Fatal Four Way, Elimination
Missy “The Ninja” Jones
Lisa Dream
Mia “the Daisy” Lexington
Kelly “The Assassin” Mase

(The scene once more opens to the BRA arena, the camera catching a
glimpse of the cheering and screaming fans. Suddenly, the camera lands
on Gary and Sandra at the announcer's table.)

Gary: That last match was a doozy!

Sandra: Indeed! Now, it's time for the main event which has the makings
of a classic! Lisa Dream, The Celestial Champion, will be facing not one
but three opponents, Kelly Mase, Missy Jones, and Mia Lexington! Let's
see if Lisa is up to the challenge!

Gary: Bah! No one can defeat 'Perfection'! After all, she is the BRA

(The entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears
on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and
off quickly, as if there were lightning in the distance. All is dark
again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder,
followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with
the Doors, singing "Riders on the Storm" and the lights pulse dimly.

Suddenly, the Spanish announcers' table flips over, and a clearly female
figure clad in all black emerges from underneath, in response to which
the crowd oohs and ahhs for a moment. On the Ninja's feet are black
ninja shoes, with the big toes separated. Missy stalks around the ring
area, slides silently into the ring, and looks around intently, watching
for attacks from all sides. In a single fluid motion Missy tears off her
mask and gi, revealing her toned body, covered by a midnight blue
one-piece. The crowd, undecided about whether they should boo or cheer,
stops for a moment of eerie silence.)

Sandra: Missy Jones looks serious and ready for battle.

Gary: Doesn't she always? Shhh! The Poet has a few words.

Sandra: Oh brother!

(The New York Poet once again steps over the guardrail and approaches
the announcers' table.)

Sandra: Please, anything but another poem!

Garry: Quiet, maybe he'll try a sestina this

Poet: (grabbing a mic) hello again. I do not have a poem prepared for

Sandra: Thank God!

Poet: ... but I do have something to say. We checked with both the
rulebook and the front office, and according to the rules, if the
champion participates in an elimination match, the title is
automatically on the line. Also, if the champion fails to enter the ring
within twenty seconds of the match starting, she forfeits both the match
and the title. In the event that the match ends without one clear
winner, the title will be vacated and a title tournament must be held,
with the top contenders determined by the Battling Ring Angels
administration. That's all for today. (he puts down the mic and steps
back into the crowd)

Sandra: What is he talking about? We already know that The Celestial
Title is on the line! He's a crack pot!

Gary! Hey! Don't say that! He's not a crack pot. He's just....artistic.

(Next, a red daisy appears on the Angeltron. Half of the fans begin to
scream while the other half begin to boo. However, it seems that in the
last couple of weeks, the actions of Mia Lexington have gained her more
positive support.

The daisy disappears only to be replaced by two things: The
driving sound of "Supervixen" by Garbage, and the words "Mia Lexington"
in blue on the screen.)

(As the music sounds, Mia steps from backstage. Dressed in her usual
wrestling attire - a light blue one piece, complete with a cut-out in
the midsection; and black wrestling boots. Her dark hair falls around
her shoulders and back as she makes her appearance.)

Gary: Woo Hoo! Mia is in the house and looking lovely as ever.

Sandra: Yes, the Body Shop's newest member looks quite prepared, the
cheers from some of the fans adding to her confidence.

(Mia climbs the steps at ringside, stepping between the ropes. She moves
to the center of the ring, grips her fists tightly, keeping her arms
beside her at a 45-degree angle. She pulls her arms back a bit,
thrusting her chest out and holding her head out a bit - which incites
the fans pleasant reaction to her pose. Keeping the pose for a second or
two, she then smiles, climbing on the second turnbuckle to blow a kiss
to the audience.)

(Mia then turns around, leaping off the turnbuckle, to face her oncoming

(Next, the lights dim, red pyrothecnics
shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as "Live and Let Die" by Guns and
Roses blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the
entrance Kelly "The Assassin" Mase strides out, ignoring the boos of the
crowd as she walks down the aisle, the lights glinting off of her
blood-red leather suit of boots, pants, and vest. She reaches the ropes,
sliding under them immediately.)

Sandra: Kelly Mase is all busines. Plus, I know that she has a personal
vendetta against Dream. Lisa had better beware!

Gary: Oh please! Lisa would wipe the floor with Mase!

Sandra: Mase is a highly trained, combat specialist. I doubt that many
in BRA could wipe the floor with her.

Gary: Shhhh! Lisa's coming! Lisa's coming!

Sandra: (sarcasm in her voice) Oh, joy.

(All of the lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and
awe music fill the stadium. The blood red letters 'THE DREAM' spin and
solidify on the large jumbotron monitor located above the exit from the
dressing room area, as smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a
burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of
'NOOKIE', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area.
She arrogantly stands on the entrance ramp, surveying the sell out crowd
as they show their appreciation for the concieted girl.

