr, Eden's mother and retired professional wrestler. The other is "Princess" Peggy Christian. The women both wear casual wear as they each step to the sides, smiling and crossing their arms.]

Garry: Who are those two? Eden's mother and Grandmother?

Sandra: No it is her mother, former Texas Woman's Champ, Bethany Starr and Peggy Christian.

Garry: I see it now. I just didn't recognize old "poppin' fresh" The Pillsburry dough girl. She looks happy. She used looks pained and humiliated when she is in the ring. Last week her own daughter destroyed her.

Sandra: That had to be the most painful moment in Peggy's life. TO be attacked by her own daughter and to have it done on international TV. It must have shattered her.

Garry: Can you imagine the shame Jennifer "La Petite Marquise" Christian feels, having to spend her life with a mother that looks like that?

Sandra: Just shut up.

[The music continues to explode off the walls in the arena as Eden makes her appearance. Stepping from the backstage area, the small young woman wears a blue, red, and white one-piece. In the center of the chest is a white star, while the red and white portions are strictly on the belly and lower regions of the suit. They are divided down the middle and end at the hems on the sides as well as the hem between her legs The rest of the suit, including the back, is dark blue. The shoulder straps cross across Edens shoulders in the back. She stops to stand between the two women, placing her hands on her small hips. Behind them, near the Angeltron, blue pyro goes off, exploding with a force that eclipses the music - for a moment.]

[The two women each smile to Eden, their mouths moving with words of encouragement. Then, Bethany turns toward the entrance, making her way backstage. Peggy chooses to remain with Eden. Eden then focuses on the ring, reaching out every once in awhile to slap the hand of a fan with their arm outstretched during her walk. She uses the ring steps, climbing onto the apron, and then enters the ring in her unique fashion. She sticks her left leg between the top and middle rope, draping her knee over it and placing her foot on the bottom rope - Simultaneously, she leans her upper body in, bending forward - and pushes with her left foot while sticking the other in to enter the ring in one fluid motion.]

[The ring announcer speaks as Eden moves to her corner and places her hands on her hips. "Now entering the ring, from San Antonio, Texas - Weighing in at one-hundred-fifteen pounds . . . Edeeeeeeennnn Starr! In sync with the fans who cheer their approval, Eden raises an arm, keeping the other on her hip - and bends one knee slightly, performing a little pose for the fans as she smiles.]

Sandra: Eden is small, being only 5' 4" tall and weighing only 115 pounds, but I bet she is a fire cracker. She has been trained by her mother and Peggy.

Garry: What is Peggy teaching her? The correct way to eat 20 donuts in one day? I'm sure that if Peggy keeps training her, she will be up to 150lbs in no time.

Sandra: We'll see who's right soon. Missy will have her hands full with this rookie.

Garry: HAH! But there is one good thing with this match being an easy win for Missy. She will have time to give the fans a treat and perform one of the songs from her CD. I haven't seen her perform in public before.
(As if on cue, Missy McKinley enters the arena. Missy walks out from the back simply in a grey t-shirt and blue jeans, her head lowered down as she slowly steps to the ring, looking in almost no condition to compete. She rolls into the ring and plops down into the corner.)

Garry: What the heck? She didn't even bring her guitar.

Sandra: Thank God for small blessings. Missy looks out of it. Has something happened to her that should keep her out of the match?

Garry: I haven't heard of anything. She passed her physical yesterday. Maybe she caught the flue.

Sandra: She stands and seems to be okay. Missy is four inches taller than Eden but she is only 3 pounds heavier. These two women are definite candidates for the new Feather weight title that Archangel has set up.

Garry: Lean and mean. That's the way I like my women.

Sandra: In your dreams.

Garry: And in real life too.

