L'le Mae Dudley
Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson

(The scene opens backstage at the BRA arena. Workers are quickly running back and forth, concession workers are filling their trays. The camera turns and suddenly the frame is filled with the face of Elie May Dudley. She is staring, scowling into camera, her face inches from the lens. )

L'Lee May Dudley : "Jenny..the Cheerleader...Anderson! Famous name...famous wrestler...all around loser! You think your splits and your pom poms are going to save you from the Acid Drop!? You better rethink about coming out from behind that curtain! There is no escape from the Dudley Acid Drop! Speaking of famous people tagged to this family, I expect a certain Sleazy Ann to interfere and save her darling daughter from peril. That's fine! You want to take her place...it's up to you! One of you is getting the Acid Drop...and you're going to be laid out before all these other nothings...becoming once and for all, nothing yourself!!"

( With that , she turns, stomping off towards the wrestler entrance, mimicking her brother Spike’s movements. The next image shows Sandra and Garry sitting slightly stunned.)

Garry: “ Ok, that is about as close as I want to get to that Hick!”

Sandra: “ L’lee is one of BRA’s newest wrestlers, and she is going to be in for a fight against Jenny Anderson.”

Garry: “Well, it’s the first round of what I call the Yvette Tournament”

Sandra: “ What? You mean featherweight tournament.”

Garry: “ Oh come now, like any of these light weights are going to have a chance against the Marquise.”

Sandra: “ There are some great competitors in this Tourney, including the reigning Celestial Champion Lisa Dream.”

Garry: “ Lisa better watch herself, Evonne is out to finish the job she thought she finished in Paris, and everyone else is still gunning for that Title, I think the Dream’s days are numbered.”

Sandra: “ I have to agree with you there, Lisa should tread lightly these next few weeks, but knowing her, I doubt she will simply hide in the shadows.”

(The Angeltron lights up with the flashing sign saying "Dudley Girl" with the Dudley taped glasses underneath. Scenes of her brothers fighting and beating some of the best wrestlers in the world. The sound of a rocket taking off and exploding, is then followed by some heavy bass rock music)

Sandra: “ Isn’t that entrance music copyrighted?”

Garry: “ Shhhh, you shouldn’t mess with the Dudleys”

(L'Lee May Dudley steps out of the back with wearing her blue tie-dye-like shirt saying "Dudley Girl" on the front and "3D" on the back in white. Raising her arms into the air she puts up 3 fingers on each hand. Her face is like stone with a look of seriousness on it as the crowd boos her. She walks down looking from one side of the aisle to the other until she enters the ring. In the ring she raises her arms again with her arms up with 3 fingers raised before going to her corner. )

Sandra: “ Well, if L’Lee is anything like her brothers, Jenny is in for one hell of a fight.”

Garry: “ I think the entire Dudley Clan is missing a chromosome, or two.”

( The lights dim down as Jenny's intro starts with a loud whistle, which sounds through the whole arena. The Ohio state fighting song starts to be sounded through the speakers Jenny steps out from behind the curtains, in her Body Shop 2000 Jacket, as explosions light up the entrance ramp. Jenny waves to the crowd as she starts making her way towards the ring . She suddenly starts running towards the ring and does a series of flips and cartwheels towards the ring. As she gets over to the ring and does a somersault Jenny then moves around the ring, handing out pom poms to some small girls she spots at ringside. The girls giggle with glee as Jenny ties their hair up into a ponytail matching her own. Jenny will then move into the ring and start doing a dance routine, landing in a splits, showing off her agility and flexibility. L’Lee just stands in her corner, shaking her head.)

Sandra: “ Jenny has always been a fan favorite, the young kids really like her.”

Garry: “Cause they don’t know any better! Jenny is so annoying, happy all the time, dancing and skipping all the time. “

Sandra: “She’s perky, I think it’s cute. And there is no denying her in ring abilities. Jenny Anderson is one of the best High Flyer style wrestlers in the business “

Garry: “Well, I think L’Lee is going to ground the Cheerleader tonight, into Hamburger!”

