"Princess" Mia Lexington
"The Ninja" Missy Jones

The Battling Ring Angels show returns from a network promo, and viewers are treated to wide angle shot of the entire arena. The camera zooms in on a crowd of spectators holding large signs, the three largest and most noticeable of which say "FEEL THE WRATH," "NINA IS MY HARDCORE GODDESS," and "WHO IS BELLADONNA???" Audible as the camera roves from sign to sign are the voices of Sandra and Garry, BRA's famous announcer duo.

Garry: Hey, nice signs! I don't know why anyone would cheer for that weirdo Tiffany Amphetamine, but Nina is definitely a hardcore goddess, who I know is going to destroy her competition tonight. And how about "Belladonna," don't you wonder what she looks like?"

Sandra: Not really.

Before Sandra or Garry can say any more, the lights dim a bit as a brilliant picture of a golden tiara appears on the Angeltron. "Supervixen" by Garbage blasts through the arena without warning, and the name of Mia Lexington appears in blue on the screen. The effect on the crowd is instantaneous. A few members of the audience boo, but the vast majority are cheering for "Princess" Mia Lexington to come out.

Mia appears from the backstage area. Her long brown hair falls past her shoulders, glistening in the rays of the twin spotlights that shine upon the angel. Mia is dressed in a bright, royal blue sequined one-piece that leaves a large portion of skin showing on both her back and her stomach. Her feet are encased in her lustrous blue wrestling boots. Twin kneepads adorn her knees, matching the blue of her boots. The ensemble is completed by a golden tiara on her head, the same one whose picture is on the Angel-tron. Mia charges down the ramp, climbs into the ring and shakes her fist in the air, to the delight of the crowd. She hands her tiara to a ring attendant and begins stretching out.

Sandra: The crowd has really started to like Mia over the last few weeks. Ever since she joined the Shop she's been showing a great deal of class.

Garry: Mia's definitely a super babe, but it'll take more than her to cure the Shop of their cheating ways.

As the crowd continues its cheering, the New York Poet steps over the railing yet again to greet Sandra and Garry.

Josh: Hello again. For Mia Lexington I have yet another poem.

Sandra: Would you go away please? Please?

Garry: I'll have you know I like his poems. Go ahead, my good man. At least someone here appreciates poetry.

Sandra: I do like poetry, but this is not the forum for that kind of thing. You know it's really all about ego. When you do this you're almost as bad as Lisa Dream!

Josh: Really? Gee, maybe you're right Sandra. My words are clearly more meaningful and artistic than those of that harlot, but I certainly wouldn't want to be perceived as behaving anything like her! I'll skip my poem for today.

Garry: You've insulted the All-American Sweetheart! I think I just lost my appetite for literature.

The entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sound of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing "Riders On The Storm" and the lights pulse dimly. A figure clad in all black flies out of the crowd and over the guardrail, to "oohs" and "ahhs" from the fans. She circles the ring and climbs inside, looking for attackers. In a single fluid motion the Ninja's mask and gi come off, revealing a midnight blue one-piece. Missy turns in all directions, inadvertently showing off her lithe figure to the fans, who have briefly gone silent.

Sandra: It looks like both combatants are ready, and the ref is giving them instructions. This should be an interesting rematch from a couple weeks back, when a random back injury cost Mia the match.

Garry: That wasn't random, the Ninja almost broke Mia's spine!

The bell rings signalling the beginning of the match. Missy and Mia circle each other, both cautious and looking for an advantage. Lexington strikes first with a lightning fast kick to the chin that knocks the Ninja back into the ropes. Having struck first, Mia shakes a fist in the air, to the crowd's delight.

Sandra: Looks like "Princess" Mia has a new, upbeat attitude to go with her new name.

Josh: What is in a name? "The Daisy" by any other name would still get beat.

Mia strikes out again with her long legs, landing a second kick, this time to the stomach of Missy Jones. The Ninja coughs the air out of her lungs and takes a step back. Mia follows with a third kick, but this time Missy was expecting it and spins underneath Mia's leg. In a powerful but graceful motion, the Ninja sweeps Lexington's other leg, sending her to the mat on her back.

Garry: Ouch, that had to hurt. The Princess has to quit acting like those stupid cheerleaders and concentrate on her fighting, or we'll have a repeat of two weeks ago.

Sandra: The Ninja moves in, but from a sitting position Mia catches her in the stomach again with those long, lethal legs of hers. She must have heard you Garry. Now we know your parents aren't the only ones who pay attention to what you say.

Mia reaches up with her legs and locks them around the neck of the hunched-over Missy Jones. "Princess" Mia holds onto the head scissors and pulls Missy to the mat with her, holding on tight. The crowd begins to cheer wildly.

Garry: My parents don't pay attention to anything anymore. They must be almost as old as Sherry Ann! Nice headscissors by Mia. Missy is trying to kick out, but Mia has good leverage.

Sandra: The Ninja is a great talent, but she's showing her inexperience here. Her legs are right near the ropes, but she doesn't realize it because her head is between Mia's thighs.

