Sandra: Welcome back! It’s time to get back to the action!

Gary: And time to get some more beer!

Sandra: Where are you going! Have you forgot, we have a job to do here!

Gary: It’s like I always say, never trust a ninja.

Sandra: Oh, when have you EVER said that before?

The entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing “Riders on the Storm” and the lights pulse dimly. A figure clad in all black makes her way down the entrance ramp. She slowly walks down to the ring, and climbs inside. Contrary to the Ninja’s usual custom, she does not remove her mask or her gi.

Sandra: Now that’s a little puzzling?

Gary: What’s puzzling is why it takes so long to get a beer here?

Sandra: Oaf! I wonder why the Missy has changed her approach to a match?

Gary: What match? Her opponent isn’t even here yet!

A red daisy appears on the Angeltron and suddenly a ragged cheer breaks out from part of the crowd while it seems nearly the same amount are booing her. “Supervixen” by garbage pounds out on the speakers as the words “Mia Lexington” in big blue letters now take the place of the daisy on the screen. Mia then steps from backstage in her typical light blue one-piece suit and black wrestling boots. Her dark hair cascades over her shoulders as she climbs the steps and enters the ring, turning to jump onto the second turnbuckle and waving to the warming crowd.

Sandra: Mia seems to want to win the fans over with her attitude at least.

Gary: I don’t think its going to win anything over with the Ninja. She hasn’t budged an inch since coming into the ring!

Mia jumps down from the turnbuckle and strikes a pose in the corner.

Gary: I’ve said it before, modeling don’t win wrestling matches!

Sandra: Hard as it is for me to admit, you have a point oaf. Mia may be a little overconfident after her recent results.

Gary: Speaking of modeling! Yowza!

Sandra: Quiet pig! It’s Veronica Millions! What brings you here!

Veronica pulls up a seat between the two announcers, smiling at Sandra before answering.

Veronica: Hi Sandra! Well you know it never hurts to learn as much as you can about the other wrestlers!

Sandra: Great attitude! I’ve been hearing great things about you from Sherry.

Veronica: I think it’s the start of a new wonderful era in the Shop! It’s finally shaping up real good now. It’s getting the facelift it needed.

Gary: The only smart one in the Shop is Miss Piggy! She got out!

The New York Poet steps over the railing yet again to greet Sandra and Garry.

Poet: Hello again. For Mia Lexington I have a poem.

Sandra: Oh for goodness’ sake, won’t you give it a rest?

Garry: Sandra, I had no idea you were so deeply against creative expression. You and Tipper Gore should compare notes, I hear she’s into censorship too.

Poet: Thank you Garry. Today I have something especially for Mia. It’s a haiku.

Sandra: Gezuntheit.

Poet: Very funny. The poem is called Lexingtown.

The Lexingtown train

Climbs dead mountains, coughs loud smoke,

Swallowed in shadows

Thank you.

(The crowd gives some polite applause, but mostly mumbles and mutters)

Garry: Don’t worry, it was a good poem, they just all hated having to do haiku for school.


As the two combatants start to face off against one another, a barely noticeable shadow slides out from underneath the ring apron, and silently slides into the ring. Missy Jones, dressed in a midnight blue one-piece and ninja boots with separated big toes, silently lands on the mat behind Mia Lexington. Missy noiselessly charges and plants a flying knee directly at the base of Mia’s spine. The “other ninja,” now clearly a decoy, takes off her mask and rolls out of the ring.

Sandra: What on earth!

Gary: Wow! Now that was a brilliant plan.

Sandra: What do you mean brilliant? It was sneaky and underhanded. She should get disqualified!

Gary: Mia should for getting caught!

Back in the ring Missy does not waste the advantage, dragging Mia to her feet and scooping her up to a bodyslam. That is followed quickly by another one as the real Missy Jones moves in. She yells out, “Lexingtown is going down!” Just as she finishes, Missy is floored as Mia sweeps a leg over, catching the Ninja off guard. With a look of pain on her face Mia gets up and quickly places Missy in a stepover toe hold, trying to wear her opponent down.

Sandra: Nice recovery by Mia, I think Missy got a little too cocky for a moment.

Mia keeps working the leg of Missy. Placing herself between Missy and the ref, she reaches down and grabs a handful of tights, gaining a little more leverage.

Gary: Hey! That’s cheating! Look at that!

Sandra: You call THAT cheating!

Gary: It’s the only chance a superbabe like Mia has against a fighter like Missy!

Missy finally manages to plant a boot into Mia’s midsection and kick her sprawling to the mat. In a flash the Ninja is on her feet, chuckling, “whoopsie-Daisy!” A bare second later its Mia’s turn to suffer as Missy drops an elbow to the prone girls mid section. Grabbing her hair, the Ninja drags Mia up and quickly twists on a vicious armbar. She follows almost immediately with a snap kick into Mia’s midsection again, doubling the dark haired beauty over before releasing her and unleashing a vicious chop to the spine, dropping Mia to her knees in agony.

Gary: Wow. The Ninja is really giving Mia the gears.

Sandra: No wonder. She may not be able to recover from that sneak attack! Oh my gosh! Airplane spin…

Gary: To a backbreaker over the knee!! I think I heard her spine snap from here!

Mia lays on the mat writhing in agony. The backbreaker appears to have hurt her a lot. The referee comes over to check on her, moving the Ninja away from her victim. Back at the announcers table Veronica gets up and rushes from behind the table and tries to get to the ringside, but runs into a tackle from Gina Moore, the “other Ninja and both girls topple to the floor.

Gary: There's more action going on outside the ring right now than in it! I didn’t think the spoiled rich kid was here to watch, she wanted a piece of Missy!

Sandra: It sure appears that way, but I think that Mia is really hurt! She has not got up!

Gary: It was a nasty sound. I didn’t like it one bit!

On the floor Gina gets up, leaving a stunned Veronica Millions groaning on the concrete.

Gary: Two down! None to go!


The bell sounds at the referee’s signal as he signals for a stretcher. He gets up and goes to Missy, raising her hand as the Ninja looks on with a look of disgust more than anything.

Sandra: It’s over! Mia can’t continue, she must be really hurt. The medics are really rushing over in a hurry. That was a nasty backbreaker! She must have landed very awkwardly!

Gary: It’s the price you pay for getting in the ring! I hope they bring two stretchers, I don’t think your friend looks capable of walking from here either.

Veronica is also slow to get up, but manages and walks away groaning. In the ring the medical people are tending to Mia. They ease her on to a stretcher as a stunned Ninja looks on, still not seeming to believe what she is seeing.

Gary: Well this one is over. Missy Jones beats the model!

Sandra: I don’t think Mia wants to go on a stretcher, look! She’s getting up!

Gary: She should take the free ride! It’s too late, she lost!

In the ring Missy leaves in disgust as Mia sits up on the stretcher painfully, her pride refusing to allow her to be carried from the ring. A ragged cheer starts up as she sits up and builds up to a thunderous roar as the audience shows what they think of the Daisy’s efforts.

Sandra: She may have lost the match, but she won the crowd! Listen to the ovation they are giving her!

Mia manages a weak smile and buoyed on by the crowd, climbs painfully to her feet and accepts a couple of shoulders to help her out of the ring.



The winner of the match: The Ninja Missy Jones

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