"The Cheerleader"
Shea London


by djmh

The fans are cheering high in the Battling Ring arena as the camera moves around. Garry and Sandra are in their chairs,

Sandra: And the following matchup, is between two newcomers. Linda Anderson, with an impressive victory over Kayla, and Shea London for her first match here in Battling Ring Angels.

Garry: Man this is getting hot.

Sandra: Yes the competition level is very high.

Garry: Heh, heh, this is not actually what I meant.

Sandra: Get your mind out of the mud, Garry.

Right at that time, the lights dim as Elton John's "Made in England" begins to blare over the PA. Shea steps through the curtains, smiling, waving and slapping hands with many of the fans. She sprints to the ring and slides through the ropes, climbing the nearest turnbuckle and raising her arms in the air.

Sandra: Well here comes, 5'4" weighing 120 pounds, Sensational, Shea London. Man does she look glad to be back.

Garry: Hey kitty, kitty, kitty.


Garry: Aw c'mon Sandra I am just having fun.

Sandra: (grunts) And now, 5' 7" with a weight of 98 pounds, accompanied by her sister Jenny Anderson, Cheerleader Linda Anderson.

A loud whistle sounds through the arena. a second later the Techno version of the  Ohio state fighting song starts to  play through out the arena, The crowd explodes with cheers of approval as the two cheerleaders steps out of the back. The outfit of Linda is navy blue and gold. The skirt is navy blue and gold pleated the top is gold with Body Shop written in navy blue across the chest, the socks are navy blue and their bottoms has a gold color. their pom pom of course are gold and Navy blue. The two girls takes of running and starts flipping towards the ring performing several cartwheels and tumbles as they get  towards the ring. They finish their intro to the ring with doing a split waving their color full pom pom's, The crowds scream. People reach out at the two popular girls wanting to touch them. Jenny and Linda bounce to their feet and make their way around the ring. They select two young girls and steps up to them. They hand the girls their pom pom's and Jenny and Linda leaps onto the steps and bounces of the ropes into the ring.

Sandra: Fans really love those cheerleaders.

Garry: Wow, great bodies.

Sandra: They are excellent ATHLETES with charisma, Garry. That's why they are so popular.

Garry: Yeah, right.

Linda and Jenny say some compliments to Shea. She smiles and returns compliments. Jenny gets off the ring and the bell rings.

Ding, ding, ding.

The two girls tangle. Actually, Linda ducks and runs to the ropes. As she rebounces, Shea picks her up trying a backbreaker but Linda moves her body in the air, wraps her legs around Shea's head and tosses her aside with a Flying head scissors. Shea quickly stands but Linda jumps again wrapping her legs around her legs around Shea's head from front and scores with a Hurricarana. Shea stands but this time she is disoriented. Linda scores with a drop kick. Shea stumbles into a corner.

Sandra: Whoa. Linda is going fast.

Linda quickly runs to the opposite corner and runs to leap and come at Shea with a Stinger Splash. At the last moment, Shea moves outta the way.

Garry: Ha!

Shea takes a moment to regroup. As a disoriented Linda turns back towards her, Shea dropkicks her. Linda goes down. Shea grabs her hand and tosses her into the ropes, then herself runs to the opposite ropes. As Linda bounces back, she is met with a flying clothesline. Linda's body turns 180 degree in the air before splashing on the mat. Shea quickly rises on her feet, brings Linda onto her feet and tosses her again to the ropes. She runs to the opposite ropes and as Linda bounces back, Shea executes a beautiful cross body block. She quickly attempts for a pin.

Garry: 1,2,3, its over, no its not.

Sandra: Linda managed to lift a shoulder at the last fraction. Shea took her by storm.

Garry: These girls are so fast, they are getting my head reeling.

Sandra: And the fans love it.

Shea tosses Linda again to the ropes and bows to attempt a body back drop. But Linda quickly counters with a DDT.

Garry: And a cover, but Shea kicks out at one.

Linda picks Shea up and scoops her up, dropping her down with a body slam. As Shea stands up, Linda wraps her arms around her waist from behind. She screams as she puts effort lifting Shea up and dropping her behind with a German suplex. She gets Shea's foot and steps around her, locking a Step over toe hold. Ref asks Shea for submission but she has already reached the ropes. Linda stands but does not let go of Shea's foot, She drags Shea in the center of the ring and quickly locks on a figure four leg lock. Shea howls in pain. Ref asks her for submission but she grunts her refusal. Instead, she pushes hard to reach the ropes. Linda tries her best to keep her in her hold but her weight disadvantage allows Shea to grab the ropes. Ref orders a break. As Shea stands, she rushes for a clothesline, but Linda ducks and from behind, As Shea turns back, Linda ducks to wrap her arms around her waist, lifts her up and puts a knee between her legs to execute an Atomic drop. Shea falls back, clutching her crotch. Linda smiles and waves to her fans.

Linda picks Shea up and pushes her to the turnbuckles. She efforts hard to lift Shea and make her sit on the top rope. She climbs the top rope and locks a suplex position. As she tries to lift Shea up, Shea resists. Then she lifts Linda up for a vertical suplex and jumps down the top rope, dropping Linda down from front. Linda lies still as Shea regroups. Linda slowly gets to her feet. As Shea walks wobbling towards her, Linda suddenly rushes towards her. Shea is a bit faster this time and scores with an arm drag. She keeps hold of Linda's hand and locks an arm bar. Linda grunts trying to get out but Shea puts a knee to press the side of her head.

Sandra: Linda seems to be in pain.

Shea keeps Linda down for quite a while as Linda wriggles down her knee. Then she lets go and walks to Linda's legs. Linda is now on her belly. Shea takes her right leg and tucking it under her armpit, bends it backwards with a single crab. Linda cries and kicks with her other leg making Shea let go. Shea stands and picks Linda up. She tosses Linda to the ropes. Linda bounces back flying in the air with a drop kick. But there was no one home. Linda falls hard. Shea gets her legs and quickly locks on a figure four. Linda sits up screaming. With her eyes wet, she drags herself towards the ropes. Fans cheer as finally she makes it.

As Linda is trying to stand up, Shea scoops her up, she brings her to the middle of the ring and slams her down. She gets her both legs and getting em under her arms, she turns Linda over and sits back with a Boston crab. This times, Linda's screams are harder than ever. Ref asks her for the submission but sobbing, she refuses.

Jenny shouts encouragement to her sister as she is worried too. Linda gathers all her strength and tries to drag herself and Shea to the ropes. She goes inch by inch, at last as she is just about to grab the ropes, Shea realises that and dumps her legs down.

Shea is a bit frustrated. She picks Linda harshly up and lifting her up, makes her sit on the top turnbuckle. As she begins to mount the ropes herself, Linda, out of nowhere, gathers the strength to join her feet and kick with all her might into Shea's chest. Shea drops on her back. As she stands, she is a bit disoriented and has her back towards Linda. Linda stands and jumps, in the air she grabs Shea's neck and falls with a Diamond cutter. Fans roar as the ref makes the count:

Linda leaves Shea and lies on her back. Jenny gets into the ring and she has a cheerleader uniform in her hands. She puts it on top of Shea and helps her sister up. The two cheerleaders leave the arena as a Shea wakes up and is surprised to found the cheerleader uniform.

Winner: by pinfall, Linda Anderson.

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