Kayla Vandergriff vrs Linda Anderson

By: ToneDef

[We come back from commercials to survey the Battling Ring Angels arena, which is sold out for this much anticipated event. All of the spectators are on their feet, screaming for their favorites and waving their signs in the hopes of a moment of glory before the cameras. Some of the more creative signs say: ‘Hellion of Rebellion in the House!’, ‘Miss America tops all Dreams’, and ‘Bring me a Toolchock, Little Alex!’. The camera spins around to regard the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, ladies and gents, and just in time for our next match, which you most definitely will NOT want to miss!"

Garry: "I know I’m eagerly anticipating it, it’s about time those childish cheerleaders get put in their place!"

Sandra: "Linda Anderson is most certainly going to have her hands full tonight, facing Kayla Vandergriff, of the Sisterhood of Seduction. Inside of a submission match, no less!"

Garry: "Linda may have speed…but this match is Kayla’s forte. You have to get in close for a submission to occur, and the little cheerleader cannot contend with Kayla’s brute strength!"

Sandra: "Should be interesting…even more intriguing is the stipulations on this match. If Kayla wins, Linda is to become the Sisterhood slave for a period of a month, wheras if Linda wins, Kayla has to wear a cheerleading outfit for a month!"

Garry: "Can’t wait to see Linda as Kayla’s slave, that will be sweet! Rumour also has it that Kayla had a special outfit made for this match…"

[Black smoke Billows from the entrance.. Soon the sound of Flesh slapping against Flesh resounds around the arena amplified to a near ear splitting level.. As the sounds of the skin symphony reach a fevered pitch. The stunningly pale dark haired beauty steps out of the smoke. Much to the suprise of the crowd.. She appears to be wearing a cheerleaders out fit.. but upon closer inspection it is a two piece cheerleader costume made out of black leather.]

Sandra: "So that’s the outfit that was reputed!"

Garry (Quite noticably drooling on himself): "Can’t talk….woman dressed in leather…"

Sandra: "Geez, I figured you got enough of that just looking at Lisa Dream…"

[Walking with her is Yvette Malreaux, leader of the Sisterhood of Seduction. Kayla strides down the aisle doing a mockery of cheerleaders everywhere, as the crowd nearly drowns out the skin slapping with their boo's.. As soon as she gets to the ring she grabs the outfit and pulls it away revealing that is is breakaway.. and she rolls under the bottom rope into the ring.. wearing her usual black leather micro bikini. Yvette makes her way over to the announcers table, which she leans against.]

Sandra: "What the hell are you doing here, Marquise?!? You aren’t scheduled for this match!"

Yvette: "Ah, dearest Sandra, I am only here to make sure that the cheerleaders resort to no vile methods. We all know them to like such efforts, yes?"

Garry: "Linda is in for a world of hurting here, it is about time that the cheerleaders learned that they can’t contend with the Sisters!"

Sandra: "Who can contend with the sisters? In the way of cheating, sabatoge, and underhanded tactics, they are at the top of their game…"

[Kaylas music is replaced by the ohio state fighting song, and the lights start flashing gold, navy blue, and red. Jenny Anderson steps forward from the back, doing a pom pom routine, and following close behind her is her identical twin sister, Linda, who cartwheels towards the ring. Jenny smiles, and follows her sister to the ring, where she hands some lucky fan the pom poms.]

Sandra: "What a kind gesture…I tell you, there aren’t very many women in this league who will do such a thing!"

Garry: "She’s probably trying to spread some disease…if I was that girl, I’d get those pom poms checked for lice before touching them!"


[The two cheerleaders do a dance routine inside of the middle of the ring, ending inside of a simitaneous split which results in a huge round of cheers from the crowd. Jenny then bounces her way out of the ring, and Kayla moves towards Linda.]

Sandra: "It looks as if they are not even going to let the bell sound…Kayla goes for a kick to Linda’s belly, but Linda moves out of the way, and dropkicks Kayla in the knee! Damn she’s fast!"

Garry: "Probably all hopped up on speed…"

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "The force of the move swept Kayla off of her feet…and Linda begins to stomp away on the knee, taking away Kayla’s vertical base…"

Garry: "Why a high flyer would target a knee is beyond me, it’s not as if the Cheerleader has to slow her down…but nobody accused the Slop of being overladen with intelligence."

Sandra: "Linda continues to stomp…but she leans a little too close, and Kayla gets Linda in a face claw!"

[Kayla pistons her hand forward, driving the diminutive cheerleader back into a corner. Kayla then gets to her feet, and dashes at Linda, but the smaller woman deftly moves out of the way, jumps to the second rope and spinning dropkicks Kayla back down to the mat.]

Garry: "Wow, is she ever fast! I guess that Jenny has been dealing drugs to her little sister again…"

Sandra: "One insult too many, Garry, Jenny is making her way over here!"

[As Linda once again begins to stomp away on Kayla’s knee, destroying the vertical base, Jenny moves to Garry, smiles at him, and guides him to his feet, asking him to dance. Then, suddenly, she spins around, an arm around Garry’s neck, and she diamond cutters the aging announcer right down onto his table.]

Sandra: "Oh wow! Paying him back for all that he has ever said about the cheerleaders! I think that he’s out…which leaves me as the only one annoucning this match….ah, the solitude…"

[Kayla has somehow struggled to her feet in the ring, however, and, grabbing Linda’s arm, Kayla short arm closelines the cheerleader to the mat. Jenny does not even seem to be paying attention to the ring as she removes a pair of scissors from her outfit, looks to the crowd, who roars their approval, and she attempts to cut away Garry’s hair. However, Yvette Malreaux has seen enough, and, grabbing Jenny, she tosses her away from the fallen announcer.]

