Laura Parker
Lisa Dream
For the BRA Celestial Title

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The arena was filled to capacity. Being an outside venue, made it more daring for the fans. Of course, this was the Hollywood Bowl, in Hollywood, California. It was the premier location for wild and exciting events. A bright, late afternoon sun held court over the dominions of fans cheering below. Perhaps it is why Laura Parker insisted upon having it here. She was the Hollywood star. Or at least, that is what she told everyone. Regardless, that was the trade off. Laura picked the location of the match if Lisa Dream got to have her ghoulish assistant, Little Alexandra, take care of other matters in the match. As the screaming fans cheered, throwing themselves into drunken rages, waiting for the match to start, the zigzagging cameras focused on the table seating the announcers. On the left was the intensely vicious, opinionated, and self-centered columnist for ‘Inside BRA’ and notorious Evonne Carmikel stooge, Candi Kane. Candi was a small redhead, looking not much older than a teenager. Despite the fact that she was small and youthful, she was a nasty firecracker, capable of some of the more foul insults and barbs. Seated next to her was the more blonde, bubbly, congenial, Jenna Jamestown, BRA interviewer and general ‘sweetheart.’ She wore a red blazer with the BRA emblem, identical to the one Candi was wearing. Her lovely blonde hair was tied back with a red ribbon. As the camera moved in closer, Candi could be seen glaring at some fans while Jenna, more of the professional, organized her notes. Candi began to shout and rave, while Jenna shook her head.)

Candi: (growling out her words with ferocity) Shut the Hell up, you worm! I have seen dogs mating look more attractive than you!

Jenna: (turning sweetly to Candi) Oh, Candi, we’re on.

Candi: (shifting in her seat, bringing herself to look at the camera) Alright, Blondie, keep your ribbons together.

Jenna: (with sugary sweetness) Welcome, everyone. We are here, live, via satellite, albeit on a delay for censorship reasons, at the Hollywood Bowl for the joint BRA/Angels and Amazons extravaganza. I’m Jenna Jamestown and my friend here . . .

Candi: Friend?

Jenna: . . . is Candi Kane. (waxing philosophically) Is there anything better than two great, lovely ladies, putting it all on the line to reach the limits of their power and go for the top title, Candi?

Candi: (frustrated) ‘Great?’ ‘Lovely?’ You are a nitwit, Jenna. A nitwit. Lisa and Laura are two of the most notorious and loathsome rule-breakers that exist in pro-wrestling today. Both of them rely on outside help. Both of them cheat. Both of them are poor sports about loosing!

Jenna: And both of them hate your boss, Evonne Carmikel.

Candi: You’re walking a fine line, Jenna. A fine line. Changing the subject is the best thing for you, really. (suddenly remembering Jenna’s words) Hey, what’s this about a delay?

Jenna: Well, I said it was for censorship reasons, but as it turns out, it was an odd stipulation of the match, insisted upon by Laura.

Candi: What?! Of all the stipulations that nitwit could have insisted upon, she wanted a delay?! What an idiot!

Jenna: Maybe she wanted the daylight. Lisa seems to hate it.

Candi: Screw it! I don’t wanna know. So let’s go over some of the rules and regulations of the match.

Jenna: Sure. The BRA administration, under the direction of ArchAngel and the ArchAngel’s assistant, Gabrielle, has decided that this match will be the first ever, um, how did she put that? ‘Wheel of Misfortune’ Match.

(The camera pans over to the offside of the ring and shows the ‘wheel.’ It is a dominating monstrosity, looking not unlike the wheel from a rather popular, but unnamed game show. However, instead of bright colors and lovely arrows, the wheel is decrepit, thrown together, and made of uneven and warped wood. It only comes in two colors - orange and white. The slots naming the events alternate with orange background and white lettering and white lettering with orange background. Rusty nails stick out in various places, showing signs of a frustrated builder, not having the patience to continue with it. The arrow, upon close examination is a filed down bone of some animal, hopefully deceased. The entire structure looks as if it could fall apart any moment and looks highly dangerous to approach due to all the sharp, pointy edges.)

Candi: That thing is a monstrosity. Still, like most everything we do at BRA, one of our own athletes . . . put it together. I understand the ‘craftsman’ was Little Alexandra, Lisa Dream’s insane, lackey and underling.

Jenna: And she insisted that she be the one to spin it.

Candi: Sure, she is the only twit that knows how it works.

Jenna: (looking frightened) I’d be careful if I were you, Candi, she’ll be out here soon. Why don’t you explain to the viewers how the match works?

Candi: (only her voice is heard as the camera looks over the wheel, showing all the possible style of matches.) The person spinning the wheel - in this case our very own Little Alexandra - will simply throw her hand down, give the wheel a tug and away it goes, landing on the match specified. The girls have to do what the wheel says, following whatever rules of that style there are.

Jenna: What kind of intervals are there?

Candi: Hmmm. Good question. I’m sure the mental patient will inform us. Let’s look over the kinds of styles there are. Since I doubt your ability to even read, let me handle this.

(Every word scrawled on the sections is written in shaky and unstable handwriting, ghoulish in appearance.)

Candi: First, we have ‘Regular.’ Sounds simple enough. ‘Submission.’ Again, sounds easy. ‘Cage match.’ ‘Cage match?’ What the Hell? I don’t even see a cage anywhere! She’s dumber than you are, Jenna. ‘Hardcore.’ Well, that I understand, and it would not be Little Alexandra without her desire of a hardcore match. ‘Hot Poker Match?’ Is that lunatic going to bring burning firepokers? ‘Mud Wrestling?’ Oh, great! Do you see any mud? I don’t see any mud. Then we have ‘First to Bleed.’ Well, at least that one is possible and does not require the existence of any imaginary mud, pokers or cages. The next one appears to say, ‘No DQs.’ Hmm. I wonder what that nitwit has in mind that makes that different than a hardcore, really? ‘Over the Top.’ Now I am assuming that means that the first person to get tossed over the top of the ropes looses. Then again, with Little Alexandra in charge of things, it could mean damn near anything. Finally, we come to ‘Surprise.’ Well, at least that sounds interesting . . .

Jenna: And I understand that the higher-ups in administration want to see something titillating and tantalizing as the opening sequence. Therefore, it seems that they have thrown together an ‘Evening Gown Match.’

Candi: Man, I hate those. There is nothing more degrading and debasing than seeing something like that. Then again, considering who the participants are, I guess nobody is more deserving of such a fate.

Jenna: Isn’t that a little . . . well, you know . . . mean?

