logo Gwen Jeru vs. Jenny Anderson

(As explosions and fireworks go off throughout the arena the jumbotron comes to life showing shots of all the BRA wrestlers doing there thing in the ring.Shots of Sherry Ann and Shannon McCourt standing in the ring holding up there BRA tag team titles. Then it starts to run through all the BRA superstars showing pictures of them walking to the ring,and then the last picture is Lisa Dream holding the BRA cestital title high above her head as she does a little bump and grind.

As the camera fades to the arena and the lights go on and all the fans starts to sream and hold there signs in the air and series of fireworks start to go off throughout the arena and then the camera goes to Sandra and Garry as the fans continue to scream)

Sandra: Welcome fans to another BRA show coming live from the BRA arena my name is Sandra your host and the man next to me is your color commentator Garry.

Garry: Did you see Lisa Dreams shot right before we came on the air. WOW!

Sandra: Way to put in the input Garry.

Garry: Well it hard but I try my best.(Slap)

Sandra: You are making me start early tonight.

Garry: (Holding his face)Lets just get to the first match.

Sandra: Alright lets get to the first match. Up first we have a member of The Body Shop Jenny"The Cheerleader" Anderson taking on one of the many Europeon superstars in the BRA Gwen Jeru. Garry personally I think Gwen is going to have her hands full with the high flying cheerleader.

Garry: Get real, Jenny is a member of The Body Shop so she is a cheater not a high flyer. I just hope that Gwen has all of her protective gear on toinght.

(Suddenly the sound of "Secretaria' by Mocedades starts to play over the sound system and the latin beauty Gwen Jeru, in her crimson bra,long baggy white pants with a black sash in the backand red sandels. She is with her friend gloreu waving and blowing kisses to the crowd.As she gets close to the ringshe walks around to the ring commentators and gives Gray a kiss on the cheek and walks back to the ring. Then she flips over the top rope and into the ring.)

Sandra: That was a pretty good fan response for Gwen.

Garry: (Looking light headed)Huh!what did you say?

Sandra: Cool it!

(A loud whistle sounds throughout the arena,and then theOhio State fight song starts to puond from the sound system.The crowd erupts with cheers as Jenny steps out from behind the curtains and flash pots go off at the entrance ramp. Jenny waves to the crowd and she shows off he Body Shop 2000 jacket which is red matching her wrestling attire. Jenny starts running towards the ring and does several flips and cartwheels towards the ring.

Jenny gets to the ring and does a sommersault. She then moves around the ringside area and hands out some pom poms to the small girls in the crowd.Jenny spots a cute little blonde girl and she ties her hair up into a ponytails,just like hers. Jenny then moves into the ring and starts doing a dance routine, showing off how flexable she is.)

Sandra: You know Jenny's entrance gets better and better everytime I see it.

Garry: Did you see Gwen kiss me?

Sandra: Shut up!

( In the ring the referee is going over the rules with both girls and they stand in the center of the ring staring at each other. The referee finishes giving his instructions and sends both girls to there corners but Gwen reaches out and grabs Jenny's hand before she can walk away. )

Gwen: Blondie I have been waiting to long for this. Now you are mine.

(She then releases Jenny's hand and turns around and walks back to her corner leaving Jenny in the middle to show a slight smile.)

Ding, Ding, Ding...!!!

Sandra: Well there is the bell and look at Gwen take off.

(Gwen takes off charging across the ring with her head lowered trying to ram Jenny in the stomach, but Jenny leaps over the top of Gwen and rolls her over into a sunset flip.)

Sandra: What a move by Jenny, but Gwen kicks out at two.

Garry: Way to early for that.

(Jenny gets up to her feet and waits a split second for Gwen to get up. Jenny takes off running into the ropes and catches Gwen with a dropkick to the chest that knocks Gwen off her feet.)

Sandra: This could be a big problem for Gwen if she cannot slow Jenny down.

Garry: Jenny is just getting lucky. This match is far from over.

(With Gwen down on the mat holding her chest Jenny sees the chance to climb the top rope. She gets to the top and goes for a body splash from the top. Gwen rolls out of the way and Jenny crashes to the mat.)

Sandra: That had to hurt.

Garry: I told you that it was not over and now Jenny is going to get what she has coming.

