Sabrina Perizi
Zantara Underworld

By: ToneDef

[We come back from commercials to survey the sell out crowd in the Battling Ring Angels arena, a sell out crowd that is currently on their feet, screaming for their favorites and hoping for a moment of glory infront of the BRA cameras as they wave their signs about. A couple of the more recognizable signs denote: ‘THE NINJA WAS ROBBED!’, ‘JERU IS MY KIND OF DETONVALE PROTÉGÉ’, and ‘TEACH ME, SHANNON!’. The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, Ladies And Gentlemen! I couldn’t wait for you to return, so we could get going on this next match!"

Garry: "Yeah, yeah, you say that…I saw what you did when that camera was off of you. Such a vile, evil creature you are!"

Sandra: "Anyways….this next match has all the makings of a stellar combat. Sabrina Perizi has been escalating at rapid pace up the ladder of the Battling Ring Angels…"

Garry: "That’s all going to come to a dead halt tonight! She faces the ruler of the underworld, Zantara Underworld here! Heck, I don’t even know if Lisa Dream could take Zantara out!"

Sandra: "What? Was that an actual bad word about Lisa Dream that I heard?"

Garry: "Not at all…more like a compliment! I don’t think that anyone in this league could take on this monster…but if someone could, well, it would just have to be my gothic sweetie!"

[Jimi Hendrix’s ‘Star Spangled Banner’ blares over the arena’s loudspeakers, and the crowd cheers as the angeltron displays the worlds ‘MISS AMERICA’, with the American flag waving behind it. Several skyrockets scream to life and shoot from the ceiling towards the entrance stage, erupting into red, white and blue explosions. Sabrina Perizi then exits the dressing room area.]

Sandra: "Will you listen to this crowd?!? It is positively ecstatic over Miss America’s arrival!"

Garry: "Well, there is no accounting for taste…"

[Sabrina is wearing a light blue sash with the words ‘MISS AMERICA’ across it. She’s all smiles as she makes her way to the ring, slapping fans hands on the way. When in the ring, she poses, with red white and blue explosions going on behind her.]

Sandra: "What a display! I tell you, though a recent addition to our organization, nobody does it better than our resident Miss America!"

Garry: "You know what they say about flashy entrances…they cover up their inabilities in the ring…"

[The loudspeaker starts with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." The crowd, recoginizing the sound of good music, boos loudly. When Zantara steps out, their complaints increase ten-fold. She looks at them with severe contempt. She takes a few steps out onto the ramp. She is wearing her traditional black, purple pin-striped suit that looks like one too many trucks ran it over. Her steel-toed boots click with every step. Her left hand is covered in a black fingerless glove, and in it is a microphone that she now hold up to her lips.]

Zantara: Shut up!

[The crowd takes no interest in her command, and continues with their bantering, many of them throwing stuff at Zantara. Zantara dodges some of the projectiles, and sneers. Her right hand sifts through her black hair and she tugs on some of her locks. Her purple eyes glare at the people with pure hate.]

Zantara: I said shut up! You bunch of absent-minded morons! I command respect!!! You idiots are about to witness first-hand what I think of your favorite little wrestler, Sabrina Per-Queasy! Your Star-Spangled Sabrina is about to be a Star-Splattered Spot in the mat, complimetns of me! but first, you get to listen to some real music! Not like that junk that you call a national anthem! Play my record, sound man!

"Cheek to Cheek" fades out and a new tune quickly fades in. It is "Obsession" by Holly Knight and Michael Des Barres. As soon as Zantara realizes what is being played, she shouts and waves her hand in the air. Apparently, she doesn't want to hear a song about blind love and lust.

Zantara: You dolt! Try playing the other side of the album! My gosh, have you ever even played a record before????

The tune stops, and the loudspeakers are temporarily silence. Then Holly Knight and Michael Des Barres return with "A Woman's Weapon." Pleased, Zantara walks to ringside and sits down by the announcers, shooting them a quick glare.]

Garry: "W…why H…hello, Z..Zantara…."

Zantara: Shut up.

