Missy McKinley


The Coca-Cola commercial fades to black, and the BRA angel-logo comes back on. The camera focuses on a man and a woman seated at a table near the ring.

Garry : Welcome back after the commercial break to the place where the action is, BRA. I’m Garry Grimoire and my colleague is Sandra Allistair, your commentators. Next up is the fourth match in the tournament for the new featherweight division. At the end of the tournament, the winner will get the newly created anorexic belt, and we remind all you viewers that only competitors lighter then 120 pounds are allowed to compete for it. I’ve also heard rumours that an attempt to start a heavyweight division has been blocked by a number of our bigger wrestlers who didn’t like the idea of being called heavy. We’ll just call them fat. Especially grandma Sherry and Princess Pork.

Sandra : Oh please, you just couldn’t resist a cheap shot, could you ? This match sees the debut of Cammy Masters, cousin to the great Callisto. The young rookie, who already joined the Body Shop, shows a lot of promise, but tonight she will have to face a far more experienced opponent, a star both in wrestling and in music : Missy McKinley.

Garry : A star in music ? Yeah, I’ve heard she very big in Rodeo Gulch. A star ! And she facing a rookie who’s first career move is to join the Shop ? Can someone shoot me now and spare me the torture of having to sit through this ?

Sandra : I’d love too, but this is a family show. As is traditional, the rookie will come out first, and we’re expecting to see her any second now.

As Sandra is saying this, Callisto appears just outside the entrance wearing jean shorts, long black trench coat, and dark sunglasses. She stands at the entrance for a second and raises both arms high in the air above her head. As she swings her arms back down to her side, a loud burst of pyrotechnic flames will erupt from both sides of the entranceway. Suddenly 'American Woman' by Lenny Kravitz starts to play over the Arena's loudspeakers. Then Cammy emerges from behind the curtain wearing short jean shorts and white bikini top. She slowly walks down the aisle to the ring waving at the fans along the way. The crowds reaction is moderately enthusiastic.

Sandra : Not a bad reception for a wrestler in her first match here. Off course, the presence of her aunt Callisto helps.

Garry : Helps ? To do what ? To denounce her for a cheater like all shoppers ? That woman has a nasty reputation, and she’s going to interfere. I can just tell. Mark my words, Callisto is going to cheat.

The opening lines of "Man, I Feel Like A Woman" by Shania Twain start up over the soundsystem, and

Missy McKinley steps out , wearing a white leather 2 piece swimsuit, covered by white leggings bathed in rhinestones and "jewels" and a sparkling white vest. She also wears expensive knee-high cowboy boots with black zebra stripes, a white cowboy hat and sunglasses and she carries her guitar. Coming to the ring, she seductively strips off the guitar, glasses, hat, vest and leggings.

Garry : Nice. She does have a talent after all. To bad it’s wasted on singing.

Sandra : Can you possibly became even more disgusting and obnoxious, Garry ?

Garry : I don’t know, but for you, I’ll try.

The referee is giving his instructions to the two wrestler, and he signals for the bell.

Sandra : And they’re off. Lock-up. They’re pushing trying to get their opponent to give ground. And Cammy surprises McKinley , whipping her into the ropes. Dropkick as the black-haired country singer comes out again and Missy’s down. Flash start by the young blonde there.

Garry : You mean they’ve started ?

Missy is slow to get to her feet. Cammy takes the time to wave to the crowd who cheered her move, much to the annoyance of Callisto, who signals her to get back to business. As Cammy turns around, Missy snaps up a leg in a high kick to Cammy’s face, sending the rookie flying backwards into the ropes. As the blonde bounces out of the ropes, her lower abdomen makes the acquaintance of Missy’s knee, almost doubling her up.

Sandra : That was borderline to a low blow. I think it was just legal.

Garry : Yeah, Missy missed that one.

The singer moves up confidently, preparing to DDT Cammy into the mat. The blonde has different ideas however, and a quick legsweep puts McKinley down. Rising back to her feet, she is sent flying again as Cammy performs a perfectly executed hurricanrana. She wastes no time and climbs up the turnbuckles, going for a body splash from the top rope. Missy however, sees her jump off, and rolls out of harms way. A startled look appears on Cammy’s face, just before she impacts on the canvas.

Sandra : Rookie mistake by Cammy ! It’s to early for high risk fancy manoevers like that. She needs to wear down her opponent first.

Garry : Something happened ?

Sandra : No, just dream on. Ms. Strike and Archangel are very understanding people. I’m sure they will make no problem of you sleeping on the job. After all, it’s not as if a commentator should actually tell what’s going on, right ?

In the ring, Missy is stomping down on Cammy, who rolls to the side, and out of the ring. The dark-haired singer prepares to follow, but notices Callisto’s cold stare, and decides otherwise.

Garry : You see ! I told you Cally would cheat !

Sandra : She didn’t actually do anything.

Garry : No, but Missy is smart enough to see it coming. Where does it say, you can’t follow your opponent outside and beat the crap out of her there.

Sandra : The action is supposed to stay in the ring. That’s why they have the count-out rule.

Garry : Yeah, but the fans want it to get out of the ring. It’s much more fun for them that way.