(The ref signals for the bell. Missy moves slowly toward the center of the ring. Eden quickly runs toward her and jumps into the air. Eden hits Missy with a drop kick that sends Missy into the ropes. Eden trips Missy on her rebound, sending Missy crashing face first to the mat. The rookie gets quickly to her feet and applies a step over toe hold to the stunned Country singer. Missy pounds the mat in pain as the ref checks to see if she submits. McKinley shakes her head no and with a burst of strength breaks the painful hold.)

Sandra: The rookie is showing a lot of speed and skill in the ring. She seems to have surprised McKinley.

Garry: It is way too early to apply a submission hold. That was clearly a rookie mistake.

(Eden lets Missy get to her feet before running to the ropes and bouncing of the second rope She springs back into McKinley's arms. Missy surprises the rookie by catching her and holding her.)

Garry: Eden is just too small, she didn't have the power behind that body press to take Missy down. Now she going to pay for it.

Sandra: Oh really? Eden just made McKinley pay for it. She has just taken Missy down by turning that body press into a flying headlock takedown. Starr rolls her up for the pin.

Garry: Oh NO! She had to cheat there. Missy won't go down that easily. Strong kick out by Missy at the count of two.

Sandra: It just doesn't look like McKinley is in this match. She seems sluggish and not concentrating on it.

Garry: Missy is a smart wrestler. She is just letting the rookie get overconfident.

Sandra: If that is her plan it may be working to well. Missy is still lying on her back as Eden climbs to the top turnbuckle. Starr jumps off in a big splash. This could be the end for Missy.


(Missy must have heard Garry, because at the last instant she rolls out of the way and Eden hits only mat. McKinley gets to her feet as Starr lies stunned on the mat. McKinley begins to stomp on her downed opponent. The rookie clutches at her back as Missy's  boots rain hard kicks on her. Peggy Christian and Bethany Starr begin to yell encouragement to Eden. Eden rolls to the ropes and grabs them, using them to get to her feet. McKinley continues to kick at Starr. The ref forces Missy back as Eden holds on to the ropes to regain her bearings. Missy sidesteps the ref and delivers a stunning spinning heel kick to the rookie's head. The force of the kick causes Eden to flip over the ropes and land on the floor of the arena.)

Garry: That's my Missy McKinley. She is now in control. It's only a matter of time before she finishes off this rookie.

Sandra: Eden did hit the concrete floor hard. Peggy and Bethany help her to her feet. They are giving her instructions on how to handle McKinley.

Garry: A fat lot of good instructions from those two will be. I can't understand Missy. She hasn't followed up with this advantage. She seems to be waiting for Starr to get back into the ring.

(Indeed, Missy seems to be just standing in the center of the ring not even paying attention to Eden. Eden slowly crawls under the ropes and gets back into the ring. Before she can rise, Missy grabs her by her hair and throws her into the ropes. On the rebound Missy launches a drop kick that connects with Eden's stomach, sending her crashing into the ropes. Eden is able to keep from falling to the mat but she is doubled over in pain. Missy places her in a headlock, but before she can do anything Eden hits her with a couple of well-placed punches to the stomach causing her to break the hold. Both wrestlers pause to catch their breaths. Starr launches herself at Missy and nails her in the midsection with a shoulder block. The force isn't enough to knock Missy down but it is enough to cause her to double over. Eden places Missy in a front headlock and then falls backward forcing Missy head into the mat with a DDT. Missy flops on the mat.)

Sandra: Nice DDT by Eden Starr has Missy McKinley out on the mat.
Garry: Eden looks to follow it up with a springing elbow drop, but Missy rolls away at the last second. Eden drives her elbow into the unforgiving mat.

Sandra: Eden rolls on the mat in pain clutching her elbow.

Garry: Eden is showing why rookies seldom defeat veterans. A veteran would have known that Missy wasn't out of it enough to risk that elbow drop.

