Evonne Carmikel
Jennifer Christian

By: ToneDef


[We come back from commercials to survey the Battling Ring Angels arena. The sell out crowd is on their feet, hoping for a moment of glory infront of the roaming camera’s with their loud screams and their bright signs. A few of the more impressive signs say ‘BRING BACK THE HELLION OF REBELLION’, ‘WHERE IS MY GOTHIC PRINCESS?, and ‘LET’S HAVE OUR OWN MISS AMERICA PAGENT!’. The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]


Sandra: "Just in time for our next match, Ladies and Gents, and this one is going to be a doozy! It has been building in intensity all week, and now…"


Garry: "You bet your sweet ass it’s been building…Jennifer Christian was none too pleased about being set up with this match…a rookie against the proven capabilities of Evonne Carmikel, this is going to be a massacre!"


Sandra: "Jennifer showed a lot of heart in her match against Eden Starr…"


Garry: "Wow, another unproven rookie. Aren’t I just impressed?"


Sandra: "Well, Yvette was none too happy about this either, her and Evonne have shared words on a few occasions…I feel this is going to be a very interesting match…"


[All lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and awe music suddenly fill the arena. The blood red letters ‘THE DREAM’ come up on the jumbotron monitor as smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to NOOKIE, by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area to the cheers of the crowd. Wearing her typical black leather combination, she arrogantly makes her way to the announcers table.]


Garry: "Lisa! What a welcome surprise! Our Celestial Champion has decided to grace us with her perfect presence!"


Sandra: "What are you doing here?!? You are not scheduled…"


Lisa: "Little Darling, you are rather gifted at getting on my nerves. Now be a sweetheart, and go get us some coffees."


[Sandra looks about to say something, but the look in Lisa’s eyes is more than enough to convince her to skulk off towards the back. Lisa takes her seat, and puts on a headset.]


Garry: "Wow, the All American Sweetheart here….to what do I owe this honor? Are you going to grace us in this match?"


Lisa: "Why does everyone believe that my presence means intervention? No, I am merely interested in this match…Evonne being a former employer, and Jennifer being some young new talent of the Marquise…"


Garry: "Yeah, let us speak about what is going on between yourself and the Marquise…"


Lisa: "I would love to, Garry, but it looks as my former employer is on the way to the ring…"


[The lights in the arena dim to a low glow as the theme from Goldfinger begins to play. A loud chorus of boo’s and Jeer’s erupts from the crowd as a gold spotlight appears at the wrestler entranceway. Suddenly everything goes black and the music stops. " The World is Not Enough" by Garbage begins to play as glitter ball starts reflection gold spotlights all over the arena. From the ceiling, little shards of gold paper start to fall. Each inscribed with the words " Touched by Evonne " Then the boo’s become louder as the six foot frame of Evonne Carmikel appears from behind the curtain. Her long body is covered in a gold and black singlet. Her boots, Black Gucchi’s with Silver Dollar signs. She smiles, sun glasses hidding her piercing glare as she walks down the ramp. Behind her, Ivana Harlote, on her cellphone, makes last minute deals as her employer climbs into the ring]


Garry: "Wow, does Evonne ever look ready tonight! After 2 recent losses, I think she is going to lay the daddy smackdown on Jennifer Christian tonite! Wasn’t one of those losses to you, Lisa?"


Lisa: "Everyone pales next to *Perfection*, Garry. You should know that by now."


[The lights dim, red and white pyrotechnics suddenly explode, and the Angeltron explodes into life. The first few bars of the French national anthem are heard, a testament to the wrestler’s guiding spirit and mentor. It then cuts out and "Fits Ya Good" by Bryan Adams belts loud out around the arena. Images of La Petite Marquise applying the Croix de Guerre on both Peggy Christian at French Kiss and Eden Starr in her first match blaze across the Angeltron. The curtain parts and Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian sachet’s out dressed in the white S and M outfit modeled on the Marquise DeSades very own and a black Yvette Malreaux leather jacket. She looks every bit a sweet innocent little girl, despite carrying a pristine white riding crop with her. Laura Parker accompanies her as they both make their way to the ring. Jennifer hands the crop and jacket to Laura before entering the ring, while Laura suddenly slides under the ring.]


Garry: "What is Laura doing?"