( The ref checks over both wrestlers and calls for the bell. Jenny immediately steps forward, her patented smile on her lips )

Jenny: “ Good luck L’Lee”

( The youngest Dudley just snarls and charges out of her corner. Jenny immediately drops to the mat, lashing her leg out and sweeping her opponent to the ground.)

Sandra: “ Lee is going to have to be very wary of Jenny’s speed.”

Garry: “ Hey, which Dudley brother do you think L’Lee looks more like? I’m thinking Devon”

( Sandra gives Garry a strange look as Jenny quickly pounces on top of Lee, placing her in a headlock. Lee yells out in frustration as Jenny quickly rises to her feet. Lee begins to push Jenny back into the ropes as Jenny keeps cranking on the pressure. The ref moves in to call for a break as Jenny hits the ropes. The cheerleader raises her arms up immediately, and Lee quickly smashes her fist into her belly.)

Sandra: “ Cheap shot by Lee, Jenny was making a clean break!”

( Lee quickly grabs Jenny by the arm and whips her across the ring, Jenny rebounds off the ropes and comes running back in. Lee whips her arm out at head level, trying to take Jenny’s head off. The quick cheerleader ducks and keeps on running. L’Lee turns as Jenny leaps up into the air, her feet landing on the second rope. Jenny springs up and backward, rotating her body in the air.)

Garry: “ Look out!”

Sandra: “ Spring Board Moonsault by Jenny!!”

( The Cheerleader slams into Lee, knocking her to the mat. Jenny quickly hooks a leg, but the Dudley kicks out before the ref can count to one. Jenny smiles and jumps up to her feet, she grabs Lee by the arm and pulls her up. Jenny whips Lee into the ropes and takes off in the other direction. L’Lee rebounds as Jenny comes charging in. The Cheerleader jumps into the air, extending her feet forward.)

Garry: “ Dropkick by Jenny! Lee needs to slow this pace down.”

Sandra: “ Yes, a high tempo match is exactly what Jenny wants”

( Lee rolls across the ring, she quickly slides herself out of the ring to take a breather )

Garry: “Now, that’s a smart move, get some rest before ….Look out!!”

( Jenny quickly runs across the ring, she slides down to the mat, her body shooting under the bottom rope. Her feet slam into L’Lee’s chest, knocking her flying into the guardrail. Jenny smiles and waves her hands in the air as the fans cheer her. Jenny quickly reaches down and pulls Lee up to her feet. Jenny goes to throw her back into the ring, but the Dudley’s thumb jabs forward into her throat)

Sandra: “Another cheap shot by Lee, right in the throat!”

Garry: “Hardly, that blow was clearly to the chest, you must be blind.”

( The crowd boo’s as Lee grabs Jenny by the hair and slams her face first into the ring edge. Jenny’s head bounces and she flops down to the concrete. Lee quickly jumps on top of her and starts flailing away with punches. The ref jumps out of the ring and starts yelling at Lee to get back inside. The Lil Dudley ignores him, only focusing on smashing Jenny’s pretty face. The Cheerleader covers up as best she can as Lee just continues hammering away)

Sandra: “Not very scientific display here by Lee”

Garry: “But effective, Jenny can’t be flying around , when her face is smashed in!”

( The ref starts to count, forcing Lee to break the hold. She slowly gets up and glares at the ref. She pulls Jenny up by her hair and rolls her into the ring. Lee quickly slides in after her and lies across Jenny for the pin. Jenny kicks out at two, as the crowd cheers)

Sandra: “ Sloppy pin by Lee, she’s going to have to better than that to beat the cheerleader.”

( Lee rises to her feet, pulling Jenny up by her hair again. She whips the cheerleader into the turnbuckles. Jenny smashes into the corner and stops, her arms over the top rope. Lee comes charging in and leaps into the air.)

Garry: “ Big Splash…”

Sandra: “ No!! Jenny moved!!”

( Lee’s eyes open wide as Jenny ducks out of the way. Lee smashes into the turnbuckles and stumbles away. Jenny quickly runs at her and leaps into the air. )

Sandra: “ Dropkick to the knee!”

