Heaven & Hell Match
Skye Soaring Hawk vs. Nina Larue
Debbie Loretto

( The image opens inside the United Center. The fans are on their feet, screaming and cheering the displays of skills and cruelty that have been shown to them. The camera catches a glimpse of a cage hanging above the ring. A ladder stands in the middle of the ring. Technicians are setting up tables as two new announcers take over the duties for the next match. The woman is in her mid 40’s. Her blonde hair hangs loosely around her shoulders. An obvious veteran of the ring wars, she looks up at the cage and shakes her head. The younger man walking beside her has a beer in one hand and a pretzel in the other. His is dressed in an obvious Armani knock-off and his hair has more grease than an Italian kitchen. The woman is dressed in a red and white gown. She is in good shape, her body showing only slight signs of aging. She places the headset on and waits for a cue from the Floor Director. The man gulps down his beer, and stuff the pretzel is his mouth, before sitting down and putting on the headset.)

Sandra: “Welcome one and all to the Battling Ring Angels portion of the Angels and Amazons Supercard! I’m Sandra Allistair, and sitting next to me is…..”

(The cheap suited man next to Sandra interrupts and leers into the microphone.)

Garry: “And I am your host, the Quintessential….”

Sandra: “That’s somebody else’s line you moron!”

Garry: “As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted Garry “Your Momma says I’m bad, but when I leave her bedroom she’s glad” Grimmoire.”

(Sandra rolls her eyes as Garry smirks into the camera. Another shot fills the screen, showing off the strange cage that has been placed above the ring. It’s a solid cage with 4 sides. Each has a 4x4 hole in it. Surrounding the ring are tables, stacked 3 layers high. And finally above the cage, hanging by an extended hook is the Fallen Angel Belt, the Hardcore Title.)

Sandra: “Yes, folks, this is another one for the record books. A Heaven and Hell match for the Hardcore title.”

Garry: “This is another crazy idea of the Archangel. She is out to get our champion Nina Larue. This match is insane!”

Sandra: “Well, at the end of this match, we can truly say that the Fallen Angel title holder is Hardcore. Folks, for those of you who don’t know what this match entails, let’s go over the rules.”

Garry: “ Rules? There are no rules? It’s a Hardcore match!!”

Sandra: “Fine, fine, let’s go over the procedure. The wrestlers start in the ring, they have to climb up into the cage, then, up the cage to the roof and grab the belt. Sounds simple? And it would be, if they weren’t trying to beat each other to the top.”

Garry: “Why are tables set up around the ring then?”

Sandra:: I’m glad you asked that. Since the cage is the same width as the ring, it would be a devastating fall if one of the wrestlers were to be pushed or fall out one of the sides of the cage. The tables are there to break their fall.”

Garry: “That’s sick! The Archangel is a demented freak! She can’t force people to compete in this type of match!”

Sandra: “Well, she can force the Champion, “The Goddess” Nina Larue. Also I know for a fact that Skye Soaring Hawk is really looking forward to this match.”

Garry: “That squaw is crazy, this match is perfect for her!”

Sandra: “ahem , Native American. Debbie Loretto seems to be the wildcard. The Body Shopper is not known for her Hardcore style. But she’s never backed down from a challenge. It should be interesting to see how this Three-Way-Match goes.”

Garry: “ And let’s not forget that our insane booker has also put out a fifty thousand dollar bounty to anyone that throws Nina Larue off the top of the cage!!”

Sandra: “Well, Nina thought she was bigger than the Federation, and now she is learning, nobody crosses the Archangel.”

( Sandra pauses for a moment, placing her hand over her headset.)

Sandra: “Folks, I’m getting a message from our director. Debbie Loretto is in the back with our reporter Jenna Jamestown!”

( The camera image changes to behind the wrestler entrance. Jenna is standing next to the curtain, as Debbie Loretto is heading towards the ring.)

Jenna: “ Debbie!! Debbie!! Any thoughts about the …ack!”

( The chiseled Loretto starts running as her music starts to play. Her eyes are focussed on the curtain and she seems to completely miss the fact she has just send Jenna flying to the concrete. The camera man is shoved aside as well, his camera falling to the ground is the last image seen before a wall of static fills the screen. The image quickly changes back to Garry and Sandra)

Garry: “That is no way to treat a member of the Press!!”


(The lights dim as the familiar, haunting strains of Elgar's Cello Concerto played by Jacqueline du Pre soar around the BRA arena. The fans stir as they realize that this is the entrance music for Debbie Loretto, the hot new member of the Body Shop. However...she doesn't appear to be making an entrance. A buzz of conversation can be heard around the arena as the music continues for a few moments with no activity around the entrance ramp. Suddenly, the beautiful cello music is violently yanked from the speakers and replaced by the resounding opening riff of Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name". The Angeltron springs to life, showing various scenes from Loretto's short but eventful career in the federation, slamming a chair against Medusa Rage's head, punching it out with Kelly Mase, and applying her patented finisher, "Seeing the light", to Mia Lexington. As a pyrotechnics display erupts around the entryway, Debbie Loretto finally makes her appearance...and she looks psyched up! Running down to the ring, she ignores the screams of the fans, shadowboxing in time with the violent music. Sliding under the ropes, she runs into the center of the ring and takes in the atmosphere as the song builds to it’s violent climax, she literally rips apart her black midriff top to reveal a black sports bra underneath. )

Sandra: “Well, as Jenna felt, Debbie is ready for this match up. She is out to prove she deserves this shot at the Fallen Angel Title.”