[Zantara merely sits there, and looks displeased when the entrance music is ended prematurely. She scowls up at the entrance ramp, but then finally enters the ring, glaring at Sabrina as she stands emotionlessly in the center of the ring.]

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And the match begins! Zantara only stands there, in the center of the ring, as Sabrina warily circles her…"

Garry: "Some smarts on Sabrina’s part, nobody wants to test their strength against this monster! She moves in….a kick to the kneecap has little or no effect on Zantara!"

Sandra: "The Z woman just smiles, and goes to punch Sabrina…Miss America ducks out of the way, and counters with a dropkick to Zantara’s face!"

Garry: "Zantara goes to grab a hold of Sabrina, but the smaller woman is too fast for her…Sabrina ducks out of the way, and connects with a spinning back heel kick!"

Sabrina: "Z-bag! I’ve got something for your face!"

[Sabrina dashes at the ropes, launches herself off of the top rope and connects with a spinning kick that actually manages to knock Zantara off of her feet. Zantara gets to a kneeling position…Sabrina follows up with a couple of stomps to Zantara’s hands, but Zantara counters by grabbing Sabrina’s leg and easily shoving her to the mat.]

Sandra: "Not a bad tactic from Sabrina, going for the hands of the Z woman, I know I wouldn’t want to be trapped in that Hades Hazzard!"

Garry: "I just can’t believe that she got Zantara off of her feet! Sabrina again gets to her feet, goes to the second rope in the corner, and flying cross body’s Zantara, back off of her feet!"

Sandra: "Cover attempt, and a powerful kickout at one and a half!"

[Zantara gets to her feet, and lunges at Sabrina. Sabrina baseball slides under the Z woman, grabs one of her legs and trips her to the mat. Sabrina then leans back, getting Zantara in a half crab with the held leg. It looks to be a painful move, but Zantara merely smiles when asked if she submits.]

Garry: "You cannot get Zantara to submit, she enjoys it just too damn much! But come on, Zantara, this little punk is getting the better of you!"

Sandra: "Speed and Intelligence will beat out on brute power anyday…"

Garry: "What cheap drugs are you on? The anethstetic from your last plastic surgery must not have worn out yet…"

Sandra: "Well, Sabrina seems to realize that she isn’t going to be getting a submission here…releasing the hold, she stands, dashes at the ropes, and goes for a hurricanrana…"

Garry: "You say she’s intelligent?!? You aren’t going to get Zantara down that way….Sabrina remains in the air, legs around Zantara’s head…and the Z woman brutally powerbombs her to the mat!"

[The connection is heard throughout the entire arena, and Zantara smiles her wicked smile as she stomps away on Sabrina, using her steel toed boots to good advantage as she attacks every inch of Miss America’s body. She then pulls Sabrina to her feet…headbutts her, then scoops her up and easily powerslams her to the mat.]

Sandra: "I still say that Steel Plate should be banned…"

Garry: "What are they going to do, force her to remove it?!? I say, use everything at your disposal! And what is this?!? Zantara is going to the top rope!!!"

Sandra: "Now this is an odd occurance…Zantara sneers at the jeering fans, and launches off of the top rope….flying headbutt down onto Sabrina! That should be it!"

Garry: "She goes for the cover…but who is this coming to ringside?"

[The crowd cheers as Veronica Millions exits from the dressing room area and makes her way down to the ring. Zantara notices her, and stops the count at 2, standing to see who it is. As soon as she spies that it is Veronica, she rolls out of the ring, dashes towards her, and attacks her.]

Sandra: "Is that any way to treat a former teammate?!? Veronica could have come out here to offer some words of encouragement…"

Garry: "Yeah, like that is going to happen…that Veronica is with the Body Shop, everyone is well aware of their cheating ways!"

Sandra: "Well, Zantara has the upper hand here….she pounds away on Veronica, until the smaller woman is on the ground, and then she rolls back into the ring, just beating the count of the referee!"

Garry: "Sabrina is, only now, getting to her feet! I tell you, a steel plate to the head would put most people out cold!"

