Tina Dream
Veronica Millions

( The screen comes up from commercial as the camera pans around the screaming crowd. Hundreds of home made signs flap and wave, each hoping to get a moment on the big screen. “ My Core is Hard for Nina” , “Where is the Hellion?” , “ SHOP4LIFE “ and “Duh Duh Duh Dudley” are just a few of the hundreds. Another camera shot appears, it shows Garry and Sandra sitting at the announcers table. Garry is gulping down a fresh brewski as Sandra smiles for the camera.)

Sandra: “Welcome back folks! Next up is another match in our Featherweight Tournament. It’s Shopper vs. Shopper with….”

Garry: “Boring!”

Sandra: “What? How can you say that?!”

Garry: “Good girl Vs Good girl, Tina “Day” Dream vs. Veronica “wish she had” Millions”

Sandra: “Well, I know for a fact that both these ladies want a chance at that title. And let’s not forget that these two are tag partners, and know each other’s styles and moves inside and out.”

Garry: “Yeah, and let’s not forget that since they are tag partners, that they won’t try and hurt each other. Why don’t they just have a thumb war, it would be quicker.”

(The lights dim down as a deep male voice comes over the loudspeaker and says “VA-VA-Veronica” as the song shimmer by fuel starts over the loudspeaker. The first verse goes by and then Veronica Millions steps out from behind the curtain. .She stands there and looks at the crowd waving her arms trying to fire the crowd up. Many of the Shop faithful cheer, along with the usual number of catcalls and wolf whistles. Veronica smiles and starts making her way to the ring wearing her silver satin bikini and black low cut boots ,a gold body shop jacket and sunglasses. )

Sandra: “ Veronica has really come on lately, she has been gaining more fan support with each match and looks to be in great shape.”

Garry: “That’s because the Shop has a new trainer. Callisto doesn’t play around, and although she has signed on with Sherry, she is still one of the meanest, nastiest tough gals in Professional wrestling.”

Sandra: “Well, rumor has it that Tina Dream wants nothing to do with Callisto. Those two have a past history that doesn’t sit well with the Dream.”

(Veronica slides into the ring and asks for the microphone.)

Veronica: “ Ok, I know that this match is important to me and to my opponent and friend Tina Dream. We are both want to win and I know that she and I will still be friends after I pin her. Good luck Tina!”

Garry: “ ack ack help!”

Sandra: “ What? What’s wrong??”

Garry: “I’m going into sugar shock!”

( Sandra cuffs Garry upside the head as the lights dim down again, “Surfer Girl” by the Beach Boys starts to play as a series of red, white and blue fireworks explode off the entranceway. Tina dream appears riding atop her surfboard, which is carried by 4 lifeguards. As the procession makes its way down the aisle, Tina waves and blows kisses to the crowd as the poses and plays it up for the fans. She is in her Stars and Stripes bikini and is barefoot. As the board reaches the ring, Tina performs a handstand and vaults over the top rope and into the ring. She smiles at Veronica and waves to the cheering crowd.)

Sandra: “ Tina is always popular with the crowds”

Garry: “Look who’s coming!”

( All eye’s turn as Callisto, the Body Shop Enforcer and trainer makes her way down the ramp. She stops at the ring and takes up position in one of the corners.)

Sandra: “ Well, maybe the rumors were false? Callisto has come out to watch Tina’s and Veronica’s back.”

Garry: “Why? I mean who would want to attack either of them?”

Sandra: “ I can think of one person who has it out for Veronica.”

Garry: “Yeah, well, that “person” has a big match tonight and won’t waste her time getting involved in this match.”

( The ref calls both women to the middle and checks them both for weapons. Veronica and Tina extend hands to shake and the crowd cheers as both women show good sportsmanship.)

Garry: “ Boo!”


