Lil' Alexandra
Kayla Vandergriff


The familiar buzz of the BRA arena between matches is heard as the camera shows the ring after the commercials. Garry Grimmoire and Sandra Allistair, the commentators, are seated at their table. As usual, Garry has a beer standing in front of him, the label strategically turned towards the camera.

Sandra : Welcome back, wrestling fans, to BRA, the place where the action is. Next up, we have the fourth match of the second week of the tournament for the featherweight belt, a belt already fondly nicknamed the anorexic belt.

Garry : Usually by the fat hags that are jealous because they’re not slim enough to qualify for it. Nobody could call Yvette or Tiffany Lane anorexic.

Sandra : Oh please, Tiffany needs to wear a leaded belt when there’s a slight breeze, or she’ll blow away.

Garry : Do not mock anyone from the Sisterhood ! It is bad karma to mock the Sisterhood. I’m sure something bad will happen to you now.

Sandra : Something bad already happened, namely having you as my co-commentator. And speaking of the Sisterhood, one of their members will be involved in the next match. And this promises to be interesting as two of the three patented nutcases of the league go face to face. Sisterhoods Kayla Vandergriff, the gothic girl with a strange fascination for bellies, will meet the unpredictable and violent Brit Lil’ Alexandra.

Garry : The clash of the psycho’s, this ought to be good. I do hope The Dentonvale crew will accompany Lil’ Alex. Especially that yummy redhead nurse with the big b ... OUCH, you slapped me. What did you do that for ?

Sandra : This is a family show, so keep your mind out of the gutter for once, and watch your mouth..

Garry : A family show ? With Kayla and Alex ? Only if you’re the Addams family can you call it a family show.

Sandra : Point taken. Look, there comes Kayla. And she’s clearly demonstrating your point, Garry. People, if there are children watching, I suggest to send them out for the next match.

The blackhaired goth comes walking out of the entrance, wearing only a black leather micro bikini, much to Garry’s joy. The outfit barely covers a few strategic points. Kayla walks to the ring with an arrogant smile on her face.

Sandra : Stop drooling Garry.

The lights go off, and spotlights start swirling. Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ starts up over the soundsystem. As soon as the music fills the arena, Little Alexandra appears from behind the curtain with a wild stare. ‘The End is the Beginning is the End’ by the Smashing Pumpkins starts, and Little Alexandra comes through with her bowler, tight white outfit, walking stick, white midriff shirt and suspenders. She comes down the aisle smirking and giggling, like woman possessed with violence and twisted fury. Putting down her cane and bowler, she climbs into the ring. As Little Alexandra gets in, Kayla tauntingly blows her a kiss. The blonde brawler just answers with a cold stare. The referee, looking rather nervous, doesn’t bother to go over the rules and just signals for the bell.

Sandra : Looks like he’d rather be somewhere else.

Garry : I can’t blame the poor guy. This is going to be bloody.

Inside the ring, the two women waste no time and charge towards each other, just running full tilt into one another. The sound of flesh against flesh echo’s through the arena as the two bodies crash together. Little Alexandra throws back her head and smashes it forward again, headbutting Kayla. The gothic princess’s head snaps backwards. Without breaking stride, the blonde Brit grasps Vandergriff’s throat in one hand, choking her, while lifting her up with one arm and shaking her. The referee warns her about the illegal hold, and amazingly, Alexandra complies. Sort of. By throwing Kayla into the corner.

Garry : An amazing feat of strength by Little Alexandra, lifting and throwing her opponent with the power of just one arm. Now I know why they call it the featherweight tournament.

The blonde moves in confidently. Too confidently as she finds out when Kayla’s foot connects hard between her legs. Alexandra’s eyes seem to bulge, but to everyone’s surprise, she remains standing, hardly showing any effect from the low blow.

Sandra : How can anyone take a dirty shot like that without dropping like a brick ?

The dark-haired woman doesn’t let the lack of effect bother her. Stepping forwards, she wraps her arms around her opponent, trapping both of the blondes arms and she squeezes for all she’s worth. Trapped in the bearhug, Alex tries to push Kayla back into the corner by the power of her legs. Wanting none of that, Kayla lifts the slightly smaller Brit, increasing the pressure. Drawing a grunt from the blonde, the gothic wrestler smiles.

Kayla : "Can't wait to feel your body all over mine as you squirm in submission to me baby."

