Eden Starr


Jennifer Christian


{ The camera pans over the capacity crowd inside the Battling Ring Angels Arena. The fans leap from their seats and cheer, all in hopes of being seen on tv. }

{ After a couple moments teasing the crowd, the camera zooms in on the announcers table, where Garry Grimmouire and Sandra Allistar are seated. Both make final adjustments to their headsets, then Sandra speaks. }

Sandra: Hello and welcome back everyone. Well match one of this tournament was exciting, and now it's time for match two of it.

Garry: Ah yes, the anorexic tourney.

Sandra: That's gross Garry, and not funny at all! It's a Featherweight Tournament. Now then, if you're finished being a pigheaded moron, I can continue.....

Garry: Go for it. I'll just sit here and drink my beer.

Sandra: Yea, sure hope it's light beer, you sure don't need the regular stuff.

Garry: Nope, Brandi Lynn is in the house, so they are all out of unleaded tonight.

Sandra: Damn, she really does drink that much?

Garry: Well now you know how Sherry was able to buy a hotel and casino after Brandi left the Shop. She had all that extra money laying around, that once was used to pay Brandi's beer bills.

Sandra: Good grief! Ahem..back to business. Next up we have Jennifer Christian making her debut in BRA, going against a woman that chalked up an impressive win in her debut last week, Eden Starr.

Garry: Buuurrrrp!

Sandra: GROSS!!!

Garry: Oh um excuse me. Uh yea, this should be a good one. Wonder if Jennifer's mom, old Peggy will come out with Eden? Those two are a team now, and rumor has it that Jennifer hates her mother.

Sandra: Yes, I've heard that too, and I do know Peggy is in the building, so we'll soon see.

[ From nowhere, the opening chords of "High" begin to blast through the arena. Simultaneously, the following appears on the Angeltron in shaky, distorted letters: ]


[ Then, the sounds of the entrance song pick up, shifting to the heavier part. Two women appear from the backstage area. One of them is Bethany Starr, Eden's mother and retired professional wrestler. The other is Eden's other trainer, Melanie Drake. The women both wear casual wear as they each step to the sides, smiling and crossing their arms. ]

Sandra: Wow, Bethany Starr! Now there's a hall of famer!

Garry: Oh, I thought that was Mae Young, glad ya told me who it was.

Sandra: Jerk!

[ The music continues to explode off the walls in the arena as Eden makes her appearance. Stepping from the backstage area, the small young woman wears a blue, red, and white one-piece. In the center of the chest is a white star, while the red and white portions are strictly on the belly and lower regions of the suit. They are divided down the middle and end at the hems on the sides as well as the hem between her legs The rest of the suit, including the back, is dark blue. The shoulder straps cross across Eden's shoulders in the back. She stops to stand between the two women, placing her hands on her small hips. Behind them, near the Angeltron, blue pyro goes off, exploding with a force that eclipses the music - for a moment. ]

{ Following the three women, is Peggy Christian. }

Sandra: Here comes Peggy!

Garry: Oh whoopie! It's starting to look like and old folks home out here....


Garry: OUCH!

[ The two women each smile to Eden, their mouths moving with words of encouragement. Then, they both turn towards the entrance, making their ways backstage. Eden then focuses on the ring, reaching out every once in awhile to slap the hand of a fan with their arm outstretched during her walk. She uses the ring steps, climbing onto the apron, and then enters the ring in her unique fashion. She sticks her left leg between the top and middle rope, draping her knee over it and placing her foot on the bottom rope - Simultaneously, she leans her upper body in, bending forward - and pushes with her left foot while sticking the other in to enter the ring in one fluid motion. ]

[ The ring announcer speaks as Eden moves to her corner and places her hands on her hips. "Now entering the ring, from San Antonio, Texas - Weighing in at one-hundred-fifteen pounds...Edeeeeeeennnn Starr! In sync with the fans who cheer their approval, Eden raises an arm, keeping the other on her hip - and bends one knee slightly, performing a little pose for the fans as she smiles. ]

Sandra: Eden sure knows how to work the crowd.

Garry: She knows how to put me to sleep too. Show me what you've got in wrestling talent, not showmanship!

Sandra: Ya just don't get it do ya?

Garry: Get what?

Sandra: Never mind, you obviously don't get it.

