Debbie Loretto & Shannon “The Professor” McCourt

Debbie Loretto & Shannon "The Professor" McCourt


"Lil Dragon" Kimie Kurita & Kelly "The Assassin" Mase

by WWJ


Garry : They will score another victory for Evonne. The Syndicate is an unstoppable force in this league, just like the Sisterhood, and these two do-gooders will soon realise that.

Sandra : Hm, check your files, Debbie is hardly a do-gooder, Garry.

Garry : Technical details, technical details ! The dragon and the assassin are anything but ! They know what the fans really want. And it is important to please the crowd. They pay our salaries.

Sandra : Oh please, I thought the fans you’re always speaking of wanted something else ?

Garry : Oh yes, they want that too off course.

The lights dim as the familiar, haunting strains of Elgar's Cello Concerto played by Jacqueline du Pre soar around the BRA arena. The fans stir as they realise that this is the entrance music for Debbie Loretto, the hot (in more ways than one) new rookie. However...she doesn't appear to be making an entrance. Suddenly, the beautiful cello music is violently yanked from the speakers and replaced by the resounding opening riff of Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name". As a pyrotechnics display erupts around the entryway, Debbie Loretto finally makes her appearance...and she looks psyched up! Running down to the ring, she ignores the screams of the fans, shadowboxing in time with the violent music. Sliding under the ropes, she runs into the centre of the ring and takes in the atmosphere....and as the song builds to its violent climax, she literally rips apart her black midriff top to reveal a lacy black bra underneath. She's fired up ! The tall, powerful brunette stands near the entrance ramp, bouncing on the balls of her feet and evidently ready to go into battle. As the reporter approaches her, she fixes a steely glare on the unfortunate correspondent...Loretto is not the idle person to interview before a match.

Reporter : "Uhhh....Ms do you think you will work with Shannon McCourt? After all.....she is rather different in attitude to you. And she IS one of the Tag-Team champions, as opposed to your lack of a title, and...."

With a spark in her green eyes, Loretto interrupts the reporter....with a laugh, strangely enough.

Debbie : "Look, Shannon and I are good friends. We might have our differences in approach, but we've agreed to work together in this match...and when we two come together, nothing can stop us.... certainly not Dunderhead Kimie and her money-grubbing partner. Shannon's got a belt....and I'm pleased for her. But what I'm even more pleased about is the fact that Nina Larue now holds the hard-core belt......even if she won't be holding it for very much longer. saw what happened to Medusa're next!"

Garry : Well, there is hope for this one. I liked the way she ripped her top to reveal that bra of hers. Although she’s daft if she wants to fight the goddess. The Babe Squad are the hottest team in this league.

The arena darkens again as orange, green and white flash pots light up the place. As the lights begin to go back on, "No Place to Hide" by Korn begins to play over the sound-system. "The Professor" Shannon McCourt makes her appearance, waving to her fans in the crowd and smiling. She’s wearing a black sports bra with a bright green four-leaf clover, black boy-cut shorts, black boots with green clovers on the sides, and black knee savers. Her tag team belt is around her waist. Carrying a small Celtic cross for luck, Shannon hands it off to one of her fans as she makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands and greeting her fans. Upon entering the ring, she unstraps her belt to hand it to the official, but not before holding it up and getting a huge roar from the crowd.

Garry : Show-off !

Sandra : Oh, give her a break. She won that belt fair and square, and she’s rightly proud of it. Besides, what were you saying about pleasing the crowd ?

Garry : She didn’t rip off her top, now did she ?

Sandra : You’re utterly hopeless.

Garry : So you finally see the light and agree with me that Shannon is utterly hopeless ?

Sandra : I wasn’t ..., forget it. Why do I have the impression this is going to be a long, long night ?

As the lights dim for the third time, red pyrotechnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as "Live and Let Die" in the version of Guns 'n' Roses blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance Kelly Mase, in red leather suit of boots, pants, and vest, and Kimie Kurita, in black PVC shorts, leather sports bra, and Doc Martins stride onto the stage. A blood-red spotlight with a black dragon inlaid in it illuminates the two Syndicate members as they slowly walk to the ring, ignoring the boos of the crowd. Behind them, in black army boots, green army pants and a black T-shirt that shows off his large, muscular frame, strides Kelly's brother James. Kimie and Kelly slide under the ropes as James takes up position outside. Without warning, Kelly and Kimie jump Debbie and Shannon.