(Missy and Eden both get to their feet, Eden still rubbing her sore elbow. McKinley runs at Eden and leaps wrapping her legs around Eden's neck before sending her to the mat with a perfectly executed hurricanrana. Starr seems stunned by the move and is slow to react as Missy forces her to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Missy goes for a clothesline but she telegraphed it and Eden is able to duck underneath it. On the rebound, Eden leaps onto the back of Missy and slaps on a sleeper. Missy tries to shake Eden off, but Eden is on for the ride and keeps the sleeper on. Missy begins to stagger from the loss of blood to the brain. Peggy and Bethany Starr are outside the ring cheering Eden on. Missy bends violently forward sending Eden over her back and onto the mat with a back drop. Eden rolls on the mat as Missy staggers around the ring trying to clear the cobwebs from her mind.)

Garry: I just don't understand Missy. She is usually a much better wrestler than this. She was so slow that she didn't turn around to prevent Starr from putting on that sleeper hold. And she took way too long to get her off her back.

Sandra: I agree with you, Garry. Although I never liked Missy and her cheating ways she has always been much better than she is showing now. I wonder if something is going on her life, causing her to be distracted.

Garry: Well she better get her act together, she should have beaten this rookie by now.

Sandra: Eden has shown a lot of heart in the ring. She is a tougher opponent than Missy was expecting.

(Eden attempts a kick but Missy catches her foot. Missy holds onto the leg forcing Eden to hop on one foot. Missy forces Eden's leg high into the air and delivers a kick to Eden's exposed midsection. Eden gasps from the kick. Missy follows that up with a kick to Edens face, causing a small trickle of blood to flow from her lip. Missy  increasesd the speed of her kicking. Starr is forced to use her hands to keep herself balanced on one foot, leaving her virtually defenseless to the torrent of kicks hitting her head and body.  The impacts of the kicks cause Eden to groan and cry out after each hit. After Eden's struggles have stopped, Missy releases Eden's leg. Eden falls onto the mat in a battered heap.)

Sandra: Missy was positively brutal there. She kicked that poor defenseless girl until she was practically dead.

Garry: This is a wrestling match. If little Eden Starr can't take it, she should go back to her mommy in Texas.
(Missy lifts the nearly lifeless Eden Starr to her feet. She whips Eden into the corner. Edens back hits the turnbuckles with a resounding thud. She uses her arms on the ropes to keep from falling to the mat. Missy smiles as she lowers her head and charges at Eden, attempting to spear her. Eden strength is not enough to hold herself up. She slumps to the mat just before Missy hits her. McKinley flies through the ropes and her head hits the ring post. CLANG!! Missy staggers backward and then falls on her back, out cold. Eden still isn't moving in the corner. The ref begins to count both wrestlers out. Peggy moves as though she is going to help Eden but thinks better of it. She stays outside the ring and yells encouragement to her.)

Sandra: It looks like this match will end in a double count out.

Garry: A lucky day for Eden. If she hadn't fallen to the match when she did, Missy would have put her away by now.

Sandra: I think the only music Missy will be hearing is a loud ringing in her ears.

(The ref is almost finished with the count, when Eden moves.  With her last bit a strength she manages to roll over and places an arm across Missy shoulders. The ref drops to the mat.)




(The ref tries to hold Eden's arm in the air, but she is still slumping on the mat. Peggy Christian and Bethany Starr enter the ring and help Eden to her feet. They both give her congratulatory hugs. Eden squeals in pain from these hugs so they are quickly released. The two older women lead the rookie out of the arena as the crowd cheers her first victory. In the ring the ref revives Missy McKinley with a few slaps to the face. Missy takes a moment to clear her head and then walks dejectedly out of the arena.)

Sandra: An impressive win for the rookie, Eden Starr.

Garry: Lucky win, you mean.

Sandra: Eden showed some impressive moves in her first match.

Garry: Lucky moves, you mean.

Sandra: Skill or luck it's still a win. We have to go to commercial. Don't go away folks. There will be more exciting ring action after these words from our sponsors.


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