Hosted by

logoZantara Underworld vs. Brandi Lynn

(The camera pans the capacity crowd at the BRA Arena in Las Vegas. The crowd is on its feet, cheering the great matches that have gone on, already this evening. Or maybe they're just hoping to be seen by their friends and family on TV. The camera finally stops on the announcers' table. Sandra and Garry are smiling and looking at the camera.)

Garry: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. This next match should prove . . . Interesting. Zantara Underworld, in the process of changing her image from one of the most hated wrestlers vs. relative new comer Brandi Lynn.

Sandra: I didn't know that Zantara was in the process of changing her image.

Garry: Hello? Where have you been? Haven't you seen all those product endorsements she has been doing?

Sandra: I've seen 'em. I just don't see it as change in her image, that's all.

Garry: Haven't you seen her ad for Ajax Pest Control?

Sandra: That stuff is horrible. I used it in my house to get rid of termites.

Garry: Did it work?

Sandra: It got rid of the termites but it also got rid of my house.

Garry: How did it get rid of your house?

Sandra: It blew my house up. That stuff is nothing more than army surplus hand grenades.

Garry: But it did get rid of the termites, just like it said it would.

Sandra: Why are you defending this rip off product?

Garry: (Handing a sheet of paper to Sandra.) I'll let you read this announcement.

Sandra: (Smiling at the camera.) Battling Ring Angels is proud to announce its newest sponsor for all hardcore matches . . . Ajax . . . Pest . . . Control?

Garry: You were saying?

Sandra: I can honestly say that I have used Ajax Pest Control to get rid of termites in my house and now termites are the least of my worries.

Garry: Nice recovery.

Sandra: Thanks.

(The loudspeaker starts with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." The crowd immediately starts to show their negative feelings and loudly boo. The Irving Berlin song fades out, and a new tune, "Exploding Bullets" by Real Life, fades in. Zantara Underworld steps out, dressed in her black suit with purple pin-stripes, a purple shirt underneath, steel-toed boots, one black, fingerless glove. She sneers at the fans and the fans increase their negative sentiment. Zantara strides to ringside, carrying a black guitar case. Within seconds, she is sitting next to the announcers' table, and has snatched Sandra's microphone.)

Sandra: Heeeey!

Zantara: Shut up! You people are so stupid!

Garry: And it's nice to see you again too, Zantara.

(The crowd, naturally, does not listen, and somehow begins to overshadow the loud music.)

Zantara: You people are about to see a fine spectacle tonight! You are about to get a lesson in fortune-telling. I am about to predict what I am going to do to the Queen of Stupidity, Veronica Millions, at the next Pay Per View. I am going to slaughter her ten times the amount I am going to slaughter Brandi Lynn tonight!...I said shut up, you bunch of morons!

Sandra: I don't think the image make over worked.

Zantara: Did I give you permission to speak? So what do you do at this point of the match, Larry? Talk about my lame brained opponent?

Garry: It's Garry.

Zantara: No, it's not. I'm going to pound the stuffing out of some lame Texan named Brandi Lynn. They haven't turned this into a mixed fed have they?

Garry: My name is Garry, not Larry.

Zantara: Who cares?

Sandra: (In an attempt to ignore the presence of Zantara.) Zantara's opponent is coming off an impressive win against the always dangerous Alexandria Parker.

Zantara: Impressive win? HAH!

Garry: (ignoring Zantara too.) She needed to cheat to win that match. Alexandria fought a clean match and it was close until Brandi Lynn cheated. Alexandria is not only a great wrestler, but a beautiful person and a role model for girls everywhere.

Zantara: HAH! Role model may be the way to describe that Southern Fired Chicken. She acts like a model before the match and spends all her time rolling on the mat during the match. She's been pinned so many times that I have given her the nickname "Old Canvas Back".

Sandra: Brandi seems to have some unfinished business with the Body Shop. Something she has in common with Zantara.

Garry: That is true. She has shown some good thinking there. Anyone that hates Sherry Ann and the Body Shop can't be all bad.

Zantara: Do they actually pay you to say this drivel? Do you think it up yourself, or does Battling Ring Angels have even more boring people than you write it?

Sandra: (Still trying to ignore Zantara) Brandi comes from Texas where she owns a large ranch.

Garry: She also likes to drink beer. Another plus for her.

(Zantara lies on the announcers' table and pretends to sleep. She snores loudly into the microphone.)

Sandra: This is one of the few matches where Zantara will be fighting someone close in size and weight to her.

Garry: I look forward to this match. It will be Brandi's technical moves vs. Zantara's brawling.

(There is a really loud snore from Zantara.)

Sandra: I think that Brandi is ready to come out.

(The crowd begins to grow in volume as the lights flicker down and a rattlesnake's rattles fill the arena air. The first strains of Bad Company begin as a spotlight hits the ring. An 'A8' symbol begins to fade into view in black lights framed by the spotlight. The crowd grows louder as another spotlight hits the entryway. After a moment, Brandi Lynn walks out and stands looking out at the crowd. The crowd's noise grows even louder at the Lynn. Brandi is wearing her black 'Aces and Eights' windbreaker, open in the front, over her black jeans with black kneepads over them, black wrestling boots, and a black sports top.)