Candi: (growling and sneering) ‘Little?’ No! It’s a lot!

Jenna: Oh, look. I think something is about to happen.

(The makeshift Angeltron belts out Ludwig von Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ which lasts only mere moments. Then it is suddenly cut off by the Smashing Pumpkins’ ‘The End is the Beginning is the End.’ The Angeltron flashes the words ‘Little Alexandra’ and shows footage of some of her more hardcore and extreme matches. The curtains swing open, revealing the small frame of Little Alexandra, dressed in her traditional white shirt which reveals her tight abdomen, white pants, black combat boots, black bowler and white suspenders. She holds in her left hand her walking stick with the skull prominently displayed on the end. Behind her, two BRA officials wheel out a cart, covered by a white tarp. They follow the demented psychopath down the ramp as Little Alexandra waves and shouts to the screaming fans, booing her. As soon as she parks herself on the rickety wheel, the two attendants leave her with the covered cart. She sits and stares, unblinking, the true sign of madness.)

Candi: Well, it seems that the wheel-spinner is here. I heard she had plenty of time in that Dentonvale Clinic to make that thing. I wonder what it is like to have no concept of reality.

Jenna: Hmmm. I dunno. Maybe like watching the same movie over and over again?

Candi: Or like sitting next to an idiot, while you call a match?

(Little Alexandra snaps herself out her stupor long enough to give the giant wheel a few test spins. Despite the fact that it is dangerous to even approach, it seems to do the job properly.)

Candi: Unlike the owner of the wheel, the wheel, itself seems to be in working order.

Jenna: (frightened) Shhh! She might hear you!

(The lights dim and flash around the outside arena. Katrina and the Waves ‘Walking on Sunshine’ begins to play through the speakers. A spotlight picks up Laura Parker and the fans begin to go wild. Despite the fact that Laura is normally booed and jeered, the fans are exploding in praise and adoration. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandra Parker original gown. Her lovely and lustrous brown hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. Proudly walking beside the actress-turned-athlete is her agent Willie Wienersnitzel, wearing the most ludicrous and foolish attire seen on television since Ceasar Romero donned his Joker costume for the Adam West ‘Batman’ series. His cranberry, disco, leisure suit, seems to be a perfect match for the gold chains and poor toupee he wears. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect ‘beauty queen’ smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. Every fan assumes that she is waving at him or her and the eruption of elated joy and excitement is without equal. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone, walking around the inside posing and waving to the fans. She plays the role of the Beauty Queen to the utmost, with Willie beaming proudly. She stands with her back to him, seemingly waiting. He removes the tiara from her lovely mane of hair.)

Candi: Well, well, well. It looks like Laura ‘Pinhead’ Parker is dressed for the occasion.

Jenna: (watching with awe-struck fandom in her eyes) Yes. She looks stunning and wonderful. Than fans really love her.

Candi: (furious) Because she paid them off, you dolt!

Jenna: (embarrassed) Oh!

Candi: (throwing up her arms in frustration) At least we have one diva down and only one more yet to go.

(As if on cue to Candi’s comments, the sounds of twinkling stars and ‘awe’ music fill the stadium as thick white smoke begins to billow out from the entrance ramp. The blood red letters ‘THE DREAM’ spin and solidify on the large Angeltron monitor located above the exit area. Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of ‘NOOKIE’, by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream walks out, amidst the smoke. She arrogantly stands on the entrance ramp, surveying the crowd located in the Hollywood Bowl, a scowl gracing her flawless features. The sun is high in the sky, and, as a result, Lisa has her head covered with a black, wide brimmed hat, and a pair of thick sunglasses. As well, Lisa is wearing her typical black leather halter-top and black leather pants combination, and she walks down to the ring like a supermodel on an entrance ramp. She sweeps into the ring with an arrogant smirk, and struts around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of the fans, despite their reaction of boos and hisses. Lisa then takes a microphone from her leering lackey, Little Alexandra, enters the ring and when the crowd finally quiets down, she raises it to her lips.)

Lisa Dream: That’s right, all you lucky little ticket-holders, those outrageous prices you paid for those slips of paper you hold in your grubby little fingers have all been justified! Feast your eyes and fantasize, for your All-American Sweetheart has decided to grace you all with her ever so *perfect* presence! I know that all of you came here tonight just for a glimpse of the Battling Ring Angels icon, all of you prayed to whatever gods you worship that I just may come down here and show all of you why I am the ultimate form of human Perfection! You have all been forced to sit there and watch all these pitiful little insignificance try to fight in that ring, forced to sit through their mediocre performances while counting down the seconds until my appearance! Well, you no longer have to wait! And this is going out to all my loyal little DREAM-o-phobics…al of you out there who wish you were at cunning as the Dream, as Talented as the Dream, as Gorgeous as the Dream!

Now, I promise to give this match my all, and give all of you a good show…but I do not know how long I can drag this match on for, considering how pitiful my opponent here is! Laura Parker….

(The crowd suddenly erupts into cheers at the mention of the gorgeous model, and Lisa eyes open wide in surprise at their enthusiasm. The incredibility quickly shifts to a scowl, and she impatiently waits until the crowd has slightly quieted down.)

Lisa: Laura Parker, you ridiculous little peon, you really think that you have a chance against me? We have met before, on numerous occasions, and each time I showed you exactly how much you pale next to the DREAM! In fact, I remember you walking around purporting yourself as being the true form of Perfection…well, we all remember who it was that dissuaded you of that ridiculous notion, you imperfect impostor. In fact, I’m surprised that you are still showing your face after beaten like that!

Well, darling, nobody ever accused you of being the sharpest woman out there…so it looks as if I am going to have to take the opportunity to, yet again, show you why I am all these fans greatest DREAM, and your greatest Nightmare! You can stack the odds as much in your favor as you want to, Parker…you can make me come out here inside of the sun, and compete under its disgusting light, and it won’t make any difference! I will still toss you from one corner of that ring to the next like the rag doll that you are!

(The crowd boos quite audibly at this conceited statement…Lisa once again scowls at them, more than a little perturbed at who their favorite in this match-up was. It could even be said that she was noticeably angry at their lack of respect for the ultimate image of human Perfection. She scowled for a moment, then continued, right overtop of their fevered screams.)

Lisa: Be quiet, you freaks….do you not realize that it is Perfection that addresses you?!?

(They jeer and boo Lisa even louder, but she continues without a pause.)