Garry: “You know, with the right makeup and better lighting. She could be very attractive.”

(Sandra cuff’s Garry upside the head.)

Sandra: “You Leech! Debbie is a very attractive woman. But looks have nothing to do with wrestling!”

Garry: “ Yeah, then why no one piece suits huh? Like those exposed midriff’s are functional?”

(The lights dim down again as "People of the Sun" by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers.)

Sandra: “Here comes the Hawk!”

(Green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Stepping out from the middle of the green inferno is Skye Soaring Hawk. Dressed in her denim vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots, partially obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat. Her hands, wrapped in tape. She strides down the aisle, a wide smile spreading across her face as she slaps hands with the cheering crowd. She slides under the bottom rope, tossing her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan, finally sinking into the corner to wait for the bell. )

Garry: “I bet Skye’s got metal underneath those taped fists!”

Sandra: “She probably does, but hey, it’s legal!”

Garry: “Well at least we now get to see the Goddess!”

Sandra: “Some goddess, she is the biggest cheat since the Honky Tonk man!”

Garry: “WHAT!!? You Heathen! The Goddess is the perfect example of grace and beauty in the ring. She brings an air of class to this insane match. Skye and Debbie are just mid-carders, The Goddess is the whole f*** …. Show!”

Sandra: “ Will you stop that! Do you want us to be sued?!”

(The Thong Song" by Sisqo blares over the speakers, as the lights dim once more. The Angeltron flashes to life with various images of "The Goddess" Nina Larue, including Nina in a bikini, modeling a sexy dress, and stripping in Paris. Just as suddenly, the images switch to scenes from Nina's matches: hitting Wendy Jones with a kendo stick, DDT’ing Sabrina Perezi, and choking out Medusa Rage. The fans are on their feet as the curtains part, revealing the beautiful "Goddess". Nina wears a black, satin and lace, thong bikini, showing off every curve of her sleek figure. The busty beauty finishes the risque look with black, vinyl, knee-length, platform boots and black, angel's wings, attached to the back of her bikini top, giving her the look of a true Fallen Angel. Nina's long, luxurious, raven locks fall to the small of her back, framing her gorgeous face. Her silky hair is decorated with tiny, black, butterfly, hair clips. She holds her arms above her body and proceeds to do a sexy shimmy, eliciting massive catcalls and whistles from the fans. With a smirk upon her lovely visage, she arrogantly sashays to ringside, careful not to let any of the fans touch her. As she enters the ring, Nina turns and seductively leans over the top rope, blowing the fans a kiss and giving them a glance at her ample cleavage. Needless to say, the young vixen causes quite a commotion, among the male fans, with her tantalizing display. She turns, her violet eyes focussing on her challengers with scorn. Nina then walks towards the ladder and picks it up, tossing it out of the ring. Skye and Debbie stare at her as Nina simply smiles)

( Garry sits smiling, a trickle of drool running down the side of his mouth.)

Sandra: “Well, Looks like Nina doesn’t want anyone to get at her belt. It’s time to see if Nina can keep her title and remain The Fallen Angel Champion! Garry, I think that… GARRY!! (*Slap*)

Garry: “ Ouch!! HEY! I was ..umm thinking.”

Sandra: “Folks, you’ll notice there is no referee in the ring. He will remain outside the ring, and will only call an end to the match when one of these three women grab the Belt, that hangs above the “Fall from Grace Cage.””

Garry: “There are also EMT’s standing by, just in case their services are needed.”

(Outside the ring, the referee points to each of the three wrestlers. They all nod, acknowledging their readiness.)


Sandra: “And away we go!”

(As the bell rings, Nina immediately starts to climb the turnbuckles. Both Skye and Debbie make a beeline for the Goddess. They reach her as she mounts the second turnbuckle. She yelps as both opponents grab her and fling her back into the ring. Nina bounces off the mat, only to be grabbed and whipped into the ropes. Debbie runs at her, and drops to the ground. The Goddess vaults over Debbie’s body and is leveled with a jumping clothesline from Skye.)

Garry: “ No Fair! No Fair! They’re double-teaming her!”

Sandra: “ Well, Nina’s associates always double team her opponents. I think a little turnabout is fair play.”

( Debbie pushes herself up as Skye lifts Nina to her feet. The goddess fires a punch into the Hawks tight midsection, causing her to grunt. Nina smirks and launches a kick forward. Skye catches it , a twisted smile coming across her face as Nina pleads to be let go. Skye whips Nina’s leg away, spinning her in a circle as Debbie comes running in.)

Garry: “ Oh no!! Spear!!!