Garry : YES ! Let’s see some action.

Kimie Kurita kicks Shannon McCourt in the stomach, while Kelly Mase does the same to Debbie Loretto, following up with twin roundhouse kicks that send both McCourt and Loretto down. Two elbowdrops follow, the assassin going for Debbie’s stomach, the dragon aiming a bit lower on her opponent. The referee is yelling at them to stop and get to their corner. Their point being made, and seeing no sense in risking disqualification, the two obey.

Sandra : Cheating, and a low blow already ?

Garry : I told you this team was good.

In the ring, Debbie Loretto looks angry. She’s helping Shannon to their corner, as that low blow obviously hurt her. Shannon gets out of the ring, leaving Debbie to start the match. In their opponent’s corner, Kelly Mase gets out, and Kimie Kurita flashes a wicked grin towards Loretto.

Sandra : Interesting choice there. Both teams have one powerhouse and one member relying more on speed and agility. With McCourt temporarily out of action, the Syndicate made sure they could decide the line-up. And this early in the match, speed is often more important then power.

Debbie Loretto, still looking none to pleased about the sneak attack, can’t resist taunting her opponents a bit.

Debbie : "The Professor and the Genius against the Idiot and the Moron....hardly seems fair."

The bell rings, signalling the official start of the match. Immediately, Debbie Loretto moves towards Kimie Kurita. As Loretto tries to lock up, Kimie dodges under her arms to her back. As Debbie turns, she receives a back fist to the face, that snaps her head to the side. She just smiles, and, showing surprising speed herself, grabs Kimie’s arm mid-way the follow-up chop, getting the little dragon’s arm into an armbar, dragging her down, and keeping her to the mat, increasing the pressure and immobilizing her.

Sandra : Good start by Debbie Loretto. Wait, something is happening at the entrance.

The crowd is reacting with quite a stir to the appearance of the marquise Yvette DeSade-Malreaux , followed by her servant Merci. Yvette wears tight black leather pants, a BRA T-shirt, cut off below the breasts and a leather jacket with the Sisterhood logo on the back, carrying a bullwhip wrapped around her shoulder. Merci follows faithfully, clad in her chauffeur’s uniform. The two of them come down to ringside and whisper suspiciously to one another. James Mase watches them closely, but doesn’t interfere. Yet.

Garry : It’s Yvette Malreaux. The marquise has decided to grace us with her presence.

Sandra : What is she doing here ? There isn’t anyone from the sisterhood involved in this match.

While everybody’s attention is focussed on the entrance of the marquise, Kimie uses her free hand to poke at Debbie Loretto’s eyes, causing the taller woman to release her. An open-palmed strike to the solar plexus causes her to stagger backwards. The little dragon wastes no time, nailing Debbie Loretto with a spinning heel kick. Noticing Kelly Mase standing ready on the apron outside their corner, Kimie

whips Debbie to that corner, following up and tagging in her partner. They both take a hold of Loretto, smashing her head first into the mat with a double DDT.

Garry : See, I told you so.

The referee signals Kimie Kurita her time is up, and the little dragon leaves, "accidentally" placing the heel of her boot on Debbie’s throat while stepping out. Rolling Debbie Loretto on her back, Kelly Mase grabs a hold of her leg, seating herself on her opponents lower back. The Boston Crab causes Debbie Loretto to gring her teeth in pain. Shannon McCourt is looking on with concern

Shannon : "We’re the most intelligent women in this league, she’s got nothing you can’t handle!"

True to her reputation, Debbie has no intention of giving up, and uses her power to push her torso upwards, slightly lifting the assassin. Finding her seating unstable, Kelly tries to keep up the hold as long as possible, but Debbie Loretto manages to topple her, rolling along to avoid injury to her legs.