(Jenny rolling on the mat with the wind knocked out of her. Gwen has caught her breath and goes over and grabs Jenny by the hair and holds her up in a sitting position and she drops down on the mat right behind her and wraps her legs around the cheerleaders waist.)

Garry: There, this is going to stop her from jumping around.

Sandra: Jenny is getting the air squeezed from her and by the look on her face she needs to get put of this hold quick.

(Jenny's face is turning red as it is getting hard to breath. The referee is checking to see if she wants to give and Jenny is telling him no.Gwen releases her grip and grabs Jenny by the hair and delivers a headbutt to the back of Jenny's head.)

Sandra: Did you see that? That headbutt has Jenny laying face first on the canvas holding the back of her head.

Garry: I bet that knocked some sense in her.

(Gwen raises to her feet and reaches down, then pulls Jenny up and wraps her arms around Jenny's waist and lifts her in the air and puts her in a rib crushing bearhug)

Gwen: Now you are feeling it aren't you blondie?(Gwen whispers to Jenny as she squeezes tighter and tighter)

Sandra: Well it looks like Gwen is just going to take the breath out of Jenny.

Garry: That is a good game plan. If the cheerleader can not breathe, then she will not have the strength to do all of her speed moves.

(Jenny with her face turning reder by the minute puts her hands on each side of Gwens head and delivers a headbutt to the bridge of Gwens nose. Gwen releases her grip on Jenny and staggers back and holds her nose as Jenny falls backwards and leans up against the ropes.)

Sandra: Well that is one way to get out of that hold.

Garry: She bit her nose.

Sandra: What match are you watching that was a headbutt.

Garry: Are you sure? Because it look like she bit her to me. You know she is Body Shop, the good girls that break the rules.

Sandra: Pay attention and do your job.

(Jenny still leaning against the ropes spots Gwen still holding her nose and takes running and delivers a flying knee lift to the front of her face that knocks Gwen on the ground.)

Sandra: Punishing knee lift by the cheerleader and it looks like she is getting her strength back.

Garry: Do not count Gwen out.

(Jenny picks Gwen up and throws her into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. As Jenny runs forward Gwen sees it coming and ducks and then catches the cheerleader under the chin with a spinning heel kick that knocks Jenny down on her back onto the mat.)

Sandra: Nice spinning heel kick by Gwen.The way it looks is that Gwen is just staying one step ahead of Jenny. Garry: Well what did you expect? Gwen has class, looks good, and Jenny is Body Shop. That should tell (Slap)

Sandra: I told you to shut up.

(Gwen reaches down and grabs Jenny by the hair and pulls her up to where she is standing in the middle of the ring.)

Sandra: Jenny looks like she is out of it.

(Gwen moves behind her and picks her up and puts her into a torture rack. As the referee moves in to see if Jenny wants to give. Gwen keeps the pressure on as Jenny waves her arms wildly and the pain is showing on her face.)

Garry: This is it ring the bell.

Sandra: No Jenny is not giving up. She is trying to fight her way through it.

Garry: She is done she just needs to say the words.

(The referee continues to ask Jenny if she wants to give and her answer remains the same. Gwen is getting frustrated and bends down and slams Jenny down to the mat and starts to kick Jenny in the stomach and Jenny tries to roll away)

Sandra: Jenny is going to have to do somthing to get Gwen off of her for a few minutes so she can get back in this match.

(Jenny rolls over and lays underneath the ropes as Gwen starts to play to the fans walking around the ring waving her arms in the air.)

Garry: Keep the pressure on her (Screaming as if he is trying to get Gwen to hear her.)

(Almost like Gwen heard what Garry said she goes over and grabs Jenny by her blond hair and pulls her off the mat.She throws Jenny across the ring into the ropes on the other side and goes for another spinning heel kick but is surprised as Jenny ducks and goes to the ropes on the other side rebounds and catches her with a leg lariet that knocks Gwen down to the ground and brings all the Body Shop faithful to thier feet.)

Sandra: That was the break Jenny needed. It really brought the crowd back into this match.

Garry: Yea,Yea,Yea.