Lisa: Oh yes, I am well aware of the fact that the beginning of this bout is an evening gown match….well, little darlings, this is my evening attire! You will never get your All-American Sweetheart into a dress…and besides, I know that all of you close your eyes and fantasize about your greatest DREAM in leather! And I could never disappoint any of you, my loyal DREAM-o-phobics, so, peons, you had best live with what I am wearing here! Parker…you had best close your eyes…and fantasize…because that is the only way you are ever going to top…Perfection!

(She then tosses down the microphone, and takes up a reclining position on top of a turnbuckle, arrogantly awaiting the beginning of the match. Off to the side, Candi Kane and Jenna Jamestown both are caught staring, mouths agape after the incident, staring in disbelief.)

Candi: I - Don’t - Believe - It!

Jenna: . . .

Candi: That is worse than any FIVE divas I have ever seen! She prattles on like that all the time. (yelling in a most unladylike way) Fix the record, sweetie!

Jenna: Well, the fans seem to like it.

Candi: (listening to the boos) Well, not these fans. The official for the evening is Max Mueller. Haven’t you two been kinda dating?

Jenna: (dreamy-eyed) Yeah . . .

(The official for the match, Max, enters the ring and begins explaining the rules. The young and rather cute official smiles and slowly explains the rules and both women barely listen to him. However, the devilish flash of cleverness in Laura’s eyes begin to take shape. She suddenly approaches him and begins listening very carefully to what he has to say, looking deep into his gullible eyes and nodding as he speaks.)

Laura: (giggling stupidly) Could you explain that to me AGAIN. Your voice is so sexy.

(Lisa becomes incensed at Laura’s obvious ploy and begins waving for her assistant, Little Alexandra. Lisa squints as the bright sunlight shines in her eyes and she seems to hiss in anger. The British delinquent comes over and the two begin to speak. Laura sees this and it is her turn to become enraged. She latches her arms around the official’s arms and coos something in his ear. He reacts with a crimson blush.)

Jenna: Hey, what is Parker doing?!

Candi: (laughing like a hyena) It looks like Max is gonna trade up!

Jenna: (pouting) What a brat that Laura Parker is!

Candi: Live an learn, sweetie!

Jenna: Yeah, well, when was the last date YOU had?!

Candi: Grrr. Just call the matches. (short pause between the two) The Dream has lost to Laura Parker TWICE before . . .

(Suddenly, while Lisa’s back is to Laura, conspiring with Little Alexandra, the official calls for the bell and as soon as it sounds, Lisa gets a smash to the back, from the conniving Laura Parker. As Lisa crumples to the mat, Laura proudly smiles to her fans who scream in delight. She looks down to see Little Alexandra. The psychotic blonde looks up and glares. Laura, obviously intimidated by the sight, yells at her.)


Laura: Go on! Get back to your wheel, you freak!

(Surprisingly Little Alexandra does just that. She whispers something inaudible and returns to her beloved wheel that she made with her own hands. Back in the ring the combat continues. The light shines down on the ring.)

Jenna: Remember, folks, as I understand it, the object of this series in the match is to . . . um . . . well, strip the other woman down, as it is an evening gown match.

Candi: Pfft. ‘As you understand it?’ As you understand it, the Keebler Elves really make those cookies! But for once you ARE right!

(Laura, in her white evening gown, tosses Lisa to the center of the ring, the gothic and dark beauty landing most unceremoniously. The impact causes her to scream in pain and the fans to yell with pleasure. Laura curtsies before making her way to the downed Lisa Dream. She grabs her by the hair, lifting her up, and slams a underhanded punch into her midsection, causing Lisa, again, to howl. Laura immediately goes for the leather straps of Lisa’s halter top, trying to tug away and remove it. However, leather is a tough material and shows no signs of giving in. Amid the confusion of Laura’s failed and struggled attempt, Lisa quickly reacts. She slams her knee into Laura’s stomach, causing the brunette to double over in pain. Lisa grabs hold of the dress and lifts Laura up for a suplex. However, the first tug is not enough.)

Jenna: Lisa should not be doing those moves. She does not have the muscle for a power attack.

Candi: Yeah, well, or Parker should loose a few pounds.

Jenna: (pouting) Well she seems good enough for Max.

Candi: She just got flattened from Lisa’s second try at the suplex.

(Following Laura’s introduction to the mat in a most unkind way, Lisa drops herself on Laura’s stomach, causing the brunette to groan in agony. Lisa begins to launch into an attack on the gown, trying to find the best way of removing it. She, like Laura before her is confused and spends too much time tugging at the material. Lisa is struck and angered by a ray of sunshine that glares right into her eyes. Laura gets out of her dazed state and slaps Lisa on the side of her head, causing the gothic beauty to roll off. The crowd is worked into a frenzy of cheering and screaming, most of them for Laura. The two ladies go back and forth, screaming and fussing at one another, rolling around, trying to get the gowns off, much to the perverse pleasure of the crowd.)

Candi: (turning around) Freaks! Perverts! Every last one of you!

(Candi gets pelted from behind with a large container of popcorn. As she whines screams and threatens the fan, Laura and Lisa go at it, like some adolescent fantasy. However, the figure of Little Alexandra can be seen, observing. Then she yawns finding no interest in this kind of match, turning around and spinning the wheel. The crowd boos over the turn of events. She watches as the wheel spins its most unstable way, slowly turning, the bone spinner, snapping past every choice. The Angeltron is focused so that all the fans may see. Slowly it goes lands on ‘First to Bleed’ and Little Alexandra becomes elated. Her face turns sour when the spinner goes past, landing on am option close by, ‘No DQs.’)

Jenna: I think Little Alexandra’s wheel is biased to nasty matches.

Candi: And I think the federation is biased to hiring blonde morons for a commentary job.

(The official points out the change of the style to the two women, getting between them. Lisa and Laura look up at the screen and immediately head for higher ground, assuming that the other had some dirty trick in mind. Upon realizing that both of them employed . . . strategic retreat . . . tactics, they alter their plans. Lisa looks around for some kind of advantage, while Laura escapes the ring and yells for Willie to unzip the back of her gown. As it falls the crowd cheers for their favorite beauty. She now wears a white bikini top with matching white shorts. The white of her costume shows off her perfectly tanned body. She completes the ensemble with white knee high wrestling boots and white knee and elbow pads. There are silver threads in each so that they reflect the lights from the sun.)

Jenna: Listen to those wolf whistles!

Candi: Yeah, she pays extra for those . . .