The assassin is the first back to her feet, rolling along with the move and standing in seconds. Debbie Loretto however, rolls towards her corner without getting to her feet, tagging in her partner, and getting out to allow her legs to recover. As Shannon enters the ring, a number of young people in the audience, probably her students start to cheer loudly, chanting "Professor Champ", much to the obvious displeasure of Yvette Malreaux, who is saying something to Merci.

Sandra : Good move by Loretto, getting out for now so she can recover. We now have a reversal from our starting line-up.

The two cautiously approach each other, and for a few seconds, neither seems willing to make a move. But then, both explode into action. The professor manages to whip the assassin into the ropes, clotheslining her down on the rebound.

Sandra : Well, it’s David and Goliath all over.

Before Kelly Mase can react, McCourt has applied a camel clutch. The ropes are nowhere around, but the assassin tries to use her strength to get closer. The strain of the move isn’t helping though.

Garry : And this is the intelligent one ? It’s way to early for submision moves.

Meanwhile, on the outside, the marquise has sauntered over to a place not far from Debbie Loretto. She starts talking to her in a voice that can clearly be heard inside the ring.

"Why associate yourself with such trash, my dear (pointing at Shannon). Your potential is so much

greater than that! She merely holds you down like a stone tied around your neck. My advice is to not be a follower, but a leader."

Shannon McCourt refuses to be distracted however, keeping up the move that has Kelly Mase in trouble now. The referee however, is keeping an eye on the proceedings outside. Just the break Kimie Kurita needs to get in and kick Shannon into the head, momentarily stunning her. For a second, her grip weakens. It is all the assassin needs to power out. Kimie hasn’t finished with the professor yet. Turning her around by the shouler, she rams a knee between her legs to the great displeasure of the crowd, especially Shannon’s students. The referee notices something is happening and turns around just in time to see Kelly Mase lift the Irish redhead and powerbomb her to the mat. He also sees Kimie leaving the ring. Not sure what happened, he decides to let it slip.

Sandra : Disgusting, this is the second time now the syndicate cheats to get out of trouble.

Garry : That’s called sound tactics. Besides, it’s not cheating unless you get caught.

Not giving Shannon time to recover, Kelly pulls her to her feet and executes a perfect supplex, sending the professor down again.

Yvette Malreaux uses the opportunity to add insult to injury, pointing at Shannon and shouting at Debbie.

Yvette : "See ! See what she is incapable of!"

While getting up and preparing her next move, th assasin has something to say herself.

Kelly : "Enjoy that belt, it belongs to the Syndicate."

Garry : That is so correct. Wow ... legdrop to the throat !

The legdrop seems to do solid damage, and the assassin gets to her corner, tagging in Kimie Kurita. Shannon however, seemed to have played possum, as she get to their corner and tags in Debbie Loretto. Debbie rushes Kelly Mase from behind, picking her up in one fluid move and throwing her out of the ring. Kimie kicks her in the lower back, but the little dragon seems to have forgotten that Shannon is still legally in the ring. The redhead grabs the oriental girl’s arm and whips her into the ropes, catching her on the rebound and powerslamming her to the mat. Pulling up her legs, Shannon goes for the pin. On the outside, the assassin has seen the predicament of her partner, and she glide back into the ring, finding Debbie Loretto in her way.



Kimie manages to get up a shoulder, breaking the count. On the other side of the ring, the assassin sends a kick to Debbie’s side, connecting hard, but the tall black-haired woman just takes it in stride and responds with a close-fisted right hook to Kelly’s face. The punch snaps the assassin’s head to the side, but she just shrugs it off and retaliates in kind.

Kimie meanwhile has gotten to her feet, and sends a kick towards Shannon McCourt. The Irish intellectual manages to dodge it, but not the openhanded chop to the chest that follows. The referee now has two seperate fights on his hands, and seems to have lost track about who the two legal women in the ring are.

Debbie and Kelly are still trading kicks and punches, more a kick-boxing contest, then wrestling. The little dragon sends the professor flying with a hurricanrana, following up with an elbowdrop to the groin. As Shannon McCourt is laying on the mat in obvious pain, Kimie climbs the cornerpost. Kelly Mase has seen the move of her partner, and fakes a stumble backwards, drawing Debbie Loretto’s attention away from the proceedings. Kimie jumps of, landing her elbow on the back of Debbie’s head.

