Sabrina Perizi
Lisa Dream

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The many BRA fans cheer and can barely contain their excitement over being on television. Like most idiots, they make faces and transform themselves into disturbing parodies of their previous selves. They hold high, signs promoting their favorite athlete - Sherry Ann, Evonne Carmikel, The Babe Squad, and Shannon McCourt. By this time, the fans have come to expect anything for the price of their dollar - psychotic mental patients, enraged Native Americans, country music stars - but the most recent surprise and revelation of excitement had been seeing one of the more colorful and outspoken members of the roster be thrown from the top of one of the world’s best known monuments, presumably to her death. At ringside Garry and Sandra are seated going through their notes and examining the teleprompter. Garry sips a soft drink - a new sponsor for BRA - ‘Mary Jane’s Best.’)

Sandra: Welcome back, folks. We at BRA are always willing to give you pleasure and excitement but this takes the cake!

Garry: Did you say . . . ‘cake?’

Sandra: (ignoring him) This match was supposed to be Lisa Dream against Sabrina Perezi but . . . well . . . Lisa met with an accident at the hands of Evonne Carmikel.

Garry: Ya know, Yvette always told me, in reference to you, ‘let her eat cake.’

Sandra: (ignoring Garry she is concentrating as she touches her earpiece) But I am now getting word that something special is going on . . . it looks like . . . hmmmm . . . an announcement from the management . . .

Garry: (with a spacey look) There is a cool band called ‘Cake.’ I wish one of the athletes would adopt one of their songs as their entrance theme. ‘The Distance’ is a cool song.

Sandra: (looking over at Garry) Alright, I give up . . . what has gotten into you?

Garry: Ugh. I dunno. It might be this drink. It makes me feel . . . funny . . .

Sandra: Wow! Give me a sip . . .

(The lights dim and the crowd cheers, unaware of what is about to happen, but knowing that they shall be treated to BRA’s best. From the loudspeakers, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement begins. As the lights rise, the large curtain at the top of the ramp parts, and two familiar faces appear: Celeste and Angelique - the two ‘angels’ who assist Gabrielle, underling of the ArchAngel. They carry what appear to be sacks of goodies. The crowd cheers, pleased with their sight. Celeste, the brunette and Angelique, the blonde, are dressed identically. Each wear tight fitting, white bikinis and large, feathery, angel wings on their backs. They have small bootlets and on their heads are crooked halos. With a sinister glance, they each hold back a section of the curtain, and with their free hand, twist them, in unison, gesturing towards the opening, like assistants on a game show. The figure of Gabrielle, spokesman of the ArchAngel steps through, dressed in black robes from the hood over his head, to parts that cover his feet. He wears black gloves and a golden mask. Not one feature betrays him as everything is obscured. He could be old, young, ugly, attractive, black, white, red, green - it is a mystery. He walks slowly to the ring as Celeste and Angelique bounce behind him, pulling out T-shirts, posters and memorabilia from the top stars in the federation, throwing them all to the crowd, immediately gaining endearment - however fleeting it may be.)

Garry: Hmmm. Girls. I like girls.

Sandra: Harumph. They look plastic enough for your tastes.

(As the entourage makes their way to the ring, Celeste and Angelique blow kisses, continuing to throw the coveted merchandise. Upon reaching the ring, the two angels drop their bags and jump ahead of Gabrielle, lifting the ropes for him. He ducks under and enters the ring, heading for the center. The angels follow, throwing more goodies to the crowd and posing, waving, and blowing kisses. After waiting a moment for the crowd to die down, Celeste hands him a microphone and he brings it to his lips. His voice is slow and careful; dignified and clear)

Gabrielle: Hark, the Herald Angel sings! As in everything in life, there are cycles of change. Summer eventually turns to winter. Youth evolves into age. Elected officials eventually leave. Finally, a changing of the guard in athletics occurs, making way for new champions. We at Battling Ring Angels sincerely mourn the loss of Lisa Dream, Celestial Champion. She was well-loved and well-known by all. She entertained you for months, and as a dedicated member of our roster we were all proud of her. Now, however, we make room for a new champion. We make room for a rising star in the organization who has proved herself time and time again. It is with pleasure, far greater than I can express, that I present to you, on behalf of the loving ArchAngel, your NEW Celestial Champion, Sabrina Perezi.