( Tina immediately moves towards Veronica with her arms extended. Veronica dances away, keeping her distance as both women circle each other. The slowly come together in a clinch, both straining and pushing against each other. Tina suddenly falls backwards, kicking her feet up into Veronica’s belly. The raven haired beauty gasps as she is lifted up and thrown over Tina’s body. Tina maintains her grip, flipping herself over and Millions slams back first into the canvas. Tina rolls over on top of her, pinning her shoulders to the mat.)

Sandra: ‘WOW! Monkey Flip into a quick pin!”

( The ref slaps his hand twice before Veronica powers out. Tina quickly wraps her arm around her partner’s head and puts on the squeeze as Veronica tries to get to her knees. Millions yelps as Tina puts on the pressure. Callisto just watches from the outside, scowling as Veronica yelps in pain. Millions slowly rises to her feet, while Tina maintains her headlock. Veronica pushes Tina into the corner and the ref calls for a break.)

Garry: “ Now! While she’s not expecting it! Low Blow!”

( Tina releases her hold and Veronica steps away, rubbing her ear. Tina smirks as Veronica casts a glance at Callisto, who seems unimpressed with her pupil’s actions. Tina quickly leaps out of the corner, trying for a dropkick. Veronica dodges aside as Tina falls to the mat. Millions quickly drops down, planting her knee into the back of Tina’s leg. The Dream howls as Veronica grinds her knee into Tina’s thigh. Millions shifts her body and grabs Tina’s right leg, pulling it up in a half Boston crab. Tina pounds the mat as Veronica pulls up and leans back, testing the flexibility of Tina.)

Sandra: “ Veronica is really pulling back on that leg, she’s got Tina arched over!”

Garry: “I’d arch over …SLAP!”

( Garry rubs his cheek as Sandra threatens to hit him again. Tina stretches her arms out for the ropes and manages to grab the bottom strand. The ref calls for a break and Veronica releases the hold. Millions quickly turns and grabs Tina by both legs as the Dream still clutches the ropes. Veronica steps back, pulling Tina off the mat, before dropping her to the canvas. Tina lands chest first onto the mat as Callisto cracks a smile. Veronica steps forward and pulls Tina up, she scoops the Dream into a cradle lift and then drops quickly to one knee.)

Sandra: “BackBreaker! Tina is nearly split in two!”

(Veronica quickly shoves Tina off her knee and drops across her for the pin. Tina kicks out at one. Veronica lifts Tina up off the mat and places her in a headlock. Millions backs up into a corner and waves her free arm in the air. She takes off running across the mat, dragging Tina along with her.)

Garry: “Bulldog come up!”

Sandra: “NO!!”

(As Veronica leaps forward, Tina pushes free of the headlock and shoves her opponent in the back. Veronica flies forward and lands hard on her butt. She yelps and rolls over to stand up , but is knocked flying backwards by the bare feet of Tina.)

Sandra: “ Drop Kick! Right to the kisser!”

( Tina backs off as Veronica slowly starts to rise again. Before Veronica can fully stand up, Tina nails her with another dropkick. Veronica is sent crashing into the turnbuckles, Tina lines her up and comes running across the ring. Dream jumps into a handspring before flipping over and ramming her elbow into Veronica’s chest as Millions starts to rise.)

Sandra: “ Tina using her gymnastic skills to her advantage here!”

Garry: “ Millions needs a break , or Tina is going to steam roll over her.”

(Tina smiles and waves to the crowd as Veronica slumps in the corner. Tina walks over and grabs her opponent by the arm. Tina goes to whip Veronica across the ring…)

Sandra: “Reversal!”

Garry: “Reversal!”

(Veronica reverses the hold, but Tina reverses the reverse, causing Veronica to be thrown into the opposite corner. She collides with the turnbuckles and comes stumbling out of the corner. Tina takes off running and rebounds off the ropes, she grabs Veronica as she passes her and leaps into the air)

Garry: “ NOW! That’s a bulldog!”

(Veronica’s head is driven into the mat as Tina lands on her butt. Dream quickly rolls her opponent over and hooks the leg. The ref slaps his hand down twice before Veronica kicks out. Tina growls at the ref, not pleased with the count. He holds up two fingers as she turns her attention back to her opponent. Tina lifts Veronica up by her arm and goes to scoop her up.)