( Debbie shoulder charges straight into Nina, driving her backwards into the mat. Nina is spread out on the mat as Debbie rises to her feet. Skye stands behind her, smiling. Debbie turns and her eye’s nearly bug out as Skye drives a knee into her midsection. The native warrior wraps her arm around Debbie’s bowed head and quickly falls backward, driving Debbie into the mat.)

Sandra: “DDT on Loretto. That teamwork didn’t last long.”

( Skye jumps to her feet and slides out of the ring as Nina pushes herself to her knee’s. Debbie rolls onto her back, rubbing her forehead as Skye looks underneath the ring.)

Sandra: “Skye’s looking for something.”

Garry: “Maybe she left her personality under there?”

Sandra: “It’s another ladder!!!”

( The crowd cheers as Skye pulls a metal stepladder from underneath the ring. Nina has rises to her feet and turns to see Debbie on her knees. The Goddess takes a step and fires off a roundhouse kick that catches the Body Shopper square in the face.)

Garry: “ Buzz Saw kick from the Goddess!!”

( The is a loud crack as Leather meets scalp. Debbie slumps back to the mat as Skye shoves the ladder into the ring. Nina smirks and runs towards the ladder. She slides to the mat, slamming her feet into the top of the ladder, sending it shooting out of the ring and straight into the surprised Hawk.)

Sandra: ‘WOW!! Baseball slide into the ladder and it goes straight into Skye!!

( Skye goes tumbling backwards, the ladder hangs partially out of the ring, as Nina bends down to grab it. She pulls the ladder into the ring and raises it up. She pulls it apart and sets it up in the middle of the ring, directly under the hole in the cage.)

Garry: “ Nina’s going to be first into the Cage! If she can get in there before the others, she’ll be sure to get the belt!”

Sandra: “I think Debbie has different ideas!”

( Nina starts to climb the ladder as Debbie rises to her feet. The tough Shopper scowls as Nina climbs the steps. Loretto smirks and charges the ladder, smashing her shoulder into it. Nina yelps and jumps up, her hands reaching for the cage. The ladder crashes to the mat as Nina holds on to cage, her body swinging back and forth. )

Garry: “ Climb Nina!”

( Nina kicks her legs, desperately trying to pull herself up. Debbie smiles as grabs a hold of the Goddess’s ankles. Nina screams , demanding to be let go as Debbie tries to pull her down. Outside the ring, Skye is wiping her lip. A small streak of crimson runs down her chin as she looks up into the ring. She curls her lip into a snarl before grabbing a metal chair. Nina’s grip is starting to go as Debbie pulls her off the cage. The Goddess falls to the mat as Debbie maintains her grip, forcing Nina to land face first into the mat. Debbie drops her legs and smiles. )


(Debbie crumbles to the mat as a metal chair slams onto her head. Skye smiles as Debbie’s head makes a dent in her chair. Nina is pushing herself to her knee’s as Skye holds the chair high once again, before smashing it down across the Goddess’s back.)

Sandra: “Skye is cleaning house! She’s put Debbie down, now the Goddess!”

( Nina yelps out in pain and rolls on the mat, clutching her back. Skye looks up at the cage, before dropping the chair and walking to the ladder. She lifts and sets up the metal frame before starting to climb up. The crowd cheers as she gets near the top. Debbie rises to her feet, she rubs her head for a moment, checking for blood, before running to the ladder. Debbie starts to climb up the other side and now two wrestlers are on the ladder. Skye looks down and raises her fist to smash into Debbie. Loretto climbs up slowly, watching as Skye waits for her. Both women start to throw shots at each other, trying to knock the other off. Nina is on her feet in the ring. She takes a moment, and decides to go for the corner.)

Sandra: “Debbie and Skye are trading shot! Trying to knock each other off the ladder.”

Garry: “And while they fight, Nina is climbing the turnbuckles!”

( The crowd cheers as Nina jumps up to the top turnbuckle and stands up, stretching her hands up to the cage. She grasps it, slowly pulling herself up the metal links. Debbie reaches her foot through the ladder and kicks Skye in the knee. The Native warrior howls as her legs bends backward for an instant. Debbie takes advantage and fires a brutal haymaker that catches Skye in the side of the head. For a moment, she loses her grip and Loretto takes advantage, and shoves Skye backwards,)

Sandra: “Oh no!”

Debbie: “ Insult the Shop! Pay the Price!”

(The crowd gasps as Skye flies off the ladder and crashes to the mat. The ladder bounces slightly on impact, but Debbie keeps her balance. Nina has crawled further up the cage and is pulling herself through the side opening as Debbie pulls herself into the cage. The big cage sways slightly as the two women rise to their feet. Debbie turns as Nina steps forward, launching a kick into her midsection. Debbie grunts as stumbles backwards as Nina continues her attack with a flurry of kicks and punches)

Garry: “Did I mention that Nina is also a 3rd Degree Black Belt, a master of Kung Fu and many other ancient and deadly martial arts?

Sandra: “Kung Fu? Her skills are more like Gap Fu and Armani Po.”

Garry: “Heathen!”