( Lee goes down howling as Jenny plants her in the kneecap. The cheerleader quickly rises, her hands on her hips)

Jenny: “Ok Lee, you wanna play rough?!”

( Jenny grabs Lee by the leg and begins to stomp down on it. The Dudley yelps in pain as Jenny completes a series of kicks and stomps to her leg.)

Garry: “ Hardly very sporting of Jenny.”

Sandra: “ What? Jenny hasn’t made an illegal move so far.”

Garry: “Attacking your opponent when down, hardly the actions of a nice person”

( Jenny quickly lifts Lee’s other leg and twists her into a scorpion Deathlock. Lee howls with pain as Jenny turns her over. The ref quickly asks Lee if she wants to surrender. She screams a series of four letter words about his mother at him, causing the ref to frown)

Garry: “ I didn’t know the ref’s mother was a who…”

Sandra: “Lee is refusing to give up! Jenny has her locked in tight and she is really leaning into that leglock!”

( Jenny leans back, putting tremendous pressure on Lee’s legs and lower back. The Dudley screams in pain and stretches her hand out for the ropes, but they are just beyond her grasp. The ref asks Lee if she wants to quit, but she just shakes her head in defiance)

Sandra: “ Well, I’ll give this to her, she’s tough.”

Garry: “All the Dudley’s are tough, they don’t just give up. You got to knock them out to get a pin or a submission.”

( As if on cue, Lee starts crawling towards the ropes, pulling her and Jenny’s combined weight. Jenny looks over her shoulder, wondering how long her opponent can hold on. She frowns as the ref taps her on the shoulder, telling her to break. Jenny releases the hold and turns around. Lee’s hand is clutching the bottom rope. Jenny cracks a small smile, impressed that her rookie opponent got out of that hold. The Cheerleader bends down and grabs Lee by her arm pulling her up. Jenny quickly lifts her up and slams her back first into the mat. Lee bounces and lies spread eagled on the mat. Jenny quickly scampers to the ropes and climbs to the top turnbuckle. The Cheerleader stands up, waving her arms in the air, before leaping off. Jenny extends her arms forward as she soars off the top)

Sandra: “ Jenny going for her Frog Splash”

( At the last second, Lee brings her knees to her chest)

Garry: “ No!! Jenny just impaled herself of L’Lee knees!”

( Jenny moans and rolls around on the mat, clutching her belly. Lee slowly rises to her feet and grabs Jenny by the hair, pulling her up. Lee wraps her arms around Jenny in a bearhug, before lifting her up, spinning and slamming her down to the mat)

Sandra: “Belly to Belly Suplex by Lee, the first real wrestling move we’ve seen from her tonight.”

Garry: “ What? I have you know the thumb to the throat is a classic move!”

( Lee lifts Jenny back to her feet and throws her into the corner. Lee follows her in and grabs Jenny by her hair. The Dudley begins to smash Jenny’s head into the turnbuckles, using her ponytail as a handle. Jenny’s face is mushed into the corner over and over. The ref calls for a break, but Lee ignores him, until threatened with a DQ. Lee quickly wraps her arm around Jenny’s head and charges out of the corner. Lee suddenly leaps forward, driving Jenny’s head into the mat)

Garry: “ Bulldog!! That’s it!”

( Lee just rolls Jenny onto her back and lies across her, not bothering to hook a leg. Jenny kicks out at two again.)

Sandra: “ Another sloppy cover, She’s not going to pin any of the BRA superstars like that.”

( Lee scowls and wraps her hands around Jenny’s throat. She squeezes as the cheerleader sputters and gags. The ref calls for a break, and Lee breaks, only for a moment, before re-applying her choke. Jenny raises her hands up, trying to pull Lee’s hands apart, but the Dudley girl is surprisingly strong. Only the ref’s final warning causes her to break the choke. Lee quickly rises to her feet and walks to the ropes. She steps between them and jumps to the outside as Jenny slowly starts to sit up. Lee lifts the ring curtain and begins to pull out a table)

Sandra: “ Oh no, what is she doing!?”

