Ring Flash
Brandi Lynn
Callisto & Cammy

(As crowd begins to get restless after the last match the lights flicker down low at the noise of a rattlesnake's rattles filling the air. The crowd pops loudly as the music 'Bad Company' by Bad Company begins to play. A spotlight hits the middle of the ring and the symbol 'A8' fades into view. )

Garry: "What the Hell is going on here?!"

Sandra: "Apparently, Brandi Lynn has something to say."

Garry: "I hope she brought beer."

(Another spotlight hits the entryway as Brandi walks out with a microphone. She is wearing black pants, wrestling boots, knee pads, and her 'Aces and Eights' windbreaker. She walks out to the edge of the stage as the fans begin to yell even louder. She waves once as she then walks to the ring area. Once there, she climbs the stairs and slides through the ropes and casually walks to the center of the ring.)

Brandi: "Howdy."

Crowd: "HOWDY!!!"


(The crowd cheers as Brandi waits for the din to subside. She then looks to the entryway and begins to speak..)

Brandi: "Now, I just happen to know that there is a gal backstage by the name of_Sarah_."

(Crowd reacts loudly as Brandi just smiles.)

Brandi: "What I would like is for her to bring her ass out here now!!"

(Crowd pops even louder as Brandi waits a moment then says.)

Brandi: "Oh, and bring that little tag along of a cousin out here with you."

(The music, "Possession', begins to play as the two Masters cousins come out to the entryway. Callisto has an angry glare on her face. Cammy has a look of confusion on her countenance as she looks first at Callisto, then at Brandi in the ring. Lynn and Callisto seem to have a glaring contest going with each other.)

Garry: "Wow, look at the look on Callisto's face. I'm not sure I've ever seen a look like that. The Hick may have bit off more than she could chew."

Sandra: "That's not very nice, Garry."

Garry: "She didn't bring beer."

(Brandi raises the microphone again.)

Brandi: "As you know, Callisto, you and I are scheduled to meet at the Battlin' Ring Angels Pay Per View in April. But, I think we need to make this a special night for the fans, don't you?"

(Brandi has a slight chuckle as the fans begin to pop in anticipation..)

Brandi: "My thinkin' on this, is that since you say that Sherry brought you in to the Body Shop for redemption. We find a way for you to find that redemption. You know, give you a chance to make things right."

Garry: "I still say that was the worst mistake Callisto has ever made in her career. She could destroy Sherry's little gang easy as pie."

Sandra: "Shhh...Brandi's still talking."

Brandi: "So, since you took so damn much from me, it's time I took a little somethin' from you. Your blood."

(Brandi seems to get angry as memories of the past begin to flood back.)

Brandi: "You took it over the line when you broke into my house, Callisto. You stole my belt and then my horse....But you stole much more from me that night. I couldn't just walk away."

Garry: "I wish she'd just walk away now."

(As Brandi talks her voice wavers a bit.)

Brandi: "You took away my security. You put fear into my private life. So, in the ring at the April Pay per View we will fight in a falls count anywhere, No DQ, Texas Death Match!!"

Sandra: "Wow!!! A Texas Death Match for the Pay per view!!!"


(A wicked smile slowly forms on Callisto's face as she raises a microphone and answers the Texan's challenge in her own wicked little way...)

Sandra: "Uh, oh. Callisto's got that look on her face..."

Garry: "Yeah, looks like she's constipated."

(Sandra scolds Garry as Callisto starts to speak...)

Callisto: "...Let me get this straight. You want a Texas Death Match? You want a No DQ, Falls count anywhere match? Well the Callisto has only one thing to say about that..."

(Raising the 'Wicked Eyebrow' and imitating the 'Rock')

Callisto: "It don't matter what type of match you want!!!"

(Loud Heel pop erupts from the crowd)

Callisto: "...Steel Cage, Hell in a Cell, Ladder match, Hardcore match, Loaded knee pad match, Loaded elbow match, poke thumb in the eye match... The Callisto says... whatever. Because I'm sick and damn tired of whining about a stolen horse. I'm sick and tired of whining about a stolen belt. So come the Pay per view you can have your No DQ falls count anywhere Texas Death match..."

(The crowd goes wild at Callisto's announcement that she accepts Brandi's terms for the match at the Pay per View.)

Callisto: "But I think we might want to give these people a little glimpse of what they can expect at the Pay per View right here and right now!!"

(Huge crowd pop thats almost deafening)

Callisto: "You see... All I want to do to you right now is take my Big shiny Black boot... Shine that sucker up reallll Goooood... just like I like it... Then I'm gonna tap that boot just like this..."

(The croud gets a little louder as Callisto begins tapping her boot on the concrete, seemingly loading it with some unknown object.)

Callisto: "...Then I'm gonna turn that boot sideways and shove it straight up your...!!!"

(The crowd goes quiet as Brandi interrupts...)


Brandi: "I'm not finished yet."

(Brandi drops the microphone hand as she stares hard at the entryway. A stare that Callisto returns as she lets the Texan have her say. Brandi raises the microphone again. Her voice is laced with anger.)

Brandi: "Have you ever been so damn helpless in a situation that you just couldn't...(She smiles mirthlessly.) ...No, I guess you haven't."

Garry: "Callitso has never been helpless in any situation."

Brandi: "So, this is the deal, Callisto. While a showdown with you would go a long ways to settin' the score right..."

(Brandi pauses as the crowd yells. Then she continues her voice gradually raises until she's almost yelling at the end.)

Brandi: "But, that just ain't gonna cut it. You need to feel helplessness. A frustration with your own inability to do any- damn-thing that you just can't sleep. Somethin' that I felt...to really gain that redemption you want. You may feel remorse, but damn it, I want you to understand how I felt after you broke into my house and stole my sense of security...frustration!!!"

(She pauses to gain her composure. Then she smiles.)

Brandi: "That's why I have asked for and been granted a match...with Cammy!!!"

Sandra and Garry: "Cammy?!!"

(The crowd pops loudly as Callisto's eyes go wide and Cammy stares at Brandi, who in turns shows a sly grin.)

Brandi: "Yep, Cammy. I think the folks need to see sort of a Pay per view preview. Your dimwitted cousin is going to play with fire real soon. She is gonna begin the payment for your past, Sarah and there isn't one damn thing you can do about it."

(With that Brandi drops the microphone and the two cousins walk backstage. Cammy actually pulling Callisto out of there..)


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