Lisa: "Isn’t it obvious? She saw me down here, and, instead of facing my wrath, she is choosing to hide…she is not as dumb as she looks, it appears…"


Garry: "She’s emerging from under the ring…holding a baseball bat and a pepper spray! She is yelling at the referee!"


Lisa: "Did Evonne have that under the ring? How the mighty have fallen..as you may have noticed, *I* never have need of dirty tactics to succeed…"


Garry: "Well, it sounds as if Laura is trying to get Evonne DQ’d…it isn’t working, though, and Laura takes up a sulky position on the rings perimeter…protecting Jennifers back…"


Lisa: "As if Laura Parker is going to keep any of Evonne’s cronies from interfering…I tell you, that girl couldn’t intimidate a field mouse…"


Garry: (torn between 2 of his favorite wrestlers): "Er…um…well..Hey look! Jennifer is grabbing a microphone!"


Jennifer: "I just wish to thank Archangel for giving me this match, against such a gifted and talented wrestler as Evonne Carmikel, and I could only hope that…"


[Evonne suddenly grabs the microphone from Jennifer.]


Evonne: "Well, now Little Marquise, it is time for your lesson. I would have preferred to teach it to the Coward Yvette , but I suppose I will have to waste my time with you."


Ding Ding Ding


Garry: "And so the lesson begins! Evonne backs up into a corner, and liesurely lies against it, smirking over at Jennifer…"


Lisa: "Jennifer looks a little intimidated over this match…not at all an equal to *perfection*…."


Garry: "Well, not everyone can be like you, my little sugar dumpling! Jennifer looks at Laura, who nods, and Le Petite Marquise dashes at Evonne in the corner…"


Lisa: "Exactly what Evonne expected…"


[Evonne moves out of the way with ease, and Jennifers momentum slams her into the turnbuckle. Evonne then begins to stomp and punch away at Jennifer with reckless abandon, trapping her in the corner and assaulting her young body with about as much frenzy as she can muster. Jennifer is caught completely off guard, and cannot even defend herself as the force of the blows eventually drives her to the mat.]


Garry: "Not an attack I expected from Evonne…"


Lisa: "Why would not you have expected it from Evonne? She is a predictable woman…of course she was going to use her size to her advantage in this match….and now, taking away the speed by some stomps to the knee."


Garry: "Is this what you would have done in this case, Lisa?"


Lisa: "Of course…only better."


Evonne: "You’re pathetic, like the Marquise, like your mother…You’re nothing compared to me!"


[Evonne pulls Le Petite Marquise to her feet, and easily bodyslams the smaller combatant to the mat. Evonne then sneers over at Laura Parker, at ringside, and goes to pull Jennifer to her feet. Where Jennifer counters with a low blow, doubling over the worlds most dangerous woman.]


Garry: "Low blow from Jennifer….followed closely up by a headlock takedown to the mat! Some good technical knowledge from the rookie…."


Lisa: "A basic move from a basic woman, she is already beginning to bore me…she is like that pathetic peon that she is mimicking, all talk and no bluster…"


Garry: "Well, she is certainly showing a lot more than just talk at the moment! Evonne gets to her feet, but Jennifer catches her with an eye gouge…"


Lisa: "Of course, the referee sees it, and chastizes the girl for it, but Yvette’s protégé merely ignores her, whips Evonne into the ropes…dropkick to the mat. Does this girl know any, you know, interesting moves?"


Garry: "Hey, she is just starting in this business, I think that she is doing very well! She gets Evonne into a bodyscissors!"


Lisa: "Another simple move…Jennifer will NEVER be on par with the All American Sweetheart if she persists in such dull attempts…"


[Jennifer squeezes in the hold with all of her might, and Evonne does look to be in a bit of pain, but not too much…Jennifer, after all, is a small woman, and Evonne has faced much worse from much bigger. Using her arms, Evonne manages to pry open Le Petite Marquise legs, and gets to her feet. Jennifer is there quicker, however, and flying elbows Evonne to the mat.]


Garry: "Jennifer is doing very well against Evonne Carmikel, I never expected this!"


Lisa: "Who couldn’t beat Evonne? She’s big, she’s slow, she’s predictable. She only WISHES she was me!"


Garry: "Jennifer goes to stomp away on Evonne….the Carmikel CEO backpedals to the corner, avoiding the stomps, and then sits up, arms outstretched infront of her, warding off the blows!"