The only response from the Dentonvale resident is a wild laugh, followed by another headbutt. Kayla Vandergriff doesn’t release the hold however. Well, not until the next headbutt that sends her staggering back. Still lifting the blonde in her arms, she falls backwards, the Brit landing on top of her. Kayla’s nose and mouth are bleeding, courtesy of Alexandra’s head. The referee begins to count for the impromptu pin.


Although a bit dazed, Kayla kicks out on instinct as soon as the count begins. Alexandra however, has other ideas. Straddling the dark-haired woman on her stomach, she starts to deliver a rain of punches to her already bloody face. The crowd is very boisterous, part of them clearly cheering on the violence, others yelling out their displeasure.

Sandra : Oh please, this ain’t wrestling. She’s going to kill her if she goes on like this.

Garry : Never underestimate a member of the Sisterhood. Kayla’s about to mount a come-back, mark my words.

As if on cue, Kayla’s hands shoot towards Alexandra’s belly applying a double re-enforced belly-claw. For the first time, Alexandra actually shows pain.

Garry : That’s the Scream of Agony, one of Kayla’s trademark moves.

The blonde forgets about her assault, instead trying to pry away the hands that are torturing her stomach. The strong muscles protecting her vital organs are almost grinded to a paste by the painful move. Unable to break the hold, she uses a desperate move, poking at the goth’s eyes with two fingers in V-shape. The lightning fast move hits home, wiping the smile from Kayla’s face, as her hands fly to her face to protect her dark brown eyes. Alexandra rolls off of her, to the side, and outside the ring, trying to rub the pain on her belly away.

Kayla meanwhile is recovering from the eye-poke, tears of pain having mingled with half-dried blood, changing her face into a ghoulish mask. Noticing the blonde is still distracted, she climbs on one of the cornerposts, and jumps off, going for a cross-body take down from the top rope.

Sandra : I never knew she was a high-flyer too ! What a high-risk move.

Kayla impacts belly first on Alexandra’s chest, sending the Brit one step back. She doesn’t fall however, having caught the incoming woman in her arms. Lifting the surprised goth over her head in one move, she smashes her down to the concrete.

Alexandra : "Ahhh, the sound of concrete against bone . . . "

Garry : Yes. This match is getting more brutal with the minute. I love it.

Sandra : You would, wouldn’t you. And the fact that these women might sustain serious injury in this kind of fight doesn’t bother you ?

Garry : Nope. These are trained, professional athletes. They can take this kind of thing. Besides, it’s their job.

Sandra : It is their job to wrestle. I wouldn’t really call this wrestling. I’m beginning to wonder if even the hardcore barb-wire match will be this brutal.

Garry : Ninny.

Little Alexandra jumps up and brings her elbow down on Kayla’s kidney area. At least, that was the plan, as the dark-haired warrior rolls out of harms way, causing the blonde to drive her elbow into the unyielding floor. Standing up slowly, and with some difficulty, Kayla grabs the Brit’s hurt arm, and launches Alex into the guardrail. The blonde’s lower back hits the metal hard, then is driven into the steel as Kayla slams into her. The referee is counting however.

Sandra : If they don’t get back into the ring fast, we might see a count-out here.

Garry : I somehow think neither of these would want to win by count-out.

Garry’s thinking is clearly improving, for Kayla proves him right. Grabbing Alexandra in the neck with on hand, and on the butt with the other, she runs the blonde headfirst into the apron, then lifts her, and rolls her into the ring. Climbing in herself, she covers the Brit.



Alexandra manages to lift a shoulder in time, pushing Vandergriff of her angrily. The smirking goth decides to return the favour done to her earlier, and straddles the Brit’s stomach, stretching and turning on one of her arms. Several full-fisted punches to the belly from the blonde’s other arm don’t seem to bother the woman with the strongest stomach muscles in the league. Changing tactics, Alexandra finds a new target in Kayla’s face, forcing the gothic beauty off her. The dark-haired fightress isn’t done yet, and jumps up, landing with her butt on Alexandra’s stomach, her full weight impacting in the blonde’s already tortured belly.

Garry : It looks like the British brawler is finished.

Kayla gets up again, and repeats the move. This time however, nobody is there as she lands, as Little Alexandra rolls to the side, getting to her feet.

Sandra : Looks like you spoke to soon, Garry.

A surprised Kayla looks around to see where the blonde has gone. What she actually sees is the sole of Alexandra’s combat boot.

Garry : A vicious boot to the face by the Brit sends Kayla from a sitting to a lying position.

