logoWendy "Wildcat" Jones vs. Alexandria Parker

(The camera once again pans the Battling Ring Angels arena, catching a glimpse of the screaming and cheering fans. The camera then lands on a special section of fans, located at the front of the barricade on the front row, seperating the fans from the wrestling ring. These fans are all members of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and each carries a sign showing disfavor with Alexandria Parker. Some of these signs include: "Parker Collection=Murder", "Animal Rights Now!", "Parker has Blood on her Hands", "Fake Wrestlers shouldn't wear real fur", and "Alexandria, the Butcher". The cameras finally finds our announce team of Sandra and Garry. Garry sneers at the PETA members who eye him with equal amounts of disdain.)

Sandra: Hello, fans, and welcome back to BRA: Battling Ring Angels! We have a great match scheduled next as former FFWA world champion Wendy "Wildcat" Jones takes on fashion designer and former tag champion Alexandria Parker! This should prove to be quite a match. As stated before, Wendy is a proven talent with successful stints in SFE, IFWF, and FFWA, where she was their first and only champion, retiring that title. Alexandria has won a few regional titles as well as the BRA tag straps with Laura Parker.

Garry: (motioning to the PETA members) Where did these crack pots come from?

Sandra: From my understanding, Wendy Jones paid for these fans to attend tonight's match.

Garry: (scowls) It figures that lunatic would be responsible! Just wait til Alexandria finds out! She's going to really kick her butt!

Sandra: (smiles) I don't think so. I think that Alex will find Wendy much more than she can handle. Besides, if Alex is so politically incorrect, as to use fur in her gawdy designs, then she deserves all of the heckling and shame that she can get!

Garry: Gawdy!?! I'll have you know that Alexandria's fashions are the toast of the fashion industry. In fact, you should think about buying a few Parker pieces. It might help your drab appearance.

Sandra: Excuse me? I'll have you know...

Garry: Shhh! We don't have time for your ranting. The match is starting.

(Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff" begins to play as the Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large red letters, 'Simply Divine.' Pictures of Alexandra Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage of her flipping of the audience, scowling at 'fans' and screaming at officials. In short, being, well . . . a bitch. An explosion occurs from the back and the lights go off, with fireworks as the next visual treat. Heat pours over the first few rows by the ramp. The lights come back on and she is seen with hr head thrown back in dramatic and sinister laughter. Wearing a black, floor-length gown, she brushes past the booing fans ensuring that no person can touch her "Divine " gown. Standing next to her is her valet and assistant, Ms. Vanity, holding a full-length mirror. As Alexandra approaches the ring, she tosses her ravishing red locks to the side as she screams a series of obscenities at ringside fans, ever word bleeped out by quick censors. Cat-calls echo through the arena as Vanity rips off Alexandria's gown revealing a halter top that ties in the back, form fitting leather pants and kicking pads all black in color. Alex does a small pose in the mirror before her light stretches.)

Garry: Woo Hoo! Go, Alexandria! She looks great!

Sandra: But this isn't a beauty contest. Does she have the moves to back up those looks? Against the Wildcat, I sincerely doubt it.

Garry: Ha! Alexandria is going to beat the living daylights out of Wendy. After all, Alexandria is Sisterhood.

Sandra: (sarcasm dripping from her voice) Gee, that's impressive.

(Suddenly, the lights go out completely, and spotlights flash on towards the entrance. On the videowall, the bright yellow icon of a snarling and clawing cat appears, while the opening riff of Irish punk-rock band Therapy's "Trigger Inside" starts up over the soundsystem. Yellow pyrotechnics flash throughout the arena and as if on cue, Wendy "Wildcat" Jones walks out, wearing black wrestling boots and her full covering black bodysuit, with the cat icon on her left breast. Her blonde hair, once again long enough to almost reach her shoulders, hangs loose. A few steps behind her, looking out for possible trouble is Amanda Sinclair, wearing her usual orange outfit of boots, shorts and tanktop with black letters saying "Bring it on!". The crowd reaction is mixed, though there is more cheering then booing going on. Wendy waves at the audience as she makes her way to the ring, slapping hands with fans, and doing an occasional autograph on the way. As they get to the ring, Wendy and Amanda hug, and exchange a short kiss, causing lots of whistles and cat-calls. Then Wendy enters the ring at her corner, raising a clenced fist to greet her fans. She's ready.)

