Tiffany "The Wrath" Epitaphine
Peggy Christian

{ The camera reopens inside the Battling Ring Angels Arena, and the fan jump to their feet, and begin chanting. }

B-R-A!!! B-R-A!!! B-R-A!!!

{ The shot then pans over the capacity crowd, and then down to Garry Grimmoire, and Sandra Allistar. }

{ Both quickly adjust their headsets, and prepare to speak. }

Sandra: Hello again everyone. Well it's been a wild night thus far, and we still have more action to come.

Garry: That's right, up next we have Piggy Christian.......

Garry: OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Sandra: Her name is Peggy, ya freaking nimrod!

Garry: Oh sorry, slip of the tongue there. As I was saying before being abused. Next up is Peggy Christian going up against Tiffany "The Wrath" Epitaphine. This one should put me right to sleep.

Sandra: No way, this is going to be interesting. Poor Peggy has herself in a downward spiral, and things are not looking good for her. Plus she has left the Body Shop......

Garry: And you said thing weren't looking up for her? Sheesh, that is the smartest thing that woman has done since joining here!

Sandra: Uggg, just let me say my parts, then you say your stupid comments, ok? Anyways, Peggy has left the Shop, and it seems that Tiffany may be signing up to join there. So I'm sure one Sherry Ann is going to be watching this one closely.

Garry: Oh, did she get some new glasses? As old as she is, she best come down and take a seat at ringside, so her old eyes can watch this match.

{ Thunderstruck by AC/DC pounds from the sound system, and the fans go wild, as Sherry Ann makes her way down to the ringside area. }

Garry: What the?

Sandra: Guess she heard ya Garry. Oh, grab me a Diet Coke while your gone please.

Garry: Gone? Where am I going?

Sandra: Something tells me that you wont be here much longer.

{ Sherry, who is proudly displaying her tag team title belt around her waist, waves to the fans as she nears the announcers table. Garry gulps, and slouches down in his chair. }

Garry: Well at least she isn't with her bratty ass kids!

Sandra: Oh don't tell me you didn't learn your lesson in giving Jenny crap? She could come out here to ya know?

Garry: Ugggg!

Sandra: Hiya Sher, you look great tonight!

{ Sherry smiles at Sandra, then grabs Garry by his collar, and yells at him to give up his seat to her, and get the hell out. }

{ Garry, looking like a scared dog, with it's tail between it's legs, quickly gets up, and rushes to the back, and the crowd roars with laughter. Sherry then takes his seat, and puts on the headset. }

Sherry: Hiya Sandra, great to be out here!

Sandra: I guess you have a lot of interest in this match Sherry?

Sherry: Yes, I sure do. I was really shocked by Peggy's quitting the Shop, and I also have a big interest in Tiffany, so I wanted a close up view of this match. Plus, I do want to show Peggy that I still support her, even though she chose to quit.

Sandra: I really feel sorry for poor Peggy. She's just been a wreck lately since her daughter, Jennifer showed up, and joined the Sisters.

Sherry: Oh well, kids are kinda stupid sometimes, ya know? Hell, look at some of the things my Jenny has done through the years.

{ All the lights go off, then a woman's husky voice say, "She, who has lost her trust in humans, is damned to burn with Wrath." Then as Madonna's 'Frozen' blows over the speakers, many red spotlights circles around the arena as the eerie music plays. Suddenly all goes dark but quickly, three firecrackers explode in quick successions at the top of the stairs above the fans. The red spotlight shows Tiffany coming down from between the fans. Tiffany shall then climb the announcer's table and looks around. Then she gets down and rushes into the ring and just takes her black overcoat off and throws it aside, revealing her black bikini top and bottom. }

Sandra: And here's Tiffany! Quit a creepy entrance there.

Sherry: Tiff marches to her own drummer, and that is what I like about her.