Lisa is wearing a black leather halter top and black leather pants
combination, and she walks down to the ring like a supermodel on an
entrance ramp. She sweeps into the ring with an arrogant smirk, and
struts around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of her
adoring fans. Lisa then orders someone at ringside to hand her a
microphone, which she quickly gets, and, when the crowd finally quietens
down, she raises it to her lips.

"It is time, once again, all of you lucky little ticket holders, to pay
homage to the Icon that drew all of you to this arena tonight! That is
right, your All American Sweetheart has once again chosen to grace all
of you with her *perfect* presence, so that you all can feel justified
over those ridiculous fees that you are charged for the tickets you hold
so dearly in your grubby little hands! So Feast your eyes and Fantasize,
all my little darlings, because this little slice of *perfection* just
added a bit of life to your otherwise drab, unimportant lives!"

"This match.this 4 corners elimination match.goes out to all of my loyal
little DREAM-o-phobics! Those of you that wish that you were as TALENTED
as the DREAM, as CUNNING as the DREAM, as GORGEOUS as the DREAM! And
your Celestial Champion does not dissapoint.in fact, I specifically
requested this match, just so that all of you can gaze upon my luscious
visage for even longer than usual! My only wish was that they would have
given me a better grouping of opponents.I mean, really, I can try to
extend the match as long as I can, but eventually these insignificant
peons will have to be pinned! Who really believes that these woman have
what it takes to challenge me? Mia Lexington and the Ninja, a couple of
preschoolers who think that they know what it is like to face your
Battling Ring Angels Icon just because they have had a couple of simple
wins! And then the Assassin, Evonne Carmikels new crony.though it will
be proven tonight that she has not got what it takes to fill your
DREAM's shoes! Because, as all you darlings know, though I am your
greatest DREAM.I am their GREATEST NIGHTMARE!"

"Darlings, you had best close your eyes, and fantasize, because that is
the only way that you are ever going to top *perfection*! And do not
worry.when that bell sounds, and the dust has cleared, this belt shall
still be strapped around the most luscious waist in all of BRA!"

(She then tosses down the microphone, and does a little bump and grind
dance for the benefit of the audience, removing her leather outfit in
the process to expose her skimpy white bikini fighting attire, much to
the cheers of the male portion of the audience. Suddenly, Lisa gasps as
Kelly Mase spears her from behind, knocking the gothic beauty to the

     Ding! Ding! Ding!

Garry: Lisa! Nooooooo!

Sandra: Well, the match officially starts and it looks like Kelly is
wasteing no time in going after Lisa!

Garry: Kelly is nothing more than a pathetic back jumper!

Sandra: Care to say that to her face?

Garry: Uh.......no.

(Kelly begins to attack Lisa with a flurry of punches to the face, Lisa
trying in vain to protect her 'perfect' features.)

Lisa: My face! My beautiful face!

(Suddenly, Mia Lexington races up to them and grabs Kelly from behind,
pulling her off of Lisa. Dream scurries from the ring, in hopes of
catching fresh air.)

Sandra: Lisa races to the outside as Mia comes to her rescue.

Garry: Run, Lisa. Run! Save yourself!

Sandra: Uh oh! Looks like Missy is going after Lisa.

Garry: Noooooo!

(Missy Jones hops from the ring, after Lisa Dream. Lisa spies her and
begins to escape, Missy giving chase.)

Sandra: I don't believe this! Lisa Dream is running from Missy Jones!
What a coward? Is this the woman that we want representing the BRA!?!

Garry: Oh, shut up! You're just jealous of Lisa's beauty, you hag!

(Meanwhile, Mia is attacking Kelly Mase with a flurry of kicks and
punches to the chest. She whips Mase to the ropes and takes her down
with a flying clothesline!)

Sandra: Why is Mia attacking Kelly? Shouldn't they be focusing their
attentions on the champion?

(Mia then catches a rising Kelly with a superkick to the face, knocking
The Assassin on her back! She grabs a winded Mase by the head and drops
her into the mat with a DDT. Mia attempts a cover but Kelly easily kicks
out at one.)

Sandra: It takes more than that to take out a legit, tough woman like

Garry: Yeah, it takes a DDT, a laser, and a rocket launcher!

(Meanwhile, Missy Jones has tackled Lisa Dream, knocking her to the
arena floor. She grabs Lisa and throws her into the steel raling at
ringside, drawing "Ooohs" from the crowd. She advances towards Lisa but
the wily Dream catches her with a knee to the crotch, followed by an eye

Sandra: How disgusting! Lisa resorting to her usual vile methods!

Garry: At least she's getting results and that's what this business is
all about!

(Lisa grabs Missy by the hair and tosses her into the steel railing,
retaliation for "The Ninja's" previous assault.