(With the DQ portion of the match underway, Little Alexandra, Lisa’s erstwhile assistant, throws Lisa something. Not precisely certain if it is within the bounds of rules of the match, Lisa assumes that Little Alexandra, as the wheel-mistress, will explain a violation of the rules. Laura leaps into the ring and drives towards Lisa. Lisa swings the item in her hand - some kind of small metal bar - directly at Laura’s head. Sheerly by happenstance, Lisa misses Laura, her target. Laura strikes the ropes and turns her head back, now noticing the weapon. She screams in terror and her eyes widen. Lisa growls with anger at her whiffed miss.)

Lisa: (furious) Stand still you Perfection-wanna be!

Laura: Wanna be? I’m a ‘wanna be’ nothing! I’m an ‘Am,’ you wasted weirdo! In fact -

(Laura is cut short with another swing from Lisa. The bar again misses, coming down hard on the turnbuckle with a metal clang. Lisa’s arm reverberates in pain and the look of shock comes over her as if she is struck by a tidal wave. Laura smirks and swings her fist. Missing, she trips forward, falling into Lisa who begins screaming about not wanting to be touched. Her yammering is cut short as they both go falling to the mat. The impromptu splash from Laura onto Lisa, causes the gothic beauty to be crushed and the metal bar flies from her hand. Angered, Lisa scrambles to free herself, squealing and screaming the entire time. Laura rises up, in order to mount an offense but Lisa, in her anger, slams a closed fist into the brunette’s head. Laura stumbles back, the crowd booing Lisa. As Lisa gets to her feet and launches a kick into the brunette’s side, she unleashes with a fury of angered remarks.)

Lisa: You challenge Perfection? (kick) You dare step in the ring with me? (kick) Are you insane? (kick)

Laura: (desperate to cover her quickly bruising areas) Shut up, you weirdo! You’re a freak with poor hygiene and a nasty skin condition - ack!

(Lisa was tired of hearing Laura and launched a foot into her head. She then spins around, scanning for the metal bar. She sees it but is briefly stunned as the light comes to her face. As she launches forward, Laura escapes from her dazed state and thrusts out a desperate arm, catching Lisa’s leg, dropping her face-first to the mat. Despite the fact that her best friend has just been knocked to the mat, Little Alexandra nods with approval of the nasty tactics. She claps with glee and rolls with laughter.)

Jenna: Its turning out to be a wild ride!

Candi: (unable to find the proper insult to hurl at her co-worker, Candi merely fumes)

(From behind, Laura pounces on Lisa. Before Lisa can turn around, the brunette actress offers a stomp to Lisa’s lower back. Lisa screams wildly, both in pain and in anger. Laura works herself into a flurry of cruel laughter as she stomps, away, looking like a ruthless creature. Suddenly, Willie, her agent, waves to her and draws a finger across his throat, shaking his head, reminding her that her wonderful, ‘good-girl’ image can be ruined with her attitude. She slowly calms herself and smiles to the crowd. She looks back down to Lisa, who has taken her shot at offering a rounded kick to the side of Laura’s head, putting the brunette into a world of shock and displeasure. She stumbles backwards, her hands waving. Laura hits the turnbuckle and slides down, seated in the corner. Her eyes focus on Little Alexandra who shoots out a tongue, mocking Laura.)

Laura: Stop it! Just you looking at me makes me feel uglier!

(Laura turns to see where Lisa has gone and is thrust into a world of pain as Lisa has appeared next to her and grasping the ropes, stomps away at Laura who is screaming wildly. Lisa cackles with each stomp. She then seizes one of Laura’s waving hands and pulls her to her feet, whipping her into the far corner. Laura’s back impacts with a strong crack and she winces in pain. As she eyes open, Lisa has body slammed herself into Laura and jumps back with a bounce. As Laura tries to shake off the attack, Lisa jumps on the second rope, straddling the actress. A punch from Lisa to Laura’s face causes the crowd to boo. Again a punch. And again. And again. And again! Laura is wobbly and moves slowly and sluggishly. This allows Lisa the opportunity to blow a kiss to the audience and backhand Laura across the cheek with the hand she blew the kiss with. To her dismay and fury, the crowd boos.)

Lisa: What?! You trolls! I am your champion! I am Perfection! I am the best BRA has to offer!

(Laura falls to the mat and Lisa covers, getting a two count, early on in the match. Lisa jumps to her feet and slams Laura into the corner. The furious Lisa backs off and allows Laura to slump to the mat, again. Lisa spins around and looks angered at the fans who boo her and seem to really hate her. She then decides to take out her anger on brutalizing their hero. Her eyes dart around and anxiously looks for the infamous metal bar. Seeing the official holding it, she races over and grabs it.)

Lisa: Give it to me, peon!

(After taking the metal bar Lisa marches over to Laura and slams it down on the brunette’s back. The sharp pain certainly returns Laura from her confused and groggy state with a scream of pain. Reacting, Laura springs to her hands and knees and begins scrambling away to safety. Lisa swings and swings, Laura being too desperate and fast to be hit. As Laura makes her escape Lisa moves in for the kill. She is about to swing but the sunlight is again her enemy, shining towards her. Then, a well-placed mule-kick from Laura strikes Lisa in face. She drops the bar and screams in pain.)

Lisa: What have you done?! My beautiful face! You could have marred my face!

Laura: (standing and heaving, dark and seething hatred in her eyes) Maybe it would help! Let’s see if you whine about your stomach!

(Laura kicks Lisa in the abdomen, and quickly seizes her by the hair, slamming the gothic beauty face-first into the mat. Lisa bounces off with a violent jerk. She rolls onto her back and Laura takes the time to grab the metal bar. Right as she is about to slam it down on Lisa’s ‘beautiful face,’ Little Alexandra quickly spins the wheel. Hunched over in mid-attack, Laura spins and stares at the maniacal mental patient, waiting for the wheel to come to a stop. On the Angeltron, the wheel stops, landing on ‘submission’ and Little Alexandra squeals with joy.)

Jenna: Does Laura even know any submission moves?

Candi: Does whining people to death count? If so, I submit! I submit! Regardless, the winner has to get the looser to submit. Simple as that.

(Laura groans and drops the metal bar. The dutiful official collects it and tosses it from the ring. Before Lisa can react, Laura has utilized a leg drop across her neck. This added attack, allows Laura to quickly contemplate her move. Lisa shakes her head, trying to dismiss the cobwebs. Lisa finds herself in a belly to back suplex, slammed down on the mat. Then Laura applies a fast Tummy Tuck submission move, and the abdominal stretch from Laura, has Lisa in agonizing pain. A vicious claw is formed from Laura, exercising and mauling at Lisa’s stomach. The gothic beauty screams in pain and agony, yelling and fussing about anything that will allow the official to make a break. But he shrugs his shoulders and asks Lisa for a submission. She contorts her face into a frightful scowl, spitting in his face.)