Sandra : Yes, and Alex doesn’t look like she’s stopping.

Several stomps with the heavy combat boots impact on Kayla’s throat. The referee tries to get Alexandra to back up, but the blonde has other ideas, going to stand with her full weight on Vandergriffs throat, choking her. The referee counts to four before she steps off again. By then, Kayla’s face, usually very pale has turned beet-red. At least the part of her face that isn’t covered in blood.

Alexandra : "Destruction, pain and tolchocks are the orders of the day!"

Saying this, the blonde brings her opponent to her feet, pulling her up by her black-dyed hair, and launches her into a corner. Taking a boxer’s stance, she dances in, jabbing and punching at the abdominator. Kayla slumps down, her back against the turnbuckles, appearing beaten. But appearances can be deceiving. A hard uppercut slams into Alexandra’s groin, causing her a gasp of pain, and sending her stumbling backwards. Kayla gets to her feet, but it is clear the beating has taken a lot out of her. A lot, but not enough to put her out of action. Running in at the stumbling Brit, she clotheslines her to the mat and starts stomping her in the chest, face, and, inevitably, the stomach. As Alexandra is gasping for breath, trying to recover, Kayla pushes her knees apart, and slithers upwards over the prone blonde, pressing her body down as she executes a full body pin.

One ...

Alexandra almost throws the goth off of her, a look of complete disgust on her face.

Garry : Very sloppy pin. But I don’t think she wanted the three-count there, she just wanted to humiliate her opponent.

Sandra : I think that was pretty sick.

Little Alex has gotten to her feet again, as has Kayla. Apparently, the Brit seems to share Sandra’s feelings.

Alexandra : "Yuck. Methinks you’re a freak!"

While saying this, she charges Kayla, surprising her, and whipping her into the ropes. The gothic princess comes flying out of the ropes again to be met by Alexandra who backdrops her. Vandergriff lands on the mat hard, and clutches her lower back. This time it’s the woman from Dentonvale he unleashes a barrage of stomps and kicks on her opponent. As the referee tells her to stop, she smiles that unsettling smile of hers, the look in her eyes not quite right. Lifting up the abdominator, she slams her on top of the cornerpost, then climbs up to the third rope herself.

Sandra : Bye Garry, see you later.

Garry : Hey where are you ... OH NO ! The Ultraviolence !

Little Alexandra has brought Kayla up on the top rope and supplexes her outwards, straight towards the announcer’ table, where Garry is scrambling away, following Sandra to relative safety. The dark-haired girl hits the sturdy table hard, crashing through it and sending splinters flying around. The blonde who started it all slams into the ground, her fall partly broken by her opponent hitting the table. Partly, but it’s still a pretty hard landing. The sound of wood splintering and of two bodies hitting hard surfaces echoes through the arena that has fallen into a stunned silence for a few seconds. Then hell breaks lose as the crowd reacts to this dangerous move. Neither woman moves, and the referee starts to count them out. As her reaches eleven, Little Alex stirs. At fourteen, she gets to her feet slowly. At sixteen, she drags a still unconscious Kayla with her to ringside, pulling her through the rubble. At eighteen, she lifts and pushes her in. At nineteen, she rolls in herself, breaking the count at the last moment.

Garry : My beer ! It was still half full.

Sandra : That was insane. That was plainly insane. But what am I saying, off course it was insane. I knew this match was going to be insane when I saw these two were to fight.

Inside the ring, Little Alexandra looks at Kayla, who’s still in dreamland. She pulls her up, and tries to keep her standing, but it is no use. With what appears a look of disappointment, she puts one foot on the goth’s chest. The referee needs no more encouragement, a look of relief on his face as he starts counting - fast.




Kayla stirs to life again and lifts a shoulder just a second too late.

Garry : Hey, that was not fair. That must be the fastest count in wrestling history.

Sandra : It was a fast count, but look, does she looks like she could have gone on ?

Garry : She’s Sisterhood. The stable of our extreme goddess Nina Larue. Off course she would have been able to go on.

Little Alexandra looks down at the gothic woman for a moment, then she leaves the ring and heads back as Kayla drags herself up by the ropes, and, getting a few seconds to catch her breath, follows.

Sandra : Well people, this wraps it up. Little Alexandra advances to the next round of the tournament, and after what we saw tonight, that will be a cause of concern for her future opponent.

Garry : I want another beer.


Winner : Little Alexandra.


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