Sandra: ‘ SMALL PACKAGE!!!”

(Veronica suddenly reaches up and kicks out Tina’s legs, rolling her over into a pin. The ref hits two as Tina powers out. Veronica quickly rises to her feet and lashes out a spin kick that catches a rising Tina in the back of the head. Veronica wastes no time and pulls Tina up, stuffing her head between her thighs. Millions quickly lifts Tina up and then slams her down in a powerbomb.)

Garry: “ One of those can ruin your whole day!”


( Veronica turns Tina onto her back and quickly straddles her , hooking Dream’s arms up over her thighs, locking her in a Camel Clutch.)

Garry: “ There, that will slow Tina down.”

Sandra: “ Veronica’s got that hold locked on tight!”

( The camera shows a tight close up of Tina’s face as she grimaces in pain. Veronica leans back, pulling Tina’s neck back. The ref asks if Tina wants to submit , but she shakes her head in defiance.)

Sandra: “ The Camel Clutch is a great hold. It allows you to rest while putting your opponent in a submission position.”

Garry:” Uh oh, looks whose coming.”

( There is a loud roar of boo’s and jeers as Zantara makes her way down the ramp. The Hades Ruler curses and swears at the fans with equal loathing. Callisto turns and watches as Zantara makes her way to the ring. Veronica sees her nemesis and screams at the ref to get rid of her.)

Sandra: “ Why is she always around when Veronica has a match. Talk about holding a grudge!”

Garry: “Zantara is just sick and tired of Veronica’s whining. Z destroyed her at the PPV and Veronica still yaps about the match.”

Sandra: “Well, Zantara has an important match tonight and should be focussed on that. Not Veronica!”

( There is a tense stand off as Zantara just stands at ringside, casting her glance at Veronica and Callisto. The ref moves to the edge of the ring and yells at Zantara to leave. She ignores him, and grabs a chair. She unfolds it and sits down. Callisto gives her a warning look, daring Zantara to try something.)

Garry: “Now , that’s a match I’d like to see. Callisto and Zantara, two of the toughest, baddest gals in the league.”

( The ref turns as Tina is starting to rock back and forth, trying to break the hold. A small group of men, in silver T-shirts are watching Zantara with interest. She pretends to ignore them, knowing full well that they are Veronica’s friends. Tina’s rocking breaks her arms free of the hold and she slumps to the mat. Veronica rises and walks over to the side of the ring. She yells at Zantara to leave, but the Fedora wearing warrior ignores her.)

Sandra: “Veronica better keep her focus, or else…Look out!”

( Tina pushes herself up and sees Veronica with her back turned. Tina runs forward and dropkicks Veronica out of the ring. Zantara smiles as Veronica is sent tumbling through the ropes and lands right in front of her. Callisto immediately starts walking over. Zantara simply sits in her chair, watching as Tina slides out of the ring. Dream lifts Veronica up by her hair and whips her into the guardrail. Zantara claps, yelling for Tina to throw her opponent harder. Veronica impacts into the steel fence and slumps to the floor. The ref begins to count them out as Tina bends down and picks Veronica up. Dream goes to whip her into the guardrail again, but Veronica reverses it, sending Dream into the fence. Zantara claps, yelling at Veronica to throw Tina harder into the fence. Veronica turns and walks up to Zantara. Z stands up as Millions comes face to face with her.)

Garry: “I don’t this that’s a good idea.”

Sandra: “ Veronica is standing up for herself. Zantara is nothing but a bully!”

Garry: “Yeah, but she’s also a Bully with a brutal hold!”

( The crowd boo’s as Zantara reaches out her hand and claws Veronica’s face. Callisto reacts immediately and runs over as Zantara goes to complete her Hades Hazard. Callisto slams into Zantara, forcing her to release Veronica. Z turns and around and glares with cold hatred at her old foe. Callisto smiles, itching for a fight. Zantara kicks her boot backwards, slamming it into Veronica’s belly, before walking back up the ramp. She is pelted with drink cups and boo’s, which she returns with curses and threats.)