{ Tiffany stands in her corner, and stretches out, as she waits for Peggy to make her way to the ring. }

{ "She's a Lady" by Tom Jones begins to play, and Peggy Christian, sporting a very nervous looking smile makes her way to the ring. Peggy, who is dressed in a black silk kimono, which is covering her pink one piece suit, black tights, and black wrestling boots, is accompanied to the ring by her new friend, Eden Starr. }

Sandra: Whoa, Peggy just doesn't look like her normal self tonight, Sher.

Sherry: No she doesn't at all. Poor thing, I really wish I could help cheer her up, but she may be beyond hope.

{ Peggy steps into the ring, with Eden still at her side, and she grabs the mic from the ring announcer. }

Peggy: How many of you remember Motherhood?

{ The crowd erupts with boos, as they remember how Peggy got treated at the end of all that. }

Peggy: How many of you would like to see me in a new tag team?

{ This time the crowd erupts with cheers, and even Sherry stands up and claps for Peggy, and Peggy can't help but smile when she sees that. Peggy then returns to the mic. }

Peggy: I would like you to welcome Eden my new tag team partner...We are Face Off!!

{ Again the crowd and Sherry cheer and clap for Peggy and her new partner, and friend, Eden Starr. Peggy and Eden then hug one another, then Eden climbs out of the ring, to let Peggy get on with her match. During all of this, Tiffany just sits atop her turnbuckle, waiting to get started. }

Sherry: Hey, that may be just what Peggy needs to get back on track, a new friend, and tag partner, good for her!

Sandra: Yea, that is great, but still, Peggy is looking pretty nervous in there, and we are about to start.

Sherry: Ah, just prefight butterflies, she'll be fine when that bell rings.

Sandra: Good insight from a veteran there folks.

Sherry: Hey cool it, I'm a seasoned rookie San!

Sandra: Umm ok Sher, what ever you say.

Sherry: You know it! hehehhe

{ The ref has finished giving Peggy and Tiffany his instructions, and is signaling for the bell. }

Ding Ding!!!

Sandra: Here weeee gooooooo!!!

Sherry: Yup!

{ Tiffany and Peggy cautiously circle one another, then they lock up in the center of the ring, in a collar and elbow tie up. }

Tiffany: Come on Ole Momma, show me what ya got!

{ With that, Peggy throws Tiffany over her hip with a hip toss. Tiffany quickly rolls away, so Peggy can't stay on the attack. }

Sandra: Peggy looked good there.

Sherry: Yes, but she needs to follow up. Now Tiff will get back up, and they have to start all over again, and Peggy may not get the advantage this time. Tiff is known for her quick starts, so Peggy needs to keep her down, if the opportunity arises.

{ True to Sherry's words, Tiffany is back up, and she and Peggy once again lock up. This time it's Tiffany with a great display of strength, as she scoops Peggy up, then slams her to the mat. }

Sherry: Tiff is a strong one. Come on Peggy, move hun!

{ Peggy does get up quickly, but only to be put down with an arm drag by Tiffany, and Tiff holds onto the arm, applying an armbar. }

Sandra: Strong, and she's got some speed too. Peggy didn't know what hit her there, till she was looking up at the lights.

Sherry: I've known Tif a long time, and she's really shown a lot of improvement since joining this federation.

Sandra: Well being around the best, seems to bring out the best in people.

Sherry: Aint that the truth. Those B leagues really did a number on my Katie, I had to have her take some time off just to get trained properly again!

{ Back in the ring, Tiffany has rolled Peggy over, and she has her in a surfboard hold. }

Sherry: Ouch, that hold smarts!

Sandra: Yea, Peggy doesn't seem to be enjoying it to much at all.

Sherry: Peggy is really looking flat tonight. She needs to get her head into this match.

{ With a sudden burst of strength, Peggy yanks Tiffany's arms, and pulls her to the mat, and then she clamps a leg scissors on Tiffany. }

{ Tiffany looks back, and actually smiles at Peggy. }

Tiffany: Now that's a true Body Shopper there, come on Peggy.

Sandra: Seems like Tiffany is trying to encourage Peggy.