[Zantara moves forward, and drives her foot into Sabrina’s face, knocking her to the mat. Zantara then gets her inside of a half nelson, applying as much pressure as she can in the deadly hold.]

Garry: "Oh, Sabrina is done for now, nobody could withstand that kind of pressure!"

Sandra: "The crowd is showing their favour for Sabrina, and it is showing! Sabrina somehow manages to struggle to her feet, now that is an amazing feat!"

Garry: "Well, a vicious closeline from the Z woman sends Sabrina to the mat! That nearly took Sabrina’s head off! Take that, Shopper!"

[Zantara smirks, pulls Sabrina to her feet, and gets her in a side headlock. She runs forward, about to running bulldog Miss America when Sabrina suddenly pushes Zantara forward, sliding her off of her head directly into the turnbuckle. Sabrina follows it up with a spinning back heelkick that knocks Zantara back against the ropes.]

Sandra: "Wow, what a counter! I did not see that happening! Sabrina looks to the crowd, and stomps a foot, getting the crowd behind her!"

Garry: "You don’t turn your back on the Z woman….Zantara moves in, but Sabrina sees her coming, and dropkicks the big woman in the knee!"

Sabrina: "Getting rid of the vertical base…"

[Zantara scowls, and swings at Sabrina, but the quicker woman easily ducks out of the way, and, jumping into the air, somehow manages to flying headscissors her large opponent down to the mat. Not wasting any time, Miss America mounts the top rope and splashes her body down onto Zantara’s, covering her quickly in an attempt at the 3 count.]

Garry: "And a kickout at 2…I tell you, there is no way that Sabrina is going to manage to keep Z down for a count of 3!"

Sandra: "She keeps going at this pace, she just might! She rolls Zantara onto her back…a boston crab attempt!"

Garry: "What a fool, Zantara is never going to submit…see? She’s smiling right now!"

Sandra: "Submit or not, those moves do take an awful lot out of you! Zantara’s resolve eventually has to be driven down!"

Garry: "Zantara’s resolve will never be driven down…she grasps a rope with ease, and Sabrina makes the break. She pulls the large woman to her feet….side russian legsweep!"

Sandra: "This crowd is just going nuts here! It has been a while since I’ve seen someone womanhandling Zantara like this!!!"

Garry: "I…I didn’t think it was possible…"

[Sabrina goes for another cover, but Zantara kicks out. Sabrina pulls the Z woman to her feet, manages to bodyslam her, then quickly mounts the top rope and performs a split leg moonsault down onto Zantara. Another pin attempt…another kickout.]

Garry: "I think that Zantara could go all day like this! The only way to get her down is to run her over with a Mack truck!"

Sandra: "Sabrina is looking a little frustrated…she looks to the fans, and goes to the top rope….she is looking more at the fans, however, she did not see Zantara sit up!"

Garry: "Go, Zantara! She gets to her feet….goes to Sabrina at the top rope, and clamps a face claw onto Miss America! Here it comes, it’s the Hades Hazzard!!!"

Sandra: "Sabrina was caught completely off guard! And here it comes….HADES HAZZARD off of the top rope!"

Garry"Oh my god, Sabrina practically went clear through that ring! Nothing can compare to the damage of that move!"

[Zantara goes for the cover, and sneers at the jeering crowd as the referee counts to 3. She stands, and looks as if she is going to enact some more vengence on Sabrina when Veronica Millions hops up onto the ring apron.]

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "I knew that Veronica was not a smart one, but she has to be absolutely dim witted to come back for more after that punishment Zantara earlier inflicted!"

Sandra: "She is holding…it looks to be a perfume bottle, which she sprays in Zantara’s direction!"

Garry: "Zantara moves for Veronica…Veronica hops off of the ring apron and hurries towards the dressing room area, and Zantara follows!"

Sandra: "This feud is just escalating, but it will all come to a head at our next Pay Per View!"

Garry: "We’ll be right back folks, so don’t change that dial!"

[Fade to a commercial for D-TV, as sponsored by Carmikel Enterprises.]

Winner: Zantara Underworld.

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