Callisto is giving her niece a few pointers, then sends her back in. As soon as she enters, Missy McKinley takes a hold of one of her arms, and whips her into the ropes. On the rebound, she clotheslines the blonde to the mat. Pulling her back to her feet, she whips her into the ropes again and goes for another clothesline. Cammy ducks under her arm, however, and turns as she hits the ropes, coming out again at decent speed. Jumping into the air, she catches Missy as she turns around with a cross body takedown, and, pulling up her legs, goes for the pin.



Missy McKinley easily breaks the pin attempt. Cammy releases her, and gets to her feet. At least, that was the plan, as Missy sees an opportunity, poking the blonde in the eye. Temporarily blinded form the pain, Cammy reacts to late as Missy kicks her to the side of the head. Stumbling back a step, the next kick hits her in the stomach, and an open-palmed strike hits her on the forehead, stunning her.

Sandra : That little bit of cheating sure was effective. The rookie is in trouble now.

Garry : Yep, you can tell from the way Callisto is reacting outside the ring. She will get into the fray any moment now.

Sandra : Somehow, I doubt that. It doesn’t seem to be her style. After all she’s Body Shop.

Garry : Exactly !

Missy McKinley runs Cammy into the corner headfirst, then proceeds smashing her head against the turnbuckle. The crowd starts counting along. At six however, Cammy has her arms on the ropes, and blocks the attempt. She’s shaking the cobwebs out of her head, and it is clear she felt those blows though. Missy tries again, but this time, she receives an elbow in her stomach. It barely seems to affect her, and she grabs Cammy, and whips her into the opposite corner, coming in for a body splash. At the last possible second, the blonde dodges to the side, and Missy slams into the turnbuckles at full speed. She stager backwards, and Cammy jumps up, turning around her vertical axis in the air and whipping out her leg in a jumping spin kick.

Sandra : Wow ! That’s going to be lights out for Missy McKinley I bet.

Indeed, the dark-haired fightress lies on the mat, dazed. Cammy climbs up the cornerpost, and strikes a victory pose, both arms into the air. The crowd goes wild.

Garry : She’s taking too much time to show off. And Cammy honey, if you want to show off, do it right. Do a little bump and grind like Lisa Dream or the Babe Squad.

Sandra : As if she’ll listen to you.

Standing on the top ropes, facing outwards, Cammy launches herself in the air, turning to land on her prone opponent. The moonsault attempt is perfect. Except for the slight detail that Missy is no longer there. Cammy lands hard, driving the air out of herself. Missy drops on her in a body splash, and covers.




The blonde rookie manages to break the pin just in time. Missy takes a hold of her hair, and pulls her up, then, slams an elbow into her throat. As Cammy is gagging, trying to catch some air, Missy uses forearm chops to continue the assault on her throat. Cammy decides she’s had enough, and drives a right hook into Missy’s mouth, snapping the dark-haired woman’s head back. For a second, she seems stunned, then anger flashes over her face, and she punches back.

Garry : Ah good, that boring match is over already I see. We now have a boxing match going on. By the way Sandra, who won ?

The two continue to exchange blows, aiming for the face, torso and stomach of their opponent. The referee is warning both of them to stop using closed fists. Then, Missy aims one punch beneath the belt. Cammy turns white, then red, and takes a few steps back to rest against the turnbuckles. The referee is lecturing McKinley about that low blow threatening to disqualify her if she continues. Missy looks annoyed, wanting to go at the blonde before the effect of her punch has worn off completely.

Sandra : Cammy is getting up the ropes again. What is she trying to prove now ? Missy can clearly see her.

As the referee is done, Missy rushes toward the corner, hoping to push Cammy off towards the concrete floor on the outside. The rookie is fast however, and jumps at her opponent, legs leading, for a flying headscissors.

Sandra : She pulled it off ! Good move.

As the two of them bounce on the mat, Cammy increases the pressure. Missy is trying to break the hold, pulling on the blonde’s legs, but to no avail. Scratching her nails over the rookies legs draws blood, an angry scream, and a warning from the referee, but does not bring relief. Stretching her leg, the singer manages to just reach the ropes. The referee orders Cammy to break the hold.

Garry : Why didn’t Callisto push Missy’s feet off before the referee noticed ? Is she sleeping or what. This sure ain’t normal Shop behaviour !

Sandra : It’s called fair-play Garry, though I’m a bit surprised knowing Callisto’s reputation. I must say I’m impressed.

Cammy is waiting for Missy McKinley to get to her feet. As soon as she does, she launches a superkick into the black-haired singer’s face, dropping her back to the ground.

Garry : Do I see some blood there ? Maybe this match is getting interesting after all.

The blonde rookie once again climbs the ropes, standing ready. Signalling to the crowd, she gets a huge response as the audience starts clapping in tune with the slight bouncy move she makes on the ropes. Then, she’s airborn.

Sandra : Plancha dive ! And a beauty !

Missy McKinley shudders under the impact and Cammy covers.





Sandra : An impressive debut in the league for the rookie, securing a win against a far more experienced opponent, despite a few mistakes. Given a few more matches, this girl can get big.

Garry : I thought that was done through plastic surgery and silicone implants.


Sandra : Now that was something Garry had coming for a long time. Anyway, we’re off for the break, and when we return we’ll see another newcomer, Sandra "The Tiger" Blake taking on one half of Bloodlust, Amanda Sinclair.


Winner : Cammy


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