(Nina spins her leg around, catching Debbie with a perfect roundhouse. Loretto is slammed into the side of the cage, causing it to rattle and shift. In the ring, Skye is using the ropes to pull herself up. She glares up into the cage, before sliding out of the ring once again. Skye checks under the ring again and begins to pull out a long bamboo stick. The shaft is wrapped in a small strand of Barbed wire.)

Garry: “Hey! That’s Nina’s Kendo stick! You put that….”

(Skye whips her head around, glaring and holding the stick in her hand.)

Garry: “Nevermind…”

(The crowd cheers as Skye climbs back into the ring, heading for the ladder. Nina is now straddling Loretto, and bashing her head into the bottom of the cage. The Shopper is desperately trying to fend off the rampaging Goddess, and wraps her strong hands around Nina’s throat. Nina gasps and clasps her hands on Debbie’s trying to pull them apart. The tide turns as Debbie starts to sit up, pushing Nina off of her and in a feat of strength lifts the Goddess off the cage floor. Debbie takes a step forward and slams Nina back first into the cage, dangerously close to the side opening. Debbie smirks as Nina’s face is contorted in pain. Loretto starts to push Nina towards the opening and the Goddess wraps her hands around the metal bars, trying to hold her ground.)

Sandra: “Debbie’s going to throw Nina out of the cage!!”

Garry: “No! If she falls there, she’ll go straight through the tables!!”

( The crowd screams its joy and rage as part of Nina’s body is forced out the opening. The Goddess reacts by wrapping her legs around Debbie’s waist and squeezing with all her might. Debbie smiles, as Nina realizes her error. Loretto quickly turns to the side, whipping Nina’s grip off the cage. The Goddess now hangs only by her legs as Debbie forces the rest of her body out the opening. Nina screams for mercy as Debbie starts to pry her legs apart. Suddenly Loretto sees a flash of light as Skye slams the Kendo stick across the top of her head. Debbie slumps forwards, causing Nina to scream is panic. Debbie falls to her knee’s clutching her head, Nina’s legs still wrapped around her waist. The Goddess strains her pull her torso forward so she can grab a hold of the cage. But Skye steps forwards, smiling through blood soaked teeth. Nina and leans back down, reaching her body backward to grab the cage. Skye kicks Debbie to the floor and Nina’s legs fly free.)

Garry: “Oh my God!”

(Nina’s body flies free for a moment, just as her legs slip out of the cage. Nina reaches her hands up and holds on for dear life and swings precariously above the tables. Her hands wrapped around the bottom links in the cage. Skye frowns, not getting her wish to see Nina crash through the tables. Hawk turns and looks at Debbie who is again, pushing herself onto her knees.)

Sandra: “ Debbie’s cut bad!!”

(The camera shows a close up of Loretto as a trail of blood runs down her forehead. Skye shows no mercy and steps forward, trapping Debbie between her thighs. Sky drops the stick to the mat and hooks Loretto’s arms up in a reverse nelson before dropping to her knee’s)

Garry: “Pedigree! Pedigree into the cage floor!”

(A loud cry of shared sympathy comes from the crowd as Debbie’s face is mashing into the cage floor. Skye rises to her feet, a look of fulfillment on her face. She turns and looks down at the cage floor as Nina monkey bars her way to the opening. Skye charges across the cage, stomping her feet on the ground. The Goddess yelps and drops down to the mat.)

Sandra: “Bet that ruined her manicure.”

( The crowd laughs as Nina rubs and blows on her fingers, shaking away the pain. Skye smiles as waves down at the Goddess before heading to the cage wall and starting to climb up. Nina’s eye’s open wide with fear while Skye heads dangerously close to her belt. Nina grabs the ladder and starts to climb back into the cage. Skye gets about halfway up when pain strikes across her back.)

Sandra: “ Loretto is up!! And she’s got the stick!”

Garry: “It’s batting practice time!”

( Skye is hung up on the cage as Debbie slams the Kendo stick right into her back. The sharp points draw blood from the Hawks back and she falls off the cage wall and slams into the floor. Debbie’s face is a mess, but her scowl is clear as she slams the stick down across Skye’s back once again, causing the Hawk to yelp and bend in agony. Nina reaches the top of the ladder and pulls herself into the cage. Debbie slams the stick down once more before turning and staring at Nina. The Goddess takes a step back, holding her arms out, pleading with Debbie not to hit her. Loretto cracks a devilish grin and advances as Nina backs up into a corner.)

Garry: “ Don’t hit her with that! She’s a model!”

Sandra: “After tonight, Nina’s face won’t even make it on “Pug Weekly”

( Debbie moves in as Nina continues to plead her case. Debbie raises the stick high and swings it down)

Garry: “I can’t look!”

( Nina bolts out of the way as Debbie swings the stick. It smashes into the cage, causing a rattle. Nina takes off running for the other side of the cage as Debbie begins to chase her down.)

(With his hands over his eyes)

Garry: “What happened?”

Sandra: “Debbie missed!”

Garry: “Yeah! Oh oh ..Run Nina!”

