Beauties of Destruction

{ The camera opens up again after a commercial break, and pans over the crowd. The fans leap to their feet and cheer. }

{ The shot then goes down to the announcers table, where Garry and Sandra are seated. Garry takes a final sip of his beer, belches, then throws his empty cup into the crowd. Sandra looks at him with a look of disgust, then smiles at the camera. }

Sandra: Hi again everyone, welcome back.

Garry: (Looking around for the closest beer man) Yea hi again.

Sandra: Well next up we get to see the new tag team champions in action.....

Garry: We do? Sherry finally showed up?

Sandra: Ummm I'm not sure about that, but she is scheduled to be here, along with her partner, Shannon McCourt.

Garry: Maybe we'll get lucky, and she wont show up.

Sandra: I wouldn't count on it Garry.

Garry: Crap!

Sandra: Now this should prove to be an interesting match, as they face a newly formed team, consisting of Peggy Christian and Eden Starr. They are known as FaceOff.

Garry: That would be great for Peggy, she needs to have her face taken off, her old one is so old and wrinkled.


Garry: OUCH!

Sandra: You're such a jerk!

{ The Angeltron explodes to life, showing clips of Eden Starr against Missy McKinley, interspaced with clips of Peggy in some of her better moments. FaceOff then appears in giant letters, prompting cheering from the crowd. At the height of the cheering Peggy and Eden step out together holding hands and raise their free hands to the cheering crowd. Peggy is dressed in the red one piece swimsuit with the white Maple leaf on the front, sheer tights and white wrestling boots. Eden wears her a blue, red, and white one-piece. In the center of the chest is a

white star, while the red and white portions are strictly on the belly and

lower regions of the suit. They are divided down the middle and end at the hems on the sides as well as the hem between her legs The rest of the suit, including the back, is dark blue. The shoulder straps cross across Eden's shoulders in the back. Both women give each other a hug and go down opposite sides of the aisle, slapping hands as they go to the ring. }

Sandra: Hey, these two look great as a team. It's nice to see Peggy looking so happy.

Garry: Great as a team? Yea, I suppose they are walking in perfect harmony to the ring together....sheesh, what are you smoking?

Sandra: Shut up!

{ Peggy and Eden step into the ring, and wait for their opponents to come out. }

{ The arena darkens as orange, green and white flash pots light up the place. As the lights begin to go back on, over the PA “Break Stuff” by Limp Bizkit begins to play. “The Professor” Shanon McCourt makes her appearance, waving to her fans in the crowd and smiling. Carrying a small Celtic cross for luck, Shanon always hands it off to one of her fans as she makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands and greeting her fans. Upon entering the ring, Shanon looks towards the back. }

Garry: Keep lookin, she aint coming!

Sandra: How odd, you'd think they'd come out together.

Garry: Doesn't shock me at all.

{ The houselights flicker, then go out completely. "Standing On Top of the World" by Van Halen begins to play, and the crowd erupts with cheers as the rumble of a Harley is heard. A concussion grenade explodes, and fire fills the stage area. }

Sandra: See, you were wrong as always!

Garry: I still don't see her.

{ When it clears, Sherry Ann comes rolling onto the stage on her custom Dyna Wide Glide Harley. The fans continue to cheer as Sherry makes her way towards the ring on the Harley, and Callisto comes walking out slowly behind her, with a menacing look on her face. }

Sandra: Now ya do!

Garry: Uggg.....

{ Sherry just smiles and waves to the fans, and Callisto just snarls at the crowd, as she isn't used to them cheering for her at all. }

{ Parking the bike at ringside, Sherry dismounts the Harley, and gives Callisto a high 5 . She then grabs a mic, and climbs into the ring. }

Sherry: “I know you’ve all been anxiously awaiting the name of your tag team champions...we are Beauties Of Destruction! or BOD."

{ A bunch of Shannon’s students, who’s faces are painted in orange, white and green and who are all wearing Body Shop T-shirts, then stand and raise signs in the air that say “BOD” and “Beauties of Destruction”, the crowd begins chanting B-O-D, B-O-D. }

{ Sherry drops the mic, then gives Shannon a high-5. She then walks across the ring, and steps up to a nervous looking Peggy. Sherry extends her hand to Peggy, and Peggy smiles and accepts it with a firm shake. The smiling Sherry then does the same to Eden. }

Sherry: Good luck ladies.

{ Sherry returns to her corner, and Shannon steps out onto the ring apron, and lets Sherry start things off. Sherry yanks on the ropes a few times, stretching out, as she waits for Peggy and Eden to decide who is going to start things off. Callisto then offers some advise to Sherry and Shannon as they wait for FaceOff to get ready. }

Garry: I'm sure she is giving them some evil advise.

Sandra: You don't know that!

Garry: It's all the Shop does is cheat.

Sandra: No that is all you and a few nitwits depict them as doing. Sure Sherry and a couple of the others aren't perfect angels at times, but they only fight fire with fire. I think you'll see a match fought strictly by the rules here. You now Shannon wont cheat!

Garry: We'll see....

{ Peggy is the one chosen to start things off for her team, and she steps towards the center of the ring, as does Sherry, and they await the sound of the bell. }


Sandra: Here we go folks, the debut of two new teams, one of which is the tag team champions, Beauties of Destruction! The other is FaceOff!

Garry: YAWN!

Sandra: Tired?

Garry: I will be soon.

{ Peggy and Sherry tie up in the center of the ring, in a collar and elbow tie up. }

Garry: How sweet, they're dancing now.

Sandra: Shut up dork.