Yvette: "Conduct yourself in a ladylike manner, child. Much like myself."

Sandra: "A quick save from the Marquise…in the ring, some smart strategy from Kayla…she is not letting go of Linda at all, keeping a hold of her at all times as she forces Linda back into the corner…and presses her body tightly next to Linda’s, trapping her in the corner!"

Kayla: "Such a soft belly you have, Linda. It makes my task that much more…rewarding…"

[Kayla begins to pull back, and then drive forward, repeatedly slamming her belly into Linda’s. Linda cries out at the brutal attack, yet is unable to escape it, for she is pinned to the corner by the ab-dominator. In this time, Yvette decides to take Garry’s place at the announcers table.]

Sandra: "And here I was hoping for some peace and quiet…"

Yvette: "Feel honored, rodent, that I have decided to come down here and grace you with my vast knowledge of wrestling literature."

Sandra: "Whatever…Kayla finally pulls back from Linda…who slumps down to one knee, clutching her belly!"

Yvette: "Ah yes, was there any doubt as to Kayla’s dominance? She kicks Linda over, on to her back, and splashes herself down onto the youngster."

Sandra: "Continuing to go to work on Linda’s belly! Kayla does appear to have a one track mind, doesn’t she, Yvette?"

Yvette: "Better to have a one track mind than to have no mind at all, my poor, deluded announcer…"

[Kayla lies down on top of Linda’s body in a grapevine pin, their bellies tightly pressed together, almost setting her in position for the ab dominator. However, Linda still has enough resolve to rake Kayla across the face. Kayla gets off of Linda, clutching her eyes, and Linda rolls to the ropes, attempting to recuperate.]

Yvette: "As always, a typical body shop cheating counter…"

Sandra: "Kayla moves to Linda again, pulls the cheerleader to her feet and goes to whip her into a turnbuckle…reversal! Kayla hits the corner hard, and Linda follows it up with a Stinger Splash!"

Yvette: "Bah! Kayla will perservere, anyone who loses to a little rodent like Linda is not even worthy of standing in my shadow!"

Sandra: "And Linda follows it up with a flying headscissors! Kayla looks as if she is on Dream street!"

[Linda, however, cannot capitalize as she rolls to the ropes, attempting to recuperate from the damage Kayla inflicted earlier in the bout. Jenny comes over to talk to her, and suddenly, as soon as the referees back is turned, Jenny pulls Linda out of the ring and starts to enter it herself.]

Yvette: "And again with the underhanded tactics, trying to put Jenny over as Linda, this is a disgrace!"

Sandra: "Yes, but something is preventing Jenny from entering the ring…it is Kelly Mase! Where did she come from?"

Yvette: "Yes, it is hard to hide that form…she must have come from under the ring, and, with a hold of Jenny’s leg, she pulls the blond out of the ring with ease, and closelines her to the ground!"

Sandra: "I just do not understand why Kelly is here…"

Yvette: "Kelly grabs Linda, and rolls her back into the ring as someone comes out of the audience…it is Sherry Ann."

Sandra: "Not too happy over what the assassin did to her little daughter, I must imagine."

[Sherry Ann moves to Kelly and punches her across the face, with little effect. The mammoth assassin emotionlessly regards Sherry, and then punches her back, knocking the icon off her feet to crash to the ground below.]

Yvette: "Very impressive, there are not many that can womanhandle Sherry like that, present company excluded."

Sandra: "Back in the ring, Kayla has gotten Linda inside of a one legged boston crab…I am not sure how well that move is going to work, considering how flexible Linda is!"

Yvette: "It will work, Sandra, if Kayla manages to rip the whole leg right out of the joint…"

Sandra: "Somehow I doubt that very much, Yvette. It is not doing too much to Linda right now…she does not even appear to be in very much pain, but she manages to move forward and latch onto the ropes anyways!"

[The referee orders Kayla to make the break, which she willingly does, and then begins to stomp away on the diminutive cheerleaders back, driving her down to the mat. Kayla then mounts the top rope, rubbing her hands along her belly to the jeers of the crowd, as Linda struggles to her feet.]

Yvette: "It is not very often that you see Kayla going to the top rope, so you know that something deadly is about to occur…"

Sandra: "Kayla launches herself off of the turnbuckle…oh! Upwards dropkick from Linda gets Kayla right in the face! Where did that come from?!?"

Yvette: "I….I do not know…"

Sandra: "Linda quickly moves to Kayla…grabs her legs…hooks her up in the Scorpion Deathlock, her finishing manuever! Kayla is right in the middle of the ring, noplace to go, noplace to hide!"

Yvette: "NO! Come on, Kayla!"

[The referee asks if Kayla wants to submit…Kayla responds by shaking her head and attempting to reach the ropes. However, she is rather far away from the ropes, and the match has drained her enough so that she cannot reach them. Eventually, she lowers her head and taps out.]

Ding ding Ding

Sandra: "It is a rare day indeed when you see Kayla submit like that…what are the cheerleaders doing now?"

Yvette: "Jenny is removing a cheerleading outfit from somewhere and is bringing it into the ring…"

Sandra: "As per the stipulations! Kayla has to wear a cheerleading outfit for a month now!"

[Yvette relinquishes her announcers position, and, moving into the ring, she grabs one of the cheerleaders and throws her over the top rope. The other cheerleader dashes at her…Yvette closelines her in mid air to the mat. The French Aristocrat then grabs Kayla, and the two of them exit the ring just as Garry stirs at the announcers table]

Garry: "Uhhhhh….did anyone catch the liscence plate on that truck that hit me?"

Sandra: "Ladies and Gents we will be right back after this short commercial break!"

[Fade to a commercial for the Syndicate, now back and even better than the original.]

Winner: Linda Anderson

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