Evonne: "Jenn, can I call you that? You have really impressed me, I think that this whole thing has been a misunderstanding…Let us be friends!"


Lisa: "Isn’t that sweethearted of my former employer, wanting to be friends with this girl…and look at how Jennifer takes it! She dashes at Evonne, what a foul little girl!"


Garry: "I do believe that Evonne was, as the expression goes, full of it."


Lisa (rolling her eyes): "Sarcasm just rolls off of your back, doesn’t it?"


[Evonne, however, anticipated the attack, and, deeking out of the way, she pushes Jennifer at the ropes, where Ivana Harlot is standing. As soon as Jennifer hits the ropes, It looks as if Ivana sprays something into Le Petite Marquise eyes. The referee misses this action, and Jennifer, spinning around, walks into the center of the ring, clutching her eyes.]


Lisa: "Typical Carmikel tactics…always having to resort to underhanded tactics to gain the advantage…you must notice that *I* never have to do that."


Garry: "Evonne dashes at Jennifer….jumping bulldog takes the smaller woman to the mat! Some good speed from the larger woman, not used to seeing that from Evonne!"


Lisa: "Evonne again pulls Jennifer to her feet, gets her into a side headlock, grips her bottom and hauls her body up, into the air, in a vertical suplex. And Evonne holds her there for a few moments…"


Garry: "Wow, what power!"


Lisa: "Garry, Jennifer Christian is only a hundred and five pounds. I think that a child could have lifted her like that. Evonne finally drops to the mat…I think that Jennifer is about done for."


Garry: "Evonne smirks to the crowd, pulls Jennifer to her feet, whips her into the ropes…Spinebuster! Oh wow, and a pin attempt!"


[Evonne covers Jennifer…but, as soon as the 2 count is reached, Evonne grabs a handful of Jen’s hair and lifts, breaking the count. Whether Jen would have broken the pin herself is not known, but what is apparent is that Evonne wishes to further the beating. Lifting Jennifer to her feet, Evonne holds her over her head, inside of a Gorilla Press, then drops her onto an outstretched knee, a deadly stomach breaker that doubles Jennifer right over.]


Lisa: "Evonne in clear control here, as *I* knew she would be…wait, who is this coming down to the ring?"


Garry: "Sounds like the Babe Squad theme music…and it is! The crowd erupts as the two supermodels arrogantly make their way down to the ring!"


Lisa: "Such little girls…typical Sisterhood members, all bark and no bite. As if any of them have any hope against the Ultimate Image of Human Perfection…"


Garry: "Evonne merely watches from the center of the ring, standing over Jennifers fallen body, as Nina and Tiffany make it to the ring, and take up a stance on the outside of it, beside Laura Parker! That is 4 of the 7 members down here at the moment, all we now need is Yvette, Alexandra, and Kayla!"


Lisa: "All fools….they realize they have to do things en masse because they cannot succeed on their own…"


Garry: "And how many stables have YOU been in, Lisa?"


[Evonne ignores the Sisterhood members at ringside, and, grabbing Jennifer’s legs, pulls them back inside of a Boston Crab manuever. Jennifer cries out as Evonne puts on the pressure, but shakes her head when asked if she submits.]


Evonne: "Scream, little girl, Scream! Let everyone here the cries of the Sisterhood!"


Lisa: "I don’t think that Evonne is out here to win…I think she is out here to give this girl a lesson…"


Garry: "That may be hard to do with all of these Sisterhood members at ringside! Jennifer looks in pretty bad shape, she may be giving up soon!"


Lisa: "Evonne does have some talent…not much, but it does exist. She isn’t a BRA Icon, of course, but…"


Garry: "Evonne releases the hold, right when it looks like Jennifer is going to give up! I told you, she is just playing with Yvette’s protégé! Evonne pulls Jennifer to her feet, and whips herself at the ropes…"


Lisa: "What a foolish manuever! Laura Parker is standing right at those ropes…and she trips Evonne to the mat. Evonne may be a powerful CEO, but overly abundant in brains she is not…"


[Jennifer is ailing from her previous attacks, but she knows that she has to mount an offense now. Jumping onto the ropes, she performs a moonsault right down onto Evonne’s prone form. She pulls Evonne to her feet, goes to whip her into the ropes, but Evonne reverses. Jennifer bounces back, Evonne bends over for a backdrop…Jennifer catches her before that can occur, and hit her with a spinning neckbreaker.]