{ Lights drop, and the French National Anthem starts to play for a few seconds, then it changes to "Fits Ya Good" by Bryan Adams. The lights flash on and La Petite Marquise flashes on the Angeltron, followed by a video of her with various members of the Sisterhood. }

Garry: YES!!!!!!!!!

{ Jennifer then strides out boldly from the curtains accompanied by Yvette Marquise DeSade Malreaux, wearing her white S and M outfit very similar to Yvette's, with white wrestling boots and an Yvette Malreaux leather jacket. They both walk boldly to the ring looking smug. }

Garry: Ya gotta love it!

Sandra: Love what?

Garry: Never mind, now you don't get it.

Sandra: Well from the sound of all the booing, neither do the fans.

Garry: Pfft..they are just foolish like you are is all.

{ Jennifer's eyes burn with hatred at first site of her mother. }

Sandra: What a shame, she doesn't seem happy that her mom is out here, poor Peggy.

Garry: Hey this isn't "All in the Family" here, this is a wrestling match!

{ Yvette accompanies Jennifer to the ring and then takes the jacket, and returns to the back. }

Garry: Hmmn Yvette must have a lot of confidence in her young protage to leave her out here alone with four women...of course two of them are dinasours....


Garry: Ya know, I really wish you'd stop doing that to me!

Sandra: Ya know, I really wish you'd act like a normal human occasionally. Anyways, baring any other stupidity flowing out of Garry's mouth, I think we are about ready to get started here. The ref is going over his instructions with Jen and Eden now.

Garry: Her name is Jennifer, or Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian.

Sandra: I know what her name is, and I'm sure as hell not going to spit that long name out each time I mention her!

Garry: No wonder your ass has gotten so big lately, you've become a lazy ass.....


Garry: Dammit! Stop that!

Sandra: I'll stop when you stop.

Garry: I never hit you!

Sandra: Not physically.

Garry: Huh?

Sandra: Never mind ya numbskull, the match is about to start.

Garry: Cool! Go Lil' Yvette!

Sandra: I must say she looks very confident for someone who's in their first match.


Sandra: Here we goooo!

{ Both ladies move towards the center of the ring, eyeing each other up and down, looking for an opening to strike. Jennifer quickly reaches out, and with a handful of Eden's hair, she sends her to the mat with a flying mare. }

Sandra: Blatant rule breaking there!

Garry: A flying mare is a legal move in any league.

Sandra: Not combined with a hair pull!

{ The ref warns Jennifer about the hair pulling, but she seems to ignore his words, and moves in on Eden who is trying to get back up to her feet. Jennifer reaches down, and grabs Eden by the arm, and brings her to her feet. She spins Eden's arm around once, then pulls it into a hammerlock. }

Sandra: Jen seems to have some training in basic wrestling holds.

Garry: Well duh! Most people do to get into a league.

Sandra: Umm not all leagues.

Garry: Don't go there, hahaha.

{ Eden goes up on her tip toes, trying to relieve some pressure on her arm, but Jen just yanks up harder on it, which intensifies the pain even more. }

{ Eden looks out at her mother, who is holding her hand on the rope, shaking it up and down. Eden catches on quickly to her mothers clue, and makes her way, dragging Jennifer along for the ride, to the ropes. }

Sandra: Think she'll make it?

Garry: Unfortunately, yes.

{ Eden makes it to the ropes, and the ref asks Jennifer to break the hold. She does so, but after she does, she follows up with a punch to Eden's kidney. Eden goes weak in the knees, and holds onto the top rope to stay up on her feet. }

Sandra: That Jennifer is ruthless!

Garry: Yea, I love it!

Sandra: You would.

{ Jennifer pushes the ref aside, and grabs Eden by the arm, and whips her into the ropes, but Eden reverses the whip, and sends Jennifer for the ride instead. Jennifer bounces off the ropes, and Eden takes off running at her. Eden leaps in the air, nailing Jennifer with a flying cross body block. }

Garry: CRAP!

Sandra: Not here please. We have restrooms here ya know?

Garry: Shut up!

Sandra: Well Eden is on the offensive now, let's see what she can do.

{ Eden follows up with a leg drop, across the back of Jennifer, then quickly gets back up to her feet again. Eden looks over to her corner, and is given a thumbs up by her mother, her trainer, and Peggy. Feeling confident, Eden reaches down, and grabs Jennifer's feet, and puts her in a step over toe hold. }

Sandra: Well I'll tell ya what, Eden seems to be back on track now, and Jennifer is in trouble.