Sandra: “ Thank god Callisto was there.”

Garry: “ Lucky for Veronica that the Shop Enforcer came to ringside.”

( Tina pushes herself up, and notices the ref is at 14. She quickly slides into the ring as Callisto is helping Veronica to her feet. Millions slides into the ring and Tina attacks quickly. Dream grabs Veronica by the arm and pulls her up. Tina hooks her arm around Veronica’s neck and grabs her bikini bottoms. With a grunt, Tina lifts Veronica up and over in a suplex. Veronica crashes to the mat, and rolls onto her side. Tina rises to her feet and grabs her opponent by the arm. Tina scoops Veronica up and places her across her shoulders. Tina walks to the middle of the ring and starts to spin around.)

Garry: “Tickets Please! Tickets! It’s time for a plane ride!”

( Tina rotates at a tremendous speed, spinning Veronica around and around, Dream suddenly stops and in a surprising display of strength, lifts Veronica up in a gorilla press, before slamming her down to the mat.)

Sandra: “ WOW!! Great power shown by Tina!”

Garry:” Now, looks who’s coming!”

( There is a cheer and a few claps as the Daisy, Mia Lexington walks down to ringside. She walk up and stands next to Callisto. The Shop Enforcer gives her a look and Mia takes a step away.)

( Dream points at a corner and rolls her hands in the air. The crowd cheers and rises to its feet as Tina goes to scales the turnbuckles. Veronica stirs on the mat a Tina rises to the top. Millions rises to her feet as Tina turns her back to the ring. Veronica reacts quickly as Tina leaps backwards, attempting a moonsault. She yelps she sees the canvas and not the body of her opponent. Tina slams into the mat, and rolls into a ball clutching her chest.)

Garry: “ Big Miscue by Tina! Veronica should try and put her away here!”

(As if responding, Veronica bends down and picks Tina up off the mat. Million’s wraps her arms around Tina’s waist, before pulling her up, rotating her body in the process.)

Sandra: “Tombstone coming up!”

(Veronica positions Tina’s head between her knees and prepares to drop her. Dream suddenly snaps her legs shut around Millions head and wraps her arms around her knees. Tina pulls with her arms and with her legs, causing Veronica to topple forwards, Tina uses the momentum to roll with the move, slamming Veronica into the mat and landing right on top of her.)

Garry: “ Hurricanranna!! Into a Pin!!!”

Sandra: “ 1….2….3..”

Garry: “NO NO!! Millions kicked out!!!”

( Veronica kicks out at the last second as the fans are on their feet. Tina can’t believe it and quickly jumps to her feet. She lifts Veronica up and whips her into the ropes. Veronica bounces across the ring and rebounds off the ropes as Tina comes running at her. Dream leaps up into the air, turning her body.)

Garry: “ Cross Body Block!”

Sandra: “ NO!! Veronica caught her!!”

( Millions remains standing as Tina slams into her. Veronica quickly grabs a hold of Tina and rotates her. Tina reacts a second too late as Veronica jumps up and lands on her knee’s, driving the top of Tina’s head into the mat!”

Sandra: “ OH my god!! Veronica reversed it into her Tombstone!!”

( Veronica lies across Tina’s body, pulling bot her legs up and pinning Tina’s shoulders with her knee’s.)

Garry: “ 1…..2…”

Sandra: “ 3… She got her!”


( The crowd cheers as Veronica rolls off Tina. The ref raises her hand as Mia Lexington slides into the ring. Mia bends down to check on Tina, who seems a bit dazed but ok. The Daisy smiles as she helps Tina to her feet. Veronica offers Tina her hand and Dream looks at her. Mia grabs Tina and Veronica’s arms and raises them both in the air as the announcer speaks.)

Announcer: ‘The Winner, at the 23 minute mark, Veronica Millions!”




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