In the ring, Mia whips Kelly Mase to the ropes and punishes her with a
crippling, back breaker. Mia whips her to the ropes again but Mase
surprises her with a clothesline of her own, knocking Mia across the

Sandra: Did you see that? There's no denying the power of Kelly Mase!

(Kelly methodically stalks towards a dazed Mia and grabs her by the arm,
administering a short-arm clothesline. Mia's eyes bug out as she falls
to the mat again, clutching her throat. Kelly watches as Mia attempts to
rise to her feet and then knocks her back down with a spinning heel kick
to the throat!)

Sandra: Mia looks out of it. I think Kelly Mase is just too much for Ms.

(Kelly next lifts Mia and piledrives her, driving her head into the
canvas with a sick thud. She hooks the leg and makes the cover but Mia
kicks out at two. Outside of the ring, Lisa Dream is choking Missy Jones
against the railing when a mysterious figure rises from under the
Spanish Announcer's Table.)

Garry: Who in the hell is that?

Sandra: That's Gina Moore, Missy's good friend!

(Gina clubs Lisa from behind, causing 'Perfection' to slump to the
ground. Missy and Gina exchange high fives before rolling Lisa back into
the ring, Missy following.

Kelly lifts Mia on her shoulders and drops her onto her head with a
Death Valley Driver. She covers Mia and Missy, seeing Mia being pinned,
piles on as well, trapping Mia under both of their bodies. Lexington
struggles to escape but the ref counts three.)

Announcer: Mia Lexington has been eliminated.

(A dazed Lisa rises to her feet as Mia rolls from the ring, a look of
disgust on her features.)

Sandra: A solid effort by Mia but Kelly Mase was just too much.

Gary: Yeah, I......Look out, Mia!

(The fans gasp as Kimie Kurita races to ringside and attacks Mia with a
flurry of kicks and punches. She grabs Mia by the hair and tosses her
into the ring steps, sending Lexington crashing.)

Kimie: How about this for dropping the ball, bitch? Thought I forgot
about that, huh? Guess not!

(Kimie proceeds to attack Mia with vicious kicks and stomps as security
races to ringside.)

Sandra: What is that all about?

Garry: I guess that will teach Mia to run her big mouth!

Sandra: I thought that you liked Mia.

Garry: I did until I remembered that she's Body Shop!

(Security manages to pull Kimie away from a battered Mia, escorting both
women backstage. Meanwhile, Lisa watches in horror as Missy and Kelly
advance upon her. Lisa again tries to race from the ring but stops as
she sees Gina outside, waiting for her. As Lisa turns to face her foes,
she is caught with a spinning heel kick to the face, courtesy of Missy
Jones. Lisa slumps in the corner as Kelly Mase next moves in with stomps
to Lisa's face and chest.)

Sandra: Missy and Kelly are working together to eliminate Lisa Dream!

Garry: This is so unfair! They're cheating!

(Missy grabs Lisa and brings her to her feet, sending her back to the
mat with a snap suplex. As Lisa's body hits the mat, Kelly drops a leg
across Lisa's throat. Lisa flails wildly, clutching her throat as Kelly
whips her to the ropes. As Lisa rebounds, Missy Jones takes her down
with a martial arts kick to the ribs. 'Perfection' falls to her knees
and Missy attacks her chest with a flurry of kickboxing punches and
jabs. Lisa wobbles and falls face first to the mat as Missy attempts a
cover. As the ref counts, Lisa manages to get her shoulder up at two.)

Garry: Lisa kicks out! 'Perfection' isn't out of this game yet!

(Kelly grabs Lisa and power bombs her into the mat, sending Dream's body
crashing onto the hard material. Kelly brings a woozy Lisa to her feet
and tosses her to Missy who brings her to the mat again with a harsh

Sandra: Mase and Jones are showing excellent team work. More of this and
Dream will be done for.

(Missy Jones whips Lisa to the ropes and tries a lariat but Lisa ducks
the attempt and turns to the fans, pointing to her head, showing her
intelligence. As Dream turns, she is clotheslined by Kelly Mase!)

Sandra: That should teach Lisa to keep her mind on the match.

(Lisa holds her head as she tries to make it to her feet but is sent to
the mat again with a superkick from Missy Jones, the Ninja sending Lisa
flying across the ring. Kelly Mase nods and grabs a handful of Lisa's
locks, lifting Lisa on her shoulders. Mase sends Dream's body smashing
into the canvas with a samoan drop. Kelly attempts the pin but Lisa
kicks out at the two count.)

Sandra: How is she still in this match!?!

Garry: I told you. Never underestimate the DREAM!

(Kelly whips Lisa to the ropes but Dream surprises her with a
hurricanrana, hooking Kelly's legs. The ref begins to count but Mase
kicks out. As Lisa gets to her feet, she is kicked in the face by

Sandra: There's no way that Lisa can win this. She is outmatched against
those two.