Sherry: Yea, Tif was pretty shook up when she conversed with Peggy this week. She felt her pain, and wanted to help her out, but she isn't going to go light on her in there, I guarantee you that. Tiffany wants to make a name for herself, just like the rest of us, so she's out to win tonight. She'll give Peggy a fair match though, and I like that a lot. Peggy doesn't need to worry about anyone cheating her tonight, her mind is messed up enough right now.

Sandra: Is that why you're out here?

Sherry: Yup, and Tiff wont tolerate it either, and then you have Eden out here too, someone would be a complete jackass to interfere tonight.

Sandra: Good point!

{ Back in the ring, Tiffany has forced the hold to be broken, by grabbing hold of the ropes, and Peggy breaks cleanly. }

Sandra: Maybe Peggy wore her down some with that hold?

Sherry: I doubt it, Tiff is in incredible condition.

{ Peggy backs away, and let's Tiffany get to her feet. }

Sherry: This is tough, I'd like to see both of these two win this thing.

Sandra: I can imagine, but you've been in this position before.

Sherry: Many times.

{ Peggy takes off running at Tiffany, and holds out her arm, going for a clothesline, but Tiffany ducks it, and wraps her arms around Peggy, then hoists her into the air and slams her to the mat with a side saddle suplex. }

Sherry: Oh for crying out loud Peggy, why not hold out a sign saying I'm gonna clothesline ya?!

Sandra: She did sort of let her intentions be well known there.

Sherry: Oh well, Peggy is really still just a rookie, and those things happen. She'll learn her mistakes quick, paying for them with slams like that to the canvas.

Sandra: No kidding!

{ Tiffany follows up with an elbow drop, that nails Peggy in the midsection, rapidly forcing the air out of her lungs. }


Sandra: Whoa, that one really hit the spot!

Sherry: It sure did!

Sandra: Good Lord, what is Tiffany doing to her now?

Sherry: Oh my, this is what Tiff calls the Epitaph, it's one hell of a painful move, but quite difficult to apply it on someone, but Peggy isn't giving much resistance, so she may be able to pull it off.

Sandra: Well sheesh, I'm glad you're out here, I sure wouldn't know what to call that thing!

Sherry: Yea, it is one of a kind, a combo of a boston crab + double armbar + body scissors + back rack. Where her opponent is hanging in mid air between her legs horizontal to the mat.

Sandra: Oh poor Peggy, that has to freaking hurt bad!

Sherry: Come on Peggy, don't be stubborn here, give up hun! I don't want to see her injured, that would really deflate her sails big time!

{ The ref kneels down in front of Peggy, and asks her if she submits. At first Peggy shakes her head no, but finally she gives into the pain of the deadly hold, and screams out her submission. }

{ Tiffany releases the hold, and the ref signals for the bell. }


Ring announcer: Ladies and gentleman, you winner, by submission, TIFFANY THE WRATH EPITAPHINE!!!!!!!!!

Sandra: Well it's all over Sher. Tiffany was just to much for Peggy tonight.

Sherry: I'm happy for Tiff, but damn, poor Peggy. Her head just wasn't in this at all tonight. I sure hope she bounces back soon. I know how much potential is inside that lady, she just needs to learn how to let it out.

{ Back in the ring, Tiffany throws the refs arm aside as he attempts to raise hers in victory. Tiffany walks up to Peggy, and helps her to her feet, along with Eden Starr. Tiffany then embraces Peggy with a hug, and a showing of good sportsmanship. She and Eden then help Peggy out of the ring, and to the back. }

Sherry: Odd, Tiffany is showing a side of herself not many people ever see in her. 

Sandra: Yea, that was really nice of her to do that just now.
Well folks, we best go to a break now. Your winner here, Tiffany Epitaphine. And now a word from........

Sherry: And now a word from the Body Shop Hotel & Casino, located right here in lovely Las Vegas. Just a walking distance from the BRA Arena. Now offering a $19.95 mid week rate, so call now, these rooms wont last forever!

Sandra: Cute Sherry, nice plug for yourself there, hehehe. Ok, see you all again soon, don't go away!

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