(Jenny laying on the mat gets up and sees Gwen on the ground holding her throat notices that here is her chance and heads to ther top. Once on the top rope she waves her arms in the air trying to get the crowd to cheer louder and louder and waiting for Gwen to get to her feet. Once Gwen gets to her feet she does not know where Jenny is and starts to turn around the ring in circles. Then you See Gwen's eyes get real big as Jenny leaps from the turnbuckle and nails her with a dropkick from the top that puts Gwen back on the ground.)

Sandra: Big dropkick by the cheerleader and it looks like she is getting her strength back, and now we will see the highflyer start to take off.

Garry: If you say so.

Sandra: You are pushing your luck.

(Jenny takes a few seconds to continue to catch her breath and lether back heal. She sees Gwen laying on her stomach in the center of the ring and she takes off running and jumps in the air and delivers a leg drop across the back of Gwens neck that causes the lower half of Gwens body to bounce off of the mat and come crashing down.)

Garry: get up Gwen.

Sandra: You know that you are suppose to be down the middle in calling these matches.

Garry: I am, I like Gwen. I hate The Body Shop. Right down the middle.

(In the ring Jenny delivers a few stomps to Gwens back that continues to make Gwen scream out in pain. Jenny reaches down and grabs Gwen by the hair and pulls her to her feet. Jenny pushes Gwen over to the ropes and delivers a knee lift right in the pit of Gwen's stomach that causes Gwen to let out a loud yell and bend over holding her stomach.)

Sandra: Jenny is starting to take control but she is not preforming any of her high flying moves. She could be making a mistake trying to go toe to toe with Gwen.

(Jenny pulls Gwen up by the hair and whips her across the ring to the ropes on the other side. Gwen rebounds and ducks a clothesline by Jenny and heads to the ropes on the other side. Jenny runs to the ropes and rebounds and jumps in the air trying to catch Gwen with a cross body block, but Gwen catches her in mid air and turns her over leaps in the air and delivers a bone crushing powerslam that looks like it took the life from Jenny.)

Sandra: WOW!! did you see that? Jenny is in trouble now.

Garry: She is done finish her Gwen.

(With Jenny laying on the mat and Gwen on her knees holding Jenny by her hair. Gwen stands up and pulls Jenny up with her and throws her into the corner of the ring where Jenny's back hits the turnbuckle, and she slumps into the corner. Gwen slowly walks over to Jenny and pulls her to where she is standing straight up. Gwen leans over and whispers something in Jenny's ear.)

Gwen: I want to show you what a spanish slap feels like.

(Gwen then releases Jenny and starts to slap Jenny across the face with fronthand and backhand slaps right to the side of Jenny's face. After each slap Jenny's face turns from side to side and is starting to turn red from this beating she is recieving. Gwen than takes about two steps back and Jenny comes crashing down face first and she lays on the mat motionless.)

Sandra: Now this is uncalled for. Jenny is done pin her.

Garry: It looks like a Shop member is going down right off the bat.

(Gwen standing over Jenny reaches down and pulls her up to her feet and then picks Jenny up on her shoulder and places her on the top turnbuckle. Gwen than climbs to the top and holds her hands up in the air trying to get the crowds approval. She reaches down and pulls Jenny to her feet where she is standing on the top turnbuckle. Gwen places her arm across the back of Jenny's neck, and reaches down and grabs Jenny's outfit and delivers a superplex from the top rope. They both come crashing down as Gwen rolls over and comes up on her knees and Jenny hits the mat and leans up as if she wants to see what everyone is doing and then falls back down in the center of the ring.)

Sandra: What a move! Gwen really has impressed me tonight the way she has controled the pace of this match. Jenny has never been able to get on track.

Garry: Stick a fork in her she is done.

(Gwen stands up and holds her hands high in the air. Then she looks down and sees Jenny on her back just staring at the cieling. Gwen drops her body across Jenny and the referee jumps in to make the count.)




(Gwen hears the referee's hand hit the mat for a third time and jumps off Jenny and runs to the corner of the ring and jumps on the middle turnbuckle. As the referee helps Jenny sit up, and is checking on her condition.)

Sandra: Well Jenny showed some offense but Gwen was in control most of the way.

Garry: This is going to be a good night. First match is a loss for The Body Shop.

Sandra: Okay fans it is time to pay some bills so we will be back in a few minutes. The winner of this match is Gwen Jeru.

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