Garry: "Some solid moves from the youngster! Yvette is training her well!"


Lisa: "Yeah, if Yvette is training her to be like herself, Jennifer should be blubbering like an idiot and drooling on herself by now…"


Garry: "Jennifer to the top rope…where is she finding this energy, after that beating she just took?!?"


Lisa: "It is called a second wind, my dear commentator. If you ever wrestled, you would know that….Evonne stands, flying headscissors from the top rope catches her! That was a nice headscissors…"


Garry: "Did I just hear you correctly? You paid someone a compliment?!?"


Lisa: "I give credit where it is due…Jennifer with an attempted cover, Evonne with the kickout. Jennifer pulls Evonne to her feet, whips her into the ropes, and bends over, into the backdrop position…"


[Evonne sees the telegraphed move a mile away, and, stopping infront of her, shoves her head between her legs and hooks up her arms for her finishing manuever, the Goldnight, a pedigree. Laura Parker sees this, and gets onto the ring apron, to distract the referee. Evonne sees this, releases Jennifer, and, walking over to Laura, slaps her right across the face.]


Garry: "Uh oh….perhaps that was not a wise move from the Carmikel CEO! Laura is knocked off the apron, but then Nina and Tiffany are up there…and Evonne knocks them down too!"


Lisa: "Paper Dolls, Garry, didn’t I say the sisters were all paper dolls?"


Garry: "Well, Evonne has given Jennifer some time to rest…she walks back over to her crumpled form, goes to pull her to her feet….Jennifer rolls her up!"


Lisa: "Where did that come from?!?"


Garry: "1….2…..3!!!"


Ding Ding Ding


Lisa: "I…I do not believe it, Jennifer Christian has managed a victory over the worlds most dangerous woman!"


[Evonne does not look too impressed, and, getting to her feet, she looks as if she is about to attack Jennifer. But then, she is hit from behind by Laura Parker, driven to the mat. Nina and Tiffany enter the ring, and down the entrance ramp comes Alexandra Parker with Vanity carrying her large mirror. They all enter the ring and begin to stomp away on Evonne’s lone figure.]


Garry: "And all hell is breaking loose! It looks as if all of the Sisterhood are giving Evonne a beating she will not soon forget, for daring to oppose them! Hey, where is Yvette?!?"


Lisa: "Pffft…that cowardly little peon most likely saw me down here, and is shivering with fear in the back there…"


[Almost as if to punctuate this remark, The crowd behind the announcers table shifts, and Yvette Malreaux jumps out from the crowd, behind Lisa, with a chair. Before Lisa even knows what is going on, Yvette drives it into the back of Lisa’s head, knocking the petite goth from her position at the table.]


Garry: "Damn, I did NOT see that happening! It looks as if this is some payback for what Lisa did to Yvette earlier in the week….Lisa is caught completely off guard, Yvette tosses down the chair, and rams Lisa’s face down onto the ring apron! And the beating in the ring still continues! This is crazy! We need some order down here!"


[Yvette tosses Lisa into the ring, and the sisterhood divide their attention between both Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream.]


Jennifer: "Pick on a little girl, will you Evonne? Well, who got the last laugh now!!!"


Garry: "What more could possibly happen here…oh, wait! Look at this, someone is on the entrance rampway…it’s Bianca Dupree! What is she doing here?!? Rumour has it that her and the Marquise are getting close, but…"


[Bianca Dupree casually makes her way to the ring, and circles the perimeter of the squared circle as the beating in the center of the ring continues. Lisa Dream and Evonne Carmikel put up a valiant effort, but the sheer numbers eventually drive them to their knees, and then down to the mat. Evonne, however, did notice Bianca on the outside of the ring during the altercation. Just before the officials arrive, Alexandra Parker grabs her mirror, and smashes it over Evonne Carmikel’s head.]


Garry: "Oh wow, what a message this Sisterhood has just sent…both Evonne and our Celestial Champion down in the center of the ring…Who will EVER be able to stop them?!?"


[Bianca is the first to leave from ringside, and the Sisterhood follows, though they are far enough apart as to wonder whether Bianca is aligned with the Seductive Sisters. Left down in the middle of the ring are Evonne Carmikel and Lisa Dream.]


[Fade to a commercial for Nina’s knockout, a new shade of lipstick from Parker Productions.]


Winner: Jennifer Christian





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