(The crowd roars, the love for ‘Miss America’ evident. 'Star Spangled Banner,' by Jimi Hendrix comes over the PA, while the Angeltron comes to life and proudly reveals, ‘MISS AMERICA’ in a bright, bold, font, with the American flag waving behind it. Several skyrockets, scream to life from the ceiling, as they shoot their way earthbound towards the entrance stage and erupt into red, white, and blue explosions. From the dark entranceway, Miss America Sabrina Perezi enters the arena to a loud and warm reception from the crowd. She is wearing her blue one piece suit, with red and white stripes across the top half. Her boots have her initials on them, and she wears her blond hair in a pony tail. To finish off, Sabrina wears red kneesavers and white boots and a light blue sash with the words, ‘Miss America’ going across it Her hair is in a braid and she is all smiles to her fans. After a few moments, several flash pots explode and with great excitement, Sabrina slaps hands with the fans on her way down to ringside and exchanges high fives with them. Sabrina enters the ring and poses, while red, white, and blue flash pots explode behind her.)

Garry: What?! Huh?! She didn’t do anything to get the title? Shouldn’t there be a tournament or something?

Sandra: How dare you! Sabrina Perezi has fought the best athletes in BRA and has overcome odds that nobody else could. Nobody - and I mean - nobody - deserves the title more than her!

Garry: This is a travesty. This girl is horrible! I hate her! In fact -

(Garry suddenly stops as Gabrielle looks over, almost as he hears the insulting words coming from Garry’s mouth. The hooded man appears as if bearing down into Garry’s very soul. He stares for a moment, and something inside of Garry seems to click.)

Garry: Actually, Sabrina DOES deserve the title, now that I think about it. She IS the most upstanding and athlete we have and the best role model for young people . . . (Garry is almost stunned as he can’t believe he said that. Then he nervously looks down at his soft drink, eyeing it with great suspicion.)

(Back in the ring, Sabrina looks at Gabrielle and his two assistants, hesitantly, remembering their tactics from last week in Paris. Something inside of her tells her that they are not much better than the cheaters and despicable characters who cut corners and use underhanded tactics to get their way to the top. Before she can speak, Gabrielle produces, from Angelique’s bag, the Celestial Belt. Sabrina looks almost stunned upon seeing it. She seems happy for a moment then shakes her head. She takes a microphone from Celeste and begins to speak.)

Sabrina: I am honored to be selected as the next champion, Gabrielle, but I don’t think that it is right. Having things handed to you is hardly a way for -

(Gabrielle flashes a look towards Angelique who produces a tiny remote control from her bag and pushes a button. Suddenly, Sabrina’s sound is cut off, preventing any further discussion on the matter.)

Gabrielle: Modesty is a wonderful quality in a champion, Sabrina. Very endearing. We know that you will have a long and glorious reign.

(All of the lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and the awe of music fill the stadium. The blood red letters ‘THE DREAM’ spin and solidify on the large Angeltron monitor located above the exit from the dressing

room area. Smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of

pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of ‘NOOKIE’, by Limp Bizkit,

and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She arrogantly stands on the

entrance ramp, surveying the sell out crowd as they show their appreciation for

the conceited girl. Sabrina looks as if she has seen a ghost. Gabrielle and the angels are mortified. Lisa is wearing a black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, and she walks down to the ring like a supermodel on

an entrance ramp. She sweeps into the ring with an arrogant smirk, and struts

around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of her adoring fans.