( Nina is running around the cage as Debbie chases after her, swinging the Kendo stick menacingly. Nina vaults over Skye’s body and Debbie tries to do the same. At that moment, Skye rolls onto her back and kicks her feet straight up. The stick goes flying.)

Sandra: “ow’

Garry: “Ooooh, that’s gotta hurt!”

( The males in the crowd all moan in shared agony as every nerve in Debbie’s body screams in pain. She hangs there for a moment, suspended by Skye’s boots. Then she slowly falls to the side, as if in slow motion, Her mouth formed in a perfect “O”. Skye rolls to her knee’s and looks across the ring at Nina, who has stopped and turned to see what happened. Both their eyes meet and then move to the Kendo stick, lying on the cage floor.)

Garry: “Get it Nina!”

( Both women lunge for the shaft , their bodies crashing onto the cage floor.. Nina gets a grip of the handle while Skye holds onto the rod. Both women look at each other, along the length of the stick. Nina smiles and pulls back hard on the stick. Skye scowls in pain as the barbed wire cuts into her hand. But she maintains her grip, her hate filled eye’s burning a hole through the Goddess. Nina pulls back hard again, she sees the metal digging into Skye’s hand. But the Hawk just stares at her, showing no emotion or pain.)

Skye: “You don’t deserve this title, beauty queen.”

(Nina feels a lump in her throat and tries to flash a kind smile, which has worked for her a thousand times before. Skye shakes her head and pulls back hard on the stick, wrenching Nina’s hands forward. The Goddess maintains her grip, her arms now stretched forwards in front of her. Both women start pulling and pushing the stick between them. Skye times her next action with Nina’s pull and shoves the stick forward. The handle slams into Nina’s forehead, stunning her for a moment. Skye them slams the stick back and forth four more times into Nina’s head causing the Goddess grip to waiver. Skye pulls the stick free and rises to her knees. Blood flows down her hand as she stand up, holding the stick in one hand. Nina rolls back onto her knee’s holding her arms and hands out in front of her. Once again pleading for mercy. Skye raises the stick high and then screams.)

Garry: “ Low Blow by Loretto!”

Sandra: “The Shopper is pissed!”

( Skye yells out in pain as Debbie’s forearm shoot up between her legs and slams into their junction. The stick falls out of Skye’s grip and bounces on the cage floor. Nina immediately dives for it, but it slips barely out of her grasp and falls through the center opening. Debbie rises to her feet and spins Skye around. Loretto slams her knee up into the Hawk’s belly, doubling her over. The strong brunette shoves Skye’s head between her toned thighs and then reaches forward, wrapping her arms around Hawk’s waist. With a grunt Debbie pulls Sky up off the mat, upending her. Nina rises to her feet and walks over, Debbie scowls at her, but Nina smiles, and grabs the top of Skye’s upended boots. Loretto smirks and falls backwards as Nina shoves down with all her might. Skye’s head is driven into the metal cage floor with enough force that she pops up like a Pogo stick before flopping over onto her side..

Sandra: “Brutal Spike Piledriver!

Garry: “Skye’s going to be a few inches shorter by the end of this match.”

( Nina wastes no time and snaps off a Buzz Saw kick into Debbie as she rises. Loretto raises her arms up, expecting Nina to attack and grabs a hold of the Goddess’s leg. Nina yelps and hops on one foot as Debbie stands up. The Shopper smiles, knowing that she has Nina at her mercy. Nina quickly jumps up off her free leg and spins her body around, lashing out her foot.)

Garry: “Enzuguri!”

( Nina’s foot slams into the back of Debbie’s head, sending her down to the mat. Nina falls to the cage floor, to her horror she sees that her rotation has taken her over the opening in the center of the cage. The audience watches in horror as she falls through the gap, impaling herself over the metal stepladder.)

Sandra: “She’s broken in half!!”

Garry: “Medic!”

( Nina lies on top of the ladder, her torso hanging down one side, her legs down the other. Somehow the ladder takes the weight and remains standing. Skye is still lying face down on the cage floor as well as Debbie.)

Sandra: “This is just a bloody mess! It’s carnage in Chicago!”

Garry: “All three competitors are down! The first to rise will have a huge advantage!”

(Debbie slowly rolls onto her back; her face and hair still soaked in blood. Skye is slowly starting to move, twitching her legs and shaking her head. Nina is moving her arms, trying to push herself up off the ladder. Debbie is the first to rise, she pushes herself up to her knee’s and rubs the back of her head. Nina has managed to push her torso off the ladder and is standing on the other side, rubbing her wounded belly. Skye is also trying to push herself up, using the cage wall to assist her. Nina’s head is just at cage level and she turns to see Debbie’s boot slam into her face.)

Garry: “NO!!”

( The Shop faithful cheer as Nina falls backwards off the ladder and smashes into the canvas. The Goddess bounces up on impact and then slumps back to the mat, her arms and legs spread-eagled. Debbie looks down with a satisfied snarl. She turns as Skye rises to her feet. Both women stare at each other for a moment, then converge on each other.)