Jenna: Hey, that was rude! Totally uncalled for.

Candi: Yeah, your boyfriend’s a wuss!

(Laura continues to apply the move, stretching and wracking the pain through Lisa’s body. She tightens her muscles and screams in Lisa’s ear.)

Laura: Give up! Give up! Give up! Just touching you makes me sick!

Lisa: Bah! . . . Perfection . . . will . . . not . . . be stopped! I am a great athlete! I am Perfection -

(Laura rolls her eyes and squeezes harder, cutting off Lisa’s cries of anger and whining. Her speech is cut short by a flurry of screams. She shakes her head when the official wants to know if she surrenders. Her legs are planted and she is unable to escape. She throws her hands back but the do not connect with Laura. Lisa can barely withstand the pain and tears form in her eyes. Laura screams again for Lisa to submit. She shakes her head but it is clear that she will either soon pass out or her better judgement will win out, agreeing to the submission. Then, a last ditch effort of deviousness appears on her face. She shoots a weakened head towards her lackey.)

Lisa: Spin the wheel! Spin the wheel!

(Laura looks livid. She turns her head back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth. She focuses on Little Alexandra, screaming in furious anger.)

Laura: Little Alexandra, don’t you touch that wheel! Don’t touch it!

(Smirking like a misbehaving child, Little Alexandra’s eyes lock on with Laura’s. She stares at her as she spins the rickety wheel of misfortune, the fate twisting on the disk. Laura angrily shakes her head as if the motion from her will prevent the wheel from spinning. The Angeltron focuses on the new slot. It lands on ‘regular’ and Little Alexandra jumps up and down, furious at the seemingly dull style.)

Candi: Just because its ‘regular’ hardly means that Laura has to give up the submission hold. Only a fool would . . . oh, she just released Lisa.

Jenna: Now what?

Candi: Now it’s a regular match. Let’s see who can do the best traditional moves.

(As Laura is looking around, trying to decide what to do next, Lisa gathers the strength to slam an elbow into the brunette’s stomach. Laura groans as Lisa makes her way to her feet, runs across the ring, bounces off the ropes and takes Laura down with a clothesline, across the neck. Lisa covers but Laura kicks out after the count of one. Lisa is still in obvious pain from the abdominal stretch and takes a brief moment to collect her strength. Her assistant, Little Alexandra looks on from the outside clapping and jumping up and down with glee. Laura wearily stands and is greeted by a series of punches to the stomach and face from Lisa. Despite Lisa’s loss of stride in her step from the abdominal stretch, she seems to have compensated for using her arms and fists. A twist from Lisa and a sideways kick to Laura’s had, knocks the buxom brunette to the mat. The sinister Lisa Dream points into the crowd and begins to make nasty faces before dropping her knee into Laura’s stomach. Then Lisa rises and drops her legs from underneath her, landing on Laura. She goes for another pin, arrogantly, laying across Laura, as if stretched out on a couch. Laura swipes at her, breaking the count. Lisa then punches Laura and gets atop Laura’s face. The gothic queen then begins to gyrate and twist her body, her hands behind her head, imitating an erotic dance. The crowd boos in anger and Laura’s body thrashes around wildly, irate at the treatment she is receiving. It is Lisa who becomes furious at the poor reaction of the crowd - used to having her ‘perfect’ body and antics loved and idolized - not booed and jeered.)

Candi: I hate Lisa Dream! What a disgusting display of foolishness!

Jenna: What do you think of Laura Parker?

Candi: Ugh! I hate her, too!

(As Lisa joyfully writes and gyrates, making a mockery of Laura, the pleasure clearly written on hr face, she is shocked to reality with Laura’s athleticism. Laura thrusts up her legs, wraps them around Lisa’s head, flexes her leg muscles and swings them down to the mat, Lisa’s head bouncing off the canvass. The crowd erupts into a frenzy of cheers and excitement, happily congratulating their favorite. Lisa is stunned but Laura rises, angry and livid at the humiliation that the gothic beauty just put her through on national, albeit delayed, television. With a look of sheer anger and intensity, Laura grabs Lisa by the arm, whipping her into the ropes. On her return, Lisa tries to duck but is unable to do it in time. Laura catches her and thrusts her into a tilt-a-whirl, snapping Laura over her back, letting her slide to the mat, cursing, screaming and in intense pain. Laura raises both arms in a victory charge and the crowd screams out her name. Laura smiles and waves to her fans. As Lisa tries to crawl away, the official, still smitten with the lovely Miss Parker, taps her on the shoulder and points down. Laura’s beauty queen smile, turns to hatred and a scowl capable of killing. She immediately begins to stomp away at Lisa’s back, an area already sore on her. With a kick that any soccer player could be proud of, Laura, lays into Lisa’s side with such an impact that it throws Lisa to her back. Laura stomps away on Lisa’s stomach, returning the abdominal pain to her, then Laura straddles her and drops herself onto Lisa’s stomach, her weight forcing the air out of the gothic beauty. The official watches and Laura blows the blonde boy a kiss.)

Candi: Hey, Jenna, it looks like your boyfriend is really forgetting about you, fast! Ha! (elbowing Jenna in the side) Guess something isn’t working right in the bedroom, huh?

Jenna: Leave me alone!

(As Jenna waves excitedly for her boyfriend’s attention, Laura begins to furiously slap Lisa who is at her mercy. She looks up at Max who is looking towards the announcer’s table. Laura seizes Lisa by the hair, holding as tight as she can, slamming the head back and forth on the mat, repeatedly, sending Lisa into a world of dazed confusion.)

Laura: You annoying little brat! You are so gross and now whatever nasty stuff is in your hair is all over my hands. Disgusting!

Lisa: (spitting out her words in defiance) Bah! You should . . . be honored . . . being this close to Perfection!

Laura: Grrrrr! You are a weirdo! Just like your friend spinning the wheel!

(Lisa is close to being in another world because of the pain, with her back, stomach and face a recent punching bag for Laura. Laura senses this and gets up, planning on something new and terrible for the raven-haired beauty. She lifts her up and suplexes her into a bridge, again, slamming Lisa’s back into a punished state. The official begins to count but the crowd is yelling for punishment, not pins. Laura listens and releases the pin, jumping up at the fans calling out her name.)