Lisa then orders someone at ringside to hand her a microphone, which she quickly gets, and, when the crowd finally softens she raises it to her lips.)

Lisa: Feast your eyes and Fantasize, all of you loyal DREAM-o-phobics, because the reason for your presence here tonight has all been justified! That’s right,

your All American Sweetheart has finally come down to the ring to grace you all

with her *perfect* figure, and I know that all of you were eagerly anticipating

this moment from the beginning of the card! ‘Dead?’ I think not! Death would mean me being stopped! No force on earth can stop me and certainly not some failed corporate despot. Not that I blame your anticipation, however … I felt your pain while you had to sit through the matches just past, watching those

grotesque peons make a mockery of this fine sport, but now, you are in for a

treat! So this is all going down for those that wish that they were as CUNNING

as the DREAM, as TALENTED as the DREAM, as GORGEOUS as the DREAM!

Lisa: (con’t) My biggest complaint, all of you lucky ticket holders, is the insignificant that they have signed on against me! I mean, you all pay the extravagant prices in the vain effort to catch a glimpse of *perfection*, and they choose to have me fight someone that would have problems defeating a chimp! Sabrina Perezi, you sad excuse for a wrestler, what makes you think you have what it takes to challenge the Battling Ring Angels Icon? You may have impressed some in this league, darling, but those fools you have faced in the past are nothing next to the challenge that rests before you! So you have faced Yvette Malreaux! So you have faced Nina Larue! Girl, I could beat both of them with both hands tied behind my back and a paper bag over my head…you know it, I know it, and all these fans know it! So what chance do you think you truly have here? Perhaps, if you get down on your hands and knees and politely ask for some of my *perfect* mercy, I may be lenient with you! But darling, you had best close your eyes, and fantasize, if you seriously consider putting up a fight here, because that is the ONLY way you are EVER going to top….*perfection*!

(Lisa then tosses down the microphone, and takes up a reclining position on top of a turnbuckle, arrogantly awaiting the beginning of the match.)

Garry: She’s alive! I can’t believe it! The All-American Sweetheart lives! She is still the title-holder!

Sandra: Trust me, Garry, Sabrina Perezi is glad to work for her shot at the title. I know her.

(Lisa arrogantly smirks at Sabrina who, after overcoming the shock of seeing Lisa alive, stretches herself, listening to the official as he spouts off he rules. As he leaves her to reeducate Lisa with the rules, the gothic beauty seems wholly uninterested.)


Garry: Well, it looks as if Gabrielle and his angels are coming out of the ring. I hope they leave. He scares me!

Sandra: For once I agree with you, Garry. His eerie presence means someone is going to get screwed.

(As the bell rings and the official moves out of the way, Gabrielle and his angels wait to the side of the ring, observing, quietly. The cloaked figure whispers to Angelique, the blonde, who produces a cellular phone from her bag and hands it to him. He clutches it under his arm, tightly. In the ring, Lisa and Sabrina have begun to circle one another, both awaiting a move by the other or awaiting their own plan. It is Lisa who acts first, running backwards, and bouncing off the ropes for momentum. She flies back towards Sabrina, who ducks. On her bounce back, Lisa feints a kick, but at the last moment turns it into a spear, taking them both to the mat. Lisa leaps up quickly, and stomps Sabrina in the stomach. She is horrified by the seemingly furious reaction from the crowd. Sabrina is clearly the fan favorite in the match, as opposed to the self-proclaimed ‘All American Sweetheart.’)

Sandra: Lisa is hardly all things to all people. She is getting a cold reception this week.

Garry: Nonsense! She is a virtual Orgone Grinder!

Sandra: A what?

Garry: An Orgone Grinder. Dr. Wilhelm Reich? 1930’s? Oh, never mind. You are hardly worth an explanation.