Garry: Maybe she's happy there. I know I would be. Hey, where did the Poet go?

The New York Poet has left the announcers' table and is now at ringside. He grabs one of Missy's feet and places it on the bottom rope, before vaulting the railing and going back to his seat.

Sandra: What blatant cheating! How did the ref not see that?

Garry: See what? Sorry, I was checking out that hot little brunette holding the "Who's Belladonna" sign. Oh yeah, the referee has ordered Mia to break her hold, and has started counting. She lets go as he reaches four.

Sandra: I knew there was a reason you were looking at those signs. Jones gets up slowly, but she still seems alert. Mia grabs the Ninja by her arm and whips her into the ropes... flying bodypress? No! Missy slides underneath, and the former Daisy lands face-first on the mat!

Missy quickly rolls to her feet and drops an elbow to Mia's spine. The Ninja holds Lexington still with her hand, and repeatedly drops her knee to the same location. A few scattered boos can be heard among the fans.

Sandra: The Ninja is working on that back again. Maybe she thinks after two weeks it's still not healed yet?

Garry: Well, if it is healed, it won't be for long. Missy pulls Mia to her feet by the hair, and... is she going for a backbreaker? Yes she is, and Lexington's long body hits hard on the Ninja's knee. I think that backbreaker was almost as loud as it was last time! Mia sure is sexy when she's in pain.

Missy pulls Mia to her feet once again, and puts her in a front face lock. With her off-hand she delivers two more chops to the back, eliciting gasps of pain. Then Missy lowers her shoulder into the back of Mia's neck. The Ninja turns toward the center of the ring, and takes a brief pause to catch her breath. The crowd lets out a collective gasp.

Sandra: Uh-oh, it looks like Missy is going for "The Shadow." If she hits it... My goodness!

Missy locks her arm under Mia's chin and dives over her back, but just as the Ninja leaves her feet, Lexington stands straight up. Mia grabs Missy's shoulders from behind, and heaves forward. Mia lets out a loud shriek as she power-bombs Missy Jones to the mat. The Ninja grunts as her head and neck hit the mat. The crowd erupts once again at Mia's gutsy display.

Sandra: Whoa! Mia reversed the Shadow, but she paid the price! She drops to the ground holding her lower back. No wait, she has an arm over the Ninja, and the referee is dropping down to count.



Sandra: No, Missy gets a shoulder up. Mia might have gotten the win if she'd made the cover sooner and hooked the leg. Right now it looks like neither of them are in a condition to do much of anything. They're both moving pretty slowly on the mat, Gar... Garry? Hey Garry, could you take your eyes off the "Who's Belladonna" girl for a minute? There's a match going on, and it's not like you have a chance with her anyway.

Garry: I might too have a chance. And how do you know I'm not just curious to know who Belladonna is? Many fans are curious about that too.

Meanwhile, Mia is first to her knees. Still holding her back, she crawls up to the still-groggy Ninja. Missy has rolled onto her stomach, but before she can get up, Mia pushes her back over.

Sandra: (sarcastic) I'm sure. Well, nobody really knows who the woman is, but bella donna means "pretty woman" in Italian, so maybe she's Italian.

Garry: Momma Mia!

Sandra: I'm not saying she's definitely Italian, just that it's a possibility. Geez, that was a pretty lame comment, even for...

Garry: No, Mia's belly smother, the "Momma Mia!" She locked it on! The Ninja is flailing wildly but she can't get out from underneath! This one might be over! Now who's not paying attention!

Wincing in pain, Mia keeps up the pressure of her belly on the Ninja's mouth. Lexington raises her fist in the air and forces a smile toward the cheering crowd.

Garry: The Ninja isn't moving! The Ninja isn't moving! Mia might have just won the match! The referee lifts Missy's hand once, and it drops.

Sandra: Wow, Mia certainly has guts to come back like this with her back hurt.

Gary: The ref lifts Missy's arm a second time and it drops again. This is it!

The referee lifts Missy's arm a third and final time, and he turns toward the timekeeper, ready to signal for the bell.

Sandra: Mia did it!

Garry: Then why hasn't the bell rung?

As the referee looks again, Missy's arm, though it seems limp, has only gone down halfway. He checks the arm again to make sure, and it again drops only halfway to the ground.

Sandra: What! Is this some kind of ninja trick?

Garry: Maybe Missy's holding her breath. I heard that Ninjas can hold their for a really long time.

Mia turns to the referee, throwing him a questioning glance. As she turns, her weight shifts slightly, and suddenly she is flipped onto her side. Missy coughs and wheezes loudly, trying to regain her breath.

Garry: I was right, the Ninja was playing possum!

Sandra: Maybe, but she's still human, and it's been over a minute since Mia started that smother. Mia pulls the out-of-breath Jones woman to her feet and delivers a swift kick to the stomach. It looks like she's hooking her for a suplex...no, she's going for the "Shrinking Violet!"

Holding Missy's head, Mia jumps backward, pushing her legs out in front of her. The Ninja dives forward with her, and the weight of both women come crashing down to the mat.