(Mase and Jones nod to one another and whip Lisa to the ropes. They
attempt a double clothesline but Lisa surprises them with a double drop
kick, instead. Kelly stumbles through the ropes and onto the arena floor
as Lisa grabs Missy by the hair, dropping a knee into her crotch.)

Lisa: You are no match for 'Perfection', rodent!

(Lisa throws Missy into the corner and attacks her face with a flurry of
slaps to the face. She then blows a kiss to the fans and uses that hand
to deliver one last slap to Jones's face, causing a dazed Ninja to fall
to the mat.)

Sandra: That was brutal!

(Lisa hops to the top turnbuckle and catches a rising Ninja with a
flying, spinning heel kick to the head.)

Garry: Finally! The tide is turning!

(Lisa attempts a cover but it is broken by a returned Kelly Mase. She
pulls Lisa off of Missy and whips her to the ropes. Lisa rebounds and
catches Kelly in the face with a flying elbow, sending the Assassin to
the mat, holding her nose.)

Sandra: (winces) That's got to hurt!

Garry: Yay! Lisa!

(Lisa swiftly races to a slowly rising Missy Jones and brings her head
crashing to the mat with a jumping DDT. Lisa mounts the top rope,
waiting for Missy to rise again, and flies off, jumping on Missy's
shoulders and surprising her with a hurricanrana. Lisa sits on Missy's
chest and hooks her legs as the ref counts.)




Announcer: Missy Jones has been eliminated.

Garry: Woo Hoo! One more to go! You can do it Lisa!

(Lisa shoves a dazed Missy from the ring as Kelly sneaks up behind her
and grabs her roughly by the hair, bringing her face close to Dream.)

Kelly: No one escapes the Syndicate!

(Lisa's eyes grow wide as Mase whips her to the ropes again. Lisa
rebounds and baseball slides between Mase's legs. As Kelly turns, a
rising Lisa knees her in the crotch. As a winded Kelly bends over, Lisa
administers a standing headscissors and begins to spank Kelly on the

Lisa: I will teach you what happens to all those that oppose the BRA

Sandra: I wouldn't do that, if I were Lisa! Kelly is no one to play

Garry: (laughs) Oh shut up! This is so funny.

(Kelly rises to her feet and back drops Lisa, an angry look in her

Sandra: Uh oh! Kelly is upset now. Lisa is so dead.

(Kelly roughly grabs Lisa by the hair and punches her squarely in the
face, busting her nose. Lisa wildly clutches her bleeding nose as Kelly
lifts her in the air and drops her with a Liger bomb. Kelly attempts a
cover but Lisa kicks out at two. Kelly elbows Lisa in the face
repeatedly before dragging 'Perfection' to her feet. She whips Lisa to
the ropes and follows, attempting a running clothesline, but, with
lightning speed, Lisa leaps to the top turnbuckle, turns, and flies
towards the approaching Kelly.)

Garry: Daydreamer! Daydreamer! This match is over!

Sandra: Not yet!

(With military-trained instincts, Kelly catches Lisa mid-air, holding
her in body slam position, before bringing her head crashing to the

Sandra: Brainbuster!

Garry: Noooooooooooo!

(Kelly covers a defeated Lisa and hooks her leg, the ref counting.)



Ding! Ding! Ding!


Sandra: Yes! We have a new champion!

Garry: No! The bell rang before the three count!

Announcer: The time has expired. The match is declared a time-limit

Sandra: I don't believe this! Kelly Mase was robbed!

Garry: Woo Hoo! Lisa's the champ! Lisa's the champ! Lisa.....Hey! Watch

(Garry's warnings fall on deaf ears as Kelly attacks a rising Lisa from
behind with a clubbing forearm. Lisa falls to the mat and Kelly drags
her to the ring post, administering a figure four and using the post as
leverage. Lisa screams in pain as Kelly applies the pressure to her
legs, attempting to snap them in two!)

Garry: No! They've already thrown her off of a building. Now, they want
to cripple her. What more can The Syndicate do!?!

(Security races out and pulls Kelly off of a beaten Lisa Dream. Mase
smiles and leaves ringside as some of the security members help a
limping Lisa Dream to the back.)

Sandra: Wow! What a match!

Garry: (sobs) Lisa's hurt.

Sandra: Oh shut up.....Wait...Kelly's back!

(Kelly has returned and clotheslines Lisa from behind, attacking the
fallen Dream with boots and stomps to her knees.)

Garry: Security! Security!

Sandra: Fans, security is trying to get Kelly Mase off of Lisa Dream
again! We'll see you next week.

(The camera fades from the arena to the BRA logo.)

Winners: Lisa Dream and Kelly Mase

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