(Sabrina is back to her feet, undaunted. Lisa bobs and weaves, coming close then jumping back, proving her speed, despite her smaller size. Lisa closes, then withdraws, a sinister smile on her face, her devious mind planning and scheming. She is toying with Sabrina, but the larger blonde has had enough. She jumps back as Lisa closes in, and delivers a side kick to Lisa’s face, sending her sprawling backwards into the turnbuckle. Taking advantage of the situation, Sabrina comes forward before Lisa can react, smashing the pale woman into the corner. Seizing her by her white bikini bottoms, she lifts her in the air and drops her in a perfect suplex. Lisa’s back bounces off the canvass in a stunning arch and the gothic beauty screams in utter pain, trying to sit up. Sabrina runs forward, seizing her by the neck and drops to the mat, stretching Lisa forward in a painful position. As Lisa gets up, Sabrina, the larger woman, wraps her arms around her, facing her and executes a perfect belly-to-belly suplex. Instantaneously, Lisa finds herself on the mat again.)

Sabrina: Back from the dead and just in time to get burnt!

(Sabrina makes her way to her feet after the snide comment, however, it is unlikely that Lisa managed to even hear it as the cheers from the crowd ring in her ears. The match between Lisa and Evonne has clear lingering effects. Sabrina then bends down, ready to slap on a figure four. In desperation, Lisa reaches up, seizes a handful of Sabrina’s golden locks and tugs, flipping the larger woman over. Lisa scrambles to her feet, putting as much distance between she and Sabrina as possible. She bounces off the ropes and with a spring in her step, leaps into the air, splashing on top of Sabrina. However, it does not seem to have the desired effect as Lisa wished. Sabrina is clearly made of resolve and strength; her stamina unquestioned.)

Lisa: Who are you to challenge Perfection in such a manner?! Give up now!

(Sabrina responds by kneeing Lisa in the stomach, causing the smaller woman to cry out in the sudden pain and shock as she falls off. Sabrina then kicks to her feet, receiving a stunning cheer from the crowd. Lisa makes her way to her knees and sees an opportunity; something which she never manages to fail to capitalize upon. Quickly, she wraps her arms around Sabrina’s legs and yanks, taking her off her feet, causing her to land on her back with a loud impact.)

Sandra: Looks like Lisa is desperate!

Garry: You make no sense! She despises confrontation. Plus, she is smart enough to see that Sabrina can do serious damage on her feet. Lisa and I are geniuses. We think alike!

Sandra: Oh, wow! I am certain she would love to know you think you and she are in the same class.

(As Sabrina wearily attempts to sit up, Lisa is already there, making a ‘V’ out of Sabrina’s legs. She drops to Sabrina’s crotch, driving her knee down as hard as possible. Sabrina cries out in pain as Lisa laughs spitefully, showing no signs of ending it. Lisa rises again, ready to deliver another dreaded crotch shot, and the official seems to be more liberal with the moves. As Lisa clasps Sabrina’s ankles, the blonde tightens her legs and thrusts out, forming scissors around the gothic beauty’s neck. Sabrina clutches tightly, cutting off air supply as much as she can, and Lisa’s hands wrap around her neck, trying to wrench free. She twists back and forth, Sabrina flexing her powerful things as much as she can, much to the joy of the crowd, taking in the scene as erotic eye-candy.)

Lisa: Bah! I . . . am . . . the BRA . . . icon! You are a . . . worthless . . . peon!