Garry: She hit it! What a babe!

Mia Lexington winces as she lands. Her mouth opens wide and her eyes practically bulge out of their sockets.

Sandra: Actually it looks like Mia got the worst of that exchange. My goodness, I don't think Missy's head landed on the mat!

Garry: Do you mean it landed...?

Sandra: Yes, in Mia's nether-regions. Based on what we've seen from the Ninja so far, I wonder whether or not it was an accident.

In the ring, Missy is first to her feet, though she is still wobbly and trying to regain her breath. Meanwhile, Mia still rolls around on the mat, in a fetal position with her legs clamped together.

Although Missy's breathing is still irregular, she finds the presence of mind to land a few quick stomps to Mia's gut. The Ninja then kicks Mia onto her stomach and straddles her, sitting on top and facing the opposite direction. The Ninja is wheezing, desperately trying to inhale.

Garry: Well, it looks like Missy has the advantage now, but she's still too out of breath to do much of anything about it.

Sandra: Give her a few moments. It doesn't look like Mia is doing any better, and she's the one on the bottom.

Missy finally manages to take a few breaths, and she shakes her head to clear the cobwebs. Missy sees Mia's lower back in front of her, and focuses in. Mia also begins to move, but she cannot get out from underneath due to the pain in her back.

Lexington tries to shift her weight, but the Ninja sends a hard chop down on her lower back. Another chop follows, and another. The crowd starts counting, and they reach ten before the barrage stops. Mia grits her teeth and tries to shake loose, but she cannot.

Garry: Missy looks confused, almost like she's trying to remember something.

Sandra: She drives her knee into Mia's back and now she's picking up her legs. Wait, I know that move, it's Sherry Ann's version of the Boston crab!

Missy leans back hard, leaning her knee hard into the hurt portion of Mia's spine. Lexington screams in agony, but when the ref asks for a submission she refuses. The Ninja inhales deeply and leans back even further, but Mia still will not submit. The crowd is cheering for Mia to continue, and she seems to draw strength from them, though she is unable to shake loose.

Garry: You had to bring that ancient hag Sherry into this conversation, didn't you? Just for that, if I find out who Belladonna is I'm not gonna tell you.

Sandra: Just as well. Now if only I could get you to avoid sharing the rest of those crazy ideas that pass for thoughts in your mind. Anyway, it's rumored that the Ninja studies tapes of old matches every night, so who better to copy a move from than Sherry Ann?

Garry: Just about anyone would be better. Hey look, Mia is still refusing to submit? She's one tough chick, but I don't know how smart it is for her to keep trying. It doesn't look like she's getting out of the hold, and she could be permanently injured.

Sandra: It's called courage, you moron. Anyhow, this match has a time limit. If Mia holds out long enough the match could end in a time-limit draw.

Garry: Maybe, but it hurts me just to look at her. I hope she comes out of this okay.

Clearly frustrated with her opponent's unwillingness to submit, Missy closes her eyes and thoughtfully tilts her head to the side. The crowd holds its breath, waiting to see what will happen.

After another few moments, Missy drops Mia's legs and flips her onto her back. The Ninja hooks one leg and pulls it back, sitting on top of Mia's shoulders.

The referee runs over to count:



At two and a half, Mia gets her shoulder up. The crowd once again breaks into a loud cheer. The Ninja is livid, and drops Mia's leg. Missy slams her hand on the mat, complaining to the referee that his count was slow.

Sandra: See? Mia wouldn't submit, and now she's still in the match.

Garry: I'm not so sure about that, she still looks pretty out of it.

Sandra: You're always out of it, but for some reason you keep coming back.

Missy lifts Mia to her feet once again, and connects with an uppercut elbow to the chin. The Ninja bounces off the ropes and jumps up high, catching Mia's head between her legs. Perched on Mia's shoulders, Missy takes a moment to stare coldly into the crowd, who are now suddenly silent once again. The Jones woman drops to the mat, and Mia's entire body collapses forward with her, landing headfirst.

Garry: Hey, that's Lisa Dream's finisher! The Ninja stole the All American Sweetheart's finisher! That's copyright infringement! She should be arrested!

Sandra: I don't know about that. Missy used Sherry Ann's move too, but I think with Lisa's move she might be trying to send a message. You saw how much the Poet hates Lisa, and the word going around is that Dream injured Missy's friend Gina just before her try-out to make it into BRA.

Garry: Oh come on, that's just sour grapes.

Missy covers the now unconscious Mia, and the referee counts:





Sandra: Well, this one's over, but Mia's still on the mat. The Ninja is now trying to help her up, but she's still not moving.

Garry: Somebody get an ambulance! Princess Mia is hurt! I hope she'll still be able to wrestle after this injury.

Sandra: I hope she'll still be able to walk! Her back was injured early and she kept on fighting. She's got a lot of heart, so lets pray that her hurt back doesn't keep her out for too long. The Ninja takes the match, but I think all of our hearts are with Mia.


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