Sandra: “Looks like it’s down to Skye and Loretto.”

Garry: “Don’t count the Goddess out yet. Come on Nina!”

( Skye raises her fists up in the air, blood still soaking her white tape. Debbie brushes her red soaked from her face and brings her hands up. Both women start throwing punches and kicks, each blocking and parrying the blows. Skye steps forward, locking into a clinch with Debbie. The Hawk starts to drive her knee’s up into Debbie’s midsection, causing her to grunt in pain with each blow.)

Sandra: “At this range, Skye is very dangerous, her kick boxing and Muay Tai skills give her a big advantage.”

Garry: “ But strength counts for a lot too…LOOK!”

( Debbie waits until Sky lifts her knee to slam up again and then with a primal scream she lifts Skye up in the air and then falls backwards, continuing to lift Skye up and over.)

Sandra: “Belly to Belly Suplex!! What power from Loretto!”

Garry: “Skye wasn’t expecting that! She hit the cage hard.”

( Skye rattles into the cage. Her back matted with imprints of the steel bars.)

Sandra: “Wait a minute! What’s this!?”

( A busty blonde in a tight formfitting sweater jumps out from the crowd and slides into the ring. She holds a bottle of liquid in her hand and she pours it over Nina’s face. Security rush to grab her as she gently pats Nina on the cheek. Security guards slide into the ring and the woman quickly rises and runs to the opposite side. She ducks underneath the ropes, and jumps to the outside. She runs past the announcers table, and then jumps back into the crowd. Security hot on her feet.)

Sandra: “Hey! That was Tiffany Lane!”

Garry: “Tiffany who?”

Sandra: “You know dam well! Folks, that was Nina’s tag partner, Tiffany Lane. She’s not supposed to be here.”

Garry: “Are you sure that was Tiffany?”

( Sandra scowls at Garry who moves his chair a few inches away.)

Garry: “Ok, it could have been her, she did run by here awful fast.”

( Back in the cage, Debbie has picked Skye off the mat and whipped her into the cage wall. Hawk impacts into the steel and slumps to the floor. Nina meanwhile is slowly coming around , the splash of water on her face, waking her from her daze. She slowly pushes herself up, and feels a small container on her chest. She grabs the vial and smiles. The kind of smile the cat gets when the birdcage is left open. )

Sandra: “What’s that in Nina’s hands?”

Garry: “I don’t see anything?”

Sandra: “Sure….”

( Debbie moves and grabs a handful of Skye’s hair, she picks Hawk up and scoops her into a cradle carry. Debbie quickly drops to one knee, slamming Skye’s back across her outstretched thigh. Skye is nearly broken in half, her body bending over Debbie’s leg. )

Sandra: “Debbie seems keen on putting Skye out of this fight, she’s really taking it to her.”

Garry: “Well, Skye and Debbie have been bad mouthing each other for weeks now. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

( Nina tucks the small vial into bottoms and starts to climb up the ladder. Debbie shoves Skye off her leg and rises to her feet. She notices Nina climbing into the cage and quickly moves towards her. Nina sees the big brunette coming and grabs the vial. As Debbie moves in Nina holds the vial up, spraying it’s contents into Loretto’s face. The Shopper stops dead in her tracks, and starts screaming, her hands rush up to her face.)

Garry: “Ahh, the genius that is Larue.”

Sandra: “Nina sprayed something in Debbie’s face!”

Garry: “Chanel #5, I believe.”

Sandra: “Chanel? More like Au de Pepper!”

( Debbie stumbles away, clutching at her eyes. Nina pulls herself fully into the cage and smiles as Loretto blindly makes her way around the cage. Nina waits and then takes off running.)

Sandra: “ Oh no! Debbie can’t see where she is.”

(Nina jumps in the air, extending her legs and smashing the heels of her boots into Debbie’s chest. The brunette goes sailing backwards, unfortunately she is right next to one of the side openings and she goes tumbling out.)

(The entire arena is silent for a moment as Debbie falls from the cage, she impacts into the first table, breaking it in half. She falls through to the other, splintering it. She lands on the last table, her momentum slowed enough that she just impacts into it, tipping it over onto it’s side.)

Garry: “ She’s dead! She’s got to be!”

( The entire arena looks on in horror, even Nina looks down at the carnage she has caused. The medics rush to Debbie’s aid as Nina wipes her hands together, proud of her accomplishments. She turns and her eye’s nearly bulge out of their sockets. Skye’s fist plows into her stomach and doubles her over. Hawk quickly moves forward and wraps her arms around Nina’s firm waist. With a grunt Skye lifts her up and slams her back down on the cage.)

Sandra: “Power bomb!”

Garry: “Oooh, my poor Goddess!”

( Nina yelps as her back slams into the metal cage floor. Skye quickly bends down and grabs Nina by the legs, Skye twists the Goddess’s body over and squats down, bending Nina’s legs backwards.)

Sandra: “Boston Crab!”

( Nina screams out her surrender as Skye leans as far back as she can. Nina desperately taps her hand on the cage, but no ref comes to her aid.)

Garry: “Time out!”