(Not surprisingly, Sabrina’s response to tighten her legs, and drop Lisa to the mat with authority. Impacting with canvass causes Lisa to howl in pain and Sabrina jumps to her feet, after her upper body had gotten a rest. Lisa lay in a crumpled heap, breathing heavily. Lisa begins crawling to the ropes, hoping to get a break. Sabrina comes forward but Lisa manages to reach out and seize them before Sabrina can descend upon her, saving her from certain ruin. Sabrina, a fair fighter, backs off as Lisa comes to her feet. She backs herself into a corner, trying to regain her breath. Behind her Angelique and Celeste began shouting crude and insulting comments, commenting their own views on ‘perfection.’ She spins and shouts something terrible to the pair of angels, resulting in some war of words. Lisa turns to be confronted with a side arm from Sabrina, catching her directly in the side of the head. Before she can react, Sabrina has Irish whipped her across the ring. Sabrina steps forward to apply some move but Lisa manages to have the agility left in her to duck. As Sabrina misses, Lisa smirks to the crowd tapping her head in an arrogant display of showboating. The crowd boos her, causing her to erupt in anger. Suddenly she is seized from behind by Sabrina and thrown down in an over-the-knee backbreaker. Lisa falls, almost lifelessly to the canvass, but Sabrina is hardly finished. Sabrina pulls her to her feet and is thrown across the ring again, and on the return, Lisa is thrown into a cradle DDT, forcing her crumpled collapse into the canvass.)

Sabrina: Ya know, Lisa, your complexion is nothing that that some SPF-40 and oxy can’t cure.

(As Lisa lays on the mat, dazed, muttering to herself about perfection and being the All American Sweetheart, Celeste and Angelique begin pointing wildly towards the top ropes. Angelique draws her finger across her throat and Celeste points to the Celestial Title. Not for them, but for herself and the fans, Sabrina brings herself to the top rope and throws herself off, she lands, attempting a guillotine leg drop. However, Lisa moves at the last moment, rolling out of the way, with Sabrina impacting to the canvass alone. She screams out in sudden pain as Celeste and Angelique close their eyes and groan, imagining the pain, themselves. Lisa desperately gets to her feet and initiates her own offense. She begins kicking away at Sabrina, shouting insults and obscenities in her anger. Sabrina struggles under the assault, but it is clearly taking a toll on her. With every kick to her, the crowd grows angrier and angrier.)

Lisa: Who is the world’s greatest Dream and your worst nightmare?!

(Sabrina makes it to her knees and gets a kick to the stomach for her troubles. As the crowd cheers her on, she manages to draw strength from the audience and offers Lisa two successive punches to her stomach, causing her to double over. Lisa’s adrenaline pumps, however, and she accepts the hits in certain stride, but backing away. This gives Sabrina the opportunity she needs to get to her feet and back away, but it is clear that the sudden attacks from Lisa have hurt her. Lisa lunges forward and Sabrina manages to catch her, throwing her into the ropes. Lisa surprises Sabrina with a front handstand, her legs striking the ropes, and bounces back to the mat. Using the momentum, Lisa lunges back towards Sabrina with a flying elbow, knocking her to the mat. Lisa leaps up and Sabrina follows within seconds.)

Garry: What a sweet surprise! Maybe she’ll call it that!

Sandra: You would just be happy if she would call you.

Garry: Yes. Yes I would.

(Lisa looks at Sabrina determined and Sabrina responds with an equally ruthless glare, the two warriors desiring the victory. Both circle, and Lisa moves backwards, following up with a leap after bouncing from the ropes. Sabrina is caught with leg scissors to the neck, as Lisa turns it into a perfect Hurricanrana. Sabrina is taken off her feet and Lisa springs up confidently, parading around the ring for a moment, taking in the cheers from her loyal fans and ardent admirers. As Sabrina slowly gets to her feet, her mind, dizzy, Lisa glares with dissatisfaction, hoping for a few moments in the spotlight. Kicking Sabrina’s face, she again cackles with extreme confidence and cruelty. Lisa appears to set Sabrina up for a piledriver. The sinister ‘All American Sweetheart’ begins to spank Sabrina as she is between her pale legs.)

Lisa: Oh, sweet Sabrina, don’t worry about it, you should feel graced by being allowed this close to Perfection.

(Lisa is shocked and dismayed as her trite comment had worked against her as Sabrina’s arms wrap around her legs. Using the muscles in her legs, she lifts, thrusting Lisa into the air and dropping her over her, the pale beauty rebounds off the canvass, screaming and clutching her pained back .)