Garry : Atomic Fission ! Kimie’s finisher. Say goodbye to Loretto.

For a moment, it seems as if the powerful dark-haired woman will resist, but then, she drops down. Kelly Mase pins her. Shannon McCourt sees the danger her partner is in, and and rushes to the rescue, only to be cut off by the little dragon.




From somewhere deep inside, Debbie Loretto finds a hidden reserve of strength, and kicks out just in time. She’s still stunned, however, and Kelly has no problem pulling her to her feet, and whipping her into the corner, following up immediately with a body splash. Debbie Loretto just hangs against the ropes, no longer knowing what time of day it is. As the assassin takes a hold to set up her next move, Loretto’s clenched fist strikes low. With a strangled gasp, Kelly Mase staggers back a pace, then drops to the mat.

The other two are still locked up, trying to gain control. McCourt sweeps Kurita off her legs, putting her into a figure four leglock. The painful hold sends needles through Kimie’s knee, but despite the pain, she refuse to give up. And then she’s free, as Kelly Mase legdrops onto Shannon’s upper chest. Pulling the lighter redhead to her feet, she whips her into the corner, or more accurately, into her partner. Kimie Kurita has used the respite to get back to her feet and test her sore leg.

Garry : This match is over. Like I predicted, an easy victory for the syndicate.

Sandra : Garry, has nobody ever told you not to sell the bear’s pelt before you shot it ?

Debbie Loretto has staggered out of the corner, holding her stomach, while Shannon McCourt hangs against the cornerpost, barely able to remain upright. At least, that’s what it looked like until the syndicate’s assault started. Kelly Mase runs in for a body splash, seeking to sandwich the smaller Irishwoman between her and the turnbuckles. Unfortunately for her, she finds only air to cushion her impact, as Shannon has dived to the side. Kimie Kurita, who aimed a kick to Debbie’s apparently hurt stomach, finds her leg trapped in a doublehanded iron vise, before she’s swept from her feet. As Kimie drops on her back, her leg still trapped, Debbie Loretto stomps down into her groin, causing a grunt of pain from the little dragon.


Garry : Foul, Foul ! You saw that Sandra ? Who’s the cheater now ?

Seeing Kimie down on the mat, Shannon goes for it, and performs a beautiful handspring moonsault, to the delight of the audience. Kimie Kurita shudders under the impact.

Sandra : Dublin Death, Shannon’s finisher !

And the referee starts the count. Kelly Mase rushes to get Shannon off of her team-mate, but Debbie Loretto intercepts her.


Aided by her momentum, Kelly manages to push Debbie backwards, but Loretto, seeing the danger, falls backwards, away from her partner and Kimie, pulling the assassin with her.


And now something seldom seen in wrestling happens. Kelly Mase is accidentaly pinning Debbie Loretto, trying to break the pin and get out of her grip, and up to aid her partner, while the dark-haired warrioress keeps pulling the assassin down, buying her team-mate valuable time.

Three !!!

The bell rings with finality, signalling the end to this match.

Garry : I don’t believe it ! I don’t bloody believe it !

Sandra : You’d better. It was a hotly contended match, and both teams really showed some great moves, but McCourt and Loretto pulled it off !

Meanwhile, in the ring, Shannon McCourt is standing again, while Debbie releases the assassin. As she is handed her belt, Shannon, lifts Debbie’s arm in the air in salute. The crowd clearly appreciates this gesture of team spirit, as the cheering intensifies.

As Kimie and Kelly leve the ring, Yvette approaches Kimie with a microphone and look at her almost menacingly.

Yvette : "Well, well, my dear. BRA’s greatest athlete has just assisted you. I fully expect the favour to repaid some day, at MY calling. I shall collect and YOU shall do me a service. Is that understood?!"

Sandra : Yes, I knew there was something more behind this.



Winners : Debbie Loretto & Shannon "The Professor" McCourt

P.S. : Both teams did an outstanding job roleplaying, and both would have deserved to win. As this is not possible and nobody is happy with a draw, it was a very hard decision.

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