Sandra: “There are no time outs in wrestling!” Skye wants to put Nina away so she can get the belt.”

( A stretcher is being brought down for Debbie as the medics check her over. A thumbs up sign from the ringside doctor illicit a cheer from the crowd and a sigh of relief.)

( Nina howls in pain and tries to twist free, but Hawk has her trapped. Skye stands up and then cruelly falls backwards, pulling Nina’s body into a twisted U shape. The Goddess piercing scream echo’s off the walls as her body is bent to the limit and beyond. Skye releases the hold and stands up. She stomps down on Nina’s back as the Goddess rolls around in pain. Skye starts landing kicks and stomps to Nina’s body, causing her to curl into a protective fetal position.)

Sandra: “ Ahh, the old Garvin Stomp! I have always loved that hold.”

Garry: “Garvin Stomp?”

Sandra: “Before your time.”

Garry: “Ahhh, your talking about the Golden Age again, aren’t you.”

( Sandra scowls as Garry moves once again.)

( Skye stops her assault and cracks a blood soaked grin before turning her attention skyward. She walks to one of the openings in the side of the cage and starts to crawl out. Nina slowly starts to push herself up and realizes she has to stop her opponent. Nina forces her body up and stumbles across the ring as Skye is almost out. Nina grabs a hold of her foot, desperately trying to prevent her from climbing to the roof of the cage. Skye tries to kick free, but can’t move her other foot, for fear of falling to the tables below. Nina pulls back on the foot, forcing Skye to climb back into the cage. Nina throws a twisting punch into Skye’s knee as she is pulled back into the cage. Skye grunts and hops on one leg as Nina holds her. The Hawk leaps in the air, twisting her foot around.)

Sandra: “Enzurguri!”

Garry: “No!! No!! Nina ducked it!”

( Skye’s foot sails over Nina’s head as the Goddess ducks the blow. Nina quickly drops to her knee’s bending Skye’s ankle in a savage twist. Nina crawls on top of Skye’s thigh and continues to pull on her ankle.)

Garry: “What was Skye thinking? The Enzuguri is one of Nina’s signature moves!”

( Nina shifts her position and straddles Skye’s back. The Goddess wraps her arms around Skye’s throat, choking her.”

Sandra: “Nina’s put on a Sleeper! She’s trying to knock Skye out of the match!”

( The crowd is on its feet once again as they anticipate a potential end to this match. Skye brings her hands up, trying to break the choke, but Nina hold on, denying Hawk her precious oxygen)

Garry: “What the hell!?”

Sandra: :”No way, she’s insane!”

( Another big cheer comes from the crowd as Debbie slowly rises to her feet. The EMT’s are demanding that she goes to the back, but she ignores them and slides into the ring. Debbie walks over to the ladder, her bruised back slowing her down. She takes her time, climbing up as Skye is almost out of it. Nina begins to laugh.”

Nina: “You filthy skank, you are nothing compared to BRA's one and only Angelic Beauty!"

( The crowd cheers and claps, Nina assumes it is for her and she starts to climb up the cage wall. Debbie has just pulled herself through the bottom hole and looks up to see Nina climbing the cage. She moves to stop her, but halts as Skye reaches her hand up and grasps her ankles.)

Sandra: “ I don’t think Skye knows whose ankle that is, she is just fighting on instinct.”

Garry: “ Climb Nina!”

( The Goddess scurries up the side of the cage and starts to monkey bar her way across to the opening. Her legs dangle down and Debbie tries to reach them, but Skye’s grip prevents her from jumping. Loretto stomps down on Skye’s head, smashing her into the cage and loosening her grip. Debbie breaks free and jumps up, but Nina pulls her legs up and starts to crawl through the hole in the roof.)

Garry: “It’s over! Nina is going to win.”

Sandra: “Looks that way…”

( Debbie quickly runs to the side of the cage and moves through the side opening. She begins to crawl up the side of the cage, using the gaps as a ladder. Skye pushes her bloodied face off the floor and looks up. She sees Nina on top and shakes her head. She pushes her aching body up and starts to climb up wall. Nina looks down as her opponents are desperately trying to reach her. With an arrogant look on her face she yells down to them.)

Nina: “Your too late, losers. Like you could beat the Goddess.”

( Nina turns and stands directly under the belt. With a confident smile she jumps up to grab it.)

Garry: “What the….”

Sandra: “Hell?”

( Everyone one in the arena is stunned, although none more than Nina. As she jumped to grab the belt, it was suddenly lifted into the air. Nina’s smug look turns to panic as her opponents are nearly on the roof. The belt returns to it’s 7 foot height and Nina jumps up to grab it again. Once more the belt is lifted out of her range.)

Garry: “What the Hell is going on here?! Whose playing with the controls?”

Sandra: “Look!!! Is that who I think it is?”

( A spotlight illuminates the rafters, where a figure in a white cloak pulls on the cord, keeping it out of Nina’s reach. )

Garry: “It’s the Archangel!! She’s trying to prevent Nina from winning!”

Sandra: “I don’t know if it’s her, but I bet it’s someone who works for her! Nina is enraged!”