Sandra: Typical Lisa, shooting her mouth off.

Garry: But what a mouth she has!

(Sabrina locks in a Boston Crab as Lisa sputters in pain, denying the submission. She begins to desperately crawl towards the ropes, trying to get the break. Miraculously, she is about to make it when Angelique, holds the ropes back, preventing the grab. Lisa screams out in anger and pain as both Angelique and Celeste giggle uncontrollably, as Gabrielle looks on with more subdued interest. Lisa shouts something to the blonde angel who shrugs her shoulder, releasing the rope, snapping it back in Lisa’s face with a loud crack. Lisa begins to sputter around, screaming about her face, and in her wild thrashings she manages to grab the ropes, still yammering on about her face. Sabrina backs away, again allowing Lisa to get to her feet. As Lisa rubs her hand across her face, she feels the faintest hint of blood, sending her into hysterical fear and rage. Again she points down at the angels, squawking and threatening them. They merely laugh and make childish faces at her.)

Angelique: Lisa Dream! Lisa Dream! Sabrina Perezi will make you scream!

Celeste: Hey, Dracula, heroine chic is out of date!

Lisa: Silence, you twits! I am Perfection! I am a the Dream! I am -

(Lisa’s tirade is cut short as Sabrina grabs her from behind, tired of waiting. Lisa finds herself suplexed in the air and lands with a crash on the mat. Sabrina places Lisa in a perfect bridge, pinning Lisa’s arms to the mat. As Sabrina holds her steady, Lisa squirms and flails her legs around, trying toe escape as the official begins the count. He gets to two and Lisa manages to kick Sabrina in the neck, causing her to choke and release her prey. Lisa gets to her feet, furious, and lands a low blow to Sabrina. As the blonde grabs at her aching area, the official begins lecturing Lisa who simply ignores him. Lisa begins attacking her with knife-chops, hitting as hard as she can. Sabrina groans in pain, lashing out in frustration, but getting nothing. Lisa pushes the big blonde into the corner. Lisa mounts the second rope and begins to hammer away with her right hand, and then kisses it one final time, before offering Sabrina the indignity of being backhanded then blowing a kiss to her fans. Lisa grows angered as many of the fans boo her.)

Lisa: Shut up! I am Perfection!

(Sabrina punches out at the gothic beauty, knocking her off the second rope, falling on her rear. Sabrina, reaches down but Lisa manages a bicycle kick to the blonde’s face. It sends Sabrina backward, holding her jaw in pain. Lisa leaps up, offers two more kicks - one in the stomach and one in the face. She mounts the turnbuckle and flips Sabrina backwards to the middle of the ring and she lands most painfully. Lisa then, with her arrogant pride nowhere near in check, looks to the crowd and does a ‘bump and grind’ dance, runs to the far ropes, comes back bouncing off the other side and executes a springboard Moonsault onto Sabrina. The official drops and counts to three, signaling for the bell.)

Garry: Look at that! Lisa wins!

Sandra: Yeah. Whoopie.

(Gabrielle seems to be angered but shows no outward signs of it. Celeste and Angelique begin shouting and pouting. Lisa scowls at them but the boos from the crowd seems to enrage her more. Sabrina rolls out of the ring and begins to ascend the ramp, proudly and keeping her dignity intact. She cannot manage to suppress an angry glare at Gabrielle and his minions. The fans cheer her as they go , knowing that despite her loss, she is a true champion.)

Sandra: The fans know a hero when they see one!

Garry: I guess that’s why they always boo you.

(Without any pomp and circumstance, Celeste throws the belt into the ring, discarding it as if it were garbage. Lisa holds it high, proudly showing off her latest victorious defense of the most coveted item in the federation. The camera cuts out with that shot, leading into a commercial for ‘Mary Jane’s Best.’)


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