Candi: What! An! Idiot! This moron has really done it now! These fans don’t really even like her! I wonder if they even are wrestling fans!

Jenna: Most of them ARE men. Maybe they are hoping for some nudity.

Candi: Much as you make me ill, you bubble-brained-bimbo, you DO have a point.

(After smiling for the fans cheering her on, Laura decides that further pain and punishment is the order of the day. Her manager, Willie, has been shouting and screaming for her to just make the pin and win, but she ignores him. She lifts Lisa by her arm and again throws her into the ropes. Lisa is whipped into them but instead of running into them, she manages to surprise Laura, the fans, Willie, Little Alexandra, the announcers and perhaps even herself by doing a front handstand, her legs striking the ropes and bouncing back down to the mat. She manages to use the increased momentum to then lunge backwards into the unsuspecting Laura with a flying elbow. Laura gets struck right below the eye and both women go to the mat, rolling around and apparently exhausted. The fans continue to boo Lisa and she manages, with what little strength and resolve she has remaining, scowl at the fans and shout out insults and nasty comments. As she brings herself up to go for the pin, Laura kicks out her foot and strikes Lisa in the head, sending her backwards. The fans cheer but Laura does not move. To the side, Little Alexandra seems curiously aware of the goings on in the ring. With a cruel smirk she spins the wheel again, anxiously hovering over the wheel, looking for an interesting style. The spinner closes in on ‘regular’ again, but the blonde’s face grows angry. As it is prepared to stop, she taps it and moves a few more ticks, until it rests on ‘hardcore.’ In the ring Laura and Lisa groggily stare at the Angeltron and watch with grim horror as the dreaded favorite style of Little Alexandra’s comes up. As the fans cheer with glee, Little Alexandra makes her way to the ring and reaches under the apron, tossing in a baseball bat and a kendo stick. Lisa uses what strength she has to reach for the baseball bat and Laura moves her hand over for the bamboo stick. Both women clutch the weapons with anger but are almost too exhausted to go on. It is Lisa who gets to her feet first, swinging the bat as she makes her way towards Laura. Laura begins crawling backwards until she remembers the stick in her hand. She frantically swings it upward, catching Lisa in the side. The gothic woman screams out in pain and drops her weapon. Laura, who has regained her stamina, rises, her body pumping with waves of adrenaline. She kicks the ball bat out of her way and points down at Lisa, holding the kendo stick in a menacing fashion. With her other hand she runs it through her hair trying to make it as lovely as it was before the match.)

Laura: OK, freak, here’s where I beat you senseless for attacking my best friend, Yvette, where I beat you senseless for ruining my perfect record, and where I beat you senseless for . . . dressing in the worst clothes I have ever seen!

Lisa: (frantically yelling at Little Alexandra) Spin the wheel! Spin the wheel!

(Her pleas are cut short as Laura brings the stick down as hard as she can, slamming it into the mat, as Lisa narrowly escaped. Lisa crawls as fast as she can, still screaming to Little Alexandra. The kendo stick hits to the right and then to the left, Laura chasing Lisa, but constantly missing. A well-placed stick comes down on Lisa’s hand and she recoils in pain, then the stick comes down again on her back. Finally, Lisa manages to get Little Alexandra to listen to her as she yells out one last time. Just as a disappointed Little Alexandra decides to spin, Lisa looks up at Laura with frightened tears and ducks. Laura crouches for a swing but her left foot manages to step on the baseball bat. It proceeds to roll under her foot and throw her to her back and she drops the weapon.)

Lisa: (anxiously) Little Alexandra! Change that order! Don’t spin the wheel! Don’t spin it!

(It is too late. The wheel has already been turned and spun by the demented blonde assistant of Lisa. Little Alexandra shrugs her shoulders as she implies there is nothing she can do. Laura looks up and sees the wheel spinning, her eyes glazing over from where her head hit the mat.)

Candi: I wonder if Laura is seeing stars and birds fly around her head?

Jenna: (watching the ring) Ouch! I wonder if she just saw Lisa’s foot slam into her head? Wow, those are nice boots! Just like the ones our sponsors promote, at ‘Lady Lethal Foot Apparel.’

Candi: Nice plug, Jenna. Just like the plug Lisa just slammed into Laura. The wheel is still spinning!

(Lisa is hammering away on Laura as the wheel stops. She looks up to the Angeltron and sees the spinner land on ‘Over-the-Top.’ The official explains how one girl has to toss their opponent over the ropes for a victory.)

Jenna: Now this should get interesting.

Candi: Why? You leaving?

(Lisa lifts Laura up and locks her pale legs around Laura’s neck as the would-be actress is bent over.)

Lisa: Now, boys and girls, watch as the All-American Sweetheart gives this deserving twit a well-deserved thrashing!

(Lisa strains her leg muscles, hoping to cut off Laura’s air supply and presumably throw her over the ropes. As Laura struggles, Lisa bends over and begins paddling Laura, much to the anger of the crowd. Lisa looks out and screams some insult, before sneering down at her opponent. Laura flails her arms for a brief moment then a period of lucidity returns to her. She grabs Lisa by the legs and, using her back lifts Lisa into the air, coming down with a powerful slam. The cheery look that once dominated Lisa Dream disappeared in rapid fashion, now replaced with a look of anguish from the blow to her back, the area that had been receiving the most . . . attention from Laura Parker in the course of the evening. Lisa wails in pain and begins waving her hands and trying to move away, begging Laura off her. Laura shows no signs of mercy, still remembering the humiliating face-sit from Lisa, not so long ago. She slams her foot down on Lisa’s stomach. She slams it again into Lisa’s crotch. She slams it again into her head. The official, awe-struck with Laura, pays no attention to her cruel brutality, focusing instead on the lovely curves of her body. As Lisa reels in pain, Laura looks over and eyes the ropes, getting a plan in mind. She lifts Lisa by the hair, the official still seeing it as legal, as he is smitten with the actress, and tries to lift her and give her a toss, aiming for the ropes. Laura’s aim is horrible and it only manages to send Lisa into the turnbuckle, slamming, again, against her back. Lisa cries out, her energy almost gone. Laura closes in but Lisa has no choice but to rise her knee, connecting with Laura’s crotch. As the actress doubles over in agony, the crowd screams out, making a scene over the dirty trick of Lisa. However, the official did not see it. He looks at Laura, who is in obvious pain then looks back at Lisa, who is barely able to see in front of her. The official begins to yell and berate Lisa for his mistreatment of the woman with whom he is smitten.)