Garry: She'll bounce back, you'll see.

{ Jennifer moans in pain, as Eden really leans back into the hold. }

Sandra: She isn't sounding to bouncy right now.

Garry: Shut up.

{ Eden leans back even farther into the hold, but she leans to far, and Jennifer grabs a hold of her hair, and with a big yank, she pulls Eden off of her. }

{ Eden rolls away holding her head, and Jennifer rolls away, gets up, and shakes her legs a few time, in hope of shaking off the pain of the hold she was in. }

Sandra: Well once again the hair comes into play.

Garry: Ya gotta do what ever it takes.

{ Eden gets to her feet, and as she turns around, she sees a charging Jennifer heading her way, with her arm help out, going for a clothesline, but Eden wisely ducks it, then wraps her arms around Jennifer's waist, and dumps her to the mat with a suplex slam. }

Sandra: Well I think her mother has taught her well. She's looking great out there!

Garry: Phooey!

{ Eden gets up to her feet, then goes for a splash on Jennifer, but Jennifer brings her knees up, and catches Eden in the midsection with them. Eden rolls off moaning in pain, and Jennifer scrambles to get up. }

Garry: Wooo hoooo that had to hurt!

Sandra: I imagine it did!

{ Jennifer does a springboard off the bottom rope, and then goes into a flip, doing an Asai moonsault onto Eden. }

Garry: Now that was killer!

Sandra: Very impressive.

{ Jennifer now puts Eden in a Cobra Clutch, and yanks back hard on Eden's upper torso, but they are extremely close to the ropes, and it doesn't take long for Eden to realize this, and she reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. The ref then has Jennifer break the hold, which she does, but follows up by punching Eden in the back of the head before getting off of her. }

Garry: I am liking this kid more and more!

Sandra: Not me.

{ The ref has Jennifer in the center of the ring, and is lecturing her on following the rules, but again she seems to ignore him, and makes her way back towards Eden. }

Sandra: Cocky little thing.

Garry: Nothing wrong with that at all.

{ Eden is back up, but she has her back to Jennifer, and is trying to get her bearings straight. Jennifer charges in, and then dropkicks Eden in the back, knocking her into the ropes, then after bouncing off, she falls to the mat. Jennifer follows up with a few stomps to Eden's back. }

Garry: I think she's setting her up for something here.

Sandra: I wouldn't know, this is my first time seeing her in action.

{ Jennifer now sits Eden's back, pulling her head up and back and trapping it in a leg scissors, then hooking her arms and stretching them back. }

Garry: This is it, the Croix de Guerre, Jennifer's finisher!

Sandra: Impressive move.

{ Jennifer smiles wickedly, and glares out at her mother, Peggy. }

Jennifer: Does THIS look familiar, MOTHER?!?!

Sandra: What was that all about?

Garry: I dunno, maybe Jennifer used to put Peggy in this back at home? Ya know while they watched tv, and Peggy ate a box of Bon Bon's.

Sandra: You are demented.

Garry: Am not!

{ Eden taps out, but Jennifer holds the hold on a little longer, and continues to glare at her mother. Peggy just looks away, and is concerned for her friend Eden's condition. }

{ Finally the ref forces Jennifer off of Eden, then holds her hand high in the air, declaring her the winner. Jen throws his hand down, and hops out of the ring, and walks right up to Peggy. }

Jennifer: I see you found a partner that almost lives up to your own level. She's almost as pathetic as YOU! Your turn will come soon enough MOTHER!

{ Peggy just turns away, then climbs into the ring along with along with Bethany Starr, and Melanie Drake to check on Eden. }

{Jennifer just struts up the aisle arrogantly, and is met by Yvette at the top of the ramp, who gives her protege a hug. }

Sandra: Well folks, Jennifer Christain moves onto the next round of this tournament. She looked impressive in her debut here tonight, but so did Eden, it was a great match up, and I'm sure their paths will cross again some day.

Garry: Maybe, ya never know. Well folks, we have to go to a commercial break now.

Sandra: Stay tuned folks, next up Miss Bra takes on the Professor, in what should be another great match.

{ Fade to a commercial for Battling Ring Angels Action Figures. }



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