Garry: “Come on now, it wouldn’t be a Dudley match without a table”

( The ref jumps out of the way as Lee slides the table into the ring. The lil Dudley climbs back into the ring and sets the table up near one of the corners. Jenny is slowly rising to her feet as Lee comes up to her. Lee reaches her hands forwards, but suddenly gasps as Jenny kicks her boot up into her belly. Lee clutches her midsection, bending forwards slightly. Jenny quickly wraps her arm around Lee’s head and falls backwards)

Sandra: “DDT!!”

( Lee’s head is planted into the mat, her body nearly vertical as Jenny drives her down. Lee flops over onto her stomach as Jenny pushes herself up. Jenny quickly scoops Lee up and lifts her into a carry. Jenny then drops to one knee, smashing Lee’s back over her outstretched thigh. Lee yelps as Jenny shoves her off and rises to her feet. The cheerleader quickly steps through the ropes and climbs up the turnbuckles. She perches on the top, waiting for Lee to get up. Jenny begins to clap her hands, and the crowd begins to clap in unison.”

Garry: “ Oh stop it! These morons will do anything that she does. It’s so degrading!”

( Lee slowly pushes herself up. She rises and begins to turn, looking for her opponent. Jenny leaps off the top, extending her legs and opening them. Lee’s eyes open wide as Jenny lands on her shoulders. The cheerleader goes for her Hurricanranna, but squeals as Lee quickly spins and sits down, pulling Jenny’s body down hard to the mat.)

Sandra: “WOW!! Sit down PowerBomb!!! What a reversal!!!”

Garry: “ That’s it now!! She’s got her…. Pin her!!”

( Lee just sits, a blank expression on her face. Jenny is laid spread eagled, in front of her. But Lee just sits staring out into nothing. She suddenly seems to snap out of it and cracks a devilish grin. Lee rises to her feet and points at the table. Some of the fans cheer, knowing what her family reputation is. Others scream in protest as she pulls Jenny to her feet and drags her towards the table. Lee wraps her arm around Jenny’s head and begins to run for the corner)

Garry: “ Here it comes …Acid Drop baby!”

( Lee goes to complete her finisher, by jumping up onto the second rope. Her intention, to spin and smash Jenny’s head through the table. Jenny though has other ideas and as Lee jumps, Jenny pushes up, causing Lee’s legs to go up and over the top rope. The Dudley ends up sitting on the top turnbuckle, her back to the ring. Jenny quickly jabs an elbow into Lee’s kidney’s freeing her head from her grasp. The cheerleader quickly climbs up behind Lee and wraps her arm around her neck from behind. There is a collective gasp from the crowd as Jenny pushes backwards, slamming herself and Lee through the table)

Sandra: “Oh my god!! Extension!! Jenny’s reverse DDT! She just put Lee through the table!”

Garry: “ DQ!! DQ!! Illegal object in the ring!”

Sandra: “ Lee put that table in there!”

Garry: “ But she didn’t use it! Jenny did, and she should be dq’d!”

( The ref looks down at the carnage as Lee and Jenny are strewn across the splintered table. Lee’s eyes are closed and Jenny is wincing, holding her back. She slowly lies across Lee, hooking her leg. The ref slaps his hand down three times and calls for the bell.)


Garry: “ BOO!! Unfair! Jenny had to resort to cheating to win.”

Sandra: “Lee brought that upon herself, she brought the table into the ring, and she paid the price for it.”

( The crowd cheers as the ref raises Jenny’s hand in the air. Jenny smiles, then yelps, clutching her ribs. A large bruise is swelling from her impact with the table The EMT’s slide into the ring to check on Lee, who is slowly coming around.)

Sandra: “ Well, Jenny Anderson takes the first match of the evening and moves on in the Featherweight Tourney”

Garry: “ ahem, Yvette tourney”

Sandra: “ Whatever, folks stay tuned, more great matches after these commercial announcements for ACME Tableworks”

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