(She slaps hands with the fans all the way down. Then, in the middle of the aisle she stops and grabs a beer that has been offered to her by a fan along the way. She downs a large gulp of the beer and then hands it back and continues to the ring. Once in the ring she makes a circle and tosses her windbreaker to the attendant at ringside.)

(Zantara still pretends to be asleep on the announcers' table. Garry finally shakes her by the shoulder.)

Garry: Time to wake up Zantara, your match is about to be . . . YEOW!

(Zantara has grabbed Garry in a painful wrist lock. She glowers at him.)

Zantara: The last person that tried that is now called Lefty.

(Zantara jumps off the table and stomps into the ring, but not before giving Garry's arm a violent twist. Garry whimpers as he takes his seat. Zantara and Brandi engage in a stare down in the middle of the ring, neither breaking eye contact until the bell rings.)

Garry: The match is on. Zantara raises her arms offering a test of strength.

Sandra: Thank god that awful woman is away from us. I hope Brandi teaches her a lesson. Zantara is one of the rudest people in BRA.

Garry: For once I agree with you. I am impressed by any wrestler that grabs a beer from a fan and drinks it on the way into the ring. I just wish that she would give it to me after she has her swig. She must not know how parched I am doing this commentary.

Sandra: Isn't it unsanitary, drinking from a glass that someone else has drunk from?

Garry: No, the alcohol kills the germs.

Sandra: You make up any excuse to drink, don't you?

Garry: Like I need an excuse. Well Brandi looks like she has accepted Zantara's offer of a test of strength. They have locked fingers and are maneuvering for position.

(Brandi lets out a yelp as Zantara viciously kicks her in the shin. Zantara takes advantage of Brandi's sore leg and powers Brandi to her knees. Zantara then head butts Brandi twice, causing her eyes to glaze over.)

Garry: Zantara is using her steel toed boots and the steel plate in her head to gain an early advantage over Brandi Lynn.

Sandra: I don't know why Archangel, Amanda Strike and Miss Van Dreisal allow her to use those. It really is an unfair advantage.

Garry: It's not like the other wrestlers don't know about them. She's been using them ever since she's been wrestling.

(Zantara brings Brandi to her feet and whips her into the corner. Brandi's head snaps back as she impacts into the turnbuckle. She manages to grab the ropes and keep from rebounding into the center of the ring. Zantara runs into the corner preparing for a splash. Brandi manages to fall to the mat and roll out of the way just before impact. Zantara hits the turnbuckle hard and staggers to the center of the ring. Brandi slips out of the ring and hakes her head.)

Sandra: Brandi is trying to clear the cobwebs from her head after those two head butts.

Garry: Zantara remains in the ring and seems to be taunting Brandi.

Sandra: Whatever Zantara said seems to have affected Brandi, because she just jumped back into the ring and is charging Underworld.

(Brandi surprise Zantara with her speed and shoulder blocks her. Zantara is able to avoid most of the impact but not all. The two women begin exchanging punches in the center of the ring. Both landing repeated rights and lefts to the head and torso of the other. The punches land with telling effect and rapidity. Brandi begins to gain the upper hand in this exchange and rocks Zantara with a hay maker. Zantara is forced to cover up as Brandi keeps the punching. Forcing Zantara into a corner.)

Garry: This is turning into a real brawl. I don't know how long either of them can keep it up.

Sandra: I knew that both these women were strong, but I am impressed with how much punishment they can take.

( The ref calls for the break but Brandi keeps on punching. Brandi backs away when the ref's count reaches four. Zantara takes the opportunity to lash out with a kick that catches Brandi in the stomach. Brandi staggers backward to the center of the ring as Zantara follows. Zantara attempts another kick to Brandi's shin, but Brandi is able to avoid it. Brandi takes Zantara's arm spins her around once and then sends her crashing to the mat with a short arm lariat. Zantara gags as she lies on the mat. The Texan leaps and attempts to drop a leg across the ruler of Hade's throat, but Zantara manages to roll away at the last possible moment. Brandi lands on her rump, hitting only mat. Zantara is still on the mat as she delivers a boot to the side of Lynn. She attempts another but Brandi rolls quickly out of the range of those steel tipped boots. Both wrestlers get to their feet showing the effects of the slugfest that had gone on before. Brandi grabs Zantara and drops her across her knee in a belly buster. The air is driven from Underworld's lungs in a loud OOOOFF. The ruler of Hades is unceremoniously pushed off Brandi's knee and onto the mat. She rolls on the mat trying to get her breath back. Brandi grabs Zantara by the head and raises her off the mat. She sends Underworld up and over to the mat again with a side suplex. Underworld hits the mat with a resounding thud. The Texan is quick to her feet and moves in on Zantara. Underworld surprises her with a kick to the knee that causes Brandi to hobble backwards.)

Sandra: A lot of strength shown by Brandi in those moves.

Garry: But they seem to have little effect on Zantara as she is able to get right back up and keep fighting.