Sandra: Well, Wendy looks ready.

Garry: Yeah, ready to have her ass kicked!

Ding! Ding! Ding! (The bell sounds, announcing the start of the match, and Alexandia and Wendy warily circle one another, both Amanda and Miss Vanity looking on anxiously. Wendy signals for a test of strength and Alexandria gives a smug look to the crowd who boo her loudly.)

Sandra: The crowd is definitely not behind Alexandria tonight.

Garry: (scowls) Blame it on these PETA morons. They keep shouting obscenties at "the divine" Miss Parker!

(Alexandria rolls her eyes and sneers at the crowd before accepting Wendy's challenge. The two women lock hands and engage in a struggle of power, attempting to determine who will land out on top. The fans begin to clap loudly, firmly behind "The Wildcat" as Amanda encourages them on by pumping her fist in the air. Alexandria's smirk soon becomes a look of worry as she finds herself stumbling to her knees, unable to handle the power of "The Wildcat".)

Sandra: It looks like Alex has bitten off more than she can chew. Wendy really has her in trouble!

Garry: Come on, Alex! You can do it!

(A wild look passes through Alexandria's eyes as she realizes that she is in danger of losing this test of strength to Miss Jones. With a swift motion, Alexandria throws a knee in between Wendy's legs, leveling "The Wildcat" with the lethal low blow. Wendy's eyes bug out and she falls to her knees as the fans boo Parker's actions.)

Garry: Ha! Ha! I knew Alexandria could do it!

Sandra: (with disgust) Once again, she resorts to more of her cheap tactics and dirty tricks!

(Alexandria taunts the fans by pointing to her head, as a show of her intelligence, before returning her attention to a rising Wendy Jones. Wendy makes it to her knees as Alexandria pounces on her, attacking her with stiff kicks to the back. Wendy winces in pain, clutching the small of her back.)

Sandra: (cringes) Ouch! You can hear those kicks all the way in the cheap seats.

(Alexandria switches gears and then attacks Wendy's chest with more kicks. Wendy grabs Alexandria's leg and slowly makes it to her feet but Alex sends Miss Jones crashing to the mat again with an enzugiri kick to Wendy's head.)

Garry: Woo Hoo! Go, Alexandria, Go! Go, Alexandria, Go!

(With a smirk, the fashion designer grabs the dazed blonde by the hair and drags her to the ropes where she proceeds to choke Wendy across the second rope. The fans boo as Amanda protests to the referee, complaining about the blatant cheating. The ref admonishes Alex and she gives him an innocent look as she ceases the choke, Wendy massaging her aching throat. Alex ignores the ref's warnings as she whips Wendy to the corner, sending the dazed blonde crashing into the turnbuckle. As Wendy slumps in the corner, Alexandria attacks with a flurry of kicks to Wendy's face and chest, rocking the blonde violently. Miss Vanity claps enthusiastically as her boss continues to brutalize the English woman's body with those killer kicks. Grabbing a handful of blonde locks, Alexandria sends Wendy crashing face first to the mat with a flying bull dog. Alex sneers as she arrogantly covers Wendy, not even bothering to hook the leg.)


(The fans cheer as Wendy manages to kick out before the two count, a shocked look falling across the designer's face.)

Sandra: Wendy is still in this game. It takes more than that to take the fight out of the Wildcat. (Grabbing Wendy by the hair again, Alex whips her to the ropes but the rebounding blonde surprises the redhead with a drop kick to the chest. The fans cheer loudly as Wendy makes it to her feet and roughly yanks the dazed fashion plate off the mat. She whips Alex to the ropes and follows, sending the "Divine One" soaring through the air with a devastating lariat. This time, it's Alex's turn to hold her throat as she stumbles to her feet. Wendy punishes the slowly rising redhead with another drop kick, sending Alex to the mat again. A "Wildcat" chant begins as Wendy stalks her fallen prey.)