( Nina screams curses and four letter words up at the cloaked figure. Debbie reaches the top and walks over to Nina as the Goddess has her attention skyward. Debbie taps Nina on the shoulder, causing her to turn around. Loretto wraps her hand around Nina’s throat and steps forward. The big brunette lifts Nina up into the air and slams her down onto the top of the cage. The whole metal frame shakes on impact, causing the audience to gasp and wonder if one of the wrestlers might fall through. Debbie looks up to see the belt, being lowered, it comes to within inches of her grasp and she reaches up to take it.)

Garry: “No fair! That person is lowering the freaking belt right to Debbie!”

( Debbie can read the Fallen Angel Inscription on the belt and her fingers barely touch it as Skye plows into her. Both women tumble to the metal roof and start hammering into each other. Skye manages to get on top and lands a perfect punch to Debbie’s nose. A sickening crunch is heard as blood spurts from her already bloodied face. Skye is relentless and continues to hammer away at Debbie. Nina slowly peels herself off the cage, her perfect back a series of welts and bruises. She staggers to her feet and looks down at her opponents. Nina goes to grab the belt, but again it is lifted out of reach.)

Sandra: “Looks like the Powers that be, do not want Nina to win this match.”

Garry “This is a travesty of justice and fair play.”

( Nina scowls, and leaps up, desperately trying to grasp her belt. Skye pulls herself off of Debbie and turns to see Nina leaping up in the air, Skye steps towards her as Nina turns, with a scowl on her lips. Nina fires off a roundhouse kick that forces Skye back. The Hawk stares at Nina as the belt hangs above her head. Skye moves in closer and Nina kicks out her foot once again, but this time Skye grabs it. Nina reacts quickly and flips backwards into a handspring, her free foot snaps up, smashing into Skye’s chin, knocking her back. Nina rotates over and lands on her feet as Skye stands dazed from the blow. Nina turns and runs towards her. Nina goes to cross body block Skye and slams into her. Much to Nina’s horror , Skye keeps her footing and then spins and power slams Nina into the cage roof. )

Sandra: “Oh my god! They’re going to break through the roof!”

( The metal frame gives slightly, causing everyone to hold his or her breath. Skye rises above Nina’s downed body and turns towards the belt, which again is lowering itself to within easy grasp. Skye is only a yard away from the title as Debbie nails her with a dropkick. Skye goes tumbling forward, her hand missing the belt by mere inches. Debbie bounces off one of the metal support beams and clutches her knee. Nina slowly pushes herself off the cage and glares at the belt. Debbie is lying right underneath it, looking up as the belt is lowered down to her.)

Garry: “This is ridiculous! The Archangel is just going to give it Debbie!”

Debbie’s pain racked eyes open wide as the belt comes within grasp. She reaches her hands forward to grab it. As she does, the frame of the Goddess flies over her, grabbing for the belt. Skye is rising to her feet as Nina grabs the belt off the little hook and rolls across the mat.)


Sandra: “Nutz!”

Garry: “She did it!! She fought through all that adversity and reclaimed her title! She truly is the Goddess!”

( Nina drops to her knee’s holding the belt high in the air. Debbie can’t believe how close she came to getting the title. Skye rises from the cage and glares as Nina holds the belt high in the air.)

Garry: “Well, I am glad that match is over, phew!”

Sandra: “Is it?”

(All eyes remain skyward as Nina slowly rises to her feet. Skye’s fists are clenched tight as Nina turns around with her title. Skye slams her fist square into Nina’s face, causing the Goddess to yelp and stagger backwards. Debbie is slowly rising and cracks a grin as Skye shoves Nina dangerously close to the edge. Nina drops to her knee’s pleading with Skye to stop. Debbie walks over and looks down at the pleading Goddess.)

Garry: “Lower the cage!! Lower the Cage!!!”

( As if on cue the cage begins to move down. Skye and Debbie glare at each other for a moment, then both smile. Nina screams as both their boots come up and slam into her chest, knocking her off the roof. The crowd screams as Nina falls, impacting into and through the three stacked tables. Luckily the cage had moved down a good 15 feet before she feel off, but still Nina lies mangled at the bottom of a splintered pile.)

Sandra: “Guess Skye and Debbie split the reward.”

Garry: “Oh my god! Those freaks almost killed her! Get some medical personal over here!!”

( The medic’s move to check on the champion as she slow moves her head back and forth. Skye and Debbie both climb down out of the cage as is sets on the ring.)

Sandra: “Well, I know the ArchAngel isn’t going to be happy about this.”

Garry: “She’s a nut, she set this up to make sure Nina didn’t keep the title. Now what will she do to the Goddess!?”

Sandra: “Time will tell, Time will tell. But that’s it for us at the United Center. On behalf of Battling Ring Angels, I would like to thank the organizers of the Angels and Amazons Event for inviting us here. Hope we entertained you.”

Garry: “Entertained? The Goddess is down and you call this entertainment?”

Sandra: “Good night folks, and may whatever god you believe in ,bless ya.”















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