(Zantara is able to trap Brandi with a full nelson. Using her slight height advantage to lean into it. Brandi cries out in agony as her shoulders are being bent back. The ref asks Brandi if she submits. Brandi shakes her head no.)

Garry: Zantara is screaming something at Brandi.

Sandra: I don't know what she said but it really affected Brandi. She thrashing in anger but isn't able to break the hold.

Garry: Brandi isn't using her head; She is wasting her energy with this. Lynn should try to get to the ropes and have the ref force a break.

(Brandi thrashes about but is unable to get Zantara to loosen the hold. Finally Brandi bends forward, causing Zantara's feet to leave the ground. Zantara realizes her predicament and lets go of the hold. Brandi moves away quickly swinging her arms to relieve the pain in her shoulders. Zantara moves with surprising quickness and kicks Brandi in the stomach, doubling her over. Zantara places her powerful thighs around Brandi's head and lifts her off the mat, dropping her down with a brutal power bomb. Brandi bounces off the mat from the impact. Zantara brings her to feet again. She whips Brandi into the ropes. As Brandi rebounds off the ropes, Zantara leaps into the air and kicks. Brandi manages to duck under the kick and hits the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. She uses that rebound to leap into the air and hit Zantara in the back with a drop kick. Underworld crashes into the ropes and holds on to them to keep from rebounding off them. Brandi gets quickly to her feet. She scoops Zantara up and holds her in the air above Brandi's head. The Texan than drops her straight down so that her neck is caught by the top rope. )

Garry: Vicious hot shot by Brandi Lynn has Zantara sagging on the ropes.

Sandra: Brandi needs to follow this up quickly, but the match so far has taken its toll on her.

Garry: It also seems to have affected Zantara. She is still hanging on the ropes.

(Brandi goes to Zantara and pulls her off the ropes. Zantara slumps to the mat as she is pulled by one arm into the center of the ring.)

Garry: It looks like Zantara is really hurt. She doesn't seem to be moving.

Sandra: Do you think that hot shot by Brandi Lynn broke her neck?

Garry: Any move that involves the neck is dangerous. This is a tough sport. All the wrestlers risk career ending injuries.

(Brandi straddles the prone Zantara and leans her face toward her to check on her injury. Zantara reaches up and puts a face claw on the startled Brandi. While holding Brandi's face with her right hand, Zantara punches Brandi in the gut with her left. Brandi screams and struggles to get out of the face claw. Flailing desperately she is unable to break the hold. Brandi strikes out with one finger that nails Zantara in the eye. Zantara screams and holds her eye. Brandi staggers into a corner, massaging her aching head.)

Garry: Zantara was playing possum. She really suckered Brandi with it.

Sandra: Those face claws really hurt. And Zantara is a master of them.

Garry: Brandi is still staggered by it.

(Zantara grabs Brandi and lifts her into the air. She holds her there in a press and walks to the center of the ring. Zantara releases Brandi, causing her to drop to the mat, face first. Zantara begins to kick and stomp on Brandi with her steel toed shoes. Brandi screams in agony as each boot lands with a sickening impact on her body. She rolls into a ball to protect her self. Zantara continues the brutal beating. Zantara brings the badly beaten Texan to her feet. She scoops her up and sends her crashing to the mat with a brutal body slam. Underworld brings Lynn to her feet again but immediately sends her back down with a belly to back suplex. Zantara bridges into a pin, trapping Brandi's shoulders on the mat.)


Garry: Brandi is in a bad situation here.


Sandra: I think it is over for her NO! I don't believe it! Brandi Lynn has been able to get one shoulder off the mat just before the count of three.

(Zantara gets to her feet yelling at the ref over what she considers to be a slow count. Zantara is surprised by a leg sweep by Brandi and crashes to the mat. Brandi struggles to her feet but Zantara beats her. Underworld kicks Brandi in the belly, causing her to double over. Zantara applies a headlock and begins running across the ring. Underworld leaps and drives Brandi's face into the mat with a bulldog. The crowd begins to boo Zantara loudly. She just sneers at them. Zantara pulls Brandi to her feet. Brandi is barely able to stand on her own. Her knees are buckling and she is bleeding from a cut on her forehead. Zantara smiles to the crowd, which increases the volume of the boos in response. She then laughs as puts another face claw on Brandi. Brandi struggles weakly against it. Zantara lifts Brandi off the mat by the face claw and slams her to the mat. Brandi lies still on the mat. Zantara covers her and the ref drops to the mat.)





(The ref holds Zantara's hand in the air in victory. She shakes off the ref's attempt and walks out of the ring. Her music begins to play through the sounds system as she walks up the entrance ramp to the boos of the crowd. Zantara sneers and yells insults to those fans closest to the ramp. The boos grow so loud they almost drown out the music.)

Garry: Zantara wins again.

Sandra: I may not like her and the fans don't like her, but everyone has to admit that she is a great wrestler.

Garry: If she would just do something about her looks.

Sandra: We'll be right back after these commercial messages.

(The camera fades into a commercial for Ajax Pest Control.)

The winner: ZANTARA UNDERWORLD, by pinfall.