Sandra: I told you. It takes more than a few flimsy kicks to take out Wendy Jones!

Garry: Yeah...whatever....

(Wendy whips Alex to the far turnbuckle and follows, crushing Alex's body with a splash. The winded fashion plate slumps in the corner as Wendy grabs her by the head and lifts her in the air, punishing her back with a lethal power bomb. Alex clutches the small of her back as Wendy covers.)



(Alexandria gets her shoulder up before the ref can count three. Wendy quickly gets to her feet and lifts the redhead again, punishing her with a piledriver! Alex's eyes glaze as she rolls on the canvas. Wendy drops an elbow to the redhead's stomach and attempts another cover.)


(Alexandria gets her shoulder up before the ref can strike the mat a second time. Wendy whips Alex to the ropes but the wily redhead reverses the move. As Wendy rebounds, Alex surprises her with a snap kick to the chest. As the blonde bends over, Alex lifts her and sends her crashing to the mat with a running Liger bomb. Wendy is motionless as Alex roughly yanks her to her feet and grabs her from behind, locking her arms around Wendy's waist. With a sneer, the redhead German suplexes the lifeless blonde, pinning the English beauty's shoulders to the mat.)

Garry: It is over! Wendy's lights are out after that Liger Bomb!



(The crowd POPS loudly as Wendy kicks out of the pinning combination, showing her endurance and stamina. Alex leaps to her feet and screams at the ref, complaining about a slow count. After her rants are ignored, Alex returns her attention to a rising Wendy. She grabs Wendy again and delivers a Northern Lights suplex, once more pinning Wendy to the mat.)



(Once again, Wendy shows her endurance by enthusiastically kicking out. With a snort of disgust, Alexandria drags Wendy to her feet and lifts her in the air, sending her crashing to the canvas with a Michinoku Driver. Alex races to the top turnbuckle and measures the fallen Wendy. As Alex leaps off with a shooting star press, Wendy wisely rolls out of the way, Alexandria meeting hard canvas.)

Wendy: That move was just as sloppy as your collection!"

Sandra: Wendy was playing possum!

(Wendy mounts the top turnbuckle herself and flies through the air, crashing into the rising Alex with a missile drop kick. With the cheers from the fans guiding her, Wendy grabs Alex by the head and drills her into the mat with a jumping DDT. The Blonde woman grabs Alex and whips her to the ropes, bringing her crashing atop her knee with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Alex clutches her back as Miss Vanity looks on with worry. Amanda looks on approvingly, seeming to mouth the words "finish her, kitten. Wendy grabs Parker by the legs and flips her onto her stomach, administering a Boston crab. Parker howls in pain as Wendy applies pressure to the deadly hold.)

Wendy: So, you thought I was afraid of you? It's time to teach you the meaning of the word fear!'

(Miss Vanity protests in vain as Wendy continues to punish Alex's back, the socialite letting loose a stream of violent obscenities. Amanda claps approvingly as Wendy grits her teeth, cinching the hold. Alex looks around wildly for a route of escape as Wendy grins.)

Wendy: You think you're divine? Time to get you down to earth, honey!

(With that Wendy leans into the hold, almost bending Alex in half! Tears of pain form in Alex's eyes as she feels the effects of the dreaded move on her back but the socialite refuses to utter her surrender. Instead, she claws and scrambles her way to the ropes, finally touching them and signaling her release. With a bit of dismay, Wendy releases the hold but not before adding a few stomps to Alex's back for good measure. Using the ropes as leverage, Alex slowly makes it to her feet, still favoring her back. Wendy grabs her and whips her to the ropes but Parker again reverses but this time "The Wildcat" is prepared as she surprises Alex with a hurricanrana! Wendy hooks Alex's legs and folds her up for the pin as the redhead flails wildly.)




Sandra: Did she get it?

Garry: No. The ref is only holding up two fingers. Alex kicked out before the three count.

Sandra: That was close!