Candi: Aw, how sweet. He seems so concerned for Laura. What a good guy he is.

Jenna: I had to ask him to open the door for me on our last date!

(Lisa pushes the official out of the way and begins hammering on Laura, kicking with all the strength she can muster. She jumps back on the ropes and shoots for a missile drop kick. Laura hits the mat fast. She tries to get to her feet and Lisa has gotten to hers. Lisa bounces back into the ropes and quickly goes into a flying headscissors towards Laura. When in the air, her legs catch around Laura’s neck, signaling to the crowd, who boo, then drops down, DDT'ing Laura’s head into the mat. She then covers her, in a nonchalant pin. Laura is livid as she kicks out and slowly tries to rise, but Lisa has beater her in getting up. She bobs, weaves and dodges, tricking Laura with every move, as the beautiful brunette takes a shot to the ribs, to the head, to the chest, to the ribs again. She is nothing more than Lisa’s punching bag. Lisa drills her left and right but the battle-worn gothic champion is loosing her steam fast and by the look in her eyes, she knows it. She then tries to force Laura towards the ropes, in the desire to knock her so hard she falls out. Lisa delivers an uppercut to the nose, causing Laura to scream out in pain. She falls back on the ropes and Lisa proceeds to wrap her fingers around Laura’s throat, trying to choke the life out of her and hurl her over. Laura then, instinctively drives her knee into Lisa’s stomach, causing her to fall over, in utter agony.)

Candi: Wow! That looks like the kind of thing that would make someone loose their lunch. But Lisa has such a ‘heroine chic’ look that it seems she hasn’t had too many lunches as of late!

Jenna: Heroine? I thought you didn’t like Lisa.

Candi: No, you dolt! I meant . . . Oh, nevermind!

(Laura lifts Lisa and throws her to the center of the ring. Laura bounces off the ropes, in an agile display, despite her pain and suffering. She takes a moment on her way back to focus and lands a leg across Lisa’s throat causing her to convulse and jolt in pain, thrashing about like a dying animal. The crowd explodes into an excited fervor! Laura stands and brings Lisa with her. Lisa hunches over, now barely aware of her own existence. Laura bounces off the ropes again and locks on a swinging neckbreaker, planting Lisa to the mat in a crumbling heap. Lisa moans as Laura picks her up again and heads for the ropes. She no longer has the walk of a woman who is vibrant, but lurches with the weight of the evening’s actions on her back. With one hand she pushes down the tope rope, still holding the gothic athlete by her throat with her other hand. The crowd begins to go wild with some kind of excitement, people in the front row screaming out warnings to Laura. She does not seem to hear them. A thrust from Laura pushes Lisa over the top ropes and she collapses to the concrete floor. As Lisa’s frame hits and convulses from the punishment, Laura thrusts her arms in the air, knowing that she is the new champion. However, there is no bell. There is no wild roar of the crowd. Furious, Laura turns to the official and demands an explanation. He points to the Angeltron and then she sees that the picture is of the latest spin of the wheel. Little Alexandra points at Laura and begins to laugh as the camera focuses in on the latest turn of fate: the slot marked ‘surprise.’ Grabbing on to the ropes, Laura throws a tantrum, jumping up and down, cursing and swearing.)

Laura: You wretched little freak! I’ll kill you for this! Dead! Dead! Dead! You hear me?”

(Willie, Laura’s agent is screaming for her to be quiet as it would destroy her image to be seen throwing such a tantrum and behaving in such a way, but upon seeing the British blonde giggle like a maniac, it merely sends her into a further tirade.)

Laura: (cracked laughter) Oh! You think this is funny!? HAHAHAHAHAH!? Is that what you think you little gargoyle?! Just wait till I come over and -

(Her tirade of screams is cut short when she collapses to the mat. Lisa Dream, whose wrists have locked around her ankles and tugged, rises from the concrete like a demon from Hell, sneering and frightful. Her face has a look of deranged anger as she swings a fist down and connects between Laura’s legs, locking into a claw, twisting and growling in anger.)

Jenna: Surprise?! What’s the surprise, I wonder.

Candi: Pffft. ‘I have given a name to pain and that name is ‘Jenna.’

(The official, Max, cannot stand to watch his dear, dear, Laura writhe in agony from the depredations of Lisa. But, rather than put a stop to it, he whips from his top pocket an envelope, marked with the word, ‘surprise’ written in red crayon. He rips it open as Laura continues to scream, swatting wildly at Lisa. Willie stands to the side, wildly trying to get the official to prevent further attacks from Lisa to Laura’s . . . er . . . rather tender region. The official offers a swift kick to Lisa’s arm and she releases, allowing Laura to scramble away from Lisa’s grasp. The official jumps back and announces into his lapel microphone.)

Max: It says here: ‘Surprise - the first woman to make a sound is the looser.’

(Both Lisa and Laura look shocked. Lisa turns to question her assistant on what that means but Alexandra holds onto her bowler with one hand and raises her finger to her lips, showing her the universal symbol for ‘silence.’ Lisa climbs back into the ring and almost trips as she enters, hardly able to walk.)

Jenna: (excitedly cheery) Wow! This is the greatest match I have seen out of either of these two! I think that the fans are really getting their money’s worth!

Candi: Whaddya mean?! ‘Money’s worth?’ Barely any of them paid to get in! Laura gave most of them tickets, you oaf! Why can’t that silence thing be on YOU!?

(Lisa pushes the official out of the way and seizes Laura’s ankles, forming a ‘V’. She then drops a knee into the brunette’s pelvic area, crushing the already damaged area, but she does not scream out.)

Jenna: Doesn’t Laura have a fancy aristocrat for a boyfriend?

Candi: HEHEHRHE . . . Not anymore . . .

(The diabolical Lisa Dream grabs Laura by her hair and tosses her. She runs over with the official as the brunette lands and they both anxiously listen for a noise. They see Laura in tears but her hand in her mouth, preventing any sound. She looks up and darts her eyes around, seeing Lisa and the official listening closely. No sound. Laura then takes her opportunity to reach out her other hand and punch Lisa in the jaw with sudden and fierce attack. Lisa falls backwards but makes not a sound. Laura rises and angrily locks Lisa into a full-Nelson lock, and begins thrashing. Laura then drops them both to the mat, Lisa, face-first. Laura jumps up waiting for a sound but hears nothing. She slaps her forehead in frustration.)

Jenna: If one of them screams out in pain, its over?

Candi: I guess with that maniac next to the wheel having created the stipulation it could be almost anything.