{ Peggy tries for a hiptoss, but Sherry sidesteps it, then reaches around Peggy's waist, and hoists her into the air, slamming her to the mat with a side suplex. Peggy lays on the mat holding her back in pain, and she just lays there. Sherry brushes her hair out of her face, and reaches down, grabbing Peggy's leg. She then rolls herself forward, giving Peggy a leg snap. }

Garry: Whoa, that'll stretch the old gals hams out, FAST!

Sandra: Ouch!

{ Sherry quickly gets up to her feet, and then delivers an elbow drop to Peggy's midsection. }

Peggy: OOFFF!

{ The air rushes out of Peggy's body, as Sherry again gets to her feet. She grabs Peggy's leg, and drags her to the corner, where Shannon is waiting to be tagged in. Sherry extends her hand, and makes the tag to Shannon, who climbs the ropes, and comes off quickly, with an elbow drop to Peggy's midsection. }

Shannon: Couldn't make it in the Shop, could you?!

{ Shannon brings Peggy to her feet, then Irish Whips her into the ropes. Peggy bounces off, and is met by a Spinning Back Heel Kick to the face. }

Garry: Whoa, that might of knocked her dentures out!

Sandra: She doesn't have dentures ya jerk!

{ Peggy just lays there, moaning in pain. Shannon stands over her, telling her to get up. }

{ Sherry stands outside the ropes, clapping her hands, getting the crowd to rally behind Shannon, and they do so, and begin their B-O-D chants.}


Garry: Shut up you stupid fools!

Sandra: You shut up, fool~!

{ Peggy begins trying to crawl over, to tag in Eden, and Shannon just lets her do so. }

Garry: She's letting her get away?

Sandra: Guess so.

{ Eden is tagged in, and cautiously steps through the ropes, then prepares to lock up with Shannon. Now Eden takes off running, and flies at Shannon with a Butt Bump to her stomach. }

Garry: What the hell kinda move was that????

Sandra: Umm a flying Keester Bump I suppose, not really sure though.

{ Shannon just looks at Sherry, with a confused look, and Sherry gives the same in return, and just holds out her hands, and says "Beats me!" }

Garry: They aren't sure about that move either it seems, and Sherry's an old hag, that's seen everything.

{ Peggy starts clapping her hands, and tries to get the crowd behind Eden, and she does get results, as the crowd starts to clap and stomp. }

{ Shannon grabs Eden, and whips her into the ropes. Eden rebounds off the ropes, and heads towards an awaiting Shannon, who lashes out with a kick to the midsection. Eden doubles over in pain, and Shannon grabs her head, and then lays her out, with a Spinning DDT. }

Sandra: WOW!

Garry: She's taking this youngster to school now!

{ Shannon bring Eden back to her feet, then scoops her up, and Bodyslams her to the mat. Shannon takes off running, she bounces off the ropes, then bounces off, and nails Eden with an Elbow drop to the neck. }

Garry: OUCH!

Sandra: No doubt! Shannon isn't holding back at all here, and she's really taking it to the rookie.

{ Shannon gets up, and runs over to Sherry, tagging her in. Shannon stays in the ring, and she and Sherry walk over, and bring Eden to her feet. They whip her into the ropes, and when she bounces off, they drop her with a double clothesline. }

Garry: That about took her head off!

Sandra: Sure had some impact to it, that's for sure!

{ Sherry brings Eden to her feet, as Shannon steps out of the ring. Hoisting Eden up in the air, Sherry then brings her down with an Atomic Drop. }

Garry: I don't quite think Eden was ready for this match.

Sandra: Well...Umm yea, I guess for once you're right.

Garry: I'm always right!

Sandra: Now that is a joke.

{ Sherry looks at the downed Eden, and then signals to the crowd. The crowd erupts with cheers, hoping to see the Sherry Crab. Sherry grabs Eden's legs, and then puts her in the Sherry Crab. Eden moans loudly, and Sherry looks over to her corner. She smiles at Shannon, then just releases the hold, and walks over and tags Shannon in. }

Garry: Huh? Why didn't she finish her off? She had her finished if she wanted!

Sandra: Sherry is a team player, and I think Shannon to get the victory here.

{ Shannon runs in, and brings Eden to her feet, then nails her with a Springboard DDT. }

Garry: Teachers Pet!!! She's done now!

Sandra: Yes I think she is.

{ Shannon covers Eden for the pin, and the ref hops down to the mat to make the count. }





Sandra: She did it!

Garry: Bout time! Hey what's this?

Sandra: It's Tiffany Epitaphine!

{ Tiffany steps into the ring. She walks over and congratulates Shannon and Sherry, who are holding their belts high in the air while "Standing On Top Of The World" plays. }

{ Tiffany then walks across the ring, mic in hand. She holds Peggy by her shoulders, and straightens her up. }

Tiffany: "You are great, don't fool around denying that.

{ Tiffany points to the crowd }

Tiffany: These people love you, and want to see you on and on. (Crowd pop) So I tell you what, skip your fooling around and hold your self-esteem up!

{ Tiffany then throws down the mic, and heads to the back again. }

Garry: She sure comes and goes quickly!

Sandra: Yes she does, but she makes her point, then goes about her business.

{ Sherry walks over during her celebrating, and shakes the hands of Peggy and Eden, then goes back to Shannon, and continues to celebrate. }

Sandra: Ok folks, we gotta go to a break now, but we shall return soon.

Garry: Yea, with a good match! A hardcore match! Nina vs Debbie, and it's gonna be brutal!

{ Fade to a commercial for the upcoming PPV in Panama City, Florida. }

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