(With a look of disappointment, Wendy brings Alex to her feet and once again punishes her back with a backbreaker. As Parker rolls on the mat in pain, the ref races to her side to see if she wants to submit. Just then, the fans scream a warning to Wendy as Miss Vanity leaps onto the ring apron, brandishing the infamous mirror. She holds it aloft, attempting to attack "The Wildcat" from behind. when it suddenly shatters, sending glass showering down upon Vanity. The valet screams in pain as she stumbles from the apron, covering her bleeding face.)

Garry: What in the hell..!?! Poor Vanity just got cut up! How did that happen?

Sandra: I think Amanda had something to do with that!

(The camera shows a smiling Amanda Sinclair, holding a tiny device aloft, obviously the cause of Vanity's dilema. The crowd cheers as Amanda stalks towards the fallen and cowering valet when catcalls and wolfwhistles ring out through the arena.)

Sandra: What? Someone's coming!

Garry: Woo Hooo! It's Laura Parker!

(Clad in a black, leather, micro-mini skirt, red tube top, and matching, knee-high boots, Laura jumps from the crowd and drop kicks Amanda from behind. Sinclair sneers as she sees Laura and immeditaly gives chase.)

Garry: Run, Laura! Run!

Sandra: It looks like those two are headed towards one of the old fire exits. I would hate to be Laura once Amanda gets ahold of her!

(Meanwhile, Wendy has just dropped Alex with a samoan drop, crushing Parker's body into the mat. On the outside of the ring, Amanda races into the fire exit, hoping to catch Laura, when the door is suddenly closed behind her. The camera shows a smiling Laura Parker stepping into view and locking the door, trapping Miss Sinclair behind the steel door.)

Sandra: Wha? How? I saw Laura enter that room! How did she fake out Amanda?

Garry: (smirks) Never underestimate the Sisterhood!

(Laura gingerly skips to ringside as Wendy clotheslines a dazed Alex to the mat.)

Sandra: Regardless of Laura's shenanigans, Wendy is still very much in this match!

(Wendy swiftly grabs Alex and administers the Feline Felony, the fans on their feet as they know that this is the end.)

Sandra: Feline Felony! It's over! It's over!

Garry: Nooooo! Laura, do something!

(As the ref checks with a gurgling and flailing Alexandria, Laura jumps on the ring apron, calling for the ref. The ref sees Laura and immediately races to her, screaming for The Beauty Queen to leave ringside. Wendy sees this, releases Alexandria, and angrily storms over to the ref.)

Sandra: Wendy is trying to get the ref's attention away from Laura Parker. Wait a minute! Wendy....look out!

(Just then, Alex surprises Wendy from behind with an atomic drop , stunning the blonde. As Wendy slumps to her knees, Alex grabs her and lifts her on her shoulders!)

Garry: Bitch Bomb!

(With a sneer, Alex drives Wendy's head into the mat with her Bitch Bomb Death Valley Driver. She covers Wendy and hooks the leg, grabbing a handful of tights in the process.)



Sandra: No! Ref, Alexandria has the tights!


(But Sandra's pleas fall on deaf ears as the referee's hand slaps the mat for a third time. Laura Parker races into the ring and helps a dazed, tired Alexandria to her feet. The two Sisterhood members high-five one another and scurry from the ring, a beaten Miss Vanity following at their heels. A look of fury crosses Wendy's face as she watches the Sisterhood run from the ring.)

Sandra: Did you see the way they ran out of there? They knew that they had better! Wendy is upset and rightfully so. She was robbed!

(Wendy is complaining to the ref as a smiling Laura Parker blows her a kiss, the two women exchanging a venomous look. Just then, Amanda returns from the fire exit, having been helped by BRA security. The two Bloodlust members look on in disgust as the Sisterhood members make their exit.)

Garry: Well, once more, The Sisterhood wins again.

Sandra: You mean, they steal yet another victory.

(Suddenly, Wendy and Amanda race from the ring, hoping to catch the departing Alex and Laura.)

Sandra: Fans, it looks like Wendy and Amanda are looking for retribution! We'll be right back and will show any developments that happen during the break. Stay tuned!

Garry: Run, Sisterhood! Run!

(The camera fades to a Syndicate promo)

Winner: Alexandria Parker

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