(Laura jumps down and slaps Lisa in the mouth, hoping for a reaction. She gets none. Lisa, drained, confused and almost broken rises like a corpse to wrap her pale fingers around Laura’s throat and begins to choke. Laura’s arms wave and sputter about but she makes no sound, tightly clamping her mouth shut. Lisa winces in frustration. Laura then slams her fist into Lisa’s side. She comes to feet and a nasty smirk comes across her face. The dazed Dream looks around with confusion. Lisa locks an armbar on Lisa and makes her way to the turnbuckle, the arm still in a forced hold. She climbs the tope rope and walks along the ropes until reaching the middle. Lisa only at that moment realizes what is happening and looks up waving her free hand, begging Laura not to do it. Laura scowls and releases the arm bat as she springs off the rope, forming an elbow drop atop Lisa Dream. As Laura lands on tope of Lisa something happens.

Lisa: Sonofabitchyoufatlazycowloosesomeweightyoudisgustingpigofatroll!

(The bell sounds and the crowd jumps to their feet as Laura collapses on the mat. Willie screams with joy and his excitement is so great, his toupee almost flies off. Little Alexandra begins to stomp and Lisa . . . well, Lisa has her own take.)

Lisa: Sound!? I didn’t make a peep! Not a sound! You nitwit! This was rigged! How dare you treat Perfection in such a manner!

(Lisa is cut short as Laura stomps behind her and grabs her by the hair, tossing her out of the ring.)

Laura: OK, ArchAngel! Where’s my belt?!

(Lisa and Little Alexandra band together, but Lisa is busy throwing a tantrum. She yells at Laura. She yells at the official. She yells at Little Alexandra. She yells at the fans.)

Candi: Ah yes, another satisfied BRA athlete.

Jenna: Shh. This is a solemn occasion. We have a new champion.

Candi: The reign of a new poser begins . . .

(The lights dim and the crowd cheers, unaware of what is about to happen, but knowing that they shall be treated to BRA’s best. From the loudspeakers, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement begins. As the lights rise, the large curtain at the top of the ramp parts, and two familiar faces appear: Celeste and Angelique - the two ‘angels’ who assist Gabrielle, underling of the ArchAngel. They carry, what appear to be, sacks of goodies. The crowd cheers, pleased with the sight. Celeste, the brunette and Angelique, the blonde, are dressed identically. Each wear tight fitting, white bikinis and large, feathery, angel wings on their backs. They have small bootlets and on their heads are crooked halos. With a sinister glance, bouncing in time with the music, they each hold back a section of the curtain, and with their free hand, twist them, in unison, gesturing towards the opening, like assistants on a game show. The figure of Gabrielle, spokesman of the ArchAngel steps through, dressed in black robes from the hood over his head, to parts that cover his feet. He wears black gloves and a golden mask. Clutched in his hands is the coveted Celestial Belt. Not one feature betrays him as everything is obscured. He could be old, young, ugly, attractive, black, white, red, green - it is a mystery. He walks slowly to the ring as Celeste and Angelique bounce behind him, pulling out T-shirts, posters and memorabilia from the top stars in the federation, throwing them all to the crowd, immediately gaining endearment - however fleeting it may be.)

Candi: Ah, it is always a pleasure to have Gabrielle, the assistant to our lovely ArchAngel.

Jenna: But YOU said, and I quote, (imitating Candi’s voice) that Gabrielle and ArchAngel were horses’ -

Candi: Ack!

(Candi tackles Jenna with a frightened and desperate move. As they both fall out of their chairs, Laura eyes the frightful man and his assistants with suspicious and derision. Lisa and Alexandra watch with anticipation, desperate for something that may reverse the ruling. Celeste and Angelique wave to Laura. However, their sincerity is less than believable as if they are ready to burst at the seams over some hysterical joke. Gabrielle hands Celeste, the brunette, the Celestial Belt and produces a microphone from his robes. The entourage waits at the bottom the ramp, staring into the ring. Willie approaches them to extend his hand, but Angelique closes on him and prepares to give him a kiss on the lips but backs off, still bouncing in time with the music. After the joke by his angel, Gabrielle raises the microphone to his mask and speaks.)

Gabrielle: Hark! The Herald Angel Sings! Congratulations on a job very well done, Ms. Parker. You are victorious today. The entire organization bows to your well-fought victory. (He turns to Lisa and Alexandra.) Lisa Dream, thank you for holding the belt for so long and being such a graceful and worthy champion. But, alas, all good things must come to an end, yes? As for you, Little Alexandra, we all thank your . . . service . . . to the organization for the creation of such an interesting contraption . . .

(Both the angels begin to lightly clap their hands and engage in mock appreciation. Laura grows more and more worrisome that something is about to happen against her. Her fear and apprehension mount.)

Gabrielle: Ah, Laura, where should we begin? Your reign as Celestial Champion would have been a graceful and wonderful one, indeed. I say ‘would have’ because, alas, the ArchAngel has recently decided to place a weight requirement on the title of 126 pounds. We checked the records before the match. You are exactly 125 pounds.

(Laura blushes and smiles taking in the compliment but then a look of shock appears on her face as she realizes she has been screwed. The fans begin to scream with bloodthirsty and crazed anger as Laura leaps out of the ring ready for a fight. The two angels close ranks on him, protecting their boss. Laura comes up with a closed fist, ready to fight anyway until Gabrielle raises the microphone and again speaks.)

Gabrielle: Fancy another stint in Japan among the hardcore wrestlers, Ms. Paker?

(Laura holds her fist in mid air and backs off, cursing and screaming, stamping her feet and throwing a tantrum. She lunges for the belt in Celeste’s hands but the brunette angel holds it up, out of reach while Angelique makes a ‘tisk-tisk’ sound, shaking head and shaking her finger, giggling. Without another word, Gabrielle turns his back and ascends the ramp, his angels slowly walking backwards, making rude gestures towards Laura as they go.)

Jenna: Have you ever seen a woman like Laura turn such a shade of red before?

Candi: (squinting) Hmm, maybe it is the same kind of color that Lisa is turning of blue while laughing.

Jenna: I think Laura may have just broken her hand.

Candi: Oh well, another classic match, true believers. That is all from Hollywood. Say good night, Jenna.

Jenna: Good night, Jenna.

Candi: (sighing) From Hollywood, I’m Candi Kane and that’s Jenna Jamestown. Good night.

(As the camera fades out, Laura Parker can be seen screaming, yelling and acting like a fierce animal, lashing out at everyone she can find.)














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